Amateur Extra Licensing Class - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Amateur Extra Licensing Class


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Amateur Extra Licensing Class

Amateur Extra Licensing Class
Rules Regs
  • Lake Area Radio Klub
  • Spring 2012

Amateur Radio Extra ClassElement 4 Course
  • ELEMENT 4 Groupings
  • Rules Regs
  • Skywaves Contesting
  • Outer Space Comms
  • Visuals Video Modes
  • Digital Excitement with Computers Radios
  • Modulate Your Transmitters
  • Amps Power Supplies
  • Receivers with Great Filters

Amateur Radio Extra ClassElement 4 Course
  • ELEMENT 4 Groupings
  • Oscillate Synthesize This!
  • Circuits Resonance for All!
  • Components in Your New Rig
  • Logically Speaking of Counters
  • Optos OpAmps Plus Solar
  • Test Gear, Testing, Testing 1,2,3
  • Antennas
  • Feedlines Safety

Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1A01When using a transceiver that displays the
    carrier frequency of phone signals, a displayed
    frequency of 3 kHz below the upper band edge will
    result in a normal USB emission being within the
  • E1A03With your transceiver displaying the
    carrier frequency of phone signals, you hear a DX
    station's CQ on 14.349 MHz USB. It is not legal
    to return the call using upper sideband on the
    same frequency because your sidebands will extend
    beyond the band edge.
  • 14.349 MHz 3 KHz 14.352 MHz.

The band edge for 20 meters is 14.350 MHz
therefore your signal would be out of band by 2
Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1A02 When using a transceiver that displays the
    carrier frequency of phone signals, a 3 kHz above
    the lower band edge displayed carrier frequency
    display will result in a normal LSB emission
    being within the band.
  • E1A04 With your transceiver displaying the
    carrier frequency of phone signals, you hear a DX
    station's CQ on 3.601 MHz LSB. It is not legal to
    return the call using lower sideband on the same
    frequency because your sidebands will extend
    beyond the edge of the phone band segment.
  • 3.601 MHz - 3 KHz 3.598 MHz
  • The band edge for phone on 80 meters is 3.600
    MHz therefore your signal at 3.598 MHz would be
    out of the band by 2 KHz and in the RTTY and
    data segment of the 80 meter band

Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1A09The 80/75, 40, 20 and 15 meter frequency
    bands contain at least one segment authorized
    only to control operators holding an Amateur
    Extra Class operator license.

Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1A06The maximum power output permitted on the
    60 meter band is 50 watts PEP effective radiated
    power relative to a dipole.
  • You must do a calculation of transmitter power,
    antenna gain and line loss to determine your ERP.
  • On the 60 meter band power is limited to 50
    Watts ERP, (Effective Radiated Power) referred to
    a dipole antenna which includes antenna gain and
    the path loss or gain from the transceiver to
    antenna itself.
  • If you had an antenna with 6 dB of gain over a
    dipole and a coaxial line loss of -3dB the
    maximum output allowed from the transmitter would
    be 25 watts.
  • Gain over dipole would be 6 dB -3dB Loss or 3db,
    therefore you would have to have a transmitter
    power of 3 db less than 50 watts, or 25 watts
    transmitter output power.
  • 5330.5 kHz USB
  • 5346.5 kHz USB
  • 5366.5 kHz USB
  • 5371.5 kHz USB
  • 5403.5 kHz USB

Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1A07 The 60 meter band is the only amateur band
    where only the transmission on specific channels
    rather than a range of frequencies is permitted.

