ASCP Check Sample Transfusion Medicine 04-8 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ASCP Check Sample Transfusion Medicine 04-8


ASCP Check Sample Transfusion Medicine 04-8 Daniel K. Noland, MD October 25, 2005 Case History 13 y.o. male with ALL who initially responded to chemotherapy First ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ASCP Check Sample Transfusion Medicine 04-8

ASCP Check Sample Transfusion Medicine 04-8
  • Daniel K. Noland, MD
  • October 25, 2005

Case History
  • 13 y.o. male with ALL who initially responded to
  • First relapse three years later tx- bone marrow
    transplant from an unrelated donor
  • Second relapse two years later tx-infusion with T
    cells collected from original marrow donor to
    induce graft-versus-leukemia effect.

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Case History II
  • Presented two weeks after T-cell infusion with
    fever, rash and diarrhea
  • Started on Prednisone, but fevers persisted and
    diarrhea worsened
  • He was admitted to the hospital and after drawing
    blood cxs multiple antibiotics were begun
  • Inc LFTs, dec Na, CO2, Hgb, WBCs, Plts

Case History III
  • GI and Liver Graft Versus Host Disease confirmed
    on biopsy
  • Worsened despite multi-drug immunosuppressive
  • Developed jaundice, massive painful ascites
    requiring morphine

Final Case History
  • Additional complicationsMarrow aplasia requiring
    transfusion, and renal failure due to
  • Oncology team consulted apheresis service for
    possible photopheresis, but the patient quickly
    expired due to complications of his disease.

Graft Versus Host Disease
  • Despite T-cell depletion and immunoprophylaxis-sti
    ll a common complication of any non-autologous
  • Donor T-cells attack recipient tissue with
    resulting cytokine release and tissue damage
  • Both CD4 and CD8 T cells are implicated
  • There is both an acute and a chronic form

Acute GVHD
  • Usually occurs at time of engraftment but defined
    as w/in 100 days of allogenic trans.
  • 30-40 of HLA identical, up to 80 of unrelated
  • Affects Skin, GI tract and Liver
  • Graded by site (liver worst), clinical severity
    of symptoms, and bilirubin level

Chronic GVHD
  • More than 100 days post-transplant by itself or
    s/p Acute GVH
  • Incidence 30 HLA-identical sibs, 50 of
    unidentical, and 60 matched unrelated txs
  • In addition to acute GVHD symptoms, chronic dz
    also includes sicca, pulmonary dz, wasting
    syndrome, esophageal and vaginal strictures, etc.

Alphabet Soup
  • While GVHD is a significant complication, the
    Graft Versus Leukemia (GVL) response (in which
    Graft cytotoxic T cells attack residual leukemia)
    is thought beneficial
  • Indeed, Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (DLI) is used
    to treat relapse after bmt
  • One should say peripheral blood progenitor
    cell(PBPC) tx as they are supplanting bmt

Current GVHD therapy
  • Combined tx corticosteroid plus cyclosporin A,
    tacrolimus, methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil,
    and/or antilymphocyte globulin
  • Lack of response to steroid is worrisome so most
    consider non-FDA approved therapies such as..

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  • Story starts in ancient Egypt extract from the
    Ammi Majus plant made people sun-burn easily but
    also helped vitiligo
  • Active ingredient psoralen FDA approved
    derivative8-methoxypsoralen or 8-MOP
  • There are two steps treatment with psoralen and
    photoactivation with UVA radiation
  • Psoralen can be given systemically or.

  • Psoralen can be added to the Monos after they are
    removed by leukopheresis.
  • There are also two options for radiation
    external beam and extracorporeal after
  • This leads to three treatment options 1)give
    systemic (PO) psoralen and then do leukopheresis
    and treat with ECP UV-A

  • Two (most common) leukopheresis, psoralen and
    UV-A photoactivation ECP, reinfusion of treated
  • Three (used for Mycosis Fungoides) PO psoralen,
    followed 2 hours later by external beam UV-A
  • Theoretically, one could leukopheresis, psoralen
    tx the Monos, and reinfuse prior to external beam
    UV-A but why would you?

Photopheresis 4
  • Mechanism of action by which treating monos
    treats T cell disease is unknown
  • one theory is that monos become dendritic cells
    which present antigen and induce apoptosis
  • FDA approved to treat Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
    even disseminated (Sezary syndrome)

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  • Few side effects are mainly due to pheresis
    (anticoagulant reactions, hypovolemia, etc.)
  • Anemia not usually a problem as trying to keep
    crit of product under 4 so RBCs dont block UV
    from getting to Monos
  • Low grade fever 4 to 12 hours s/p reinfusion
    (probably Monocyte cytokines)
  • Protect skin and eyes from sunlight x24h

Photopheresis in Acute GVHD
  • Check sample authors compiled 11 studies of 76
    patients treated with photopheresis
  • Age, time since transplant, and tx cycle
    number/freq/duration all varied sig.
  • All pts had failed traditional drug tx
  • Which may be why 33 (47) died (mostly
    opportunistic infxns or organ failure)

Organs Involved by acute GVHD
Photopheresis Chronic GVHD
  • 204 patients in 20 studies where parameters
    (age, transplant to tx time, ECP treatment
    duration/dose/ freq, etc.) varied widely
  • All had failed immunosuppressive therapy
  • 79 overall survival, with better prognosis in
    patients were ECP was started earlier
  • number of medications could be reduced in 60 of

ExtraCorporeal Photophoresis in solid organ
  • Cardiac one study showed reversal of rejection
    in 8/9 ECP patients and 7/7 steroid tx pts.
    Another showed people randomized to ECP plus
    standard tx had fewer episodes of rejection
  • Lung 8 pts who had failed drug tx, 5/8
    stabilized PFTs, 2/8 had histologic reversal
  • Kidney 4/4 responded, inc Cr clearance and dec
    drugs in 3/4

ECP in Autoimmune Disorders
  • 79 patients w/new onset Systemic Sclerosis
    randomized to penicillamine or ECP. Skin
    severity score improved in 68 ECP vs 32
    D-penicillamine. Symptoms worse in 10 ECP tx,
    32 D-penicillamine
  • RA 4/7 less symptoms and 2-3 mo delay in
  • SLE 7/8 had improved clinical activity score
    no change in lab parameters
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