Introduction to Genetics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Genetics


Introduction to Genetics as relevant to this course (Ack: Roche Genetics CD-ROM, Mishra s notes at NYU, ) Background (1/18) Genome, Chromosome, Genes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Genetics

Introduction to Genetics as relevant to this
  • (Ack Roche Genetics CD-ROM, Mishras notes at
    NYU, )

Background (1/18)
  • Genome, Chromosome, Genes made up of DNAs
  • Genetics research (largely over last 100yrs,
    accelerated in last 30 yrs)
  • Has led to important advances in medical science.
  • Nucleus of a cell contains chromosomes (made
    up of DNA) and proteins.
  • DNA (Deoxy Ribo Nucleic acid)
  • Is the genetic material that is inherited.
  • Contains the information needed by living cells
    to specify their structure, function, activity
    and interaction with other cells and environment.
  • A DNA molecule can be thought of as a very long
    sequence of nucleotides or bases.

DNA structure (2/18)
  • The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962 --
    Crick, Watson and Wilkins
  • for their discoveries concerning the molecular
    structure of nucleic acids and its significance
    for information transfer in living material
  • Made up of 4 different building blocks (so called
    nucleotide bases), each an almost planar
    nitrogenic organic compound
  • Adenine (A)
  • Thymine (T)
  • Guanine (G)
  • Cytosine (C)
  • Base pairs (A -- T, C -- G)

DNA Structure cont. (3/18)
  • Base pairs (A -- T,C -- G) are attached to a
    sugar phosphate backbone to form one of 2
    strands of a DNA molecule.
  • Phosphate ((PO4) -3)
  • Deoxyribose
  • Two strands are bonded together by the base pairs
    (A T, C G).
  • Results in mirror image or complementary strands,
    each is twisted (or helical), and when bonded
    they form a double helix.
  • Direction of each strand (5 meaning beginning or
    3 meaning end of the strand)
  • 5 and 3 refer to position of bases in relation
    to the sugar molecule in the DNA backbone.
  • Are important reference points to navigate the
  • 2 complementary strands are oriented in opposite
    direction to each other.

DNA Structure
Genome Size
Species Genome Size (in base pairs) No. of Chromosomes
E. Coli 4.64 X 106 1
S. Cerevisae (yeast) 1.205X107 16
C. Elegans (nematode) 108 11/12
D. Melanogaster 1.7X108 4
M. Musculus 3 X 109 20
H. Sapiens 3 X 109 6 feet when completely stretched out 23
A. Cepa (onion) 1.5X1010 8
DNA hybridization (DL 3/18)
  • Hybridization between complementary DNA sequences
    to form a double stranded DNA molecule.
  • One of the most important DNA technology
  • Applications of Hybridization
  • PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
  • Enzymetically generating millions of copies of a
    tiny amount of a particular nucleic acid
  • Northern blots analysis
  • Possible to study (in a semi-qualitative manner)
    the level of transcription of a particular gene.
  • DNA Microarrays
  • Can interrogate the level of transcription of
    several thousand of different genes in one sample
    in one experiment.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) (DL 3/18)
  • PCR allows selected amplification of a DNA
  • Only a tiny amount of DNA is necessary to obtain
    a PCR product (a drop of blood or less is
  • Complementary DNA primers need to be designed.
  • For this the DNA sequence flanking the target
    sequence needs to be known in advance.
  • Primers are short synthetic DNA sequences of
    about 20 bases (so called oligonucleotides) that
    can specifically hybridize to a unique
    complementary DNA sequence.
  • The approach
  • Genomic DNA (the template), Primers (the
    starters), deoxynucleotides (building blocks), a
    special DNA polymerase that is resistant to heat
    (the motor of the reaction) are mixed together in
    one reaction tube.
  • Reaction takes place in a thermocycler (an
    apparatus that allows one to precisely heat and
    cool the reaction).
  • DNA is heated to almost boiling temperature which
    separates the 2 strands (whole process is called
    heat denaturation)
  • Cooling of the mixture allows the primer to bind
    to their complementary sequence of the genomic
  • Once the primers bind the DNA polymerase uses
    them as the start site to generate a copy of each
    strand of the targeted gene fragment building 2
    new double stranded molecules.
  • Doing it (denaturation followed by cooling) 30
    times, results in 230 109 (1 billion) copies.