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1A08Upper sideband SSB is the only emission
    permitted to be transmitted on the 60 meter band
    by an amateur station.
  • E1A13When a US-registered vessel is in
    international waters, any amateur license or
    reciprocal permit for an alien amateur licensee
    with an FCC-issued license or permit is allowed
    to transmit amateur communications from an
    on-board amateur transmitter.
  • E1A12If an amateur station is installed on board
    a ship or aircraft, its operation must be
    approved by the master of the ship or the pilot
    in command of the aircraft before the station is

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1A05 The only amateur band that does not permit
    the transmission of phone or image emissions is
    30 meters
  • The 30 meter band is restricted to RTTY and data
    transmission only.
  • E1B03 Within a distance of 1 mile an amateur
    station must protect an FCC monitoring facility
    from harmful interference.
  • E1F08 The National Radio Quiet Zone is an area
    surrounding the National Radio Astronomy
  • The National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) was
    established by the Federal Communications
    Commission (FCC) in 1958 to minimize possible
    harmful interference to the National Radio
    Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in Green Bank, WV
    and the radio receiving facilities for the United
    States Navy in Sugar Grove, WV.

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1B02 An amateur station apparatus or antenna
    structure may be restricted if the location is
    significant to our environment, American history,
    architecture, or culture.
  • E1B04 An Environmental Assessment must be
    submitted to the FCC before placing an amateur
    station within an officially designated
    wilderness area or wildlife preserve, or an area
    listed in the National Register of Historical

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
E1F02 The CEPT operating arrangements allows an
FCC-licensed US citizen to operate in many
European countries, and alien amateurs from many
European countries to operate in the US. CEPT
is the European Conference of Post and
Telecommunications Administration E1F03
The IARP agreement allows an FCC-licensed US
citizen and many Central and South American
amateur operators to operate in each others
IARP is an acronym for International Amateur
Radio Permit. The ARRL has issued the
International Amateur Radio Permit (IARP) that
allows US amateurs to operate from Argentina,
Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela without
having to obtain a special license (the US and
Canada also are CITEL signatories). The IARP is
valid in any country that is a signatory to the
CITEL Amateur Convention.
Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1F16 Communications incidental to the purpose
    of the amateur service and remarks of a personal
    nature may be transmitted to amateur stations in
    foreign countries.
  • E1F06 The A line is a line roughly parallel to
    and approx. 50 miles south of the US-Canadian
  • E1F07 Amateur stations may not transmit on the
    420 - 430 MHz frequency segments if they are
    located north of Line A.

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1B05 An amateur station antenna structure not
    close to a public use airport, unless the FAA is
    notified and it is registered with the FCC,
    cannot be higher than 200 feet above ground level
    at its site.

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
Distances from runway and height permitted. 200
feet maximum is the only info needed.
Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1B06If you are installing an amateur station
    antenna at a site within 20,000 feet of a public
    use airport you may have to notify the Federal
    Aviation Administration and register it with the
  • E1B07Before erecting an amateur station antenna
    located at or near a public use airport the FAA
    must be notified and it must be registered with
    the FCC if the antenna would exceed a certain
    height depending upon the antennas distance from
    the nearest active runway.
  • E1F10An amateur station may send a message to a
    business when neither the amateur nor his or her
    employer has a pecuniary interest in the
  • E1F11Amateur-operator-to-amateur-operator
    communications transmitted for hire or material
    compensation are prohibited, except as otherwise
    provided in the FCC rules.

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1F09Under no circumstances may the control
    operator of a repeater accept payment for
    providing communication services to another
  • E1A10If a station in a message forwarding system
    inadvertently forwards a message that is in
    violation of FCC rules, the control operator of
    the originating station is primarily accountable
    for the rules violation.
  • E1A11The first action you should take if your
    digital message forwarding station inadvertently
    forwards a communication that violates FCC rules
    is to discontinue forwarding the communication as
    soon as you become aware of it.

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1C07Local control means direct manipulation of
    the transmitter by a control operator.
  • E1C01 A remotely controlled station is a station
    controlled indirectly through a control link.
  • E1C08The maximum permissible duration of a
    remotely controlled stations transmissions if
    its control link malfunctions is 3 minutes.

