File Systems Unix vs. Windows NT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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File Systems Unix vs. Windows NT


NTFS is the only advanced file system currently available for Windows NT, and therefore has a captive audience. Reference Avi Silberschatz, Peter Galvin. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: File Systems Unix vs. Windows NT

File SystemsUnix vs. Windows NT
  • COSC513 Operation Systems
  • Prof. Anvari
  • Name Aiwu Li
  • SID 103532

What is a File System?
  • The software used to organize and manage the data
    stored on disk drives. In addition to storing the
    data contained in files, a file system also
    stores and manages important information about
    the files and about the file system itself.

File system Features
  • Size of File Systems - as much as a Petabyte.
  • EFS was limited to a maximum file system
    size of 8 GB. Many 32-bit file systems are
    limited to 2GB.
  • Large Files Many file systems were limited to a
    maximum file size of 2GB. In addition, File I/O
    can be dramatically accelerated by allocating
    disk space contiguously.
  • Large Directories Most file systems use linear
    searches, going through a directory entry by
    entry, to locate a particular file. This becomes
    very inefficient when the number of files in a
    directory exceeds a few thousand.

File system Features ( cont)
  • Large numbers of files The only way to
    efficiently scale to support large numbers of
    files is to dynamically allocate index space for
  • Rapid Crash Recovery Many traditional file
    systems require a checking program to check file
    system consistency after a crash. On large,
    active file systems this type of checking can
    take a prohibitively long time to complete.
    Solving this problem must not degrade I/O
  • Unparalleled Performance Performance should not
    degrade as the size of the file system, an
    individual file or the total number of files
    stored grows.

Modern File Systems
  • UFS The archetypal Unix file system still
    widely available from Unix vendors such as Sun
    and HP.
  • VxFS The Veritas File System, a commercially
    developed file system available on a number of
    Unix platforms including Sun and HP.
  • NTFS The file system designed by Microsoft for
    Windows NT.

Measure of memory
  • 1 MB ( Megabytes) 220 bytes
  • or 106 (1,000,000) bytes,
  • 1 GB ( Gigabytes) 230 bytes
  • or 109 (1,000,000,000) bytes
  • 1 TB ( Terabytes) 240 bytes
  • 1 PB ( Petabytes) 250 bytes
  • 1 EB ( Exabytes) 260 bytes

Support for Large File Systems -UFS
  • designed at a time when 32-bit computing was the
  • originally only supported file systems of up to
    231 or 2 GB.
  • Most current implementations have been extended
    to support larger file systems.
  • i.e. Sun extended UFS in Solaris 2.6 to support
    file systems of up to 1 TB(240 bytes).

Support for Large File Systems -VxFS
  • The maximum file system size supported by VxFS
    depends on the operating system on which it is
  • For instance,
  • HP-UX 10---- max FS size is 128 GB.
    HP-UX 11 ----max FS size is 1 TB .

Support for Large File Systems-NTFS
  • NTFS provides a full 64-bit file system,
    theoretically capable of scaling to large sizes.
  • However, other limitations result in a
    "practical limit" of 2 TB for a single file

Allocation Methods
  • Block Allocation- Blocks are allocated one at a
    time and a pointer is kept to each block in the
  • Extent Allocation- Large numbers of contiguous
    blocks - called extents - are allocated to the
    file and tracked as a unit.
  • - A pointer need only be maintained to the
    beginning of the extent. Because a single pointer
    is used to track a large number of blocks, the
    bookkeeping for large files is much more

Support for Large Files -UFS
  • Traditional UFS is limited to files no larger
    than 2GB, block allocation is used rather than
    extent allocation, and its algorithms to manage
    very large files and large amounts of free space
    are inefficient.
  • 1990 Sun implemented a new algorithm called
    clustering that allows for more extent-like
    behavior by gathering up to 56KB of data in
    memory to allocate disk space contiguously.
  • Sun also extended the maximum file size to 1TB in
    Solaris 2.6.

Support for Large Files -VxFS
  • The maximum file size supported by VxFS depends
    on the version.
  • For HP-UX 11 it is 1 TB. VxFS uses extent based
    allocation. The maximum extent size is 64MB for

Support for Large Files -NTFS
  • Support up file size to 2 TB.
  • The disk space allocation mechanism in NTFS is
    essentially extent-based.
  • Each file in NTFS is mapped by an entry in the
    master file table or MFT.
  • The NTFS literature refers to logical blocks as
    clusters. Allowable cluster sizes range from 512
    bytes to 64 KB, depend on volume size.

Rapid Crash Recovery - UFS
  • Traditional UFS did not provide journaling.
  • In case of a system failure, the program fsck is
    used by UFS to check the file system.
  • The key point is that everything must be checked
    whether it has been changed recently or not.
  • Sun implemented an optional journal for the UFS
    file recovery in Solaris 2.7.

Rapid Crash Recovery - VxFS
  • VxFS employs a metadata journaling scheme for
  • The VxFS log is synchronous. In addition to
    metadata logging, VxFS allows small synchronous
    writes to be logged as well. This could be
    advantageous for databases running within the
    file system.
  • VxFS does allow the log to be placed on a
    separate device if desired.

Rapid Crash Recovery - NTFS
  • NTFS also uses a synchronous metadata journal to
    a log file that is typically a few megabytes in
  • As such, the log cannot be allocated on a
    separate device to enhance performance.
  • The FAT file system doesnt offer any of these
    features. FAT does maintain two copies of the
    file-allocation table, in case one copy is
    damaged, instead, you must run a utility such as

Other unique features
  • UFS-Because of its long lifespan, UFS has been
    enhanced in many areas. However, none of its
    incarnations has any single unique feature that
    all the others lack. In many senses UFS still
    serves as a precursor of VxFS and other advanced
    Unix file systems.
  • VxFS-Veritas promotes the on-line administration
    features of VxFS and its support for databases.
    On-line features include ability to grow or
    shrink a file system, snapshot backup and
  • NTFS- Compare with FAT, the sole unique feature
    of NTFS is its support for compression, which
    allows files to be compressed individually, by
    folder or by volume.(NTFS 5.0 supports


Feature comparison among UFS, VxFS, FAT, NTFS
  • UFS has been in use for years, so many system
    administrators are familiar and comfortable with
  • VxFS provides modest improvements over UFS and
    works well in many environments.
  • NTFS is the only advanced file system currently
    available for Windows NT, and therefore has a
    captive audience.

  • Avi Silberschatz, Peter Galvin. Applied Operating
    System Concept. New York John Wiley, 2000.
  • Overview of FAT, HPFS, and NTFS File System.
    Microsoft Product Support Service. March, 2000
  • Jeffrey Richter and Luis Felipe Cabera. A File
    System for the 21th century Previewing the
    Window NT 5.0 File System. Microsoft System
    Journal. November 1998.
  • Choosing between FAT and NTFS. Microsoft Product
    Support Service. March 2000
  • Avi Silberschatz. Operating System Concepts.
  • Philip Trautman and Jim Mostek. Scalability and
    Performance in Modern File Systems.
  • Custer, Helen. Inside the Windows NT File System.
    Microsoft Press(1998). Microsoft Corporation
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