The Epistle of Jude - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Epistle of Jude


The Epistle of Jude A Call For Earnest Contention Resources The Expositor on Jude by Bro. Mansfield The Epistle of Jude by Bro. Ullman - ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Epistle of Jude

The Epistle of Jude
  • A Call For Earnest Contention

  • The Expositor on Jude by Bro. Mansfield
  • The Epistle of Jude by Bro. Ullman
  • -
  • Jude Bible Marking Notes by Bro. Cowie -
  • Various references to the letter of Jude in the
    writings of Bro. Thomas.

Who Was Jude?
  • Jude, the Lords half brother Matt. 1355 Mk.
    63 Gal. 119
  • I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an
    alien unto my mothers children. Psa 698

Why Did He Write?
  • He wrote concerning the common salvation.
  • The letter is a call to contention.
  • The letter is an endorsement of apostolic
    teaching, particularly 2 Peter.
  • Shows that the corruption within the Ecclesias,
    prophesied earlier by the apostles, had become a

Why Did He Write?
  • v. 4 "There are certain men crept in, unawares. "
  • v.10 "These speak evil. . . "
  • v.11 "They have gone in the way of Cain . . .
    "and ran greedily after the error of Balaam . .
  • v.12 "These are spots in your feasts . . ."
  • v.16 "These are murmurers, complainers, walking
    after their own lusts . . . Their mouths
    speaketh great swelling words
  • v.19 These be they who separate themselves

Who Were the False Teachers?
  • They were brethren who had taken up an extreme
    position in opposition to the Judaizers.
  • Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
    Rom 61-2

Who Were the False Teachers?
  • Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking
    perverse things, to draw away (the-RV, WEY)
    disciples after them. Therefore watch, and
    remember, that by the space of three years I
    ceased not to warn every one night and day with
    tears. Acts 2030,31
  • As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of
    these things in which are some things hard to be
    understood, which they that are unlearned and
    unstable wrest, as they do also the other
    scriptures, unto their own destruction. Ye
    therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things
    before, beware lest ye also, being led away with
    the error of the wicked, fall from your own
    stedfastness. 2 Pet 316,17
  • See also 2 Pet. 23, 18, 20 3 1 Tim. 41 2
    Tim. 31

Who Were the False Teachers?
  • They had craftily perverted the apostolic
  • By grace are ye saved, through faith and that
    not of yourselves it is the gift of God Eph.

Three Key Words
  • 1. "Beloved" Occurs 3 times. V.1, 17, 20.
  • 2. "Ungodly" Occurs 6 times. (The number of
    flesh!) V.4, 15, 18.
  • 3. "Preserved" Occurs 5 times. V.1, rendered
    "reserved", V.6, 13 "kept", V.6 and "keep", v.
  • Thus both parties are "reserved" for something
    in the Divine purpose the "beloved" will be
    preserved to inherit the Kingdom the "ungodly"
    will be "reserved" for Divine judgment!

(No Transcript)
Outline of the Epistle
  • 1. INTRODUCTION Vv. 1-2
  • What constitutes a true Believer Vv. 1- 2
  • TEACHERS Vv. 3-16
  • Their evil perversions Three basic denials ....
    Vv. 3- 4
  • Their certain doom Three historic examples Vv.
    5- 7
  • Their impious ways Three historic examples Vv.
  • Their utter depravity Six terrible metaphors
    Vv. 12-13
  • Their final destruction Enoch's testimony ....
    Vv. 14-16
  • RESOURCES Vv. 17-25
  • Recognize that apostasy has been foretold Vv.
  • Analyze actions and fruits V. 19
  • Draw upon Divine resources Vv. 20-21
  • Seek to reclaim where possible Vv. 22-23
  • Rest upon the help of Yahweh Vv. 24-25

What Constitutes a True BelieverVerses 1-2
  • For he that is called in the Lord, being a
    servant, is the Lords freeman likewise also he
    that is called, being free, is Christs servant.
    Ye are bought with a price be not ye the
    servants of men. 1 Cor. 722
  • Servants, be obedient to them that are your
    masters according to the flesh, with fear and
    trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto
    Christ Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers but
    as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God
    from the heart With good will doing service, as
    to the Lord, and not to men Knowing that
    whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same
    shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond
    or free. Eph 65-8

What Constitutes a True BelieverVerses 1-2
  • That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the
    washing of water by the word Eph 526
  • As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves
    according to the former lusts in your ignorance
    But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye
    holy in all manner of conversation Because it is
    written, Be ye holy for I am holy 1 Pet. 114-16

What Constitutes a True BelieverVerses 1-2
  • Preserved - Gk. tereo "to watch over, guard,
    preserve"a military term.
  • Called Gk. Kletos derived from klesis,
    which forms part of the word for "ecclesia". It
    conveys the idea of a call or invitation, or
    appointment to an office and also the welcome
    that one receives on such occasions. It is
    therefore a word which defines the wonderful
    binding together in love, of the family of God.

