Title: Equipment, Tools and Supplies in the Healthcare Cluster
1Equipment, Tools and Supplies in the Healthcare
2Equipment and tools
- Diagnostic spirometry system
- Digital mammography system
- C-arm
- CT scanner
- Bone Densitometer
- x-ray tank
- ECG monitor
- EKG monitor
- Electrocardiogram system
- Blood pressure monitor
- Vital signs monitor
- ECG-stress
- Spirometry
- Thermoscan
- Electronic Thermometer
- Analyzers
- Triage meters
- CT
- Ultrasound System
- Heartstride
- Q-stress
- Holters
- Cardioperfect workstation
- Cardiac Camera
- Mobile nuclear camera
3Equipment, Tools and Supplies
- Scrub equipment
- Wash equipment
- Respirator
- Intermittent positive pressure breathing machines
- Test gauges
- Oxygen tanks
- Pulmonary function machine
- Oxygen administration sets
- Computer
- Labels
- Log book
- Typewriter
- Printer
- Files
- Disposable caps
- Wheel chairs
- Splints
- Oral thermometer
- Rectal thermometer
- Beds
- Tables
- Bandages
- Stretcher
- Phones
- Insurance forms
- Injection needles
- Scales
- Braces
- Artificial limbs
- Dressings
- Beds, bed linens
- Hand tools
- EKG machine
- Holter monitors
- Protective gloves
- Protective aprons
- Film badges
- Acute care hospitals
4Equipment, Tools and Supplies
- Gait belt
- Crutches
- Walkers
- Reaching stick
- Chair scale
- Measuring tape
- Balance scales
- Tongue blade
- Taylor percussion hammer
- Ophthalmoscope
- Otoscope
- Shellen eye chart
- Identification bands
- Food trays
- Electronic medical records
- Charts
- Goggles
- Face shield
- Gown
- Stethoscope
- Alcohol swaps
- Digital pulse oximeter
- Aneroid apparatus
- Digital apparatus
- Emesis basin
- Bedpan
- Disposable gloves
- Mechanical lift
- Gurney
- Restraints
- Soft protective devices
- Urinal
- Measuring cup
- Basin
- Tubing
- Clamp
- Urine container
- Catheter
5Equipment, Tools and Supplies
- Lab coat
- Microscope
- Reagent strips
- Bottles
- Watch
- Glass cylinders
- Urinometer
- Bandages
- Defibrillator
- CPR pump
- X rays
- Dental chair
- Dental unit
- Operational light
- Mobile cart
- View cart
- Mouth mirror
- Non locking cotton pliers
- Sterile Equipment
- Root elevator
- Surgical forceps
- autoclaves
- Catheters
- Chart
- Dressings
- Electrocardiograph
- Gait belt
- Restraints
- Swathe
- Carvers
- Scalers
6The patient is then escorted to where they need
to go and all informational paperwork is done in
private. Privacy Laws are very strict!
(Office, desk, chair, files, computer)
7Electronic board that shows where each patient is
at all times. It also is a way to advertise
other departments in the hospital. The
patient must share there ID number with their
family in order for the family to keep up with
them on the electronic board in the waiting room.
8Easy Street Environment to teach the patients how
to step up on Curbs, open doors, cross the
street etc.
9The car is inside the hospital to teacher the
patients how to get in and out Of the car. To
get from car to wheelchair etc.
10Other sections of the Easy Street Environment.
To teach patients how to walk, how to get
around in a store, how to go through doors,
going to church etc.
11Electronic Medical Records (computers, monitor,
files, printer and general office supplies).
12Surgical tray, surgical tools, lighting and
proper clothing
13Hooked up to the Aaron 950 and grounding pad so
that patient will not get burnt.
14Surgeon technicians must know every instrument
and its uses.
15Massage Therapist (posters, massage chair,
16Respiratory Therapy is a competitive program
which Takes only 18 students. Must pass the
National RRT Exam and state licensure.
17You know how to operate all equipment in your
18ICU area, all patients are inside rooms with
glass walls and doors so that they can be viewed
at all times. All patient information is kept in
the computer and updated on the spot.
19Patients call button goes straight to the
nurses cell phone. If the nurse is on the
phone then the call goes to the nurses desk.
20Scan patient and scan medications, both must
match before giving anything to the patient.
Computer also reminds RNs what paperwork, charts
and assessments that need to be completed.
21Must be at least 18 years old to work in the lab.
Some hospitals have a volunteer program but the
volunteers do not do hands on collection.
22Beckman Coulter counts CBC
23Medical Lab Technician collect, type and group
blood, stain slides and sterilize equipment 12
month certificate or Associate Degree. They must
be able to load, unload, adjust, fix, change,
take apart things in the lab.
24Beckman Coulter - runs CBC in seconds
25Medical Technologists- test for bacteria, drugs
and diseases Bachelors Degree Aerospray
Slide Strainer spins and stains samples
26Centrifuge spins, separatesPhlebotomist must
be very fast at sample collection. High turn
over rate for phlebotomist.
