Title: Mental Illness (Adult)
1Mental Illness (Adult)
2Mental Illness
- Effects 50 million in US
- 5-7 of adults have a serious mental illness
- 5-9 of children
- World Health Organization notes MI is the leading
disability world-wide - Only about ½ seek help
- Stigma and discrimination
- Society fears people with MI are violent
- Behavior that significantly deviates from the
norm - Society sets standards for norm
- As society becomes more pluralistic, fewer
behaviors will be considered abnormal - Society can change criteria of normal or abnormal
- Consistently inappropriate
- Evidenced for some duration
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV-TR, 2000) - American Psychiatric Association
- Leisure functioning is part of criteria
- Detailed classification system
- Used to design treatment
- Rated on 5 axes
6Axis I Clinical Syndromes (Current Condition)
- Disorders evident in infancy, childhood, or
adolescence - Substance-related
- Schizophrenia other psychotic disorders
- Mood disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Factitious disorders
- Somatoform disorders
- Dissociative disorders
- Delirium, dementia, amnesic, other cognitive
disorders - Sexual gender identity disorders
- Eating disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Impulse control disorders
- Adjustment disorders
7Axis II Longstanding Conditions Associated with
Personality Disorders Mental Retardation
- Axis II only used to identify a long-term
underlying problem - Personality disorders paranoid, schizoid,
histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, borderline,
obsessive-compulsive - Mental retardation
8Remaining axes used to identify factors
contributing to or being affected by disorder
- Axis III General medical conditions
- Physical problems
- Axis IV Psychosocial environmental problems
- Psychosocial stress
- Axis V Global Assessment of Functioning Scale
(GAF) - Current level of adaptive functioning in social
relationships, occupational functioning, and use
of leisure time
9MI subdivided
- Neuroses
- Most frequent
- Recognizes presence of maladaptive behavior
effect on person - Mild depression, anxiety, phobia
- Psychoses
- More serious
- Lack of realization that behaviors is obvious or
present - Unable to objectively evaluate reality
- Schizophrenia
- Not multiple or split personalities
- More of a disintegration of personality,
departure from reality - Thought disorder
- Often diagnosed 15-25
- Stress can aggravate
- Effect on persons future
- Could be gradual or sudden onset
- Heavy pot smoking might raise risk
11Schizophrenia Criteria 2 or more of
- Delusions
- Only 1 if delusion is bizarre, such as being
abducted in a space ship from the sun - Hallucinations
- Only 1 if at least 2 voices talk to one another
or a voice keeps a running commentary in thoughts
12Schizophrenia Criteria 2 or more of
- Speech
- Incoherent, disorganized
- Negative symptoms
- Flat affect, reduced speech, lack of volition,
deteriorating personal hygiene, increased
suspicion people are talking behind ones back
- Delusions
- Disturbance in content of thought
- Persecutory or paranoid
- Thought broadcasting
- Thought insertion
- Grandiose
- Religious
- Hallucinations
- Disturbances in perceptions
- Most often auditory
- Voices speak to the person
- Tactile
- Could be connected to any sense
- Visual is rare unless drug or alcohol abuse
- Other problems
- Hard time making choices or decisions
- Hard time thinking clearly
- Socially withdrawn
- Flat or blunted affect
- Lack of interest or joy
- Loose associations
- Word salad or nonsense words
16Types of Schizophrenia
- Paranoid type
- Preoccupied with delusions or frequent auditory
hallucinations - Disorganized type
- Disorganized behavior speech, affect that is
flat or inappropriate - Catatonic type
- Stupor or motor immobility, mutism or marked
negativism, peculiar posturing, mannerisms or
grimacing, echolalia
- Thought to be a chemical imbalance
- Symptoms may be controlled by meds
- Predictors of poor outcome
- Early age onset, family history, withdrawal,
prior history - Can be side effects to medication
- Tardive dyskensia
- Involuntary movements of tongue, face, mouth, or
jaw associated with long-term use of
antipsychotics - May be irreversible
18Mood or Affective Disorders
- Different than everyday sadness
- Impairs everyday functioning
- Diminished interest or pleasure
- Fatigue and energy loss
- Memory loss
- Weight loss or gain
- Difficulty thinking
- Loss of concentration
- Sense of worthlessness or quilt
- Sleeping (insomnia or sleeping too much)
- Suicide
- Extreme elation
- Inflated self-esteem
- Decreased need for sleep
- Racing thoughts
- Physical activeness
- Increased talkativeness
- Increased risk-taking
- Mood swings or cycles
- Tends to run in families
- Often treated with lithium
- Come off meds when feeling better cycle starts
over again - Some enjoy manic phase because feel so creative
22Anxiety Disorders
- Generalized anxiety
- Panic attack
- Phobias
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Intense fear or panic that appears to be
unjustified - Always anticipates disaster
- Symptoms
- Shortness of breath
- Increased heart rate
- Dizziness
- Chest pains
- Fear dying or going insane
24Panic Attack4 or more
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Heart pounds, races or skips beats
- Chills or hot flashes
- Choking sensation
- Feeling unreal or detached from self
- Fear of dying
- Dizzy, lightheaded, faint or unsteady
- Nausea or other abdominal discomfort
- Numbness or tingling
- Sweating
- Shortness of breath or smothering sensation
- Trembling
- Social Phobia
- Most common phobia
- Irrational fear of situations where may be
watched judged by others - Public speaking
- Trembling, sweating, racing heart
- Avoids situations
- Agoraphobia
- Claustrophobia
26Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Criteria
- Experienced or witnessed a traumatic event that
has both of these elements - Actual or threatened death or serious injury to
self or others - Felt intense fear, horror or helplessness
- War, rape, 9/11, Katrina, Virginia Tech, etc.