Most control link frequencies are found on UHF
420-430 MHz or up on 1.2 GHz. Control link is
the key for remote control of an amateur station
or repeater.
Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1C06When operating remotely controlled amateur
    stations, a control operator must be present at
    the control point.
  • E1C02Automatic control of a station is the use
    of devices and procedures for control so that the
    control operator does not have to be present at a
    control point.
  • E1C03Control operator responsibilities of a
    station under automatic control differ from one
    under local control in that under automatic
    control the control operator is not required to
    be present at the control point.
  • E1C10Only amateur auxiliary, repeater or space
    stations may automatically retransmit the radio
    signals of other amateur stations.

An example of an auxiliary relay station would be
a mobile rig configured to be a cross band
Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1C09 Frequencies from 29.500 - 29.700 MHz are
    available for automatically controlled
    ground-station repeater operation.
  • Repeater operation on HF is limited only to the
    top of the 10 meter band, between 29.5 MHz to
    29.7 MHz. No other HF frequency (3-30MHz) bands
    permit repeater operation.
  • E1F15 Technician, General, Advanced or Extra
    Class Amateur operators may be the control
    operator of an auxiliary station.
  • Auxiliary stations transmit communications point
    to point within a system of cooperating stations.
    An example would be the Washington State
    Evergreen Inter-Tie System that links stations
    across the northwest.
  • Any amateur radio operator, EXCEPT NOVICE CLASS,
    may set up an auxiliary station and be the
    control operator of that station.

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1F17The FCC can issue a "Special Temporary
    Authority" (STA) to an amateur station to provide
    for experimental amateur communications.
  • E1B09The Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
    (RACES) is a radio service of amateur stations
    for civil defense communications during periods
    of local, regional, or national civil
  • E1B10Any FCC-licensed amateur station certified
    by the responsible civil defense organization for
    the area served may operate amateur stations
    under RACES.

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1B11 All amateur service frequencies otherwise
    authorized to the control operator are normally
    authorized to any FCC licensed amateur station
    participating in RACES.
  • You do NOT gain any out-of-band privileges as a
    RACES operator.
  • E1B13 Communications permissible in RACES
    include authorized civil defense emergency
    communications affecting the immediate safety of
    life and property.
  • E1B12 Specific amateur service frequency
    segments authorized in FCC Part 214 are
    authorized to an amateur station participating in
    RACES during a period when the President's War
    Emergency Powers are in force.
  • If a war should break out, RACES operators may
    be authorized specific segments in the amateur
    service MF, HF, VHF, and UHF bands.

Amateur Radio Extra Class Rules Regs
  • E1E04 The Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC)
    is an organization that has entered into an
    agreement with the FCC to coordinate amateur
    operator license exams.
  • E1E03 All of the VECs are responsible for
    maintaining the question pools from which all
    amateur license examination questions must be
  • E1E02 The questions for all written US amateur
    license examinations are listed in the
    VEC-maintained question pool.
  • E1E05 A VE (Volunteer Examiner) is an amateur
    operator who is approved by a VEC to administer
    amateur operator license examinations.

Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1E08 The Volunteer Examiner accreditation
    process is the procedure by which a VEC confirms
    that the VE applicant meets FCC requirements to
    serve as an examiner.
  • E1E07 Persons seeking to become VEs who have
    ever had an amateur operator or amateur station
    license suspended or revoked cannot be
  • E1E20 You must be a minimum of 18 years of age
    to be a volunteer examiner.

Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1E06 A VE team is a group of at least three VEs
    who administer examinations for an amateur
    operator license.
  • E1E01 The minimum number of qualified VEs
    required to administer an Element 4 amateur
    operator license examination is three.
  • E1E12 A VE may not administer an examination to
    their close relatives as listed in the FCC rules.

Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1E10Each administering VE is responsible for
    the proper conduct and necessary supervision
    during an amateur operator license examination
  • E1E09All of the administering VEs must be
    present be and located where they can observe the
    examinees throughout the entire examination
  • E1E14The VE team must collect and immediately
    grade the examinees test papers once they have
    finished the examination.

Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1E15 If an examinee scores a passing grade on
    all examination elements needed for an upgrade or
    new license a minimum of three attending VEs must
    certify that the examinee is qualified for the
    license grant and that they have complied with
    the VE requirements.

Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1E16 If the examinee does not pass the exam the
    VE team will return the application document to
    the examinee.
  • E1E11 If a candidate fails to comply with the
    examiners instructions during an amateur
    operator license examination, the examiner should
    immediately terminate the candidates
  • E1E18 Preparing, processing, administering and
    coordinating an examination are types of
    out-of-pocket expenses that VEs and VECs can be

Amateur Radio Extra ClassRules Regs
  • E1E19 The VE team and VEC may accept
    reimbursement for preparing, processing,
    administering and coordinating an examination and
    actual out-of-pocket expenses.
  • E1E17 Failure to appear for re-administration of
    an examination when so directed by the FCC will
    cause the licensee's license to be cancelled.
  • E1E13 The penalty for a VE who fraudulently
    administers or certifies an examination is the
    revocation of the VEs amateur station license
    grant and the suspension of the VEs amateur
    operator license grant.

Element 4 Extra Class Question Pool Rules
Valid July 1, 2008 Through June 30, 2012
E1A01 When using a transceiver that displays the
carrier frequency of phone signals, which of the
following displayed frequencies will result in a
normal USB emission being within the band?
  1. The exact upper band edge
  2. 300 Hz below the upper band edge
  3. 1 kHz below the upper band edge
  4. 3 kHz below the upper band edge

E1A03 With your transceiver displaying the
carrier frequency of phone signals, you hear a DX
station's CQ on 14.349 MHz USB. Is it legal to
return the call using upper sideband on the same
  1. Yes, because the DX station initiated the contact
  2. Yes, because the displayed frequency is within
    the 20 meter band
  3. No, my sidebands will extend beyond the band edge
  4. No, USA stations are not permitted to use phone
    emissions above 14.340 MHz

E1A02 When using a transceiver that displays the
carrier frequency of phone signals, which of the
following displayed frequencies will result in a
normal LSB emission being within the band?
  1. The exact lower band edge
  2. 300 Hz above the lower band edge
  3. 1 kHz above the lower band edge
  4. 3 kHz above the lower band edge

E1A04 With your transceiver displaying the
carrier frequency of phone signals, you hear a DX
station's CQ on 3.601 MHz LSB. Is it legal to
return the call using lower sideband on the same
  1. Yes, because the DX station initiated the contact
  2. Yes, because the displayed frequency is within
    the 75 meter phone band segment
  3. No, my sidebands will extend beyond the edge of
    the phone band segment
  4. No, USA stations are not permitted to use phone
    emissions below 3.610 MHz

E1A09 Which frequency bands contain at least one
segment authorized only to control operators
holding an Amateur Extra Class operator license?
  1. 80/75, 40, 20 and 15 meters
  2. 80/75, 40, 20 and 10 meters
  3. 80/75, 40, 30 and 10 meters
  4. 160, 80/75, 40 and 20 meters

E1A06 What is the maximum power output permitted
on the 60 meter band?
  1. 50 watts PEP effective radiated power relative to
    an isotropic radiator
  2. 50 watts PEP effective radiated power relative to
    a dipole
  3. 100 watts PEP effective radiated power relative
    to an isotropic radiator
  4. 100 watts PEP effective radiated power relative
    to a dipole

E1A07 What is the only amateur band where
transmission on specific channels rather than a
range of frequencies is permitted?
  1. 12 meter band
  2. 17 meter band
  3. 30 meter band
  4. 60 meter band

E1A08 What is the only emission type permitted
to be transmitted on the 60 meter band by an
amateur station?
  1. CW
  2. RTTY Frequency shift keying
  3. Single sideband, upper sideband only
  4. Single sideband, lower sideband only

E1A13 When a US-registered vessel is in
international waters, what type of FCC-issued
license or permit is required to transmit amateur
communications from an on-board amateur
  1. Any amateur license with an FCC Marine or
    Aircraft endorsement
  2. Any amateur license or reciprocal permit for
    alien amateur licensee
  3. Only General class or higher amateur licenses
  4. An unrestricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit

E1A12 If an amateur station is installed on
board a ship or aircraft, what condition must be
met before the station is operated?
  1. Its operation must be approved by the master of
    the ship or the pilot in command of the aircraft
  2. The amateur station operator must agree to not
    transmit when the main ship or aircraft radios
    are in use
  3. It must have a power supply that is completely
    independent of the main ship or aircraft power
  4. Its operator must have an FCC Marine or Aircraft
    endorsement on his or her amateur license

E1A05 Which is the only amateur band that does
not permit the transmission of phone or image
  1. 160 meters
  2. 60 meters
  3. 30 meters
  4. 17 meters

E1B03 Within what distance must an amateur
station protect an FCC monitoring facility from
harmful interference?
  1. 1 mile
  2. 3 miles
  3. 10 miles
  4. 30 miles

E1F08 What is the National Radio Quiet Zone?
  1. An area in Puerto Rico surrounding the Arecibo
    Radio Telescope
  2. An area in New Mexico surrounding the White Sands
    Test Area
  3. An area surrounding the National Radio Astronomy
  4. An area in Florida surrounding Cape Canaveral

E1B02 Which of the following factors might cause
the physical location of an amateur station
apparatus or antenna structure to be restricted?
  1. The location is in or near an area of political
    conflict, military maneuvers or major
  2. The location's geographical or horticultural
  3. The location is in an ITU zone designated for
    coordination with one or more foreign governments
  4. The location is significant to our environment,
    American history, architecture, or culture.

E1B04 What must be done before placing an
amateur station within an officially designated
wilderness area or wildlife preserve, or an area
listed in the National Register of Historical
  1. A proposal must be submitted to the National Park
  2. A letter of intent must be filed with the
    National Audubon Society
  3. An Environmental Assessment must be submitted to
    the FCC
  4. A form FSD-15 must be submitted to the Department
    of the Interior

E1F02 Which of the following operating
arrangements allows an FCC-licensed US citizen to
operate in many European countries, and alien
amateurs from many European countries to operate
in the US?
  1. CEPT agreement
  2. IARP agreement
  3. ITU reciprocal license
  4. All of these choices are correct

E1F03 Which of the following operating
arrangements allow an FCC-licensed US citizen and
many Central and South American amateur operators
to operate in each others countries?
  1. CEPT agreement
  2. IARP agreement
  3. ITU agreement
  4. All of these choices are correct

E1F16 What types of communications may be
transmitted to amateur stations in foreign
  1. Business-related messages
  2. Automatic retransmissions of any amateur
  3. Communications incidental to the purpose of the
    amateur service and remarks of a personal nature
  4. All of these choices are correct

E1F06 Which of the following geographic
descriptions approximately describes "Line A"?
  1. A line roughly parallel to and south of the
    US-Canadian border
  2. A line roughly parallel to and west of the US
    Atlantic coastline
  3. A line roughly parallel to and north of the
    US-Mexican border and Gulf coastline
  4. A line roughly parallel to and east of the US
    Pacific coastline

E1F07 Amateur stations may not transmit in which
of the following frequency segments if they are
located north of Line A?
  1. 440 450 MHz
  2. 53 54 MHz
  3. 222 223 MHz
  4. 420 430 MHz

E1B05 What height restrictions apply to an
amateur station antenna structure not close to a
public use airport unless the FAA is notified and
it is registered with the FCC?
  1. It must not extend more than 300 feet above
    average height of terrain surrounding the site
  2. It must be no higher than 200 feet above ground
    level at its site
  3. There are no height restrictions because the
    structure obviously would not be a hazard to
    aircraft in flight
  4. It must not extend more than 100 feet above sea
    level or the rim of the nearest valley or canyon

E1B06 Which of the following additional rules
apply if you are installing an amateur station
antenna at a site within 20,000 feet of a public
use airport?
  1. You may have to notify the Federal Aviation
    Administration and register it with the FCC
  2. No special rules apply if your antenna structure
    will be less than 300 feet in height
  3. You must file an Environmental Impact Statement
    with the EPA before construction begins
  4. You must obtain a construction permit from the
    airport zoning authority

