ACRL: Outcome Assessment Tools for the Library of the Future: MINES at OCUL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ACRL: Outcome Assessment Tools for the Library of the Future: MINES at OCUL


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Title: ACRL: Outcome Assessment Tools for the Library of the Future: MINES at OCUL

MINES for Libraries
ACRL Outcome Assessment Tools for the Library of
the Future MINES at OCUL
Toni Olshen York University
Association of College and Research
Libraries ACRL Conference 2005 Minneapolis April
7, 2005
Ontario Council of University Libraries
  • OCUL is a consortium of twenty university
    libraries in the province of Ontario
  • The member libraries cooperate to enhance
    information services through resource sharing,
    collective purchasing, document delivery and many
    other similar activities.

OCUL Members Those in Green are ARL Libraries
  • Queen's University
  • Royal Military College of Canada
  • Ryerson Polytechnic University
  • University of Toronto
  • Trent University
  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Western Ontario
  • Wilfrid Laurier University
  • University of Windsor
  • York University
  • Brock University
  • Carleton University
  • University of Guelph
  • Lakehead University
  • Laurentian University
  • McMaster University
  • Nipissing University
  • Ontario College of Art Design
  • University of Ontario Institute of Technology
  • University of Ottawa

Member Institution Enrolments (2003)- Total
Undergraduate and graduate students
  • University of Ontario Institute of Technology
  • Royal Military College of Canada
  • Ontario College of Art and Design
  • Nipissing University 5,478
  • Lakehead University 7,304
  • Trent University 7,388
  • Laurentian University 8,751
  • Wilfrid Laurier University
  • 12,426
  • Brock University 15,527
  • University of Windsor 16,266
  • University of Guelph 19,096
  • Queen's University 20,034
  • McMaster University 22,064
  • Carleton University 22,535
  • University of Waterloo 25,029
  • Ryerson University 27,221
  • University of Ottawa 30,948
  • University of Western Ontario

  • 32,784
  • York University 46,794 
  • University of Toronto 68,290
  • Total 391,933
  • 90 undergrads 10 graduate
  • 12,500 faculty

Scholars Portal What is it?
  • A unique set of shared information resources
  • and services
  • Resources acquired and managed through OCUL with
    funding support from a 5-year grant from the
    Ontario Innovation Trust (OII), a provincial
    funding body
  • Resources are made available to researchers and
    students in Ontario through their own university

Scholars PortalOntario Council of University
Libraries (OCUL)
  • Ontario Information Infrastructure (OII) funded
    by the Ontario Innovation Trust in 2001 for five
  • Consortia-purchased electronic resources offered
    through the Ontario Scholars Portal
  • March 2004, we began the evaluation phase of 7.6
    million dollar OII project

Scholarly Information Resources
  • As of the end of March, contains 7,547,904 full
    text articles from 6,783 full text journals
    published by 12 academic publishers
  • Coverage of most disciplines but concentration in
  • Current and historic coverage
  • One of the largest collections of electronic
  • journals available to researchers anywhere

Scholars Portal Resources
  • Academic Press,
  • American Psychological Association,
  • American Chemical Society,
  • Berkeley Electronic Press,
  • Cambridge University Press,
  • Emerald Publishing,
  • Elsevier Science (Elsevier Science, Harcourt
    Health Sciences),
  • Kluwer (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Kluwer Law
    International and Kluwer/Plenum),
  • Oxford University Press,
  • Project MUSE,
  • Springer-Verlag, and
  • John Wiley Sons.

Scholars Portal Project Goals
  • Centrally mount and deliver information resources
    acquired through OCUL consortia purchases to
    ensure rapid and reliable access
  • Provide for the long term, secure archiving of
    resources to ensure continued availability

Scholars Portal Project Goals
  • Ensure that the resources and services provided
    meet the needs of faculty, students and staff.
  • Ensure that resources and services can be
    seamlessly integrated to the local library and
    information systems

Measuring Success
  • OCUL provides a sophisticated statistical report
    mechanism. (see next slide). Download statistics
    are a rough measure of value but we need more to
    properly assess impacts.
  • Need to measure also the significance for
  • research of access to e-journals
  • Employing ARL MINES Survey methodology to
    capture information on how resources are being
    used (from where, by whom, and for what purposes)

SP Statistics and Report Generator
Why Evaluation?
  • Feedback to OII and University funders
  • Understand who, where, and why the digital
    resources are used
  • Supplement usage numbers to answer the key
  • What is the impact of Portal content on research
    at Ontario academic libraries?

