Title: E-Government: Towards G2C<>C2G Communication
1E-Government Towards G2CltgtC2G Communication
- Leslie Regan Shade
- University of Ottawa
- Department of Communication
- shade_at_aix1.uottawa.ca
2Talk Outline
- Overview of Trends
- E-Government
- E-Democracy
- Citizen Engagement
- C2GltgtG2C Communication
- Your Time!?
3Trends in KBE/S
- Globalization
- Media Concentration
- Growth in Supranational Forums (e.g., WTO, IMF)
- Growing Anti-Corporate and Citizenship Movements
4More Stakeholders Want a Say in Governance
- NGOs, civil society groups, citizens
- Lobby groups on the left and the right
- Using traditional and new media
5Changes in Government Funding
- Public/Private sector partnerships
- Downsizing in public sector
- Contracting/outsourcing work
- Privatization of functions
- Decentralization
- New Economy Ethos
- security concerns
- privacy
- confidentiality
- stress
- overwork and/or under-work
- fraying social safety net
7Challenges to Governance
- Engagement -with citizens and with media
- Widening consultation processes-stakeholder
summits - Use of ICTs
8Whats Happening in Canada?
- Government Online Initiative - www.gol-ged.gc.ca.
Principles are to - inform the public
- consider public concerns
- develop policies
- implement programs
9Ensure that Government is
- visible
- accessible
- accountable
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11Good Information
- free flow
- continuous
- open
- relevant
- understandable
- reliable
12Other Government Initiatives
- Industry Canadas Connecting Canadians
- Volnet
- School Net
- Access.ca
13New Kid on the Block
- Broadband Task Force broadband.gc.ca
- Whats the content driving broadband?
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16Why Go Online?
- Branding Canada
- Better Service
- Better Government
- Stimulates e-commerce
- 24-7 availability
17Big Issues
- Privacy
- Security
- Accessibility
- Consultation
18Big Issues Privacy
- Assuring privacy is key
- Many dont feel secure doing online
transactions. - Why e-commerce initiatives targeted consumer
privacy needs - Bill C6
19Privacy Elements
- Confidentiality
- Authentication
- Access control
- Integrity
- No fraud!
20Big Issues-Access
- Technical infrastructure
- Social infrastructure
- Literacy
- Content
- Design
- Universal Usability
21Accessibility Issues
- Persons with disabilities
- Low literacy rates
- No domestic access
- Canadas Dual Digital Divide
22Big Issues-Consultation
- User input into design of system
- Navigation
- Content
- Online or through focus groups?
23Types of E-Government Initiatives
- Citizen access to government information
- Facilitating general compliance
- Citizen access to personal benefits
- Procurement including bidding, purchasing, and
24E-Gov Services, contd
- Government-to-government information and service
integration - Citizen participation
- The Portalone-stop shopping
25Pilot Projects for Consultation U.S.
- "E-Government The Next American Revolution
- Council for Excellence in Government
- move from 1990s dot-com decade....to dot-gov
decade - public wants to be a more informed
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28E-government Experiment
- an experiment in interactive legislation
- Senators Fred Thompson and Joe Lieberman
- topics-- citizen access, standards and
protocols, public kiosks, agency cooperation,
public-private partnerships....
29Comment from Derek Ohlms Organization
Vanderbilt University Organization type
Academic Institution Date submitted8 AUGUST,
2000 0107 AM Topic Study Disparities in
Access to the Internet
30I am particularly interested in the availability
and use of internet access through public schools
and libraries. How many people per workstation do
these sorts of forums offer? Also, who has
access through facilities that place significant
limitations on time and demand cash for access.
