Title: Alabama Physical Fitness Assessment
1- Test Administrator Training
- Alabama Physical Fitness Assessment
2Charge of the Quality Physical Education Task
- Define Quality Physical Education for Alabama
Students - Develop a State-Specific Fitness Assessment
- Develop a Companion Instructional Guide for the
2009 - Alabama Course of Study Physical Education
3- What is the Alabama Physical Fitness Assessment?
4APFA Purpose
- Assist Physical Education Teachers
5- Rationale for New Assessment
- Replaces 1984
- Norm-Referenced
- Assessment
- Focuses on Individual
- Health-Related Fitness
- Targets Achieving and
- Maintaining Healthy
- Levels of Fitness
- Lowers Students Health Risks
6APFA Will Better Enable Teachers To
- Monitor
- Identify and Develop
- Communicate
- Generate Data
7Sources Used
- Professional Physical Education Documents
- Physical Fitness Assessments
8Who Will Participate?
Grades 2-12
9Validity and Reliability of the APFA
- Piloted in Eight Schools Throughout the State
Representing the State Board of Education
10Responsibilities of Physical Education Teachers
11Key Questions and Answers
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14Testing Students With IEPs, 504 or Health Plans
Testing Students With IEPs, 504 or Health Plans
15Assessment Demonstrations
16Health-Related Fitness Zones
- Needs Improvement Zone (N)
- Healthy Fitness Zone (H)
- High Fitness Zone (HFZ)
17Other Codes
Medically Excused (ME))
Medically Excused (ME)
Noncompliant (NC)
Special Needs (SN)
18Performance Ranges for Health-Related Fitness
Zones Chart
HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone HFZ - High Fitness Zone
Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys
 20-Meter PACER 20-Meter PACER 20-Meter PACER  One-Mile Run/Walk One-Mile Run/Walk One-Mile Run/Walk  Sit-and-Reach Sit-and-Reach Sit-and-Reach V-Sit V-Sit V-Sit V-Sit 90 Push-Ups 90 Push-Ups 90 Push-Ups  Partial Curl-Ups Partial Curl-Ups Partial Curl-Ups
Age                      Â
8 0-22 23-61 gt61 Â gt1230 1230-1000 lt1000 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-4 5-13 gt13 Â lt15 15-30 gt30
9 0-22 23-61 gt61 Â gt1200 1200-930 lt930 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-5 6-15 gt15 Â lt15 15-31 gt31
10 0-22 23-61 gt61 Â gt1130 1130-900 lt900 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-6 7-20 gt20 Â lt20 20-34 gt34
11 0-22 23-72 gt72 Â gt 1100 1100-830 lt830 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-7 8-20 gt20 Â lt20 20-36 gt36
12 0-31 32-72 gt72 Â gt 1030 1030-800 lt800 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-9 10-20 gt20 Â lt20 20-39 gt39
13 0-40 41-83 gt83 Â gt1000 1000-730 lt730 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-11 12-25 gt25 Â lt25 25-41 gt41
14 0-40 41-83 gt83 Â gt 930 930-700 lt700 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-13 14-30 gt30 Â lt25 25-44 gt44
15 0-50 51-94 gt94 Â gt 900 900-700 lt700 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-15 16-35 gt35 Â lt30 30-44 gt44
16 0-60 61-94 gt94 Â gt 830 830-700 lt700 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-17 18-35 gt35 Â lt30 30-44 gt44
17 0-60 61-106 gt106 Â gt 830 830-700 lt700 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-17 18-35 gt35 Â lt30 30-41 gt41
17 0-71 72-106 gt106 Â gt 830 830-700 lt700 Â lt8 gt8 Â lt19 gt19 Â Â 0-17 18-35 gt35 Â lt30 30-41 gt41
Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls
 20-Meter PACER 20-Meter PACER 20-Meter PACER  One-Mile Run/Walk One-Mile Run/Walk One-Mile Run/Walk  Sit-and-Reach Sit-and-Reach Sit-and-Reach V-Sit V-Sit V-Sit V-Sit 90 Push-Ups 90 Push-Ups 90 Push-Ups  Partial Curl-Ups Partial Curl-Ups Partial Curl-Ups
Age                      Â
8 0-6 7-41 gt41 Â gt1230 1230-1000 lt1000 Â lt9 gt9 Â lt20 gt20 Â Â 0-4 5-13 gt13 Â lt15 15-28 gt28
9 0-6 7-41 gt41 Â gt1230 1230-930 lt930 Â lt9 gt9 Â lt20 gt20 Â Â 0-5 6-15 gt15 Â lt15 15-29 gt29
10 0-6 7-41 gt41 Â gt 1230 1230-930 lt930 Â lt9 gt9 Â lt20 gt20 Â Â 0-6 7-15 gt15 Â lt20 20-29 gt29
11 0-14 15-41 gt41 Â gt 1200 1200-900 lt900 Â lt10 gt10 Â lt20 gt20 Â Â 0-6 7-15 gt15 Â lt20 20-31 gt31
12 0-14 15-41 gt41 Â gt12.00 1200-900 lt900 Â lt10 gt10 Â lt20 gt20 Â Â 0-6 7-15 gt15 Â lt20 20-34 gt34