Northern Blot analysis
  • The complete RNA content from a sample is
    separated according to size by electrophoresis.
  • Usually done in a sheet of agarose (similar to
  • In response to electric current, larger molecules
    move slower, and smaller move faster, thus
    separating different RNA molecules by size.
  • Then RNAs are transferred from gel to a filter
    membrane (blot)
  • Blot is then exposed to a solution containing a
    nucleic acid (probe) complement to the sequence
    whose presence in the blot one wants to
  • The probe may be cRNA or cDNA with detectable
    marking (radioactive isotope or a fluoroscent
  • If the targeted sequence is present in the blot
    then the probe hybridizes and sticks to the blot
    at the location where the targeted sequence is
  • After washing off of excess probe -- a signal is
    detectable and its specificity can be checked
    based on the expected size of the RNA that will
    correlate with how far it has migrated during
  • With this method It is possible to study in a
    semiqualitative manner the level of transcription
    of a particular gene.
  • Comparison of the results from different samples
    (e.g. different organs etc.) provides information
    about the transcriptional regulation of the gene.

DNA Structure cont. (4/18)
  • The order of nucleotide bases along a DNA strand
    is known as the sequence.
  • The genetic information is encoded in the precise
    order of the base pairs.
  • DL
  • GenBank database http//
  • Human genome project http//
  • DNA sequencing
  • Is the process designed to precisely determine
    the sequence of bases in the DNA.

Cells, DNA and genome (5,6,8/18)
  • During cell division (Mitosis) the entire DNA of
    the cell is copied
  • 2 strands separate, complementary strands are
  • Two duplicate DNA sequences are produced.
  • Genome an organisms total DNA content
  • Diploid cells cells that carry 2 genome copies
  • Haploid cells have a single copy of the genome
  • Reproductive germs cells (gametes), i..e., egg
    sperm cells
  • Human genome consists of
  • 22 autosomal chromosomes (same in males and
  • 2 sex chromosomes X and Y (males XY, females XX)

Structure of Chromosomes (7/18)
  • Center is called centromere.
  • Two ends called Telomere.
  • Center separates two arms
  • Short arm p
  • Long arm q.

Structure of genes 9-11/18
  • Genes are those parts of the genome that contain
    the information necessary for the building of
    proteins. (size100-several million base pairs)
  • Exon (coding sequence), Intron (non-coding
    sequence), regulatory region (at the two ends
    for regulating how actively protein is to be
    synthesized from them)
  • Eukaryotes (organisms whose cell have nucleus)
    have genes segmented into exons and introns
  • Introns can occur between individual codons or
    within a single codon.
  • Promoter (a regulatory element in the 5 end)
  • Consists of several short sequences which are
    consensus binding sites for a number of proteins
    called transcription factors.

(DL 10/18)
  • Prokaryotes (do not have nucleus) genes are not
    segmented to exons and introns.
  • Eukaryotes (normally segemented to exons and
  • Except mitochondrial genes a few nuclear genes.
  • During gene expression exons and introns are
    transcribed to form a pre-mRNA
  • RNA splicing -- removes introns and exons and
    produces mature mRNA molecule that codes for a
  • Exons sequences that are represented in the
    mature mRNA
  • May or may not code for a protein
  • Eg. Exons at the 3 or 5 end of mRNA may not be
    translated to proteins