What Constitutes a True BelieverVerses 1-2
  • The "call" to the truth involves

Judes Urgency Verse 3
  • "When I gave all diligence to write unto you"
    "Though I was using all diligence to be writing
    unto you concerning our common salvation, yet
    have I had necessity to write AT ONCE unto you",
    (Rotherham, our emphasis).
  • "diligence" Gk. spoude "earnestness, zeal,
    and sometimes the haste with which a thing is
  • "The common salvation" Gk. koines somewhat
    akin to the word for "fellowship" (koinonia).
    Koines means "belonging to several". This phrase
    represents a further reminder to Jude's readers
    that the Brotherhood of Christ held the one faith
    and the hope of salvation in "common", as a
    community. The community of Believers must
    therefore be of one mind on all vital elements of
    the one faith.

Judes Urgency Verse 3
  • "And exhort you" Gk. parakaleo From "para"
    ("to the side") and "kaleo" ("to call"), thus,
    "to call to one's side".
  • Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and
    said, Who is on the LORDS side? let him come
    unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered
    themselves together unto him. EX. 3226

Judes Urgency Verse 3
  • "That ye should earnestly contend" Gk.
    epagonizomai (Strg. Bullinger)"to contend about
    a thing, as a combatant" (Vine)
  • Described by some authors as the strongest word
    in the New Testament, the word literally means
  • Only let your conversation be as it becometh the
    gospel of Christ that whether I come and see
    you, or else be absent, I may hear of your
    affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with
    one mind striving together for the faith of the
    gospel Phil. 127
  • This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy,
    according to the prophecies which went before on
    thee, that thou by them mightest war a good
    warfare 1 Tim. 118
  • Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on
    eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and
    hast professed a good profession before many
    witnesses. 1 Tim. 612
  • I have fought a good fight, I have finished my
    course, I have kept the faith Henceforth there
    is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which
    the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at
    that day and not to me only, but unto all them
    also that love his appearing. 2 Tim 47-8

Judes Urgency Verse 3
  • "The faith" This was to be the subject of the
    contention. "The faith" is not something vague or
    abstract nor is it mere theoretic knowledge. It
    is the power (English, dynamo) of God unto
    salvation Rom. 116
  • The faith" comes by "hearing . . .the word of
    God" Rom. 1017.
  • Without the faith it is impossible to please
    God Heb. 116
  • It has been delivered as a finality- once for
    all (R.V. and Roth)

The Three Basic Denials Verse 4
  • "Crept in unawares" This phrase is one word in
    the Greek, pareisduno "to settle in alongside
    to lodge stealthily" (Strong) "to slip in,
    insinuate one's self, to go or come in by
    stealth" (Bullinger).
  • And that because of false brethren unawares
    brought in, who came in privily to spy out our
    liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they
    might bring us into bondage Gal. 24
  • But there were false prophets also among the
    people, even as there shall be false teachers
    among you, who privily shall bring in damnable
    heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them,
    and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And
    many shall follow their pernicious ways by
    reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil
    spoken of. 2 Pet. 21
  • How did such men manage to rise to prominence and
    influence in the Ecclesias? Matt. 1324-25. Cp.
    Acts 2029-31 Eph. 513-14

The Three Basic Denials Verse 4
  • Liberty to License
  • Misunderstood the Doctrine of the Atonement
  • Denied the Doctrine of God Manifestation

Their Certain DoomThree Historic Examples
Verses 5-7
  • The Children of Israel the doom of
    faithlessness. (Lust of Eyes)
  • The Angels Which Kept Not Their First Estate
    the fate of pride. (Pride of Life)
  • Sodom and Gomorrha the destiny of self-
    indulgence and depravity. (Lust of Flesh)

The Children of Israel The Doom of Faithlessness
  • Men were not ushered into being for the purpose
    of being saved or lost! God Manifestation, not
    human salvation, was the great purpose of the
    Eternal Spirit. The salvation of a multitude is
    incidental to the manifestation, but not the end
    proposed. -Dr. Thomas

