Inter American University of Puerto Rico Guayama Campus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Inter American University of Puerto Rico Guayama Campus


Inter American University of Puerto Rico Guayama Campus Title V Cooperative Project Past Progressive Module Prof. Marisol Piazza Aguirre Instructions Use the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Inter American University of Puerto Rico Guayama Campus

Inter American University of Puerto RicoGuayama
  • Title V Cooperative Project
  • Past Progressive Module
  • Prof. Marisol Piazza Aguirre

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  • this module

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  • This module proposes to expand the basic
  • teaching-learning activities of English
    included in
  • the Title V Cooperative Project Improving
    Academic Outcomes Through a Teaching-Based
    Consortium Program for the Core Curriculum. The
    project is integrated by the Pontifical Catholic
    University of Puerto Rico in Ponce from where it
    is directed, the Arecibo, Mayagüez and Guayama
    Campuses, the School of Plastic Arts of Puerto
    Rico and Inter American University of Puerto
    Rico, Guayama Campus.

  • One of the most important verb tenses an
    ESL (English Second Language) student should
    master to communicate effectively in English
    orally as well as in written form is the Past
    Progressive Tense.
  • This module has been designed for all
    college students but specially for you students
    who are registered in the basic English as a
    Second Language I, GEEN 1101 course. In this
    module, you will study and review the rules of
    how to use the Past Progressive Tense correctly.

  • General Objective
  • By the end of this module, the student
    will develop confidence and demonstrate knowledge
    using the Past Progressive correctly to express
    actions that were occurring at specific times in
    the past.
  • Specific Objective
  • At the end of this module, the student
    will use affirmative and negative sentences,
    direct questions, short yes/no answers,
    wh-questions (information questions) and answers
    giving pertinent information in the Past

Pre-Test (Affirmative Sentences)
  • Select the best answer.
  • __ 1. I ___ last night when the electricity went
  • (A) am studying (B) was studying (C)
  • __ 2. We ___ tennis yesterday at 600 P.M.
  • (A) are playing (B) was playing
    (C) were playing
  • __ 3. John ___ and Cecilia was taking pictures.
  • (A) was driving (B) is driving
    (C) was driveing
  • __ 4. While mother ___ yesterday evening, I
    prepared the salad.
  • (A) was cooking (B) is cooking
    (C) cooks
  • __ 5. They ___ the house when we arrived
  • (A) was cleaning (B) are cleaning
    (C) were cleaning

Pre-Test (Negative Sentences)
  • __ 6. The little boy ___ when he fell into the
  • (A) isnt running (B) wasnt
    running (C) wasnt runing
  • __ 7. Mr. and Mrs. Williams ___ when the robbery
  • (A) werent traveling (B) arent
    traveling (C) wasnt traveling
  • __ 8. The printers at the Computer Lab. ____ last
  • (A) werent working (B) wasnt working
    (C) arent working
  • __ 9. The sun ___ brightly this morning.
  • (A) werent shining (B) wasnt
    shineing (C) wasnt shining
  • __10. Sharon ____ attention in class yesterday.
  • (A) isnt paying (B) wasnt
    paying (C) werent paying

Pre-Test (Yes/No Questions)
  • __ 11. ___ you ___ to the news last night ?
  • (A) Was, listening (B) Are, listening (C)
    Were, listening
  • __ 12. ___ Carlos ___ his car yesterday afternoon
  • (A) Is, fixing (B) Was, fixing
    (C) Was, fixxing
  • __ 13. ___ we ___ at the meeting last Monday ?
  • (A) Were, interrupting (B) Were,
    interupting (C) Are, interrupting
  • __ 14. ___ the stores ___ when you arrived ?
  • (A) Were, closeing (B) Are, closing (C)
    Were, closing
  • __ 15. ___ the man ___ to his wife about the
    money he had spent.
  • (A) Was, lying (B) Is, lying
    (C) Was, lieing

Pre-Test (Wh-Questions)
  • __ 16. Why ___ the audience ___ at the end of the
    movie ?
  • (A) were, crying (B) was, crying (C) are,
  • __ 17. Who ____ a lot last night ?
  • (A) was sneezeing (B) was sneezing (C)
    is sneezing
  • __ 18. When ___ they ___ for Christmas presents ?
  • (A) was, shopping (B) were, shoping
    (C) were, shopping
  • __ 19. Where ___ Robert and Paola ___ when you
    saw them ?
  • (A) were, going (B) are, going
    (C) was, going
  • __ 20. What ___ Angie ___ yesterday night ?
  • (A) was, sewwing (B) were, sewing
    (C) was, sewing

Pre-Test Answer Key
  • 1. B 11. C
  • 2. C 12. B
  • 3. A 13. A
  • 4. A 14. C
  • 5. C 15. A
  • 6. B 16. B
  • 7. A 17. B
  • 8. A 18. C
  • 9. C 19. A
  • 10. B 20. C

Pre-Test Evaluation
  • Total Correct Answers
  • 20 Excellent Go to the
  • 19 Very Good Review the incorrect
    answer and go
  • to the Post-Test.
  • 18-12 Good Review the incorrect
    answers, study the rules
  • presented in this module,
    do the practice exercises and
  • then go to the Post-Test.
  • 11 or You Need More Practice Study the
    module, review the
  • less rules carefully and do the
    practice exercises. When
  • you improve your score,
    you may go to the Post-Test.

