ISO Certification for Better Policing: The Rajasthan Experience - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ISO Certification for Better Policing: The Rajasthan Experience


ISO Certification for Better Policing: The Rajasthan Experience Rajasthan Police Presented by Nina Singh, IGP What is ISO Certification? ISO stands for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ISO Certification for Better Policing: The Rajasthan Experience

ISO Certification for Better Policing The
Rajasthan Experience
Rajasthan Police
Presented by Nina Singh, IGP
What is ISO Certification?
  • ISO stands for International Organization for
    Standardization- world wide federation of
    national standard bodies with headquarters in
    Geneva, Switzerland
  • Accredited certification bodies audit
    organizations for ISO certification for a fee.
  • NABCB is the Accreditation Body in India

ISO 90012000 Standard - Some Facts
  • Requirements for Quality Management System
  • Aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the
    effective application of the system, including
    processes for continual improvement of the system
    and the assurance of conformity to customer and
    applicable regulatory requirements.

Characteristics of QM
  • Quality Control Quality Management
  • Past Future
  • Detect faults Prevent errors
  • Look for guilty persons Look for defaults in the
  • Accuse Help, Moderate, Facilitate
  • Punish Motivate
  • Micro-management Systematic and systemic
  • (Source http//

ISO as a vehicle for reform
  • A set of procedures that covers all key processes
  • Monitoring mechanisms to ensure effective
  • Knowledge Management by documentation and quality
    record keeping
  • Sustained checking for non-conformity and
    corrective action
  • Regular external audit of the processes and the
    quality management system
  • Facilitating continual improvement
  • QUALITYCONSISTENCY is the mantra

Why ISO in Police?
  • Police is generally perceived as a closed
    organization with processes being arbitrary,
    insensitive and unresponsive
  • Ad-hoc responsibilities and unclear roles
  • Police persons especially at the citizen
    interface level are often disinterested,
    de-motivated and suffer from low self esteem
  • Inspection as a monitoring tool has not proved

Why Police Stations?
  • Police station is the most critical unit at the
    cutting edge level
  • Provides variety of services to citizens
    especially those in distress
  • Processes defined by police manuals, standing
    orders, rules etc
  • Conventional tool of compliance is Inspection

Objectives of ISO 90012000 Police Stations
  • To ensure transparency in the functioning of the
    police stations
  • To enhance accountability of the police personnel
    deployed in police stations
  • To improve efficiency of the service delivery to
    the citizens specially those in distress

Phased Approach
  • Vidhyak Puri police station in Jaipur City was
    the first to initiate the process (2005)
  • BVQI (now BV) was chosen as the auditing/
    certifying agency for its impeccable reputation
  • It was then extended to cover at least one police
    station in each district
  • In total, 41 police stations have obtained ISO

ISO Police Stations
  • Legend
  • ISO Police Stations
  • Total No of PS 41

Choice of Police Stations
  • One police station in each district identified by
    the local SP
  • Identification criteria included
  • Capability of the local leadership
  • Varying levels of crime and LO situations
  • Both rural and urban police stations
  • Some districts chose more than one police station

Implementation Stages
  • Training of police station staff
  • Identification of processes
  • Prevention of crime Maintenance of LO
  • Registration of FIR Investigation
  • VIP Security
  • Determine the sequence and interaction of these
  • General Services

Processes, their interaction and Customer
Registration of FIR Investigation
Receipt of Information
Non cognizable offences
Other reports
Cognizable offences
Lodging of FIR
Decision on report
Breach of peace
Missing persons
Appointment of I.O.
Enquiry on the spot
Non cognizable Offences
Investigation of report at P.S.
Relief to complainant
Entry in Register Rojnamcha
Investigation at the place of incidence
Action u/s 182 IPC, 211 IPC on false complaint
Completion of investigation reporting
Filing of FR/ Charge sheet in the Court
Decision by Court
Justice to applicant
General services like Passport/ Character
Prevention of crime
Implementation Stages
  • Determine criteria and methods to ensure
    effective operation and control of these
  • Preparation of organizational chart
  • Defining roles and responsibilities of personnel
  • Fixing objectives and time limits of the
    processes (Quality Objective)