The Children of Israel The Doom of Faithlessness
  • Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest
    he fall 1 Cor. 1012
  • They might be unto Yahweh for a people, and a
    name and a praise and a glory Jer. 1311
  • Every one that is called by My Name . . . I have
    created him for My glory Isa. 437

The Angels Which Kept Not Their First Estate
The Fate of Pride
  • The rebellion of Korah, Dathan and Abiram Num.
    16, Num. 269-11. 273, Deut. 116-8. Psa.
  • They "left their first estate," or "their own
    principality" (see mg.) or position of authority.
    The word archon, here translated "estate,"
    signifies "authority," or "rule."
  • Habitation they deserted their proper abode
    Weymouth, they forsook their proper dwelling

(No Transcript)
Sodom and Gomorrha The Destiny of Self-
Indulgence and Depravity
  • Not just their sin but their attitude towards
    itThe shew of their countenance doth witness
    against them and they declare their sin as
    Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for
    they have rewarded evil unto themselves Isa. 39
  • The people openly supported the wicked in
    opposition to the righteous I have seen also in
    the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing they
    commit adultery, and walk in lies they
    strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none
    doth return from his wickedness they are all of
    them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants
    thereof as Gomorrah Jer. 2314
  • Their sin was fleshly pride induced by
    idlenessBehold, this was the iniquity of thy
    sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and
    abundance of idleness was in her and in her
    daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of
    the poor and needy Ezek. 1649

Sodom and Gomorrha An Example of the
Destruction Awaiting Babylon the Great Rev.
1410, 188
  • Her judgment is consummated by a fiery
    overthrowshe will be consumed in fire. The
    foulness and filthiness of her abominations, and
    the similitude of the fate that awaits her, has
    caused the Great City and State to be
    spiritually called Sodom and Egypt (ch. 118).
    The punishment of Sodom will be Romes, and
    perhaps, that also of the whole Patrimony of St.
    Peter. This will consummate the plagues which
    begin her torment and sorrow in one and the same
    year after the Aion-tidings of good salutes the
    ears of Israel in Rome. But following upon
    pestilence, and famine is the twofold rendering
    of torment and anguish by the troops of Michael,
    the Great Prince, who invades her territory and
    becomes a smoking furnace of judgment, a lake of
    fire burning with brimstone (ch. 1919). From
    this she never emerges, and therefore, like
    Sodom, suffers the vengeance of a fire which is
    eternal (Jude 7)
  • -Dr. Thomas

Their Impious Ways Verse 8
  • "Likewise" The word signifies "in like manner,"
    and not merely "also."
  • Rotherham In their dreamings, sometimes a
    divine agency Acts 217. But the law warned
    against false dreamers Duet 131-5, Jer. 2322-32

Their Impious Ways Verse 8
  • "Defile the flesh" They recognize no
    restrictions as to what they can do, and thus
    indulge in the grossest immorality, as did Sodom.
  • "Despise dominion" They despise "lordship"
    (Diaglott), or authority, divine or otherwise, as
    did Korah, Dathan and Abiram.
  • "Speak evil of dignities"Lit. they "blaspheme
    glories" (doxas) that which should be the subject
    of praise (see 2 Pet. 210).

Their Impious Ways Verse 9
  • The example of Michael the Archangel
  • - Who is like EL
  • - The Angel of Yahwehs presence Isa. 639, Ex.
    23 20-23 3314
  • - Archangel chief messenger Roth.
  • - Israels Prince Dan 1013, 21 121
  • His work to be assumed by the Lord Jesus

Their Impious Ways Verse 9
  • And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing
    before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing
    at his right hand to resist him. And the LORD
    said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan
    even the LORD that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke
    thee is not this a brand plucked out of the
    fire? Zech. 31-2

Their Impious Ways Verse 9
  • Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather
    give place unto wrath for it is written,
    Vengeance is mine I will repay, saith the Lord.
    Rom 1219
  • My defence is of God, which saveth the upright in
    heart. God judgeth the righteous, and God is
    angry with the wicked every day. Psa. 710-11

Their Impious Ways Verse 10
  • They spoke evil of those things they understood
    not namely, the doctrine of the Atonement, God
    manifestation and the true liberty of the Gospel.
    (The 3 denials of verse 4)
  • Brute Beasts They reasoned from the
    standpoint of the flesh just like animals. Hence
    the term "brutish" is used of such people. See
    Psa. 4910 926 948 Prov. 121 Jer. 108