27Test tube tops informs workers of what
preservation and chemical reaction that will take
place in the test tube. Purple CBC contains
self preservative to keep cells from clotting.
Red top no additives will clot at normal rate.
28Safety, Safety, SafetyEye wash stations
showers at many locations in medical facilities.
29Lab coat, gown and gloves are part of the safety
30Doctors order request is put in the computer,
the computer puts into the system then the
computer prints a sticker that tells the lab
technician what they are to test, run or do for
that patient.
31Computer system Machines interface with
computer system. Doctors and nurses can pull lab
results anytime.
32 Coulter LH 750 Analyzer
33Testing of tissue sample collected.
34(No Transcript)
35Radiologic Technician Associate Degree -
produces images to be read by a Radiologist.
36Angiographic Catheters
37X-ray films Radiology Tech must know type, size
for particular use.
38MRI Machine
39Gama Camera detects radiation from patient that
was injected into the patient. Nuclear Medicine
done for bone scans
41CT Computerized Topography CAT ScanLooks at
everything in actual plain.
42Biomedical Equipment Technician installs new
equipment, adjusts and test, 1-3 year certificate
or Associates Degree
43Diagnostic Medical Sonographer helps diagnosis
abdominal tumors, cysts, and other abnormalities
could be a certificate, Associate or Bachelors
44Ultra sound machine
45Pharmacy - computerized
46Pharmacy is a support service, they must follow
the doctors orders.
47Pharmacy Technician works under pharmacist with
on the job training from 6 months to 2 years.
48All medications are labeled and bar coded in the
hospitals for patient protection, safety and
hospital inventory
49Pharmacist interact with physicians to verify
correct drug and dosage.
50Making up prep kits that patients take home to
take before surgery.
51All medication are bar coded and must be
accounted for at all times.
52Translogic Swisslog sends medications to collect
location in the hospital.
53Foam inside the container to protect medications
in glass containers during transport.
54One push of the button and the medications are
sent directly to the department requesting them.
55Medication storage units
56Some medications must be refrigerated at all
57Scan patient, scan medication bar codes and scan
the patient again before administering any
58Parents roll baby under the under the birthprint
machine and push the button to take a picture.
They can see and select the picture that they
like best. The parents get one picture free but
can insert a charge card to purchase as many
pictures as they wish of their new born child.
59Nurses station where everything is computerized.
All patient files are on the computer, a back up
is made each day of all hospital files and stored
off location.
60Industrial Hygienist search for hazards, diseases
and hidden dangers to eliminate them, Bachelors
Degree required. Containers are labeled for the
type of trash that can properly be disposed of
in each container.
61Sanitation, cleanliness is a must at every
medical facility.
62Portable storage container for airways, tapes, IV
start up kits, UAC trays, etc. Everything is bar
coded. Employee scans item then scans patient.
97 scan rate. Computer keeps counts and sends
message to warehouse to restock items. Manual
count once every two weeks to verify computer
63Gloves and used needle, contaminated biohazard
waste containers are located on the walls.
64Patients are bar coded (EMAR)Electronic Medical
Administration Records
65Triage Room inside the ER
66Nurses station
68Safety Instructions are posted throughout the
medical facilities.
69Trauma room
70(No Transcript)
71(No Transcript)
72X-Ray room
73Top section runs over patient after patient has
drank Barium.
74Starts with RT training at a Technical College
then take National Boards
75(No Transcript)
76(No Transcript)
77Protective coverings for Radiology
78Visually see subject on computer screen
79(No Transcript)
80(No Transcript)
81Licensed Practical Nurses provide basic care,
12-18 month program. Educational information
82Medical Illustrator Bachelors Degree in art
and/or science plus a masters from a medical
illustration program.
83(No Transcript)
84Radiation Therapist helps to treat cancer - 1 or
2 year certificate or Associate or Bachelors
85Medical Dosimetrist calculates radiation dosage
with 12 months on the job training.
86Radiation Oncologist is a physician specializing
in treating cancer with radiation.
87Mesh is molded to a persons form to hold them in
the exact position for treatments.
88(No Transcript)
89Physical Therapist Assistant associate degree
Physical Therapist Now a doctorate degree.
Physical Therapy is provided in house in Nursing
90(No Transcript)
91Occupational Therapist help people regain and
rebuilt skills needed in every day life.
92AHEC creates and distributes educational
93Stimulates blood flow and heat under the skin
during physical therapy sessions.
94(No Transcript)
95Bands used in physical therapy. Easy to use,
light to carry, can be purchased at most medical
supply companies for home use after you physical
therapy session have ended.
96New computer program shows when someone goes
outside of the building 24/7 and switch door was
opened. One way to keep check of employee smoke
97The workers must scan each patient every two
hours during the night.
98A meal menu board provides the residents with the
choices of all meals for the day at this assisted
living center.
99All meals are prepared for the clients in the
assisted living center.
100Practice sessions in the EMT/Paramedic classes.
101Is Healthcare an option for you?
- Do you have the necessary knowledge to be