E1B07 Whose approval is required before erecting
an amateur station antenna located at or near a
public use airport if the antenna would exceed a
certain height depending upon the antennas
distance from the nearest active runway?
  1. The FAA must be notified and it must be
    registered with the FCC
  2. Approval must be obtained from the airport
  3. Approval must be obtained from the local zoning
  4. The FAA must approve any antenna structure that
    is higher than 20 feet

E1F10 When may an amateur station send a message
to a business?
  1. When the total money involved does not exceed 25
  2. When the control operator is employed by the FCC
    or another government agency
  3. When transmitting international third-party
  4. When neither the amateur nor his or her employer
    has a pecuniary interest in the communications

E1F11 Which of the following types of
communications are prohibited?
  1. Communications transmitted for hire or material
    compensation, except as otherwise provided in the
  2. Communications that have a political content,
    except as allowed by the Fairness Doctrine
  3. Communications that have a religious content
  4. Communications in a language other than English

E1F09 When may the control operator of a repeater
accept payment for providing communication
services to another party?
  1. When the repeater is operating under portable
  2. When the repeater is operating under local
  3. During Red Cross or other emergency service
  4. Under no circumstances

E1A10 If a station in a message forwarding system
inadvertently forwards a message that is in
violation of FCC rules, who is primarily
accountable for the rules violation?
  1. The control operator of the packet bulletin board
  2. The control operator of the originating station
  3. The control operators of all the stations in the
  4. The control operators of all the stations in the
    system not authenticating the source from which
    they accept communications

E1A11 What is the first action you should take
if your digital message forwarding station
inadvertently forwards a communication that
violates FCC rules?
  1. Discontinue forwarding the communication as soon
    as you become aware of it
  2. Notify the originating station that the
    communication does not comply with FCC rules
  3. Notify the nearest FCC Field Engineers office
  4. Discontinue forwarding all messages

E1C07 What is meant by local control?
  1. Controlling a station through a local auxiliary
  2. Automatically manipulating local station controls
  3. Direct manipulation of the transmitter by a
    control operator
  4. Controlling a repeater using a portable handheld

E1C01 What is a remotely controlled station?
  1. A station operated away from its regular home
  2. A station controlled by someone other than the
  3. A station operating under automatic control
  4. A station controlled indirectly through a control

E1C08 What is the maximum permissible duration
of a remotely controlled stations transmissions
if its control link malfunctions?
  1. 30 seconds
  2. 3 minutes
  3. 5 minutes
  4. 10 minutes

E1C06 Which of the following statements
concerning remotely controlled amateur stations
is true?
  1. Only Extra Class operators may be the control
    operator of a remote station
  2. A control operator need not be present at the
    control point
  3. A control operator must be present at the control
  4. Repeater and auxiliary stations may not be
    remotely controlled

E1C02 What is meant by automatic control of a
  1. The use of devices and procedures for control so
    that the control operator does not have to be
    present at a control point
  2. A station operating with its output power
    controlled automatically
  3. Remotely controlling a stations antenna pattern
    through a directional control link
  4. The use of a control link between a control point
    and a locally controlled station

E1C03 How do the control operator
responsibilities of a station under automatic
control differ from one under local control?
  1. Under local control there is no control operator
  2. Under automatic control the control operator is
    not required to be present at the control point
  3. Under automatic control there is no control
  4. Under local control a control operator is not
    required to be present at a control point

E1C10 What types of amateur stations may
automatically retransmit the radio signals of
other amateur stations?
  1. Only beacon, repeater or space stations
  2. Only auxiliary, repeater or space stations
  3. Only earth stations, repeater stations or model
  4. Only auxiliary, beacon or space stations

E1C09 Which of these frequencies are available
for automatically controlled ground-station
repeater operation?
  1. 18.100 18.168 MHz
  2. 24.940 24.990 MHz
  3. 10.100 10.150 MHz
  4. 29.500 29.700 MHz