13 0-22 23-51 gt51 Â gt 1130 1130-900 lt900 Â lt10 gt10 Â lt21 gt21 Â Â 0-6 7-15 gt15 Â lt25 25-36 gt36
14 0-22 23-51 gt51 Â gt1100 1100-830 lt830 Â lt10 gt10 Â lt21 gt21 Â Â 0-6 7-15 gt15 Â lt25 25-36 gt36
15 0-31 32-51 gt51 Â gt1030 1030-800 lt800 Â lt12 gt12 Â lt21 gt21 Â Â 0-6 7-15 gt15 Â lt30 30-35 gt35
16 0-31 32-61 gt61 Â gt1000 1000-800 lt800 Â lt12 gt12 Â lt21 gt21 Â Â 0-6 7-15 gt15 Â lt30 30-34 gt34
17 0-40 41-61 gt61 Â gt1000 1000-800 lt800 Â lt12 gt12 Â lt21 gt21 Â Â 0-6 7-15 gt15 Â lt30 30-33 gt33
17 0-40 41-72 gt72 Â gt1000 1000-800 lt800 Â lt12 gt12 Â lt21 gt21 Â Â 0-6 7-15 gt15 Â lt30 30-33 gt33
inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than inches lt Less than gt Greater than
19 20Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form Class Record Form
Teacher Teacher Teacher  Date Date Date School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name
Student Name Age (First Day of Test) Gender 1-M 2-F AccommodationsYes/ No Aerobic CardiovascularEndurance Aerobic CardiovascularEndurance Aerobic CardiovascularEndurance Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ MuscularStrength/Endurance Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ Abdominal Strength/Endurance Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility Zones1-N 3-HFZ Over All Score (For Award System) Accommodationnotes for students with special needs
Student Name Age (First Day of Test) Gender 1-M 2-F AccommodationsYes/ No One-Mile Run or Walk One-Mile Run or Walk PACER(Number of Laps) Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ 90-Degree Push-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ PartialCurl-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach V Sit Reach Zones1-N 3-HFZ Over All Score (For Award System) Accommodationnotes for students with special needs
Student Name Age (First Day of Test) Gender 1-M 2-F AccommodationsYes/ No One-Mile Run or Walk One-Mile Run or Walk PACER(Number of Laps) Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ 90-Degree Push-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ PartialCurl-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ (Inches Reached) (Inches Reached) V Sit Reach Zones1-N 3-HFZ Over All Score (For Award System) Accommodationnotes for students with special needs
Student Name Age (First Day of Test) Gender 1-M 2-F AccommodationsYes/ No Min. Sec. PACER(Number of Laps) Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ 90-Degree Push-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ PartialCurl-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ Right Left (Inches Reached) Zones1-N 3-HFZ Over All Score (For Award System) Accommodationnotes for students with special needs
Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN-Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone
21Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form Example Class Record Form
Teacher Teacher Teacher  Date Date Date School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name School Name Â
Student Name Age(First Day of Test) Gender1-M 2-F AccommodationsYes/ No Aerobic CardiovascularEndurance Aerobic CardiovascularEndurance Aerobic CardiovascularEndurance Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ MuscularStrength/Endurance Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ Abdominal Strength/Endurance Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility Zones1-N 3-HFZ Over AllScore (for awards) Accommodation notes for students with special needs
Student Name Age(First Day of Test) Gender1-M 2-F AccommodationsYes/ No One-Mile Run or Walk One-Mile Run or Walk PACER(Number of Laps) Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ 90 Push-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ PartialCurl-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach V Sit Reach Zones1-N 3-HFZ Over AllScore (for awards) Accommodation notes for students with special needs
Student Name Age(First Day of Test) Gender1-M 2-F AccommodationsYes/ No One-Mile Run or Walk One-Mile Run or Walk PACER(Number of Laps) Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ 90 Push-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ PartialCurl-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ (Inches Reached) (Inches Reached) V Sit Reach Zones1-N 3-HFZ Over AllScore (for awards) Accommodation notes for students with special needs