Evaluating Success
  • Evaluating Scholars Portal from user and staff
    points of view
  • Use a mix of quantitative and qualitative tools
    for a richer assessment MINES, focus groups,
    staff survey
  • Are OII projects improving research services?
  • Does Scholars Portal meet OCUL user and staff

MINES (Measuring the Impact of Networked
Electronic Services)
  • MINES survey is one of a new breed of assessment
    tools that did not exist before because services
    were not digital. 

MINES (Measuring the Impact of Networked
Electronic Services)-Desired Outcomes
  • To capture in-library and remote web usage of the
    Scholars Portal in a sound representative sample
    using MINES methodology
  • To identify the demographic differences between
    in-house library users as compared to remote
    users by status of user

MINES (Measuring the Impact of Networked
Electronic Services)-Desired Outcomes
  • To identify users purposes for accessing
    Scholars Portal electronic services (funded
    research, non-funded research, instruction/educati
    on use, student research papers and course work)
  • To assist with the evaluation of the project as
    well as to capture information for OCUL about
    indirect research costs and
  • To develop an infrastructure to make studies of
    patron usage of networked electronic resources
    routine, robust and integrated into the
    decision-making process.

MINES Methodology
  • What user groups use SP?
  • What specific resources are used?
  • From where?
  • How do users learn about SP?
  • Are there differences in the use of digital
    resources based on the user's location?
  • Why use SP? (sponsored research? Instruction?
    patient care?)
  • Does use differ by discipline? user group?

MINES Methodology
  • Web-based surveys conducted over the course of a
    year for each institution
  • Activated during randomly selected 2-hour survey
    periods each month as users access one of SPs
  • Mandatory, short, and anonymous

ARL/MINES Jan. 04-Dec. 05
  • ARL developed random schedule of two-hour
    sessions per month
  • OCUL designed local questions, mounted survey,
    collects and sends data to ARL
  • ARL compiles survey results for all sites
  • ARL reports findings on a semi-annual basis
  • ARL presents findings and final report to project
    participants on an aggregated and individual
    institution basis

Development of survey form
  • Finding balance between simplicity, ease and
    richness of data elements
  • Bilingual University of Ottawa, Laurentian
    University, Glendon College at York University
  • Ultimately a change in focus to the creation of a
    unique data set

MINES Survey Form Five Questions and a Comment
Survey Form
  • Survey form determined
  • users status
  • Discipline (affiliation)
  • location or where accessed from
  • purpose of use (sponsored research, instruction,
    patient care, course work)
  • how the resource was identified (bibliography,
    colleague, librarian, important journal in field

OCUL Definition of Usage for MINES
  • A successful search connecting the user to an
    article of interest for viewing, printing or
  • Unique to Scholars Portal because of consortia
    server setup and archiving of all journals

MINES Methodology
  • Random sampling plan and the mandatory nature of
    the questions are both required to create a
    statistically sound study
  • If the survey is not mandatory, the group of
    non-respondents is likely to be different from
    the group of respondents, and we will not know
    what that difference is
  • One of the strengths and innovations of this
    survey technique is that it is based upon actual
    use, not on predicted, intended, or remembered

OCUL Implementation of MINES
  • Once the survey is completed, the respondent's
    browser is forwarded to the desired networked
    electronic resource
  • If more than one search is carried out, the
    survey form is auto-populated with users
    responses as defaults which only have to change
    if response is different

Informed Consent
  • Because this is a Web-based survey, the
    respondents consent to participate by electing to
    fill out the survey questionnaire
  • It is the participating librarys responsibility
    to provide an explanation of the survey and
    information pertaining to its confidentiality

Confidentiality of Data
  • Institutional data are confidential. Individual
    institutions and/or their specific data will not
    be identified.
  • Individual data are anonymous. The respondents
    privacy is protected because only very indirect
    information is captured, which would be difficult
    to trace back to an individual.

Ethics Review
  • A major step was contacting research ethics
    officers and/or Ethics Review Boards to get
    approval, where necessary, to run the survey
  • Purpose of ethics reviews for human subjects is
    to prevent putting subjects at risk
  • Officers/Boards on 16 OCUL campuses accepted that
    no physical or psychological harm would come to
    library users who are asked to fill out a brief
    mandatory anonymous survey before they are
    connected to the title of their choice.