E1F15 Who may be the control operator of an
auxiliary station?
  1. Any licensed amateur operator
  2. Only Technician, General, Advanced or Amateur
    Extra Class operators
  3. Only General, Advanced or Amateur Extra Class
  4. Only Amateur Extra Class operators

E1F17 Under what circumstances might the FCC
issue a "Special Temporary Authority" (STA) to an
amateur station?
  1. To provide for experimental amateur
  2. To allow regular operation on Land Mobile
  3. To provide additional spectrum for personal use
  4. To provide temporary operation while awaiting
    normal licensing

E1B09 What is the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency
Service (RACES)?
  1. A radio service using amateur service frequencies
    on a regular basis for communications that can
    reasonably be furnished through other radio
  2. A radio service of amateur stations for civil
    defense communications during periods of local,
    regional, or national civil emergencies
  3. A radio service using amateur service frequencies
    for broadcasting to the public during periods of
    local, regional or national civil emergencies
  4. A radio service using local government
    frequencies by Amateur Radio operators for civil
    emergency communications

E1B10 Which amateur stations may be operated in
  1. Only those club stations licensed to Amateur
    Extra class operators
  2. Any FCC-licensed amateur station except a
    Technician class operator's station
  3. Any FCC-licensed amateur station certified by the
    responsible civil defense organization for the
    area served
  4. Any FCC-licensed amateur station participating in
    the Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS)

E1B11 What frequencies are normally authorized
to an amateur station participating in RACES?
  1. All amateur service frequencies otherwise
    authorized to the control operator
  2. Specific segments in the amateur service MF, HF,
    VHF and UHF bands
  3. Specific local government channels
  4. Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) channels

E1B13 What communications are permissible in
  1. Any type of communications when there is no
  2. Any Amateur Radio Emergency Service
  3. Authorized civil defense emergency communications
    affecting the immediate safety of life and
  4. National defense and security communications
    authorized by the President

E1B12 What are the frequencies authorized to an
amateur station participating in RACES during a
period when the President's War Emergency Powers
are in force?
  1. All frequencies in the amateur service authorized
    to the control operator
  2. Specific amateur service frequency segments
    authorized in FCC Part 214
  3. Specific local government channels
  4. Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) channels

E1E04 What is a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator?
  1. A person who has volunteered to administer
    amateur operator license examinations
  2. A person who has volunteered to prepare amateur
    operator license examinations
  3. An organization that has entered into an
    agreement with the FCC to coordinate amateur
    operator license examinations
  4. The person that has entered into an agreement
    with the FCC to be the VE session manager

E1E03 Who is responsible for maintaining the
question pools from which all amateur license
examination questions must be taken?
  1. All of the VECs
  2. The VE team
  3. The VE question pool team
  4. The FCCs Wireless Telecommunications Bureau

E1E02 Where are the questions for all written US
amateur license examinations listed?
  1. In FCC Part 97
  2. In an FCC-maintained question pool
  3. In the VEC-maintained question pool
  4. In the appropriate FCC Report and Order

E1E05 What is a VE?
  1. An amateur operator who is approved by three or
    more fellow volunteer examiners to administer
    amateur license examinations
  2. An amateur operator who is approved by a VEC to
    administer amateur operator license examinations
  3. An amateur operator who administers amateur
    license examinations for a fee
  4. An amateur operator who is approved by an FCC
    staff member to administer amateur operator
    license examinations

E1E08 Which of the following best describes the
Volunteer Examiner accreditation process?
  1. Each General, Advanced and Amateur Extra Class
    operator is automatically accredited as a VE when
    the license is granted
  2. The amateur operator applying must pass a VE
    examination administered by the FCC Enforcement
  3. The prospective VE obtains accreditation from a
    VE team
  4. The procedure by which a VEC confirms that the VE
    applicant meets FCC requirements to serve as an

E1E07 Which of the following persons seeking to
become VEs cannot be accredited?
  1. Persons holding less than an Advanced Class
    operator license
  2. Persons less than 21 years of age
  3. Persons who have ever had an amateur operator or
    amateur station license suspended or revoked
  4. Persons who are employees of the federal

