Title: Science Quiz
1Science Quiz
- 35 Questions
- ed questions resolve ties
- No Negatives
- Top 8 teams go to the finals
4The answer is...
5(No Transcript)
- Benjamin Franklins Join, or Die woodcut and
the historical American Gadsden flag both depict
what creature that is found in abundance in the
original 13 colonies, and is the heaviest
venomous one of its type? - (looking for one key word in what can be a two
word answer)
7The answer is...
8 93
- Who is this song a tribute to?
10The answer is...
11 124
- In 1610, Galileo used a code to announce his
discovery of what he believed to be two moons
orbiting another planet. - After considerable effort, X deciphered it as
Salve umbisteneum geminatum Martia proles and
thought it confirmed his own prediction that Mars
has two moons. - Galileo's cypher had in fact declared Altissimum
planetam tergeminum observavi, which meant he had
mistaken Y as moons.
13The answer is...
14- X Johannes Kepler
- Y Galileo had actually discovered Saturns rings
- Aquamarine, emerald, morganite and heliodor are
all formed from a hard lustrous mineral whose
name is from Greek for blue-green color of sea
water. Some scholars believe the word is related
to the ancient city of Belur or perhaps derived
from the Sanskrit word vaidurya. Which mineral?
16The answer is...
17 186
- Promoted widely in Africa by the charity Send a
Cow, these raised beds are enriched with compost
and have plants very close. When the vegetables
are fully grown their leaves create a
microclimate in which moisture is conserved and
weed growth suppressed. - The basket built into the center gives the bed a
particular shape and in turn its name. What?
20The answer is...
21 227
- In these tadpole-shaped solid glass objects the
bulbous end can endure a blow with a hammer.
However, if you so much scratch the thin tail,
the glass shatters into fine powder. They were
introduced to England in the 1640's by a grandson
of James I, and nephew of Charles II. The King
would have a subject hold the bulb end and then
break off the tip, giving the startled person a
small explosion right there in a closed hand. It
was harmless fun, though, as the glass shatters
into powder, not into jagged shards. - What are they called?
23The answer is...
24 258
- From an interview a few days ago when X was the
Guest Director at the Cheltenham Science
Festival - My first encounter with synaesthesia was when I
was approached by Dr Jamie Ward from UCL about 5
or 6 years ago. He told me about synaesthesia. He
said that one of the people that hed been
working with is a synaesthete and when he uses
the word, I think it was Julie, he tasted
strawberries. I was completely naïvestill the
thought of it now, I cant believe I said itI
said give him a spoonful of cream and say
Julie. Does he taste strawberries and cream?
Then I didnt see Jamie for a while and he wrote
a piece for The Fat Duck Cookbook. And actually,
when I read the piece he said Well, ______ made
this suggestion and it worked! And now, I would
never have had the guts to say that because Id
have thought This is a silly suggestion. But it
actually worked!
26The answer is...
27 289
- The B-2 Stealth Bomber is designed to fly
undetected by radar. However, it has been known
to show as visible on radar systems under two
conditions. Name both.
29The answer is...
30- Under wet or highly humid conditions
- It is also susceptible when the bomb bay is open
just before delivering a bomb
- The last movement of Beethovens Symphony No. 5
in C minor, Mozarts Requiem Mass, and Schuberts
Unfinished Symphony among others, all feature
what brass artifact, the only fully chromatic one
that functions without valves?
32The answer is...
33 3411
- The 2001 Nobel prize for chemistry was given for
work on the way in which certain chiral molecules
can be used to speed up and control important
chemical reactions. The word chiral originates
from the Greek word for what part of the body?
35The answer is...
36- Our hands are chiral our right hand is a mirror
image of our left hand as are most of life's
- In the 1980s Craig Reynolds tried to answer this.
He made a computer model based on 3D geometry.
The model has three simple steering behaviors
that describe what?
38The answer is...
39- How birds fly in formation
- The name "EURion constellation" was coined by
Markus Kuhn, who uncovered the pattern in early
2002. Some banks integrate the constellation
tightly with the remaining design of the note. On
the front of former Bank of England Elgar 20
notes, they appear as green heads of musical
notes. On some U.S. bills, they appear as the
digit zero in small, yellow numbers matching the
value of the note. - What is the purpose of the EURion?
41The answer is...
42- The presence of the five circles is to prevent
photocopiers to refuse processing, recognizing
that it is a banknote.
- "Compelling documentary portrait... a fascinating
historical look at the technological side of the
60's revolution ..." - Stephen Holden, New York
44The answer is...
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- What you will hear is called an Iridium scream,
a change in the structure of the metal at the
atomic level. When bent, the mechanical stress
causes sections of the crystal lattice to change.
What is this rearrangement of the structure
47The answer is...
48 4916
50The answer is...
51 5217
- In 1831 a Miss Agnes Petrie was said to have
fallen down crying 'oh, I am an angel!' An
Edinburgh don Simpson's own letters tell of a
very contained experiment with his colleagues, in
which he reports they all ended up 'under the
mahogany in a trice.' What was going on at this
house party at 52, Queen St?