31U.K. People's Panel -1998
- Part of the 'Modernising Government' initiatives
- Cabinet Office Modernising Public Services Group
- MORI (market research company)
- Birmingham University's School of Public Policy
32Peoples Panel
- 5,000 members of the public
- representative of the UK population age, gender,
region and a wide range of other demographic
indicators - quantitative
- qualitative
33Peoples Panel
- quantitative (telephone surveys, postal mail-in
surveys, face2face interview surveys) - qualitative (focus groups, workshops, depth
interviews, citizens juries, deliberative polls)
34E-Democracy Goals
- Use IT to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of democracy - Increase convenience timeliness of
citizen/government interaction - Reduce cost
35Tony Blairs New Hyde Park
36E-Government is part of E-Democracy
- Informing citizens
- E-politics use of Internet to improve
effectiveness of political decision-making - Facilitate participation in process
37Skills Learning
- Citizens will have to learn how to use
e-democracy - They need the motivation
- Trust
- Literacy Skills
- Access to ICTs
38Vision of Democracy Using New Media
- interactivity
- global
- free speech
- free association
- sharing of information and knowledge
- challenges official public opinion
39Ideal of Strong Democracy
- accountable governments
- informed citizenry
- citizen participation
- in affairs of the state
- in civil society
40Design is Important
- people-centred
- participatory design
- citizen-centred evaluation of e-government
- inadequate pre-testing can lead to flops
- ex kiosk applications
- location of kiosk
- interface designs
42Citizen Engagement Action
43Seattle WTO Meetings
- Pics from Council of Canadians site
44- Indymedia.org
- Local affiliates
- Pictures, videos, audio, articles
- E-mail updates
- Archives and links
45Indy Media Franchises??!!
- International in scope
- Policy to start own indy media centre
- Working groups technical and dispatch
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48The Right to Communicate the Communication of
49Dot Force Civil Society Consultation
50Problems with E-Democracy
- Misuse of IT
- Endless babble
- Overload can be dangerous
- Endless babble
- Accountability to citizens
- Endless and often mindless babble
- A constructive-free zone..
51- www.ecommons.net
- Office of Learning Technologies project
- Building public space online
- Hub InfoCentral
- Netizen News
- Citizen Forums
52- Forum moderators are responsible for facilitating
discussions and ensuring that the Civil Rules are
respected. They reserve the right to take
whatever measures are required to ensure the
Civil Rules are respected by site visitors.
53- Such measures include, but are not limited to,
refusing to accept any message that may be
construed or interpreted as discriminatory,
promulgating hatred or obscenity, or defamation
of any kind.
54Issues with Digital Debates
- Limit time for discussion
- Specify clear topic
- Independent moderator
- Clear rules
- Quick summary
55What tools for consultation?
- Whats the most appropriate?
- Web forums?
- E-Mail???
- Listserv moderated, unmoderated, digest or no
digest - Can too much e-mail create an avalanche?
56Most suitable online discussion framework
- Real time or asynchronous
- How close are decision makers to the process?
- Officials lurkers or participants?
- Do public servants contribute to discussion?
- Standards for response time
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58Public Service Culture and New Media
- Public servants dealing with increasingly
ambiguous role - Most government websites designed to disseminate
information, not gather it - Mass listening is changing opinion polls are
not the only option
59PS Culture Contd
- Departments must create new structures to engage
with citizens - Within government communication structure,
perhaps more liaisons press officers,
librarians, lawyers, etc. - (from Report on Wilton Park Conference on
E-Government, 15-18 Nov. 1999)
60Risk of E-Government Project Failure
- Management confusion
- Lack of focus and definition
- Lack of IT skills in public sector
- Grandiose scope all the bells, whistles and
java applets - Not enough
61Calling all Canadian Eyeballs!!
- In an information-rich environment, how to
distinguish oneself from the mass of.American
content and stuff??? - or from Canadian commercial sites
- or from Canadian media mergers BCEgtThomsongtCTV
CanwestgtHollinger Videotron.Quebecor
62So, Whats at Stake?
- Public service effectiveness and efficiency
- Privacy and security
- Equity and community
- Governance
- Loss of public service jobs through
63Lets Consider..
- Will Internet infrastructure grow exponentially?
- How can new media overcome, rather than
exacerbate, issues of access to publicly-funded
services? - You said paperless office???!
64C2GltgtG2C Communication
- Realize goal of packaging information as a social
good, rather than a costly consumer product - Citizen engagement is key
- Design level (end-users)
- Content
- Consultation
65Your Turn
- Best practices
- Worst practices
- Organizational culture cog in the wheel or
empowered? - How to attract and retain new grads?