Student Name Age(First Day of Test) Gender1-M 2-F AccommodationsYes/ No Min. Sec. PACER(Number of Laps) Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ 90 Push-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ PartialCurl-UpNumber Completed Zones1-N 2-H 3-HFZ Right Left (Inches Reached) Zones1-N 3-HFZ Over AllScore (for awards) Accommodation notes for students with special needs
Sally SmithSally is a special needs student who is able to complete all components of the test except for flexibility. 8 2 No 9 30 Â 3 3 1 12 1 Â Â SN Â SN Â
Johnny JonesJohnny is a student who refused to put forth effort to complete the mile run. 14 1 No NC Â Â Â 30 2 45 3 Â Â 26 3 NC Â
Billy BobBilly is a student with a sprained wrist. His doctor had advised no physical activity. 11 1 No   ME  ME  ME  ME     Â
Jenny JonesJenny is a student who is 5 months pregnant. 16 2 No ME Â Â Â ME Â ME Â Â Â ME Â ME Â
Sam SmootSam is a compliant student without medical exemptions or special needs. 12 1 No   79 3 28 3 41 3   28 3 3 Â
Jane DoeJane is a compliant student without medical exemptions or special needs. 9 2 No 10 31 Â 2 16 3 31 3 10 11 Â 3 3 Â
John BrownJohn is a student with special needs that has Spina bifida and is independently mobile in a manual wheelchair. He is functioning on grade level in all academic areas. 17 M Yes   6  7  SN    4  SN PACER Placed at theend of the row with other students. Push-up wheelchair push-up. Flexibility measuredrange of motion whenbending his trunk left andright.
Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone Codes ME-Medically Excused SN- Special Needs NC-Noncompliant A-Accommodation N-Needs Improvement H-Healthy Zone HFZ-High Fitness Zone
22Individual Education Plan Accommodations
23Sample PACER Test Score Sheet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
24Student Data Feedback Report
Alabama Physical Fitness Assessment Student Feedback Report Alabama Physical Fitness Assessment Student Feedback Report Alabama Physical Fitness Assessment Student Feedback Report Alabama Physical Fitness Assessment Student Feedback Report Alabama Physical Fitness Assessment Student Feedback Report
Student Name Student Name Student Name Date Date
School School School Age Grade
Teacher Teacher Teacher Overall Score
Component Test Item Student Score Student Score Fitness Zone
Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance One-Mile Run or Walk Minutes Seconds ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Healthy Fitness ( ) High Fitness ( ) Medically Excused ( ) Noncompliant
Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance PACER Number Laps Completed Number Laps Completed ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Healthy Fitness ( ) High Fitness ( ) Medically Excused ( ) Noncompliant
Good aerobic capacity relates to how well the heart and lungs work. Good aerobic capacity helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Participating in aerobic activities such as running, jogging, cycling, etc. helps improve cardiovascular fitness. Good aerobic capacity relates to how well the heart and lungs work. Good aerobic capacity helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Participating in aerobic activities such as running, jogging, cycling, etc. helps improve cardiovascular fitness. Good aerobic capacity relates to how well the heart and lungs work. Good aerobic capacity helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Participating in aerobic activities such as running, jogging, cycling, etc. helps improve cardiovascular fitness. Good aerobic capacity relates to how well the heart and lungs work. Good aerobic capacity helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Participating in aerobic activities such as running, jogging, cycling, etc. helps improve cardiovascular fitness. Good aerobic capacity relates to how well the heart and lungs work. Good aerobic capacity helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Participating in aerobic activities such as running, jogging, cycling, etc. helps improve cardiovascular fitness.