Past Progressive
  • The Past Progressive has two parts
  • BE (was/were) and Verb ing
  • Examples
  • 1. I was watching TV at 1030 last night.
  • 2. He was reading when the explosion
  • 3. They were painting while we were

Past Progressive
  • Use the Past Progressive tense to
  • Talk about activities that were or werent
    happening at a specific time in the past.
  • Example
  • 1. We were watching TV last night at 900.
  • 2. We werent sleeping last night at 900.

Past Progressive
  • Talk about two or more activities that were
    happening at the same time.
  • Example
  • 1. With and Jake was driving and Cecilia
    was taking
  • pictures.
  • 2. With while While Jake was driving,
    Cecilia was taking
  • pictures.

Past Progressive
  • Describe a scene when you tell a story
  • Example
  • The sun was shining. Many people were
    swimming in the clear, blue water of the lake

Language Notes
  • When while comes at the beginning of a sentence,
    add a comma.
  • When while comes in the middle of a sentence, do
    not add a comma.
  • Non-action verbs are not used in the past
    progressive tense

Non-Action Verbs (Do not add -ing)
Senses Feelings Opinion Possession Mental Status Other
feel feel agree belong forget be
hear hate believe have know cost
look like disagree own remember mean
see love feel understand need
smell think owe
sound want
Some Examples of Past Tense Time Expressions
  • yesterday 10 minutes ago
  • yesterday morning 5 days ago
  • yesterday afternoon 3 weeks ago
  • yesterday evening 2 Saturdays ago
  • last night 4 months
  • last Friday 7 years ago
  • last week 2 semesters
  • last weekend 2 summers ago
  • last month in 1970
  • last Christmas in the year
    2000 etc

Spelling Rules
  • Rule 1 Add -ing to the base form of most
  • Examples
  • drink-drinking
  • eat-eating
  • play-playing
  • Rule 2 If a verb ends in a silent -e, drop
    the final e and add -ing.
  • Examples
  • smile-smiling
  • receive-receiving

Spelling Rules
  • Rule 3 If a one-syllable verb ends in a
    consonant, a vowel, and a consonant (CVC), double
    the last consonant before adding
  • ing.
  • Examples
  • sit-sitting
  • run-running
  • Rule 4 In two-syllable verbs that end in a
    consonant, a vowel, and a consonant (CVC), double
    the last consonant only if the last syllable is
  • Examples
  • admit-admitting (last syllable
    is stressed)
  • whisper-whispering (first
    syllable is stressed)

Spelling Rules
  • Rule 5 If the verb ends in -ie, drop the
    -ie, add -y and then add -ing.
  • Examples
  • lie-lying
  • die-dying
  • Rule 6 Do not double the last consonant in
    verbs ending in -x or -w.
  • Examples
  • fix-fixing
  • snow-snowing

Affirmative Sentences
  • Use

Subject Past of BE Verb -ing
I He She It was working.
You We They were working.
Affirmative Sentences
  • Examples
  • 1. I was working in the garden yesterday
  • 2. It was raining hard when they left this
  • 3. The dog was barking a lot last night.
  • 4. Alex was painting the house and Luis was
    washing the cars.
  • 5. The children were playing with sand at
    the beach while their mothers
  • were talking.
  • 6. Daniel and Mary were visiting their
    friends last summer.

Negative Sentences
  • Use

Subject Negative Past of BE Verb -ing
I He She It was not (wasnt) working.
You We They were not (werent) working.
Negative Sentences
  • Examples
  • 1. I wasnt working in the garden yesterday
  • 2. It wasnt raining hard when they left
    this morning.
  • 3. The dog wasnt barking a lot last night.
  • 4. Alex wasnt painting the house and Luis
    wasnt washing the cars.
  • 5. The children werent playing with sand at
    the beach while their
  • mothers were talking.
  • 6. Daniel and Mary werent visiting their
    friends last summer.