Organizational Chart
Pushpendra Singh Police Inspector Overall
Incharge of all activity
Karan Singh ASI Likhma Ram SI Hajari Lal ASI Rajendra Kumar SI Jagan Singh ASI Nathu Singh ASI Rajendra Singh ASI Ram Singh ASI Godu Ram ASI Guman Singh HC
Beat Arrangement M.R. for Quality Management as per ISO System Case Officer Scheme Management of Malkhana Record Management Receipt/Dispatch of Dak
Patrolling System Control of Records Documents of ISO Lodging of FIR Supervision of investigation work Maintenance of Arms etc. Standing warrants Wireless Management
Nakabandi Vehicle Checking Training of ISO Surveillance on Hardcore Criminals Women Desk Management Arrest of Proclaimed offender Maintenance of Vehicles
Surveillance of Criminals Reception room Arrangement Supervision of enquiries of Complaints Maintenance of Govt./ Non Govt. / Seized property Compliance of instructions of Human Right Commission Summon warrants
Preventive Action Arrangements for getting feedback from visitors complainant General Service eg. Verification of Passport/ License etc. permission Management of Lockup/ First aid Maintenance of History sheet Reply of letters received
CLG PPCC Arrangement Analysis of feedback data Maintenance of P.S./ Mess/ Barrack Filing of FR/ Challan Istagasa u/s 182,211 IPC in the Court Duty/ Patrolling/ Leave management
Arrangement for Private Security Persons Arrangements for internal audit Maintenance of computer, telephone, wireless photo stat machine Cleaniness, electricity/ water supply for P.S.
Contacts with NGOs
Karan Singh ASI Likhma Ram SI Nathu Singh ASI Rajendra Kumar SI Ram Singh ASI Guman Singh HC
Hajari Lal ASI Rajendra Singh ASI Jagan Singh ASI Godu Ram ASI Hanuman Sahay HC (Night)
Naththu Ram HC Rampal HC Rameswar Prashad Shankar Singh HC Brajraj Saini ASI Indra Devi HM (Record)
Mukesh Kumar FC Ramprashad FC Satyendra Kumar FC Rajendr Singh HC Jai Singh FC Murlidhar (Mess) FC
Bharat Singh Ranveer Singh FC Babu Lal FC Kailash Chand FC Mangla Ram FC Anand Meena (Driver) FC
Dinesh Kumar Bahadur Singh FC Shiv Kumar FC Ummaid Singh FC Bhawar Lal FC Satish Kumar (Driver) FC
Mahipal Singh FC Rajesh Kumar FC Shtish Kumar FC Surendra Kumar FC Mohan Singh FC Sunita (Lady Const.)
Chandrapal FC Mohan Lal FC Shyoraj Singh FC Lal Chand FC Neelam (Lady Const)
Bharat Singh FC Kailash Chand FC Hari Prashad FC Mahendra Kumar FC
Ram Kumar FC Mahaveer Prashad FC Shamkar Lal FC
Murari Lal FC Ramkumar FC
Hawa Singh FC Jhabar Lal FC
Bharat Singh FC Naresh Prakash FC
Vijay Kumar FC Amar Chand FC
Quality Objectives- Some Examples
S.N. Work details Objectives
1 Registering FIR copy to complainant i) One page of FIR ii) Each additional page 30 minutes 15 minutes
2 Response time in reaching the spot a) Up to 1 km distance b) For every additional one km 20 minutes Addition of 5 minutes per km
3 Verification of Passport/ Character/ Arms license etc. 15 days
4 Enquiry for permission regarding use of Public Address System and Rallies 7 days
Quality Objectives- Some Examples
S.N. Work details Objectives
5 Time limit for completion of investigation (a) Bailable crimes (b) Non-bailable crimes (I) With 7 years of punishment (II) With more than 7 years of punishment 30 days 60 days 90 days
6 Disposal of Malkhana items Disposal of seized property during the search of arrested persons Relating to cases Seized u/s 102 CRPC Seized u/s 25 Police Act Other items ( per annum) 100 disposal 25 disposal 50 disposal 50 disposal 50 disposal
Implementation Stages
  • Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures
    (SOPs) and Instructions
  • Documentation as required by ISO
  • Quality Manual

List of SOPs
S.N. ISO-9001 (Clause) SOP Document no.
1 4-2-3 Control of Document SOP/001
2 4-2-4 Control of Records SOP/002
3 8-2-2 Internal Audit SOP/003
4 8-3 Control over non-conformity SOP/004
5 8-5-2 Corrective Action SOP/005
6 8-5-3 Preventive Action SOP/006
7 7-5 Parameters responsibilities for compliance of Instructions SOP/007
List of Instructions
S.N. ISO-9001 (Clause) Instructions Document no
1 7-5 Beat System Inst./ 001
2 7-5 Patrolling System Inst./ 002
3 7-5 Nakabandi Vehicle checking Inst./ 003
4 7-5 Surveillance over Criminals Inst./ 004
5 7-5 Preventive action Inst./ 005
6 7-5 Police Public Partnership System Inst./ 006
7 7-5 Community Liaision Groups Inst./ 007
8 7-5 Arrangements for Private Security Officials Inst./ 008
9 7-5 Contact with NGOs Inst./ 009
10 7-5 Wireless management Inst./ 010
11 7-5 History-sheeters Inst./ 011
12 7-5 Surveillance on Hardcore Criminals Inst./ 012
13 7-5 Case Officer Scheme Inst./ 013
14 7-5 Supervision of Dak (Mail) Inst./ 014
15 7-5 Women Desk Inst./ 015
16 7-5 Reception Room Inst./ 016
17 7-5 Proclaimed Offenders Inst./ 017
18 7-5 Standing warrants Inst./ 018
19 7-5 VIP security arrangements Inst./ 019
20 7-5 Lodging of FIR Investigation Inst./ 020
21 7-5 Maintenance of Arms Inst./ 021
22 7-5 Verification of General Passport, Arms License, Character Verification etc. Inst./ 022
23 7-5 Management of Malkhana Inst./ 023
24 7-5 Maintenance of vehicles Inst./ 024
25 7-5 Record related work Inst./ 025
Implementation Stages
  • Resources to support and monitor the operation
  • Commitment at Management Level