Muscular Strength/Endurance 90-Degree Push-Up Number Completed Number Completed ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Healthy Fitness ( ) High Fitness ( ) Medically Excused ( ) Noncompliant
The 90-Degree Push-Up measures strength and endurance of the upper body. Having strong bones and muscles in the upper body is important to everyday activities. Upper body exercises like push-ups help improve upper body strength and endurance. The 90-Degree Push-Up measures strength and endurance of the upper body. Having strong bones and muscles in the upper body is important to everyday activities. Upper body exercises like push-ups help improve upper body strength and endurance. The 90-Degree Push-Up measures strength and endurance of the upper body. Having strong bones and muscles in the upper body is important to everyday activities. Upper body exercises like push-ups help improve upper body strength and endurance. The 90-Degree Push-Up measures strength and endurance of the upper body. Having strong bones and muscles in the upper body is important to everyday activities. Upper body exercises like push-ups help improve upper body strength and endurance. The 90-Degree Push-Up measures strength and endurance of the upper body. Having strong bones and muscles in the upper body is important to everyday activities. Upper body exercises like push-ups help improve upper body strength and endurance.
Abdominal Strength/Endurance Partial Curl-Up Number Completed Number Completed ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Healthy Fitness ( ) High Fitness ( ) Medically Excused ( ) Noncompliant
The Partial Curl-Up measures strength and endurance of abdominal muscles or core muscles. Strong core muscles help with good posture and help prevent back problems. Performing partial curl-ups helps improve abdominal strength and endurance. The Partial Curl-Up measures strength and endurance of abdominal muscles or core muscles. Strong core muscles help with good posture and help prevent back problems. Performing partial curl-ups helps improve abdominal strength and endurance. The Partial Curl-Up measures strength and endurance of abdominal muscles or core muscles. Strong core muscles help with good posture and help prevent back problems. Performing partial curl-ups helps improve abdominal strength and endurance. The Partial Curl-Up measures strength and endurance of abdominal muscles or core muscles. Strong core muscles help with good posture and help prevent back problems. Performing partial curl-ups helps improve abdominal strength and endurance. The Partial Curl-Up measures strength and endurance of abdominal muscles or core muscles. Strong core muscles help with good posture and help prevent back problems. Performing partial curl-ups helps improve abdominal strength and endurance.
Flexibility Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach Right Side Inches Reached Left Side Inches Reached ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Healthy Fitness ( ) Medically Excused ( ) Noncompliant
Flexibility V Sit-and-Reach Inches Reached Inches Reached ( ) Needs Improvement ( ) Healthy Fitness ( ) Medically Excused ( ) Noncompliant
The Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach and V Sit-and-Reach measure leg, hip, and lower back flexibility. Flexibility is how well the body can bend and stretch. Better flexibility helps prevent injuries of the hamstring, hip, and lower back while helping with good posture. Performing stretching exercises helps improve flexibility. The Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach and V Sit-and-Reach measure leg, hip, and lower back flexibility. Flexibility is how well the body can bend and stretch. Better flexibility helps prevent injuries of the hamstring, hip, and lower back while helping with good posture. Performing stretching exercises helps improve flexibility. The Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach and V Sit-and-Reach measure leg, hip, and lower back flexibility. Flexibility is how well the body can bend and stretch. Better flexibility helps prevent injuries of the hamstring, hip, and lower back while helping with good posture. Performing stretching exercises helps improve flexibility. The Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach and V Sit-and-Reach measure leg, hip, and lower back flexibility. Flexibility is how well the body can bend and stretch. Better flexibility helps prevent injuries of the hamstring, hip, and lower back while helping with good posture. Performing stretching exercises helps improve flexibility. The Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach and V Sit-and-Reach measure leg, hip, and lower back flexibility. Flexibility is how well the body can bend and stretch. Better flexibility helps prevent injuries of the hamstring, hip, and lower back while helping with good posture. Performing stretching exercises helps improve flexibility.