Some Genes (from Mishras slides)
Gene Product Organism Exon Length Introns Intron Length
Adenoshine deaminase Human 1500 11 30,000
Apolipoprotein B Human 14,000 28 29,000
Erythropoietin Human 582 4 1562
Thyroglobulin Human 8500 40 100,000
a-interferon Human 600 0 0
Fibroin Silk Worm 18,000 1 970
Phaseolin French Bean 1263 5 515
Some human gene locations (From Mishras slides)
Genes chromosome
Insulin 11
Galactokinase 11
Viral oncogene homologues
C-sis 22
C-mos 8
C-Ha-Ras-1 11
C-myb 6
a b luster 9
g 12
Genes chromosome
a-globin cluster 16
b-globin cluster 11
k (light chain) 2
l (light chain) 22
Heavy Chain 14
Pseudogenes 9,32,15,18
Growth Hormone gene cluster 17
Thymidine kinase 17
Gene expresion (12/18)
  • Gene expression (Transcription and Translation)
    from genes to making proteins the 2 step process
  • Transcription genetic information in DNA is
    copied into messenger RNA (mRNA)
  • Translation mRNA is used as a template to
    synthesize a protein.

Central Dogma
  • Due to Francis Crick 1958 states that these
    information flows are all unidirectional
  • The central dogma states that once information'
    has passed into protein it cannot get out again.
    The transfer of information from nucleic acid to
    nucleic acid, or from nucleic acid to protein,
    may be possible, but transfer from protein to
    protein, or from protein to nucleic acid is
    impossible. Information means here the precise
    determination of sequence, either of bases in the
    nucleic acid or of amino acid residues in the

Transcription (13/18)
  • RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
  • Similar to DNA (except for a chemical
    modification of the sugar backbone)
  • Instead of T contains U (Uracil) which binds with
  • Is not double stranded but single stranded
  • RNA molecules tend to fold back on themselves to
    make helical twisted and rigid segments.
  • RNA is synthesized
  • By unwinding the DNA double helix separating the
    2 strands.
  • Using one of the strands as a template along
    which to build the RNA molecule
  • Accomplished by Enzyme RNA polymerase (binds to
    promoter and copies or transcribes the gene in
    its full length)
  • Resulting molecule is called Pre-mRNA
  • Single stranded pre-mRNA is then procesed.
  • Splicing (mediated by spliceosome consisting of
    RNA and proteins) removes the introns.
  • Ends modified (Capping modifies 5 end and
    Polyadenylation adds adenines at the 3 end) to
    enhance stability

Translation (14/18)
  • mRNA is used as a template to synthesize a
  • Translation takes place outside the nucleus in
    the cytoplasm within organelles called
    endoplasmic reticulum.
  • Except for the 5 3 end of the mRNA (which are
    non-coding) the rest of the molecule codes for 1
  • Proteins made up of aminoacids
  • 20 different aminoacids used to build proteins in
  • Each encoded by one or more sets of 3 nucleotides
    (called triplets or codons)
  • Initial codon is always AUG (coding for
  • Translation is terminated by one of 3 stop
  • Translation process is carried out by ribosomes
    which scan the mRNA, build the polypetide chain
    from aminoacids supplied by transport RNAs
  • Starts at a particular location of the mRNA
    called the translator start sequence (usually
  • tRNA (transfer RNA) are made up of a group of
    small RNA molecules each with specificity for a
    particular amino acid.
  • tRNAs carry the aminoacids to the ribosomes, the
    site of protein synthesis, where they are
    attached to a growing polypetide.
  • Translation stops when one of UAA, UAG or UGA is

Post-translational modification (DL)
  • The polypetide chain that results from mRNA
    translation is often subject to chemical
    modifications. Eg.
  • Glycosylation, phosphorylation, hydrooxylation
  • Addition of lipid groups (eg. Fatty acyl or
    prenyl groups)
  • Addition of co-factors (e.g. a heme molecule)
  • Or proteolytic cleavage
  • The type of modification a protein undergoes
    depends on its function and sub-cellular location.