- 9/10 Iraq Afghanistan veterans in VAs
27Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Criteria
- Repeatedly relives the event in at least 1 way
- Intrusive, distressing recollections in thoughts
or images - Repeated, distressing dreams
- Flashbacks or illusions that feel like the event
is recurring - Mental distress in reaction to internal or
external cues that symbolize or resemble the
event - Physiological reactivity such as rapid heart
beat, increased blood pressure in response to
these cues
28Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Criteria
- Repeatedly avoids the trauma-related stimuli
has numbing or general responsiveness in 3 - Tries to avoid thoughts, feelings, conversations
connected to event - Tries to avoid activities, people or places that
recall the event - Cannot recall an important feature of the event
29Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Criteria
- Repeatedly avoids the trauma-related stimuli
has numbing or general responsiveness in 3 - Marked loss of interest or participation in
activities important to person - Feels detached or isolated from other people
- Restriction in ability to love or feel other
strong emotions - Feels life will be brief or unfulfilled
30Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Criteria
- At least 2 of symptoms of hyperarousal were not
present before the traumatic event - Insomnia
- Irritability
- Poor concentration
- Hypervigilance
- Increased startle response
31Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- 1/3 have onset before 15
- Second peak time is 30s
- 1/50 adults
- Likely to persist throughout life with varying
degrees of severity - No known cause
- Inherited
- Shortage of serotonin
- Stress
- Obsession persistent preoccupation with
unreasonable ideas or feelings - Compulsion irresistible impulse to perform
irrational acts - Obsession cleanliness / Compulsion handwashing
- Can have thoughts without behaviors
33Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderCriteria
- For obsessions must have all
- Recurring, persisting thoughts, impulses or
images inappropriately intrude into awareness
cause marked distress or anxiety - Ideas are not just excessive worries about
ordinary problems - Tries to ignore or suppress these ideas or
neutralize them by thoughts or behaviors - Insight that these ideas are a product of ones
own mind
34Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderCriteria
- For compulsions must have all
- Feels need to repeat physical behaviors (hand
washing) or mental behaviors (counting things,
silently repeating words) - Behaviors occur as response to obsession or in
accordance with strictly applied rules
35Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderCriteria
- For compulsions must have all
- Aim of behaviors is to reduce or eliminate
distress or prevent something that is dreaded - Behaviors are either not realistically related to
the events they are supposed to counteract or
they are clearly excessive for that purpose
36Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderCriteria
- At some point, may recognize that obsessions or
compulsions are unreasonable or excessive - Obsessions /or compulsions associated with 1
- Cause severe distress
- Take up more than 1 hour/day
- Interfere with usual routine, or work, social or
personal functioning
37Most Prevalent Obsessions
- Contamination fears of germs or dirt
- Imagining having harmed self or others
- Imagining loosing control of aggressive urges
- Intrusive sexual thoughts or urges
- Need to control things
38Most Prevalent Compulsions
- Repeated checking of doors, locks, electrical
appliances, or light switches - Frequent cleaning of hands or clothes
- Strict attempts to keep items in careful order
- Repetitious mental activities, such as counting
or praying
- Old multiple personality disorder
- Not multiple but fragmented
- Result of severe abuse
- Person develops alters to manage abuse
- Treatment is attempt to get all personalities
40Personality Disorders
- Antisocial Personality
- Borderline Personality
- Self centered
- Manipulative
- Failure to reach potential
41Antisocial Personality
- Lack of regard for moral or legal standards of
culture - Marked inability to get along with others or
abide by social rules - Disregard of laws rights of others
- Also called
- Psychopaths
- Sociopaths
42Borderline Personality Disorder
- Rapid mood changes
- Intense, unstable interpersonal relationships
- Hard time controlling emotions
- Intense, inappropriate, uncontrollable anger
- Self-damaging impulsive behavior
- Compulsive spending, gambling, sexual behaviors
- Overly sensitive to criticism or rejection
- Stay calm be supportive
- Ask how to help
- Clear/concise directions
- Empathy
- Patience
- Good feedback on how doing
- Refrain from expressing displeasure
- Know about medication side effects
- Sun sensitivity
- Dry mouth
- Sedation/drowsiness
- Blurred vision
- Fluctuations in ability
- Stress management programs
- Relaxation programs
- Expressive arts programs
- Physical activity can decrease anxiety
- Watch use of sharp supplies
- Transportation
- Scholarships
- Try to involve with others to decrease social
isolation - Others???
- Confusion about what is real
- Difficulty concentrating
- Overstimulation
- Preoccupation with internal
- Be simple straight forward
- Be brief, repeat
- Limit input dont force discussion
- Get attention before preceding
- Agitation
- Fluctuating emotions
- Withdrawal
- Belief in delusions
- Recognize allow exit
- Dont take words or actions personally
- Initiate conversations
- Dont argue
- Discussion about voices
- Low self-esteem
- Acknowledge, but explain you do not hear them
- Stay positive reinforcing