(N) - Needs Improvement Zone Students scoring in this zone fall below the fitness level established as a healthy level of fitness. Scoring in this zone indicates students could be at risk for potential health-related problems. With appropriate physical activity, students can achieve a higher level of fitness considered appropriate for good health. (N) - Needs Improvement Zone Students scoring in this zone fall below the fitness level established as a healthy level of fitness. Scoring in this zone indicates students could be at risk for potential health-related problems. With appropriate physical activity, students can achieve a higher level of fitness considered appropriate for good health. (N) - Needs Improvement Zone Students scoring in this zone fall below the fitness level established as a healthy level of fitness. Scoring in this zone indicates students could be at risk for potential health-related problems. With appropriate physical activity, students can achieve a higher level of fitness considered appropriate for good health. (N) - Needs Improvement Zone Students scoring in this zone fall below the fitness level established as a healthy level of fitness. Scoring in this zone indicates students could be at risk for potential health-related problems. With appropriate physical activity, students can achieve a higher level of fitness considered appropriate for good health. (N) - Needs Improvement Zone Students scoring in this zone fall below the fitness level established as a healthy level of fitness. Scoring in this zone indicates students could be at risk for potential health-related problems. With appropriate physical activity, students can achieve a higher level of fitness considered appropriate for good health.
(H) - Healthy Fitness Zone Students scoring in this zone fall in an area determined suitable for good health and fitness. Students should be encouraged to continue to be physically active in order to maintain or improve current level of fitness. (H) - Healthy Fitness Zone Students scoring in this zone fall in an area determined suitable for good health and fitness. Students should be encouraged to continue to be physically active in order to maintain or improve current level of fitness. (H) - Healthy Fitness Zone Students scoring in this zone fall in an area determined suitable for good health and fitness. Students should be encouraged to continue to be physically active in order to maintain or improve current level of fitness. (H) - Healthy Fitness Zone Students scoring in this zone fall in an area determined suitable for good health and fitness. Students should be encouraged to continue to be physically active in order to maintain or improve current level of fitness. (H) - Healthy Fitness Zone Students scoring in this zone fall in an area determined suitable for good health and fitness. Students should be encouraged to continue to be physically active in order to maintain or improve current level of fitness.
(HFZ) - High Fitness Zone Students scoring in this zone demonstrate an excellent level of health-related fitness. Students should be encouraged to continue to be physically active in order to maintain a high-level of fitness. (HFZ) - High Fitness Zone Students scoring in this zone demonstrate an excellent level of health-related fitness. Students should be encouraged to continue to be physically active in order to maintain a high-level of fitness. (HFZ) - High Fitness Zone Students scoring in this zone demonstrate an excellent level of health-related fitness. Students should be encouraged to continue to be physically active in order to maintain a high-level of fitness. (HFZ) - High Fitness Zone Students scoring in this zone demonstrate an excellent level of health-related fitness. Students should be encouraged to continue to be physically active in order to maintain a high-level of fitness. (HFZ) - High Fitness Zone Students scoring in this zone demonstrate an excellent level of health-related fitness. Students should be encouraged to continue to be physically active in order to maintain a high-level of fitness.
(ME) - Medical Exemption Student has on file at school proper medical documentation from personal physician. (ME) - Medical Exemption Student has on file at school proper medical documentation from personal physician. (ME) - Medical Exemption Student has on file at school proper medical documentation from personal physician. (ME) - Medical Exemption Student has on file at school proper medical documentation from personal physician. (ME) - Medical Exemption Student has on file at school proper medical documentation from personal physician.