53The answer is...
54- James Simpson asked his guests to inhale
chloroform. Edinburgh Professor of Midwifery
Simpson changed medical science by discovering
chloroforms anesthetic qualities.
- Macrophages and microglia play different roles in
demyelination and axonal damage on the one hand
or remyelination and neuroprotection on the
other. - What name is given to all this commotion, once
believed to be caused by the suppression of sweat
and therefore treated with herbs and bed rest,
and a few decades later attributed to poor
56The answer is...
57 5819
- Connect
- African Grey
- Hyacinth Macaw
- Cockatiel
- Moluccan cockatoo
- Indian Ringneck
- Budgerigar
59The answer is...
60 6120
- In 1945 Leon Theremin invented an espionage tool
which retransmitted incident radio waves with
audio information. Even though this device was a
covert listening device, it is considered to be a
predecessor of what technology, because it was
likewise passive, being energized and activated
by waves from an outside source?
62The answer is...
63 6421
He was so identified with his pork-pie hat, that
in 1948, at the peak of his fame, the magazine
Physics Today put just a image of his pork-pie
hat on the cover of its 1st issue. Who?
65The answer is...
The __________ cat refers to the color/ pattern
of skin of a cat and not to a particular breed.
Also called tricolor cat. Since the color is
controlled by the X chromosome and Y chromosome
does not contain the gene for colors, all such
are almost always female. Name the animal.
68The answer is...
Its name is from the Quechua word for droppings
of sea birds and bats. It is a very good
fertilizer because of its high nitrogen and
phosphorous content. Found along the coast of
Peru, its fertilizing property was popularized in
Europe by Alexander Humboldt. Its taxation was
the cause of the 1879 War of the pacific between
Peru/Bolivia and Chile. Mined heavily by
Europeans in the late 19th century till the
development of artificial fertilizer. What?
71The answer is...
He had a booming voice. To keep the noise down in
the laboratory he famously headed, the sign you
see was put up. Who, standing below the sign?
74The answer is...
Francis Galton was convinced that hereditary
factors dominated the behaviour of mankind and
coined this phrase by borrowing from Tempest
description of Caliban as a devil, a born devil,
on whose X Y cannot stick. What phrase did
Galton coin, whose truth is still being debated?
77The answer is...
Commonly used in desserts in South Asian cuisine.
It comes from the cell walls of a type of red
algae. Its main use is a culture medium in
microbiological work as a replacement for
gelatin. What?
80The answer is...
He conceived the nuclear chain reaction as a
response to the dismissal of the use of splitting
the atom. He held the patent for the nuclear
chain reaction and for the nuclear reactor. He
wrote the letter to FDR, and got Einstein to
sign, ultimately leading to the Manhattan
Project. As a conscientious objector, he switched
to Molecular Biology after the war. He also
dabbled in sci-fi, writing tales of sentient
dolphins. Who?
83The answer is...
From a postcard written to a friend, New Years
resolutions of someone in 1940. Who? What is
the missing new year resolution? 1. Prove the
Riemann hypothesis. 2. -3. Find an argument for
the nonexistence of God which shall convince the
general public. 4. Be the first man at the top
of Mt. Everest. 5. Be proclaimed the first
president of the U.S.S.R., of Great Britian, and
Germany. 6. Murder Mussolini.
86The answer is...
- G H Hardy Make 211 no out in the fourth innings
of the last test match at the Oval.
What is geographically unique about the Galapagos
89The answer is...
- Only species of penguin found north of the
equator in the wild
This Russian émigré to America synthesized
Darwinian evolutionary biology with the then
nascent field of genetics and was instrumental in
creating the modern evolutionary synthesis or
neo-Darwinian synthesis. He was also
instrumental in spreading the idea that natural
selection occurred through mutations in genes
Also wrote a famous essay Nothing in Biology
Makes Sense Except in the Light of
Evolution. Who?
92The answer is...
A medical sign is an indication of some medical
fact or condition discovered by the physician
during examination of the patient. This term was
originally used to refer to the branch of
medicine that was to do with interpretation of
medical signs. Now it is used in a more general
sense of interpreting signs. What term?
95The answer is...
Visual Id the 2 people standing in front of
something that won them their Nobel Prize.
99The answer is...
- Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias
The term X first appeared in print in 1873, in
examination questions set by James
Thomson (brother of Lord Kelvin). However this
angular measure was used in all but name by Roger
Cotes in 1714. Till 1995 it was part of SI
Supplementary Units. This category was later
abolished, and ever since X is considered to be a
SI Derived Unit. What?
102The answer is...
Painting from 1788. Painter and Subject?
105The answer is...
- Antoine Lavoisier and his Wife Jacques Louis
- Book featuring stories about
- experiments done as a school student
- Stealing cerium in --------- to sell for use in
cigarettes - Working in a nickel mine
- Adventures as a freelance chemical consultant
- Industrial detective stories in which chemical
problems are solved - Following a carbon atom around the world
- Author and book?
108The answer is...
- Primo Levi and Periodic Table
110(No Transcript)