Title: Progress Testing with SIR
1Progress Testing with SIR
- A Case Study
- Based on the McMaster
- Undergraduate MD Programme
SIR UK User Group Conference Aberdeen, UK, 21
June 2002 David Keane, Research Associate
(keaned_at_mcmaster.ca) Programme for Educational
Research and Development Faculty of Health
Sciences, McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/perd
- 1. Introduction to progress testing
- definition
- purpose
- method
- goals
- special features
- basic patterns in performance data
- 2. Using SIR for progress testing
3Progress testing \ a definition
- longitudinal testing of knowledge acquisition
4Progress testing \ a definition
- longitudinal testing of knowledge acquisition
- an objective method for assessing the acquisition
and retention of knowledge over time relative to
curriculum-wide goals
5Progress testing \ definition detail
an objective method for assessing the acquisition
and retention of knowledge over time relative to
curriculum-wide goals
- objective
- use multiple choice questions
- knowledge
- test what learners know
- over time
- test repeatedly at regular intervals
- curriculum-wide
- address end-of-programme learning objectives
6Progress testing \ the purpose
- to determine whether the learner is progressing
- learning enough?
- retaining enough?
- doing so quickly enough?
7Progress testing \ the method
- progress is relative
- compare learner to his/her peer group
- current class or past n classes
- standardized scores (z-scores)
- review performance on multiple tests
- current and past
- assessed with one measure
- percentage correct, whole test
- adjust for guessing?
8Progress testing \ goals
- help the learner (formative evaluation)
- constructive feedback
- about their knowledge base
- about their ability to self-assess
- has to be specific/detailed
- timely feedback
- reassure those who are progressing
- alert those who are not
- do so early enough to facilitate effective
9Progress testing \ goals
- help the Programme (summative evaluation)
- provide defensible evidence to support critical
decisions pertaining to individuals - mandated remediation
- pass / fail / conditional advancement
- the emphasis..
- on formative aspects
- minimize negative impact on learning behaviours
- tutorial functioning
- self/peer-assessment
10Progress testing \ special features
- the item bank
- a sample of the knowledge that a good student
will likely encounter by the time that student. . - graduates?
- is six months / a year beyond graduation?
- content encompasses nearly the 'entire' domain of
the field in question - cf. course/curriculum 'core' knowledge
11Progress testing \ special features
- instructions to examinees
- don't study for this test
- 180 items, randomly selected from 2,600
- don't guess
- test your ability to self-assess
- penalty for guessing (optional)
- attempt only those items for which you have some
knowledge and are reasonably confident you know
the best/correct answer
12Basic patterns in performance data
- Class means on whole test for..
- attempted
- correct
- not adjusted for assumed guesses
- look at patterns..
- across time
- week in programme (x of 138)
- across classes at week x
13gif Items Attempted ()
14gif Items corect ()
15Basic patterns in performance data
- attempted, correct
- patterns are relatively stable across tests and
classes - means at week x are relatively consistent across
tests and classes - examinee performance is relatively consistent
across tests and classes - overall test reliability 0.6 - 0.7 (8 tests)
- test-retest correlation 0.6 - 0.8 (2 tests)
16End of Part I
- Introduction to Progress Testing
- Any questions?
- Introduce progress testing
- 2. Using SIR for progress testing
- what's in an item?
- data management tasks
- managing dm tasks
- software
- databases and pql
- SIR \ valued features
- future enhancements
18What's in an item? (1)
nn. An elderly woman has been showing signs of
forgetfulness, poor concentration, and decreased
energy and appetite. On exami-nation her
cognitive functioning seems quite good and her
mini-mental (Folstein) score is 27/30. The most
likely diagnosis is A Anxiety disorder B
Multi-infarct dementia C Alzheimer disease D
Personality disorder E Depression
Stem Options
19What's in an item? (2)
- the data manager sees..
- stem and options (text)
- and
- unique item identifier
- correct response code
- content codes (6 fields, 1, 2 or 3 sets)
- item performance data
- stats on usage, power to discriminate
- by test, class across tests, classes
- and more..
- date last used, don't use flag
20Data management tasks
- 1. store, retrieve, manipulate and print
- large volumes of textual information
- pre-test test booklets
- 180 items, 2122 pages/booklet
- post-test performance reports
- for examinees 2 reports x 12 pages/rep
- for administrator re. items, tests, classes
and examinees who are not progressing - accommodate special needs re.
- special characters Greek letters, math symbols
- page layout, fonts, typeface style
- merge data into report templates
21Data management tasks \ post-test
- 2. read examinees' responses
- 100-item optical mark response sheets
- tab-delimited ascii records
- Mac 2 sheets X approx. 280420 examinees
- 3. score examinees' responses
- requires item, test, class, examinee info
- compute and retain performance stats
- key measures attempted, correct
- mean sd re. whole test (and major subdomains?)
- for each examinee, each classpeer group
22Data management tasks \ post-test
- 4. compute and retain item performance
- stats
- requires item, test, class, examinee info
- 5. compute/retrieve data needed in
- standard reports
- re. examinees, classes, tests, items
- 6. assemble and print reports
23Data management tasks
- 7. enable support staff to do all of the
- above with relative ease
- minimal reliance on the application programmer
after everything is up and running
24What's the best tool for the job?
- SIR is not a word processor
- SIR is a record management and stats-oriented
reporting tool - allows user to build powerful custom applications
- vendor provides exceptional support beyond the
installed Help files - prompt, relevant and practical replies
25Solutions \ the best tool
- the MD Programme's solution
- for text-intensive tasks..
- Corel WordPerfect
- - for numeric data and stats-intensive tasks..
26Solutions \ Corel WordPerfect
- a set of merge data files (database)
- case-based by item id
- item stems, options and other fixed info
- export data via csv or fixed-format records
- import data via csv-format records
- into merge data files
- multiple merge forms (report templates)
- extensive use of merge and macro commands to
produce pre/post-test reports - custom-build mergemacro applications
27Solutions \ SIR ver. 3.2 - 2000
- 2 databases, case-based
- ITEMS re. items
- TEEX re. tests, examinees, classes
- major reliance on (vb) PQL
- custom applications
- csv-format records
- add/update records/fields (eg, from WP)
- write records/values (eg, for WP)
- PQL procedures
- csv save, tabulate, save table, spss save
28SIR 2000 \ valued features (1)
- case-based option for db type
- system-maintained
- easy access to any case's records
- case id is on all dumped records
- global variables
- pass user settings to applications
- utilities
- Data \ File Dump, File Input
- tabfiles and tables
- create, index, populate, delete tables
29SIR 2000 \ valued features (2)
- nested access to cases
- read csv-format records
- vb dialog boxes
- PQL Procedures
- write csv-format records
- xtab tables, flexibility re. headers (columns)
- write SPSS system files
30Future enhancements
- upgrade to SIR 2002 (from SIR 2000)
- update custom applications (to vb pql)
- add secondary indexes
- examinees by name, current class
- web access
- for examinees performance reports
- method?
- ColdFusion (CF SQL ODBC driver SIR db)
- CGI scripts
31End of Part II
- Using SIR for progress testing
- Any questions?