(NC) - Noncompliant Student refuses to take one or more test items. (NC) - Noncompliant Student refuses to take one or more test items. (NC) - Noncompliant Student refuses to take one or more test items. (NC) - Noncompliant Student refuses to take one or more test items.
25Sample Letter to Parents Confidentiality
Agreement Student and School Awards Resources
26- (School Logo or Mascot)
- (Semester or Year)
- (Date)
- Dear Parent/Guardian
- Beginning (date) and ending (date), I will be
administering the state-required Alabama Physical
Fitness Assessment (APFA) to students in Grades
(grades). This assessment includes concepts that
encourage achievement of personal physical
fitness as well as an appreciation for wellness
both in and outside the school setting. Each
student will be tested according to the following
assessment components and test items - Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance One-Mile Run
or Walk or Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular
Endurance Run (PACER) Test (Circle specific test
item.) - Muscular Strength/Endurance 90-Degree Push-Up
- Abdominal Strength/Endurance Partial Curl-Up
- Flexibility Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach or V
Sit-and-Reach (Circle specific test item.) - Assessment is an integral part of the physical
education curriculum therefore, I am committed
to ensuring all students participate in this
evaluation process. I assure you that all test
items, information, and student data are treated
confidentially and sensitively. Scores are not
posted nor shared with anyone other than the
individual student and parents or guardians. As
with any test, students should be prepared. To
help your child do his or her best on the
assessment, please be certain to follow these
recommendations for test day - Have students wear proper clothing and footwear
to allow for ease of movement. - Allow students to get plenty of rest the night
before the test. - Provide students with a bottle of water for
hydration purposes. (Omit if not consistent with
school policy.) - Make sure students attend school during all
testing days.
27- Alabama Physical Fitness Assessment
Confidentiality Agreement - The Confidentiality Agreement must be signed by
all teachers and volunteers engaged in the
administration of the Alabama Physical Fitness
Assessment (APFA). Certain test security
procedures must be followed during administration
of the APFA. Failure to follow test security
procedures, including guidelines identified for
test administration in the APFA manual, may
result in disciplinary action by the local
education agency (LEA) or by the Alabama
Department of Education. The following list,
although not exhaustive, identifies specific
actions considered inappropriate for testing - Photocopying or in any way reproducing or
disclosing student physical fitness test - results, including weight and height, unless
authorized. - Altering or reporting false student physical
fitness test results. - Altering test procedures prescribed in the APFA
manual. - Having in personal possession Class Record Forms
other than on specified test dates. - Allowing students to view Class Record Forms or
other students scores. - Placing testing materials, Class Record Forms,
Student Feedback Reports, or Individual
Education Plan Accommodations Checklists in
nonsecure locations or unattended by
professional staff. - Discussing test results with other students,
staff, or parents or guardians. Only physical
education teachers or administrators are
authorized to discuss test results with students
and parents or guardians. - It is important for teachers to complete all
forms and ensure that accurate test data and
other pertinent information be reported to
appropriate personnel. The following list
indicates items required to be completed - Ensuring that all test reports are completed and
have been reported to the Alabama Department of
Education - Filing of all testing materials, including test
forms, scores, and data in a secure place for
three years from test date and - Ensuring that all Confidentiality Agreements have
been signed by all volunteers, including college
students, parents, or teacher aides, and
delivered to the school principal prior to
testing. - By signing my name to this document, I certify
that I have read the above policy and agree to
abide by established test security procedures.
28Student and School Awards
29V-sit http//youtu.be/fNq6LMw Push Ups
http//youtu.be/riwV19qMlgs Curl Ups
http//youtu.be/Hs2aOalF9VY Pacer
http//youtu.be/a2-tCF6Y-8w Mile Walk/Run
http//youtu.be/SMq0IMtSx1Q Back Saver Sit and
Reach http//youtu.be/gYB6HN8Q5bg
30Contact Information Nancy Ray, Physical
Education and Health Specialist 334
353-9283 nray_at_alsde.edu
- Alabama State Department of Education
- Curriculum and Instruction Section