Genetic Code (15/18)
  • The combination of nucleotides that build the
    different codons represents the genetic code.
  • Codon 3 nucleotides 4 kinds of nucleotides. So
    4X4X4 64 possible codons.
  • But 20 amminoacids start stop.
  • So several codons can specify the same aminoacid.
    (genetic code is degenerate)
  • Start codon (AUG) and Stop codons (UAA, UAG,
  • Open reading frame (ORF) the sequence of
    nucleotides between and including the start and
    stop codons.
  • The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
    Holley, Khorana and Nirenberg
  • for their interpretation of the genetic code and
    its function in protein synthesis
  • http//

Amino Acids with Codes (From Mishras slide)
  • A Ala alanine GC(UACG)
  • C Cys cysteine UG(UC)
  • D Asp aspertic acid GA(UC)
  • E Glu glutamic acid GA(GA)
  • F Phe phenylanine UU(UC)
  • G Gly glycine GG(UACG)
  • H His histine CA(UC)
  • I Ile isoleucine AU(UAC)
  • K Lys lysine AA(AG)
  • L Leu leucine (CU)U(AG) CU(UC)
  • M Met methionine AUG
  • N Asn asparginine AA(UC)
  • P Pro proline CC(UACG)
  • Q Gln glutamine CA(AG)
  • R Arg arginine (AC)G(AG)CG(UC)
  • S Ser serine (AGUC)(UC)UC(AG)
  • T Thr threonine AC(UACG)
  • V Val valine GU(UACG)
  • W Trp tryptophan UGG

Biological Function of Proteins
  • Enzyme catalysis DNA polymerases, lactate
    dehydrogenase, trypsin
  • Transport hemoglobin, membrane transporters,
    serum albumin
  • Storage ovalbumin, egg-white protein, ferritin
  • Motion myosin, actin, tubulin, flagellar
  • Structural and mechanical support collagen,
    elastin, keratin, viral coat proteins
  • Defense antibodies, complement factors, blood
    clotting factors, protease inhibitors
  • Signal transduction receptors, ion channels,
    rhodopsin, G proteins, signalling cascade
  • Control of growth, differentiation and
    metabolism repressor proteins, growth factors,
    cytokines, bone morphogenic proteins, peptide
    hormones, cell adhesion proteins
  • Toxins snake venoms, cholera toxin

Differential Gene Expression 17/18
  • All cells in the body (that contain a nucleus)
    carry the full set of genetic information, but
    only express about 20 of the genes at any
    particular time.
  • Gene expression is selective
  • Different proteins are expressed in different
    cells according to the function of the cell.
  • Gene expression is tightly controlled and
  • The differential expression of genes ensures that
    cells develop correctly and can differentiate
    into and function as specialized cell types. For
    eg. Neurons, muscle cell, or fibroblast.

cDNA and gene expression (DL)
  • Goal Identify all possible genes expressed in
    one tissue or cell line. (Use cDNA libraries)
  • cDNA libraries are prepared from mRNA isolated
    from the cells or tissue being studied.
  • cDNA are DNA molecules that are complementary to
    the mRNA sequences in a sample.
  • cDNA is synthesized by the enzyme reverse
    transcriptase (RT), that uses the mRNA as a
  • RT is a viral enzyme used by viruses whose genome
    is made of RNA, not DNA.
  • A cDNA library represents the collection of all
    genes expressed in a particular cell or tissue
  • DNA sequence ? mRNA sequence ? cDNA sequence
    (much smaller as while generating mRNAs the
    introns are eliminated)
  • Hence very useful when trying to isolate a
    particular gene to study the protein it codes.