Yes/No Questions and Short Answers
  • Yes/No Questions
  • Use

Past Tense of BE Subject Verb -ing
Was I he she it working ?
Were you we they working ?
Yes/No Questions and Short Answers
  • Short Answers
  • Use

YES, I was. NO, I wasnt.
YES, he was. NO, he wasnt.
YES, she was. NO, she wasnt.
YES, it was. NO, it wasnt.
YES, you were. NO, you werent.
YES, we were. NO, we werent.
YES, they were. NO, they werent.
Yes/No Questions and Short Answers
  • Examples
  • 1. Question Were you working in the garden
    yesterday afternoon?
  • Answers Yes, I was.
  • No, I wasnt.
  • 2. Question Was it raining hard when they left
  • Answers Yes, it was.
  • No, it wasnt.
  • 3. Question Was the dog barking a lot last
    night ?
  • Answers Yes, it was.
  • No, it wasnt.

Yes/No Questions and Short Answers
  • 4. Question Was Alex painting the house ?
  • Answers Yes, he was.
  • No, he wasnt.
  • 5. Question Was Sally playing with sand at the
    beach while her
  • mother was speaking on the
    cell phone ?
  • Answers Yes, she was.
  • No, she wasnt.
  • 6. Question Were Daniel and Mary visiting their
    friends last summer ?
  • Answers Yes, they were.
  • No, they werent.

  • WH-Questions
  • Use

Wh-word Past Tense of BE Subject Base Form of BE ing
What When Where Why How was I he she it reading?
What When Where Why How were you we they reading?
  • Examples
  • 1. Question Where were you working yesterday
  • Answer I was working in the garden.
  • 2. Question When was it raining ?
  • Answer It was raining this morning.
  • 3. Question Why was the dog barking a lot
    last night ?
  • Answer It was barking because strange
    people were
  • passing by the house.

  • 4. Question Who was painting the house ?
  • Answer Alex was painting the house.
  • 5. Question What were the children playing
    with at the
  • beach ?
  • Answer They were playing with sand.
  • 6. Question Who were Daniel and Mary visiting
  • summer ?
  • Answer They were visiting their friends.

Practice Exercise
  • Select the best answer.
  • __ 1. We ___ at the bus stop when the accident
  • (A) was waiting (B) are waiting
    (C) were waiting
  • __ 2. Sarah ___ to her supervisor this morning.
  • (A) is speaking (B) was speaking
    (C) was speak
  • __ 3. Grandmother ___ on the balcony while we
    were playing cards.
  • (A) was siting (B) was sitting
    (C) is sitting
  • __ 4. Michaels parents ___ him pay his bills
    last year.
  • (A) was helping (B) are helping
    (C) were helping
  • __ 5. My hands ___ while I was giving my oral
  • (A) were shaking (B) were shakeing
    (C) are shaking

Practice Exercise
  • __ 6. Samuel ____ on time to his work last week.
  • (A) wasnt arriving (B) isnt
    arriving (C) wasnt arriveing
  • __ 7. The fax machine ____ yesterday.
  • (A) isnt working (B) werent
    working (C) wasnt working
  • __ 8. The children ____ when they saw the
  • (A) arent crying (B) werent
    crying (C) wasnt crying
  • __ 9. I ____ when Jenny fell off her bicycle.
  • (A) am not laughing (B) wasnt
    laughing (C) wasnt laugh
  • __10. The students ____ while they were taking an
  • (A) wasnt talking (B) arent
    talking (C) werent talking

Practice Exercise
  • __ 11. ___ Prof. Santiago ___ assignments last
    Monday ?
  • (A) Were, checking (B) Is, checking
    (C) Was, checking
  • __ 12. ___ you ___ in Miami five years ago ?
  • (A) Were, living (B) Was,
    living (C) Were, liveing
  • __ 13. ___ the employees ___ to each other at the
    meeting ?
  • (A) Were, whisppering (B) Were,
    whispering (C) Were, whisper
  • __ 14. ___ the airplane ___ when Henry arrived to
    the airport ?
  • (A) Was, leaveing (B) Is, leaving
    (C) Was, leaving
  • __ 15.___ the boys ___ basketball yesterday
    afternoon ?
  • (A) Were, play (B) Are,
    playing (C) Were, playing

Practice Exercise
  • __ 16. What ___ Victor ___ when you called him ?
  • (A) is, doing (B) was,
    doing (C) were, doing
  • __ 17. When ___ the actors ___ books and posters
    at the Mall ?
  • (A) are, signing (B) were,
    signing (C) were, signning
  • __ 18. Where ___ Laura ___ French last semester
  • (A) is, studying (B) were,
    studying (C) was, studying
  • __ 19. Who _____ loud music last night ?
  • (A) was playing (B) is playing
    (C) were playing
  • __ 20. Why ___ the fans ____ at the rock concert
  • (A) were, screamming (B) were,
    screaming (C) were, scream