Ethics Review
  • Reference to interesting opinion piece by J. Paul
    Grayson. How Ethics Committees are Killing
    Survey Research on Canadian Students. University
    Affairs, January 2004.
  • http//

Mandatory Survey
  • If individuals chose to avoid filling out the
    brief anonymous survey, they might be
    inconvenienced for a maximum of a two-hour
    period, but they would not be harmed
  • We needed to balance good data for making
    decisions and the inconvenience caused to the

Ethics Review Issues and Problems
  • Mandatory nature of the survey required
    discussion on some campuses
  • Several campuses did not require approval because
    the survey fell into quality assurance guidelines
    and was seen as a library management tool (8)
  • Several schools received approval after an
    application process (8)
  • One Library and Review Board did not support the
    mandatory nature of the methodology so that
    school dropped out of the project.

Pre-testing and False start January March 2004
  • ARL prepared a schedule for the random two-hour
    monthly runs.
  • A test run was planned at York and Wilfrid
    Laurier in January with the real survey
    commencing at the end of February.
  • The pilot in January failed at York and
    highlighted the need for all institutions to be
    using a link resolver URL when connecting to SP
    journals from their catalogues or eResources
  • Each site reviewed their configuration and
    necessary changes were made.

Pre-testing and False start January March 2004
  • Survey form and the explanatory material were
    translated into French for bilingual Ottawa,
    Laurentian, and Glendon College at York.
  • February run highlighted concerns about the data
  • The technical infrastructure was capturing only
    access through library catalogues or eresource
    databases, but not from the use of the SP
  • There were some technical problems with the
    February and March runs and the validity of the
    data was under question. The data-collection
    programming was revisited.

Lessons Learned
  • Early runs taught us a great deal about the
    different ways OCUL libraries access the SP
  • We needed to reflect that in the data gathering

Lessons Learned
  • As originally planned, we now capture as much
    usage as possible that comes from
  • local eresource databases
  • library catalogues
  • Scholars Portal browse and search functions.

New Definition of Usage for MINES
  • A successful search is now defined as connecting
    the user to an article of interest for viewing,
    downloading or printing
  • Definition is unique to Scholars Portal because
    of consortial server setup and archiving of
  • We cancelled the April 20 run and reset the dates
    of the survey from May 2004 through April 2005,
    considering the February and March runs as tests.

New Definition of Usage for MINES - Innovation
  • We continue to build on the unique opportunity we
    have to gather useful data that is not open to
    other types of library groups. By the end of
    March about 22,500 surveys have been completed.
    One more month to go!
  • By implementing the MINES survey, OCUL is ahead
    of other projects in that we are not held
    "hostage" to the limitations and inconsistencies
    of vendor statistics
  • We have opportunities to disseminate research on
    measurement of networked resources through
    conferences and publications

MINES Very Preliminary Output MAY AUGUST 2004
5223 respondents
Very Preliminary Findings 4 months of data
-Subject Affiliation
  • Applied Sciences
  • Business
  • Education
  • Environmental Studies
  • Fine Arts
  • Humanities
  • Law
  • Medical Health
  • Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Other
  • 804 17.5
  • 146 3.2
  • 176 3.8
  • 160 3.5
  • 22 .5
  • 93 2.0
  • 21 .5
  • 1341 29.2
  • 1031 22.4
  • 673 14.6
  • 129 2.8

Very Preliminary Findings 4 months of dataUser
  • Faculty
  • Graduate/Professional
  • Undergraduate
  • Library Staff
  • Staff
  • Other
  • 764 16.6
  • 2068 45.0
  • 1039 22.6
  • 47 1.0
  • 427 9.3
  • 251 5.5

Very Preliminary Findings 4 months of data -
  • Library
  • Off-Campus
  • On-Campus ( but not in the library)
  • 578 12.6
  • 1978 43.6
  • 2040 44.4

Very Preliminary Findings-4 months of data -
Purpose of Use
  • Sponsored research
  • Other non-sponsored research
  • Teaching
  • Course work
  • Patient care
  • Other activities
  • 2189 47.6
  • 919 20.0
  • 278 6.0
  • 686 14.9
  • 143 3.1
  • 381 8.3

Cross Tabulations
  • Purpose of use by affiliation, user status,
    location, why
  • Location by affiliation, user status, purpose of
    use, why
  • Why by affiliation, user status, location,
    purpose of use
  • Which titles used by which users for which

Location and Purpose of Use
Additional Qualitative Data
  • MINES Survey respondent comments
  • Staff Survey What does the range of
    institutional experiences reveal?
  • Focus Groups What anecdotal data can faculty and
    students add to the development of the Scholars

Thank you for your attention!
  • Questions?
  • Toni Olshen
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