  • Deputing Management Representatives (SI/ASI)
  • Feed Back
  • Corrective Actions
  • Preventive Actions

Audits Management Reviews
  • Daily Checking by SHO
  • Random Quarterly Review by SHO
  • Internal audit at every six months
  • Management Review every six months in the
    presence of SP, Addl SP, Dy SP
  • Annual External Audit after two MRs (one main
    audit and two surveillance audits in three year

Impact of ISO 90002001
  • Transparent Functioning
  • Public display of stated policies and targets
  • Information desk
  • Mahila desk
  • System of Receipts

Information Desk
Women Desk
Receipt to complainants
Impact of ISO 90012000
  • Improved Accountability
  • Clear, well-defined responsibility matrix
  • Improved Efficiency
  • Better time management
  • Better personnel management
  • Better resource management
  • Knowledge Management

Impact of ISO 90012000
  • Participatory management
  • Leadership Qualities
  • Team building
  • Motivation
  • Commitment

Impact of ISO 90012000
  • Increased Employee Satisfaction
  • Empowerment
  • Capacity building (Stress management,
    communication, soft skills etc)
  • Improved work environment (work stations, mess,

Work Station
Old Record Room
Record Room after ISO
Old Mal khana
Mal Khana after ISO
Old Barrack
New Barrack after ISO
Impact on Service Delivery
  • FIR registration became time bound
  • 30 minutes for first page
  • 15 minutes for every additional page
  • Time taken to reach the crime spot reduced
  • 20 minutes for the first km
  • 5 minutes extra for every addition in kms
  • 90 of investigations completed within the time
  • 30 days bailable offence
  • 60 days for offences with 7 years of penalty
  • 90 days for offences with more than 7 years of

Impact on Service Delivery
  • Reduction up to 50 in percentage of pending
  • Detection of property offences increased by 9 to
    30 in various police stations
  • Percentage increase in service of summons and
    warrants in various police stations
  • Summons 5 to 20
  • Bailable Warrants 12 to 15
  • Arrest warrants 10 to 12
  • Attachment of property warrants 10 to 21

Impact on Service Delivery
  • Verification time reduced considerably
  • 100 Passport verification in 15 days
  • 100 Arms License application verified in 15 days
  • 100 Character verification in 15 days
  • (Typically these activities took months earlier
    in the absence of standards)
  • Malkhana disposal increased up to 20 per annum
  • Retrieval of malkhana items in one minute
  • Retrieval of records in one minute

External Audit Report
  • Improvements Observed
  • Visible change in attitude
  • Good maintenance and retrieval of records
  • Improvement in general housekeeping
  • Increased peoples satisfaction on the basis of

External Audit Report
  • Areas of concern
  • More awareness needed regarding ISO among staff
    and senior officers
  • More involvement of supervisory officers (SP,
    Addl SP, Dy SP) needed
  • Shortage of manpower


  • Police stations that topped in International
    Police Station Visitors Week organized by ALTUS
    Global International, The Hague, Netherlands were
    those that adopted this ISO Standard, viz. Shipra
    Path, Vidhyak Puri, Ramganj and Jhotwara

  • Resistance to change
  • Misgivings about the concept
  • Inadequacy of resources
  • Manpower
  • Equipment
  • Budget
  • Factors beyond control

  • Objective evaluation for impact assessment
  • Processes found effective should be
  • Resources and funds for ISO police stations
    should be supported by GOI funding
  • Coverage should be scaled up

Visitor Comments
  • This is not an ISO police Station but an EYE
    OPENER Police Station.

  • Shiv Khera
  • International Motivator

Visitor Comments
This Police Station have been completely turned
around and is now a model Police Station..
Admiral Madhvendra Singh Former Naval Chief
Visitor Comments
I have not seen a Police Station like this in my
life. I will be back for another visit
Dr Bibek Debroy Economist
Visitor Comments
One needs to visit this police station if
one has to see the powerful impact that change
in behavior and attitude can have. If all
policemen or, even most of them emulate the
example of this PS , the police neednt worry
about its image P.C. SHARMA
Member National Human Rights
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