E1E20 What is the minimum age to be a volunteer
  1. 13 years old
  2. 16 years old
  3. 18 years old
  4. 21 years old

E1E06 What is a VE team?
  1. A group of at least three VEs who administer
    examinations for an amateur operator license
  2. The VEC staff
  3. One or two VEs who administer examinations for an
    amateur operator license
  4. A group of FCC Volunteer Enforcers who
    investigate Amateur Rules violations

E1E01 What is the minimum number of qualified
VEs required to administer an Element 4 amateur
operator license examination?
  1. 5
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 3

E1E12 To which of the following examinees may a
VE not administer an examination?
  1. Employees of the VE
  2. Friends of the VE
  3. The VEs close relatives as listed in the FCC
  4. All these answers are correct

E1E10 Who is responsible for the proper conduct
and necessary supervision during an amateur
operator license examination session?
  1. The VEC coordinating the session
  2. The FCC
  3. Each administering VE
  4. The VE session manager

E1E09 Where must the VE team be while
administering an examination?
  1. All of the administering VEs must be present
    where they can observe the examinees throughout
    the entire examination
  2. The VEs must leave the room after handing out the
    exam(s) to allow the examinees to concentrate on
    the exam material
  3. The VEs may be elsewhere provided at least one VE
    is present and is observing the examinees
    throughout the entire examination
  4. The VEs may be anywhere as long as they each
    certify in writing that examination was
    administered properly

E1E14 What must the VE team do with the
examinees test papers once they have finished
the examination?
  1. The VE team must collect and send them to the
  2. The VE team must collect and send them to the
    coordinating VEC for grading
  3. The VE team must collect and grade them
  4. The VE team must collect and send them to the FCC
    for grading

E1E15 What must the VE team do if an examinee
scores a passing grade on all examination
elements needed for an upgrade or new license?
  1. Photocopy all examination documents and forwards
    them to the FCC for processing
  2. Three VEs must certify that the examinee is
    qualified for the license grant and that they
    have complied with the VE requirements
  3. Issue the examinee the new or upgrade license
  4. All these answers are correct

E1E16 What must the VE team do with the
application form if the examinee does not pass
the exam?
  1. Return the application document to the examinee
  2. Maintain the application form with the VECs
  3. Send it to the FCC
  4. Destroy the application form

E1E11 What should a VE do if a candidate fails
to comply with the examiners instructions during
an amateur operator license examination?
  1. Warn the candidate that continued failure to
    comply will result in termination of the
  2. Immediately terminate the candidates examination
  3. Allow the candidate to complete the examination,
    but invalidate the results
  4. Immediately terminate everyones examination and
    close the session

E1E18 For which types of out-of-pocket expenses
may VEs and VECs be reimbursed?
  1. Preparing, processing, administering and
    coordinating an examination for an amateur radio
  2. Teaching an amateur operator license examination
    preparation course
  3. No expenses are authorized for reimbursement
  4. Providing amateur operator license examination
    preparation training materials

E1E19 How much reimbursement may the VE team and
VEC accept for preparing, processing,
administering and coordinating an examination?
  1. Actual out-of-pocket expenses
  2. The national minimum hourly wage for time spent
    providing examination services
  3. Up to the maximum fee per examinee announced by
    the FCC annually
  4. As much as the examinee is willing to donate

E1E17 What are the consequences of failing to
appear for re-administration of an examination
when so directed by the FCC?
  1. The licensee's license will be cancelled
  2. The person may be fined or imprisoned
  3. The licensee is disqualified from any future
    examination for an amateur operator license grant
  4. All of the above

E1E13 What may be the penalty for a VE who
fraudulently administers or certifies an
  1. Revocation of the VEs amateur station license
    grant and the suspension of the VEs amateur
    operator license grant
  2. A fine of up to 1000 per occurrence
  3. A sentence of up to one year in prison
  4. All of these choices are correct
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