Gene Cloning 1/11
  • First step in identifying genes and their
    function is to isolate it from the rest of genome
    and produce a large quantity of it (called
    cloning a gene).
  • Cloning a DNA fragment using bacteria
  • DNA fragment is isolated from the entire genome
    using restriction enzyme.
  • These enzymes can cut the DNA (in a staggered
    fashion or straight through) at specific sites
    defined by a short sequence.
  • Typically they recognize specific DNA sequences
    of 4, 6, or 8 bases
  • These enzymes are found in bacterias, where their
    role is to protect the bacteria from foreign DNA
    by digesting them into smaller pieces
  • This fragment is inserted into a vector (like a
    mini-chromosome) using DNA ligase and the
    recombinant product is introduced into bacteria
    (this process is called transformation)
  • Cloning vectors are DNA fragments that are able
    to replicate within a cell and allow the addition
    of exogenous DNA.
  • They are derived from plasmids, viruses, phages
    or chromosomes.
  • Vectors are classified according to the type of
    host cell they can replicate in, or the size of
    the exogenous DNA they are able to carry.
  • The bacteria now makes new copies with every cell

DNA Sequencing (DL 1/11)
  • It is the process designed to precisely determine
    the sequence of bases in the DNA.
  • Involves enzymetically copying the DNA in the
    presence of compounds that terminate this copying
    process in a base specific manner, resulting in a
    mixture of DNA copies that differ in size by one
  • Different technologies are used to resolve the
    mixture and detect the different fragments.

Cloning issues (2-3/11)
  • Clones from genomic DNA contain introns
    (non-coding sequence) and is very large and
    difficult to analyze for function.
  • Alternative start from mRNA. Convert to cDNA and
    clone the cDNA.

Gene function characterization(4/11)
  • To characterize the function of a gene it is
    important to know the sequence and compare it to
    other sequences in the databases. Identify where
    and under what condition it is expressed and what
    function, if known, it has in other organisms.
  • Also do gene expression studies.

Gene expression studies (5/11)
  • Allow you to understand how a gene is regulated
    in a tissue or a cell type.
  • Most useful way of studying gene expression is
    by measuring the levels of mRNA produced from a
    particular gene in a particular tissue.
  • Application to understand certain biological
    process it is useful to study the differences in
    gene expression which occur during such
    processes. E.g.
  • It is of interest to know which genes are induced
    or repressed, say in the liver, after a
    particular drug is taken.
  • Or which genes are expressed in a tumor but not
    in the surrounding normal tissue.
  • Some techniques for analyzing mRNA level of a
    single gene or to quantify gene expression
  • Northern blots
  • Quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR
  • DNA microarrays
  • Proteomics (analysis of the protein synthesis
    that results from gene expression)

DNA microarrays (6/11)
  • Consist of thousands of DNA probes corresponding
    to different genes arranged as an array.
  • Each probe (sometimes consisting of a short
    sequences of synthetic DNA) is complementary to a
    different mRNA (or cDNA)
  • mRNA isolated from a tissue or cell type is
    converted to fluoroscently labeled mRNA or cDNA
    and is used to hybridize the array.
  • All expressed genes in the sample will bind to
    one probe of the array and generate a fluoroscent
  • A DNA microarray can interrogate the level of
    transcription of several thousand of different
    genes from one sample in one experiment. (One DNA
    microarray experiment reveals the mRNA levels of
    1000s of genes from one tissue or cell type at
    one time point)
  • Particularly useful when studying the effect of
    environmental factors on gene expression.
  • A fingernail size chip can interrogate 10,000
    different transcripts. Chip has 30-40 different
    probes half of them are designed to perfectly
    match 20 nucleotide stretches of the gene and the
    other half contains a mismatch as a control to
    test for specificity of the hybridization signal.

Pharmacogenomics 7/11
  • It refers to the study of differential gene
    expression applied to drug discovery and
  • Applications (Differential gene expression
    studies in special tissues or cell types may)
  • Find new disease mechanisms of a drug
  • Discover new drug targets
  • Confirm expected action of mechanism of a drug
  • Choose from best candidate compound based on
    optimal expression profile.
  • Figure out apriori with who will benefit from a
    drug and who wont.

Model organisms 9/11
  • Indispensable tool to study the function of a
  • Range from bacteria and yeast to animals amenable
    to genetic modification.
  • Worms, insect cells, frog eggs, flies, zebra
    fish, mice, mammalian (human) cell lines.
  • In general, more complex the organism more
    difficult to do genetic modification, but more
    relevant the model becomes to humans.
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