Macbeth Background - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Macbeth Background


Macbeth Background Influences for the time period, Shakespeare himself, and the cursed, Scottish play The English Renaissance The Renaissance (rebirth) began in Italy ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Macbeth Background

Macbeth Background
  • Influences for the time period, Shakespeare
    himself, and the cursed, Scottish play

The English Renaissance
  • The Renaissance (rebirth) began in Italy in the
    1300s with a flourish of literature, art, and
    intellectual development.
  • The English Renaissance began around 1485 when
    Henry VII took the throne and began the Tudor

The English Renaisaance
  • After the Middle Ages had focused on the after
    life and hell, the Renaissance turned its focus
    to the here and now
  • Focus on love
  • Human passions
  • Pleasure

The English Renaissance
  • Moveable type was invented Gutenberg developed
    the printing press in the 1450s
  • Publishing was easier
  • More books were published more people are
  • Scholars and authors began writing in the
    vernacular (common speech) of the time period.
    More people can understand literature and they
    began reading.

The English Reniassance
  • British Monarchy A lesson in SCANDAL!!
  • They say many authors write about what they know,
    and with Shakespeare this is probably true.
    Royalty in England were very prone to doing
    SCANDALOUS things! Heres one example of SCANDAL
    in Shakespeares time

The English Renaissance
  • Henry VIII, of the Tudor family, took the throne
    in 1509.
  • Even though he was once given the title defender
    of faith in 1534, Henry VIII found that his
    marriage to Catherine of Aragon would not produce
    a son. So he wished to have the Pope annul his
    marriage so he could marry Anne Boleyn.
  • The pope refused imagine refusing a KING! and
    Henry VIII was MAD and he remarried anyway.
  • This was an outrage! Divorce as it would
    have to be without the annulment was a sin!
  • SO! To counter this, Henry VIII issued the Act
    of Supremacy, which split England from the
    Catholic Church and allowed him to take full
    control of the Churches of England.
  • Henry VIII became the supreme head of the Church
    of England (or Anglican Church)

The English Renaissance
  • How can one person do all this? Well a few
    things helped
  • The Divine Rights of Kings -
  • Fierce and Bloody Suppression of the Opposition

How Does All This Relate to Macbeth?
  • The scandalous behavior of the royals during
    Shakespeares lifetime obviously provided much
    food for thought (ideas) for Shakespeare.
  • Citizens of England during this time period were
    used to power-hungry rulers and cruel, bloody
    behavior therefore, a play about cruel, bloody
    behavior would suit them perfectly.

Several of the themes of Macbeth can be
introduced by this historical account of the
  • Theme 1 Appearances are deceiving do not
    trust only what you see.
  • Theme 2 Greed is very different than ambition,
    and it has a destructive power.
  • Theme 3 Power can corrupt. Those who have
    power should use it only for the best of the
    people they govern.
  • Theme 4 Going against ones nature can
    result in the destruction of oneself and those
    around him/her.

Shakespeare Life and Work
  • Shakespeare was born in Stratford upon-Avon on
    April 23rd, 1564.
  • In 1582, when Shakespeare was 18, he married Anne
    Hathaway, a woman 8 years older than him, because
    she was pregnant. OOPS!
  • They had three children Susanna and then twins,
    Hamnet and Judith.
  • In 1592, Shakespeare arrives in London and
    somehow, already has a reputation as a great
    playwright and actor.
  • The years from 1585 to 1592 are a mystery
    called by some as the Dark Years.

Shakespeare Life and Work
  • In 1594, Shakespeare was part owner of and the
    principal playwright for the Kings Men (a
    prestigious acting company) and they built the
    Globe Theater, where most of his plays were
  • Shakespeare retired from London in 1610 and
    continued to write from Stratford for 6 more
    years until he died on April 23rd, 1616.
  • He had written a total of 37 plays, all of which
    were greatly esteemed

Background for Macbeth (This play, specifically)
  • Setting
  • Macbeth is set in Scotland in the 10th and 11th
    centuries (900s and 1000s). Some specific
    settings are
  • Inverness (Macbeths castle) on a desolate heath
  • Forres, King Duncans royal palace
  • You will see that because there was almost NO
    scenery used in the theater during this time
    period, many of the characters describe their
    surroundings in great detail. Subsearch for
  • Shakespeare uses the bloody history of Scotland
    as a setting to explore the fearsome and
    destructive powers of greed and the dark side of

Background for Macbeth (This play, specifically)
  • The Human Side of the Macbeth Monster
  • Even though the actions of Macbeth are horrible,
    he is actually a very human character. Watch and
    see how he struggles with his decisions.
  • Can you relate to struggling with temptation?
    Have you ever given in?
  • Have you ever been punished for giving into

Background for Macbeth (This play, specifically)
  • Writing Style
  • Macbeth is written in blank verse. This means
    that it is unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter.
  • Whats an iamb, you say?
  • Iambic pentameter is the rhythm that most mirrors
    natural speech.

Background for Macbeth (This play, specifically)
  • When the witches speak they speak in rhyming
    tetrameter very unnatural and charmed or
    spell sounding.
  • EXAMPLE Double, double, toil and trouble,
  • Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
  • Inference time! Why might Shakespeare make the
    witches speak this way?

Background for Macbeth (This play, specifically)
  • A Tragedy
  • Macbeth is a tragedy, which means that the main
    character suffers greatly (often dies) in the
  • The character of Macbeth is a tragic hero a
    tragic hero is a hero (or main character) that
    has at least one fatal/tragic flaw that will
    eventually lead to his downfall.
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