Title: The Policy Context
1The Policy Context
Planning and Growth Management Department
Presentation to Planning Committee February 7th,
- The Official Plan (30 minutes)
- Community Design Plans and Urban Design
Guidelines (30 minutes) - The Zoning By-law (30 minutes)
- Housing (30 minutes)
3The City of Ottawa
- Population - 900,000
- Area 2,796 square kilometres (half the size of
Prince Edward Island) - 5th largest City in Canada both in Population
and Land Area - 90 kilometres east to west
- Ottawa's area is almost 80 rural
4Planning Hierarchy
5Ottawa 20/20
6The Official Plan Overview
- The Official Plan (OP) guides the physical growth
and development of the municipality - Where land uses will go
- Where services will be needed
- What lands will be preserved from development
- What authority is delegated
- How consultation will occur
7The Official Plan Overview Contd.
- An Official Plan is a legal document
- Authority comes from the Planning Act
- An Official Plan cannot control
- The closure of schools
- The cutting of trees
- The provision of social services
- The drainage of fields
- 5-Year Review completed in 2009 (OPA 76) and next
one to commence in 2012
8The Official Plan Review OPA 76
- Approved by Council June 2009
- Approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs
January 2010 - Under appeal to OMB
- Nine hearings scheduled over 27 weeks
- Hearings to run December, 2010 November 2011.
9Key Strategic Directions
- The Official Plan meets the challenges of growth
through to 2031 by pursuing strategic directions
in four key areas - Managing Growth
- Maintaining Environmental Integrity
- Providing Infrastructure
- Creating Liveable Communities
101. Managing Growth
- Direct the majority of growth to the urban area
where services already exist. - Support growth in the Villages.
- Urban area growth will be directed to areas where
density can be accommodated and served with
quality transit, walking and cycling facilities. - Downtown Ottawa will be a vibrant mix of thriving
economic and cultural activities.
11Population Projections
Projected Growth in Population City of Ottawa, 2006 to 2031 Projected Growth in Population City of Ottawa, 2006 to 2031 Projected Growth in Population City of Ottawa, 2006 to 2031 Projected Growth in Population City of Ottawa, 2006 to 2031 Projected Growth in Population City of Ottawa, 2006 to 2031
2006 2011 2021 2031
Inside Greenbelt 533,000 540,000 562,000 591,000
Outside Greenbelt, urban 252,000 291,000 367,000 432,000
Rural 86,000 91,000 102,000 113,000
Total 871,000 923,000 1,031,000 1,136,000
Projected Growth in Households City of Ottawa, 2006 to 2031 Projected Growth in Households City of Ottawa, 2006 to 2031 Projected Growth in Households City of Ottawa, 2006 to 2031 Projected Growth in Households City of Ottawa, 2006 to 2031 Projected Growth in Households City of Ottawa, 2006 to 2031
2006 2011 2021 2031
Inside Greenbelt 228,000 237,000 258,000 278,000
Outside Greenbelt, urban 88,000 106,000 140,000 168,000
Rural 30,000 32,000 38,000 43,000
Total 346,000 376,000 436,000 489,000
12Development Priority Areas and LRT Stations
13Density Targets
people and jobs per gross hectare
Minimum Target Density Minimum Target Density
Designation 2006 Density At 2031 Post-2031
Central Area 395 500
Mixed-Use Centres
Tunneys-Quad 207 250
Lees 167 250
Bayview-Preston 142 200
Blair-174 106 200
Baseline-Woodroffe 96 200
Hurdman 54 200
Confederation Heights 73 200
Billings Bridge 130 160
Cyrville 45 120
Industrial 42 120
Town Centres
Orléans 48 120
Kanata 33 120
Barrhaven 11 120
Arterial Mainstreets
Richmond (north of Carling) 217 200
Carling 183 200
St. Laurent 92 120
Bank 79 120
Merivale-Clyde-Baseline 50 120
Montreal East 41 120
Community Core
Riverside South 0 80
142. Maintaining Environmental Integrity
- Emphasizes transit, walking and cycling, and by
policies that protect forests, wetlands and other
natural environment areas to support Air quality. - Provincially and locally significant wetlands and
forests will be conserved. - The City will direct land use and development in
a way and to locations that maintain ecosystem
functions over time. - Greenspaces will be valued and protected.
