Title: The Changing of Seasons
1The Changing of Seasons
Justin Kaplan
The work reported herein was supported by the
National ScienceFoundation, award 0841377,
through a grant to Temple University.The
opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the
position of thesupporting agencies and no
official endorsement should be inferred.
2What is color?
- White light is really the entire visible
spectrum - Short waves violet-blue-green high energy,
dont go as far - Long waves red-orange low energy, travel
3What is color?
4What is color?
It is something that we perceive. The nerves in
our eyes see a certain wavelength and our brain
says that is green at the same time blending
the light we see into one image.
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande
Jatte by George Seurat
5What is color?
Chemical compounds that reflect light are called
Pigments. More important than reflecting light
is the ability of pigments to absorb certain
light wavelengths.
6Sunlight is gathered by chlorophyll and the
energy is then given to compounds in the
chloroplasts to make glucose and oxygen
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9The days start getting shorter, the temperature
is starting to get cooler and the tree begins to
hibernate for the winter. They stop producing
chlorophyll and begin to live off the food stores
that they have created during summer.
Reddish Pink
11Carotenoids are pigments in the plant that
reflect different colors other than green.
They do not play a direct role in
photosynthesis, meaning they do not transfer the
energy they gather from light directly to the
photosynthetic pathway. They in turn transfer
their energy to chlorophyll which then gives its
energy to the photosynthetic pathway.
They do not play a direct role in photosynthesis,
they transfer their energy to chlorophyll
12Fun Fact
13Pigment extraction lab