Practice Exercise Answer Key
  • 1. C 11. C
  • 2. B 12. A
  • 3. B 13. B
  • 4. C 14. C
  • 5. A 15. C
  • 6. A 16. B
  • 7. C 17. B
  • 8. B 18. C
  • 9. B 19. A
  • 10. C 20. B

Practice Exercise Evaluation
  • Total Correct Answers
  • 20 Excellent Go to the Post-Test.
  • 19 Very Good Review the incorrect
    answer and
  • go to the Post-Test.
  • 18-12 Good Review the incorrect answers,
  • the module again and then go
    to the Post-Test.
  • 11or You Need More Practice Study the
  • less review the rules carefully and do
    the practice
  • exercises again. When you
    understand and
  • improve your score, you may go
    to the Post-Test.

Post Test (Affirmative Sentences)
  • Select the best answer.
  • __ 1. I ___ last night when the electricity went
  • (A) am studying (B) was studying (C)
  • __ 2. We ___ tennis yesterday at 600 P.M.
  • (A) are playing (B) was playing
    (C) were playing
  • __ 3. John ___ and Cecilia was taking pictures.
  • (A) was driving (B) is driving
    (C) was driveing
  • __ 4. While mother ___ yesterday evening, I
    prepared the salad.
  • (A) was cooking (B) is cooking
    (C) cooks
  • __ 5. They ___ the house when we arrived
  • (A) was cleaning (B) are cleaning
    (C) were cleaning

Post Test (Negative Sentences)
  • __ 6. The little boy ___ when he fell into the
  • (A) isnt running (B) wasnt
    running (C) wasnt runing
  • __ 7. Mr. and Mrs. Williams ___ when the robbery
  • (A) werent traveling (B) arent
    traveling (C) wasnt traveling
  • __ 8. The printers at the Computer Lab. ____ last
  • (A) werent working (B) wasnt working
    (C) arent working
  • __ 9. The sun ___ brightly this morning.
  • (A) werent shining (B) wasnt
    shineing (C) wasnt shining
  • __10. Sharon ____ attention in class yesterday.
  • (A) isnt paying (B) wasnt
    paying (C) werent paying

Post Test (Yes/No Questions)
  • __ 11. ___ you ___ to the news last night ?
  • (A) Was, listening (B) Are, listening (C)
    Were, listening
  • __ 12. ___ Carlos ___ his car yesterday afternoon
  • (A) Is, fixing (B) Was, fixing
    (C) Was, fixxing
  • __ 13. ___ we ___ at the meeting last Monday ?
  • (A) Were, interrupting (B) Were,
    interupting (C) Are, interrupting
  • __ 14. ___ the stores ___ when you arrived ?
  • (A) Were, closeing (B) Are, closing (C)
    Were, closing
  • __ 15. ___ the man ___ to his wife about the
    money he had spent.
  • (A) Was, lying (B) Is, lying
    (C) Was, lieing

Post Test (Wh-Questions)
  • __ 16. Why ___ the audience ___ at the end of the
    movie ?
  • (A) were, crying (B) was, crying (C) are,
  • __ 17. Who ____ a lot last night ?
  • (A) was sneezeing (B) was sneezing (C)
    is sneezing
  • __ 18. When ___ they ___ for Christmas presents ?
  • (A) was, shopping (B) were, shoping
    (C) were, shopping
  • __ 19. Where ___ Robert and Paola ___ when you
    saw them ?
  • (A) were, going (B) are, going
    (C) was, going
  • __ 20. What ___ Angie ___ yesterday night ?
  • (A) was, sewwing (B) were, sewing
    (C) was, sewing

Post Test Answer Key
  • 1. B 11. C
  • 2. C 12. B
  • 3. A 13. A
  • 4. A 14. C
  • 5. C 15. A
  • 6. B 16. B
  • 7. A 17. B
  • 8. A 18. C
  • 9. C 19. A
  • 10. B 20. C

Post-Test Evaluation
  • Total Correct Answers
  • 20 Excellent Congratulations! You have
  • completed this module. You may
    work with a different
  • module if necessary.
  • 19 Very Good Review the incorrect
    answer. You may work
  • on a different module if
  • 18-12 Good Review the incorrect answers,
    review the areas of
  • difficulty and take the
    Post-Test again.
  • 11 or You Need More Practice I recommend
    that you review
  • less the complete module and take the
    Post-Test again.

Letter to the Student
  • Congratulations ! You have completed the
    Past Progressive module. If you really understand
    all of the rules and examples presented, you can
    work with a different module depending on your
    needs. However, if you still have some questions
    concerning the rules, I advise you to review this
    module again before studying a different module.
    Remember you learn by practicing, therefore use
    the Past Progressive in your daily conversations
    and written work.
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