15Greenspace Master Plan
- Councils objectives for urban greenspace is to
provide - an adequate supply of greenspace, readily
accessible to residents as a connected network of
high-quality spaces planned and maintained on a
sustainable basis - Urban Greenspace Networks
- Increase accessibility to greenspace
- Identify priorities for extending the network
- Connect neighbourhoods to the network
- Supports sustainability of natural lands.
163. Providing Infrastructure Transportation
Master Plan
- The Official Plan directs the Transportation
Master Plan to implement the following policies - Transportation Demand Management
- Transportation System Management
- Walking
- Cycling
- Transit
- Roads and Rights-of-Way Protection
- Other Rights-of-Way Protection
- Parking
- Movement of Goods
- Transportation Terminals
17Providing Infrastructure Infrastructure Master
- The Official Plan directs the Infrastructure
Master Plan to implement the following policies - Water supply and treatment
- Wastewater collection and treatment
- Stormwater collection and release
- The IMP sets policy to support intensification
through Capacity Management Strategies for piped
184. Create Liveable Communities
- Growth will be managed in ways that create
complete communities - Provide rural and urban economic activities in
suitable locations - Maintain high quality of life
- Familiar landscapes and heritage buildings will
be maintained - Rural communities will continue to be valued for
their distinct economies and lifestyles - Increase the supply of affordable housing
- Create attractive communities
- Community building will be open and inclusive
- Agricultural lands, natural areas will be
protected and mineral resources will be protected
for extraction.
19How We Make the Official Plan Real
- Through the Development Review Process
- If there is a request for height or density is it
near rapid transit? - Are we achieving our density targets?
- Are we achieving a mixed use to encourage live,
work, play? - Will the proposal respect the neighbourhoods
character? - Is there adequate servicing capacity in the area?
- Are the environmental tenets of the Official Plan
being respected how can we make the project
more sustainable? - Are we providing an array of housing supply -
affordability - How can we best incorporate good urban design?
20How We Make the Official Plan Real
- Through undertaking transportation planning
studies - Based on the prioritization of the Transportation
Master Plan - Through examining other servicing alternatives
and public works implications - Through protecting or acquiring environmentally
sensitive lands - Environmental Impact Statement
- Urban Natural Features Strategy
- Considering municipal budget implications
21How We Make the Official Plan Real
- Through plans and strategies
- Community Design Plans and
- Secondary Plans
- Urban Design guidelines
- Zoning By-law
- Specific development applications
22Community Design Plans
- Community Design Plans (CDPs) are developed to
translate the principles and policies of the
Official Plan (OP) to the community scale. They
are developed where significant change might
occur - Town Centres
- Mixed-use Centres
- Traditional and Arterial Mainstreets
- Developing Communities (Greenfield Areas)
- Villages (if expansion is planned)
23Community Design Plans completed
- Barrhaven South
- Beechwood
- Carp Road Corridor
- Village of Carp
- Village of Constance Bay
- Downtown Ottawa Urban Design Strategy
- East Urban Community (Phase 1)
- Fernbank
- Greely
- Leitrim
- Richmond Road/Westboro
- Riverside South
- South Nepean Town Centre
- St. Joseph Boulevard
- The Escarpment Area District Plan
- Uptown Rideau
- Village of Richmond
24Proposed CDPs
- The following CDPs are proposed to be completed
in this term of council - Carling-Bayview, West Wellington, Old Ottawa
East, - Mid-Centretown, Scott Street/Tunneys Pasture,
East Urban Community (Phase 2), Bank Street
(Rideau River to Ledbury) and Stittsville
Mainstreet. - Also, the following Transit-oriented development
plans will be completed over this term of
council - Via Station, Hurdman, Lees, Blair, Cyrville.
- In addition, the zoning on several Mainstreets
will be examined.