The Great Difference Between Man and the Lower
  • While image, then, hath reference to form or
    shape, likeness hath regard to mental
    constitution, or capacity. From the shape of his
    head, as compared with other creatures, it is
    evident that man has a mental capacity which
    distinguishes him above them all. Their likeness
    to him is faint. They can think but their
    thoughts are only sensual. They have no moral
    sentiments, or high intellectual aspirations but
    are grovelling in all their instincts, which
    incline only to the earth. In proportion as their
    heads assume the human form in the same ratio do
    they excel each other in sagacity and, as in the
    monkey tribe, display a greater likeness to man.
    But, let the case be reversed let the human head
    degenerate from the godlike perfection of the
    Elohim, the standard of beauty in shape and
    feature let it diverge to the image of an apes,
    and the human animal no longer presents the image
    and likeness of the Elohim but rather, the
    chattering imbecility of the creature most
    resembling it in form. Adams mental capacity
    enabled him to comprehend and receive spiritual
    ideas, which moved him to veneration, hope,
    conscientiousness, the expression of his views,
    affections, and so forth. Seth was capable of the
    like display of intellectual and moral phenomena
    and of an assimilation of character to that of
    his father. He was therefore in the likeness as
    well as in the image of Adam and, in the same
    sense, they were both after the likeness of the
  • Dr. Thomas

Their Impious WaysThree Historic Examples
Verse 11
  • Cainan example of unbelief and repudiation of
    God's will.
  • Balaam a prophet speaking the words of Yahweh,
    yet descending to seduction and immorality to
    gain his ends.
  • Korahan example of personified pride,
    illustrating the inevitable end of those who
    refuse to submit to the authority of Yahweh's

Their Utter Depravity Six Terrible Metaphors
Verses 12-13
  • Spots in feasts of charity
  • Feeding themselves without fear
  • Clouds without water
  • Trees without fruit
  • Raging waves of the sea
  • Wandering stars

Spots In Feasts of Charity
  • Spots hidden rocks Diag.
  • Holding faith, and a good conscience which some
    having put away concerning faith have made
    shipwreck 1 Tim. 119
  • When they feast with you They boldly carouse
    together RSV

Feeding Themselves Without Fear
  • "Feeding" is literally "shepherding. Like the
    greedy, ignorant "shepherds" of Israel, these
    false teachers fed themselves but not the flock
    they consumed the well-fed of the flock (Ezek.
    341-3) by gross commercialization of religion,
    "making merchandise" of the wealthy among the
    ecclesia (2 Pet. 23).

Clouds Without Water
  • Clouds without water impressive, full of
    promise, but empty. Whoso boasteth himself of a
    false gift is like clouds and wind without rain
    Prov 2514.
  • "Carried about of winds"Paul uses a similar term
    in Eph. 414, when he describes certain "winds of
    doctrine." These false teachers carefully select
    their words and teaching to conform to popular
    desires, thus pandering to the flesh.

Trees Without Fruit
  • The Diaglott renders "Bare autumn trees,
    unfruitful for two seasons, dead, rooted up."
  • RSV renders Fruitless trees in late autumn
  • How different to the righteous who are destined
    to constitute "the wood of life for the healing
    of the nations" Rev. 222

Raging Waves of the Sea
  • Wild, vehement, furious, uncontrollable,
    destructive. But the wicked are like the
    troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters
    cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith
    my God, to the wicked Isa 5720-21
  • But to the righteousYahweh on high is mightier
    than the noise of many waters, yea, than the
    mighty waves of the sea Psa 934

Wandering Stars
  • Refers literally to meteors, not fixed, useless
    for light and guidance, but impressive. Compare
    these to the wiseAnd they that be wise shall
    shine as the brightness of the firmament and
    they that turn many to righteousness as the stars
    for ever and ever Dan 123

Enochs TestimonyVerses 14-16
  • His name means dedicated or initiated.
  • Typical of those alive at Christs return.
  • "The Lord cometh with ten thousands of his
    saints" en hagiais musiasin autou, which
    literally signifies, "in holy myriads of himself.

