Title: Wave Optics
1Wave Optics
2Introduction to Optics
- Geometrical optics
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Wave optics
- Interference
- Diffraction
- Polarization
3Thin Film Interference
- What causes the brilliant colors that you see
reflected from oil or gasoline films on water or
from the surface of soap bubbles?
4Interference in Nature
- What causes butterflies and peacocks to have
5Types of Interference
- Can you name two types of interference?
- Constructive interference
- Destructive interference
6Conditions For Light Wave Interference
- Two conditions for interference
- Coherent source
- Waves are in phase
- Monochromatic
- Identical wavelengths
- Lasers are ideal light sources.
7Youngs Double Slit Interference
- Two slits serve as a pair of coherent light
sources. - Fringes are produced on a screen.
- Bright lines (maxima)
- Waves arrive in phase.
- Dark lines (minima)
- Waves arrive out of phase.
- 24.1a, 259, 260
8Path Differences
- Understanding the concept of path differences is
critical to understanding thin film interference. - Antenna signals
- 251, 257, 258,
9- Path difference ( )
- Equations for constructive interference in double
slits - d is the slit separation
- 24.3a, 24.4
10An Important Equation
11- When working with double slits, we are concerned
with the location of the BRIGHT fringes.
12Change Of Phase Due To Reflection
- There is a 180o phase change when a wave reflects
from the boundary of a more dense material. - 24.6, 261
13- There is no phase change when a wave reflects
from the boundary of a less dense material.
14(No Transcript)
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16Examples Involving Thin Film Interference
- Oil or gasoline on water
- Soap bubbles
- Coatings on camera lenses
- Colors produced by peacock feathers
- Colors in butterfly wings
- Blue eyed people
17Light Interference in Soap Films
18Interference In Thin Films
- Film thickness (t)
- Index of refraction (n)
- Equation for wavelength in the material
- ln is the wavelength in the given material
with an index of refraction of n
19Destructive Interference
- Equation for destructive interference
20Constructive Interference
- Equation for constructive interference
21- If there is a phase reversal at the second
boundary, you must switch the equations for
constructive and destructive interference
22Newtons Rings
- Circular fringes caused by constructive and
destructive interference - Newtons Rings are used to check lenses for
imperfections - 24.37
23(No Transcript)
24Using Interference to Read CDs and DVDs
- CDs and DVDs provide high density storage of
text, graphics, sound, and movies - Dual-layer DVDs
- Blu-Ray technology (Sony)
- Competing technologies?
25HD DVD vs. Blu-Ray
26- The data is stored digitally as a series of zeros
and ones. - These are read by reflecting laser light from the
shiny surface. - There are pits (read as ones) and land areas
(read as zeros). - 268
27- Strong reflections are read as zeros.
- constructive interference
28- Weak reflections are read as ones.
- destructive interference
29- The pit depth is made to be one quarter of the
wavelength of the laser light in the plastic.
- A photodetector is used to convert the
reflections into an electronic string of ones and
31CDs and DVDs
- Standard CDs use infrared lasers. (? 780 nm)
- Standard DVDs use red lasers. (? 650 nm)
- Blu-Ray DVDs use blue lasers.
- (? 405 nm)
32Improving CDs and DVDs
- Shorter wavelengths allow us to store more
information on a disk. - CD (0.7 GB)
- DVD (4.7 GB)
- DVD Dual Layer (9.4 GB)
- Blu-Ray DVD (25 GB)
34Double Slit-Diffraction
35Diffraction of Light waves
- Youngs double slit experiment combined with
Huygens Principle can be used to explain the
diffraction of light waves. - Diffraction of laser beams
- 24.13
- 3 parts of a diffraction pattern
- Central maximum
- Secondary maxima
- Minima
- 263, 259
37Fresnel Diffraction
- The diffraction pattern for a penny
- There is a Fresnel bright spot in the center
- This is inconsistent with what you might expect
from geometric optics - 72
38Single-Slit Diffraction
- According to Huygens Principle, light from one
portion of a single slit can interfere with light
from another portion.
39- When working with single slits, we are concerned
with the location of the dark fringes.
40Fraunhofer Diffraction
- The Fraunhofer diffraction pattern for a
single-slit has two characteristics. - A wide bright central region
- Weaker maxima on both sides of a bright central
maximum - 24.16a b
41Destructive Interference
- The equation for destructive interference in
single slits - a is the width of the slit
42The Diffraction Grating
- A diffraction grating contains many, equally
spaced parallel slits. - There are several thousand lines per cm.
- The slit spacing is (d)
- 24.20
43- Diffraction gratings are used for analyzing light
44- Diffraction gratings produce the brightest and
sharpest maxima.
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46Locating the Maxima
- The equation for locating the maxima for a
diffraction grating - m is the order number
47The Diffraction Grating Spectrometer
- Diffraction angles may be measured in order to
calculate wavelength. - 24.21
48Diffraction Grating Applications
- CD and DVD drives use diffraction gratings for
tracking. - CDs, DVDs
- Reading/Writing/Rewriting
- Holograms
- Symbols on credit cards
- 262
49Polarization Of Light Waves
- Polarization proves electromagnetic waves are
transverse. - The electric and magnetic field vectors are at
right angles to each other. - 24.24
50Unpolarized Light
- All orientations of the electric field vector are
possible. - 24.26
51Linearly Polarized Light
- Only one orientation of the electric field vector
is possible. - The waves are said to be plane polarized or just
52Malus Law
- The equation for the intensity of polarized light
(Malus Law) - is the intensity before passing through the
analyzer. It is 0.5 times the original intensity.
53How to Polarize Light Waves
- There are three processes by which
electromagnetic waves may be linearly polarized. - Selective absorption
- Reflection
- Scattering
54- 1) Selective absorption
- Light is polarized as it passes through a
polarizing material (polarizer). - The transmission axis is usually vertical or
horizontal. - An analyzer may be used to identify polarization
55Double Refraction
- Calcite displays double refraction
- Each image is oppositely polarized
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57- 2) Reflection from a shiny surface
- The reflected and refracted beams are both
polarized. - Polarizing angle (qp)
- According to Brewsters Law
- 245
58Polarization by Reflection
- Light is polarized when reflected from
- Water
- Glass
- Metal
- Snow
59Polarization in Photography
- Polarizing filters are used in photography.
- The filter attaches to the lens.
60Polaroid Sunglasses
- Polarizing filters are also used in sunglasses.
61- Polaroid sunglasses are vertically polarized
because reflections are horizontally polarized.
62- 3) Scattering
- Light passing through the earths atmosphere
63- Light is also scattered as it passes through
liquid crystals in iPods, iPhones, calculators,
laptop computer screens, digital data projectors.
64- Light is scattered as it passes through some
transparent materials like Karo syrup.
65Polarization in Nature
- Honeybees make use of polarization in the sky to
tell direction.
66Optical Activity
- Optical ability is the capacity of a substance to
rotate the plane of polarization. - It may occur in materials under stress
67Polarization Applications
- Liquid crystal displays are used in
- Watches
- Cell Phones
- Calculators
- Laptop computer screens
- Flat screen televisions
- Others?