25Secondary Plans
- Secondary Plans provide specific policies for
areas identified within an Official Plan as
requiring more detailed direction on topics such
as land use, urban design and transportation. - A Secondary Plan is typically adopted as an
amendment to the Citys Official Plan and
outlines the goals, objectives and policies
governing the development and redevelopment of
land for the area to which it applies. - There are currently 27 Secondary Plans and
equivalents in the Official Plan. (Volumes
2a,2b,2c of the Official Plan)
26A CDP versus a Secondary Plan
- Community Design Plans
- The Community Design Plan is a framework within
which decisions are made - Provides all policies or strategies in one
comprehensive plan - Adopted as a Council Policy
- Listed, but not part of the OP
- Cannot be appealed to OMB
- Implemented through the Zoning By-law
- Changes to an CDP require Council approval and
may require changes to the Zoning By-law - Lower cost to amend.
- Secondary Plans
- It is a set of detailed land-use policies and
designations within the jurisdiction of the
Planning Act - Provides only land use policies i.e. very
defined in scope - Adopted as part of OP
- Part of the OP
- Can be appealed to OMB
- Implemented as a separate legal document
- Changes to a Secondary Plan require an OP
Amendment and may require a Zoning By-law
amendment - Higher cost to amend.
27Wellington CDP Example
28Urban Design Guidelines
- Urban Design Guidelines are used for reoccurring
development types to assist in providing upfront
expectations to developers and to provide
consistent direction to similar development
applications - Large-Format Retail
- Drive-Through Facilities
- Gas Stations
- Greenfield Neighbourhoods
- Rural Villages
- Traditional Mainstreets
- Infill Housing
- High-Rise Housing
- Arterial Mainstreets
29Guidelines Example Large Format Retail
- Objectives of Design Guidelines
- To achieve interesting, high-quality
architectural design for large-format retail
buildings - To enhance landscaping, public open space, and
environmental performance of such developments - To create comfortable and attractive pedestrian
environments - To enhance the streetscape along public streets
and contribute to a high quality public space - To protect and enhance the character and quality
of the districts and neighbourhoods where
large-format retail developments are located - To promote development patterns that allow for
future intensification.
30Zoning By-Law
- Zoning By-laws assist in carrying out the
planning objectives of Council, expressed
through the Official Plan. - The Zoning By-law is a set of regulations that
controls development in a specific geographic
area - Zoning By-laws are enabled by the Ontario
Planning Act
31Zoning By-Law in Effect
- June 25, 2008 - City Council enacted a new
Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City - October 23, 2008 - the Ontario Municipal Board
approved the initial provisions of the
Comprehensive By-law. As of October 2010, 95 of
the new By-law is now in effect. - Ontario Municipal Board will render decisions on
remaining appeals in 2011
32Zoning By-law
- Your source for
- Definitions of different residential, commercial,
and industrial zones and heights and densities in
those zones - Performance standards, e.g. setbacks from the lot
lines and distances between buildings - Parking requirements
33Zoning By-law and the Official Plan
- The following are some of the changes to zoning
permissions in order to support implementation of
policies of the Official Plan. - Central Area
- Elimination of Floor Space Index restrictions
that existed under former Ottawa on almost all
areas designated Central Area. - Mixed Use Centres
- Minimum height requirement of 6.7 m near rapid
transit stations introduced. - Traditional Mainstreets
- Maximum front yard setback introduced to bring
buildings near front lot line. - Arterial Mainstreets
- Substantial increase in height to 20 and 25
metres in many arterial mainstreet areas .
34Zoning By-law and the Official Plan
- Policies Related to Intensification in the
designated General Urban Area (outside
Development Priority Areas) - Addition of land use permissions for mid-high
rise residential uses on existing shopping
centres such as St. Laurent SC, Carlingwood SC,
Billings Bridge SC). - Policies Related to Employment Areas
- All stand-alone retail uses previously permitted
under former zoning by-laws were eliminated. - Protection of Heritage Resources
- Application of heritage overlay zoning provisions
to all 120 individually designated properties
(excluding Rockcliffe Park) outside old Ottawa. - Policies Related to Promoting Alternative Modes
of Transportation - Shared parking reductions applied City wide, for
all sites where mixed uses are developed
35Zoning By-law and the Official Plan
- Policies Related to More Efficient Use of Land
- Driveways to parking lots in traditional and
arterial mainstreet developments need not be
located on site, can be shared with other
adjoining properties - Policies to Maintain Environmental Integrity and
Protection from Hazards - Eliminate non- agricultural uses on lands
designated Agriculture - Policies related to Sustainable Land Use Planning
and Community Greening - Permit community gardens as a land use in most
36Requests for Zoning By-law amendment
- When the City receives a request for a Zoning
By-law amendment, we review the request based on
its impact on - Change of use and externalities of the proposed
use - Will a change in density impact the character of
the neighbourhood? - Will there be adequate buffering between
environmentally protected lands and neighbouring
properties? - Will there be adequate parking provided?