Enochs TestimonyVerses 14-16
  • "To execute judgment"See 2 Thess. 16-10.
  • "Upon all" The judgments of the Flood involved
    all both the sons of God, or the line of Seth,
    as well as the arrogant and blasphemous line of
    Cain. Christ's judgment will do likewise. He will
    judge both the household and the world at large
    (Rom. 25-16 2 Thess. 15-10), but it is a
    Divine principle that "judgment must begin at the
    household of God"

Enochs TestimonyVerses 14-16
  • "Murmurers" The word in Greek gongustes
    signifies to mutter.
  • "Complainers"The Greek word mempsimoiros is
    compounded of memphomai, "to blame," and moira, a
    fate, or lot, hence, "blamers of fate," or people
    who find fault with life as ordered by God.
  • "Walking after their own lusts This third
    characteristic links with the third example
    Sodom and Gomorrah (V.7).
  • "Speaking great swelling words These are people
    who rule by words, who say "our lips are our own,
    who is Lord over us" Psa. 122-4.
  • "Having men's persons in admiration"Because of
    advantage" The Diaglott renders "For the sake
    of gain." They are prepared to defer to others if
    it means that they themselves will benefit.

The Way To Contend AvailableResources Verses
  • Recognize that apostasy has been foretold Vv.
  • Analyze actions and fruits V. 19
  • Draw upon Divine resources Vv. 20-21
  • Seek to reclaim where possible Vv. 22-23
  • Rest upon the help of Yahweh Vv. 24-25

Recognize That Apostasy Has Been Foretold Verses
  • Both Peter and Paul had clearly warned of the
    danger that now threatened every believer (see 2
    Pet. 21 1 Tim. 31-9 41-2).
  • Knowing this first, that there shall come in the
    last days scoffers, walking after their own
    lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his
    coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all
    things continue as they were from the beginning
    of the creation. For this they willingly are
    ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens
    were of old, and the earth standing out of the
    water and in the water Whereby the world that
    then was, being overflowed with water, perished
    But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by
    the same word are kept in store, reserved unto
    fire against the day of judgment and perdition of
    ungodly men. 2 Pet. 3 3-7

Analyze Actions and Fruits Verse 19
  • "These be they who separate themselves" The
    Greek word apodiorize signifies to "set up
    bounds," "establish lines of demarcation,
    "create sects or cliques."
  • "Having not the spirit" The "spirit" is a term
    used to define the power of the Truth believed,
    so that to be "led of the Spirit is to be led of
    the Truth (Gal. 518) But if ye be led of the
    Spirit, ye are not under the law

Draw Upon Divine Resources Verses 20-21
  • 4 steps or means to successful living in the
  • "Building up yourselves on your most holy faith"
  • "Praying in the Holy Spirit
  • "Keep yourselves in the love of God"
  • "Looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ"

Seek To Reclaim Where Possible Verses 22-23
  • "And of some have compassion, making a
    difference" RSV renders "Convince some who
  • "And others save with fear" Jude would have us
    go about the work of converting with fear, lest
    we be adversely affected by the controversy.
  • "Pulling them out of the fire -Rotherham links
    with V.22 "Such as are in doubt be saving, out
    of the fire snatching them." (Amos 411 see also
    Zech. 32).
  • "Hating even the garment spotted by the
    flesh"Note the instructions of the Law in regard
    to the garments of a leper (Lev. 1347-52).

Rest Upon the Help of Yahweh Verses 24-25
  • No warfare will be victorious without Yahweh's
    help, and that is readily available to all who
    seek Him. So Jude concludes by directing his
    readers to the great Source of Comfort, Power,
    and Victory.

  • Our consideration of these short epistles is
    concluded, and what shall we say to sum it all
    up? We can say this, that the experience of the
    Truth reveals much that is fine, and noble, and
    good, but intermixed with it there is that which
    is evil, and wrong, and sad. There are manifested
    many griefs, many errors, but also a continual
    experience of the love and mercy of God. Thus we
    take both comfort and courage.

  • Our duty remains clear To contend earnestly for
    the Faith once for all delivered to the saints
    to preserve in its purity that which is our most
    precious possession. Both Peter and Jude have
    instructed us not to be carried away with the
    absurd outcry against "contention" and the
    "fighting spirit". That spirit, properly
    controlled, as these brethren have taught us to
    control it, is a constructive spirit, and very
    little constructive or helpful work has been done
    by the smooth speaking and placid contentment

  • Admittedly, a mere fighting man is useless he
    destroys without creating and there are such.
    But we do not have to be among their number. We
    can be creative as we contend we can show favour
    as we fight we can manifest love as we labor in
    the doctrine and if we do it all under the
    guidance of the Spirit-word, we will do it with
    the prospect of ultimate victory ever before us.
    Let that be our aim, and to God alone, our
    Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory
    and majesty, dominion and power, both now and for
    the ages. Amen!
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