Title: Electronics
- Mr. Sanders
- Year 9 Electronics Project
- Deliverables today
- Realise the Health and Safety Issues presented
within a workshop. - Explanation as to what Electricity is.
- Why is Electricity hazardous?
- Resistor Colour Wheel
- Determine power of Resistors.
All are to take 10minutes and write down ALL the
hazards you can find in the workshop. I would
like at least 10 different hazards. To accompany
the hazards write 10 safety rules for you to
constantly refer back to throughout your
project. FeedbackONE RULE FROM EACH OF YOU.
- What is electricity?
- Flow of energy
- Secondary Power Source
- Electric charge moves from atom to atom
- - Protons () Electrons (-)
- Electrical Hazards
- Human Bodies contain 70 water
- Always tries to find the quickest path to the
ground - Travel quicker through water than through air
- This is called an electric shock
- Electric Shocks cause heart to stop beating,
difficulty breathing, muscle contractions, burns,
shock. - Why is Higher voltage dangerous?
- Found at power stations
- Can jump between substations
- 5metres
Audio Amplifier Project What you need to
know What are we going to cover? How are we going
to cover it? Important areas Homeworks Homework
What is a Darlington Pair? Briefly describe
their role in a circuit and what they do and how
they are formed.
Resistors The RESISTOR does just what its name
suggests It resists the flow of the
electricity in the circuit. This flow of
electricity is called the CURRENT. What is the
role of the resistor in a circuit then? If the
power flowing through the circuit is too much,
the resistor will help to protect the component
it is attached to. Should this be an LED (BULB)
it will prevent it from being blown up. However,
too strong a resistor will cause the bulb to be
dim as it is resisting too much electrical
charge. How can you tell which resistor to use?
Open the compasses up to 8cm, then divide into 10
sections using a protractor
Open the compasses up to 6cm, then divide into 10
sections using a protractor
Open the compasses up to 10cm, then divide into
10 sections using a protractor
Colour each section as follows 1 Brown 2
Red 3 Orange 4 Yellow 5 Green 6 Blue 7
Purple 8 Grey 9 White 0 Black
Smallest Disc Brown 0 Red 00 Orange
k Yellow 0k Green 00k Blue m Purple Grey
White Black