37Zoning By-Law Amendment Example
38Affordable Housing
- Over 350,000 Households
- 60 Own, 40 Rent
- The vacancy rate has been traditionally low,
currently at 1.5. - Only 7 of all housing built since 1996 has been
rental accommodation - Over 1/3rd of renters in Ottawa pay more than 30
of their income on rent and this is expected to
40Basic Allowance Shelter Allowance Maximum Total Average market rent 1 bedroom Average market rent 2 bedroom
Ontario Works (OW)
Single 216 356 572 817
Parent with two children 0-12 years 336 607 943 995
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Single 566 454 1020 817
Parent with two children 0-12 years 709 775 1484 995
- The City provides shelter to over 1,100 homeless
men, women and children every night - Over 10,000 households on the centralized waiting
list for rent-geared-income housing, 2,000
households placed from the centralized waiting
list each year
41Housing and Support Services
- Branch has 64.5 FTEs
- Partners with over 150 agencies
42Existing Subsidized Housing
- 22,000 units with 56 local housing providers
(includes non-profits, co-ops and private
landlords) - Significant public and community asset (2.8
billion replacement cost) - Limited supply versus demand
- On average up to 2,000 households are housed off
the Centralized Registry List
43Affordable Housing
- Funding Sources
- City Incentives and Tools
- Action Ottawa
- Specific Projects
- Affordable Homeownership
441. Funding
- Approximately 1217 units funded since 2003
- With 466 built and 751 under construction
- 2003-2008 - 25M City / 18 M Federal / 16 M
Provincial - 2009/10 39M combined Federal/Provincial
- City Funding Capital Grants, land and
waiving/deferral of fees.
451.2 Funding
- Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program (AHP)
- Currently in year 3 of a 5 year extension to AHP
(2009 2013) - Funding and program guidelines for years 3 to 5
NOT available (2011 to 2013) - Funding is significant and required to plan and
leverage City resources.
462.1 City Incentives and Tools
- Range of Tools and incentives
- Capital Funding
- Exemption and deferral of development charges
- Access to Surplus City Property
- Exemption of Planning Fees
- Grants in Lieu of Building Permit Fees
- New Multi Residential Tax Rate
- Municipal Capital Facilities By-law
473. Action Ottawa
- Citys Affordable Housing Program
- Started in 2003 to provide/bundle incentives and
capital to develop affordable rental and
supportive housing - Planning Committee and Council to approve
priorities and Requirements to target funding - Combines incentives such as capital grants,
accessible grants, fee relief and development
484. Recent Projects
- Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC)
Beaver Barracks
- Phase I (160 units) occupied
- Mixed income community
- City Land provided 1
- Partnerships with support services agencies
- Subject to Downtown Urban Design Review and NCC
Design Review - Green Building Design
494.1 Recent Projects
- Shepherds of Good Hope - The Oaks
- Conversion of apartment hotel to 55 units of
supportive housing - Unique partnership between Shepherds of Good
Hope, Ottawa Inner City Health and Canadian
Mental Health Association - Affordable Housing worked with Sheperds of Good
Hope for 2 years to help develop proposal - Funded and converted in 2009/10
504.2 Recent Projects
- Cornerstone Housing for Women
- Land Purchased under the Federal Homelessness
Program Initiative - Capital Funding provided from Action Ottawa and
the AHP and the Anglican Diocese - Energy Efficient Building Design
- Will Provide 42 supportive apartments for women
515. Affordable Homeownership Programs
- City deferral of development charges at Somerset
Gardens (2007/8) - AHP Homeownership Component 138 households
received federal/provincial down payment
assistance since 2008 - Non-profit housing providers such as Habitat for
Humanity, CADCO and Options for Homes develop
affordable homeownership developments and
increase affordability - All loans and deferrals are secured by agreement
and second mortgage with repayment provisions and
exemptions following a 20 year period - Subject to market fluctuations and changes to
mortgage requirements
52Housing Services Branch
Moving Forward