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Ben Berman


Cognitive Limitations and Vulnerabilities on the Flight Deck: What Can We Do? Ben Berman NASA Ames Research Center/San Jose State University Key Dismukes – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ben Berman

Cognitive Limitations and Vulnerabilities on the
Flight Deck What Can We Do?
Ben Berman NASA Ames Research Center/San Jose
State University Key Dismukes NASA Ames Research
Center Loukia Loukopoulos NASA Ames Research
Center/San Jose State University Human Factors
in Aviation Conference San Antonio, Texas March
6, 2007
Most Airline Accidents Attributed to Crew Error
  • What does this mean?
  • Why do highly skilled pilots make fatal errors?
  • How should we think about the role of errors in
  • Draw upon cognitive science research on skilled
    performance of human operators

Broken Bolt vs.Unflipped Switch
  • Physical causes leave characteristic traces
  • No such thing for human performance
  • Why drops out, for good reason
  • Can never know with certainty why accident crew
    made specific errors--but can determine why the
    population of pilots is vulnerable
  • Put why back into the analysis with informed

  • Reviewed NTSB reports of the 19 U.S. airline
    accidents between 1991-2001 attributed primarily
    to crew error
  • Followed the approach of NTSB (1994)
  • Asked Why might any airline crew in situation
    of accident crew knowing only what they knew
    be vulnerable?

Hindsight Bias
  • Knowing the outcome of an accident flight reveals
    what the crew should have done differently
  • But accident crew does not know the outcome
  • They respond to situation as they perceive it at
    the moment
  • Presumption has to be that more underlies an
    error than lack of skill or motivation

Training, experience, personal goals
  • Social/Organizational
  • Influences
  • Formal procedures policies
  • Explicit goals rewards
  • Implicit goals rewards
  • Actual norms for line operations

Immediate demands of situation tasks being
Human cognition characteristics limitations
Crew responses to situation
American 903May 12, 1997 West Palm Beach,
  • Airbus 300/600 in its initial descent for Miami
  • Airplane leveled, slowed, and began a holding
    pattern at 16,000 feet
  • Uncontrolled roll and pitch oscillations steep
    descent recovered with one serious injury/damage
    to the tail that was discovered much later
  • Probable cause The flight crews failure to
    maintain adequate airspeed during level-off which
    led to an inadvertent stall, and their subsequent
    failure to use proper stall recovery techniques
  • Contributing factor The flight crews failure
    to properly use the autothrottle

American 903Sequence of Events
  • Autothrottle became disconnected during descent
    from cruise--not clear why, and not noticed or
    remembered by the crew
  • Autopilot captured 16,000 feet and pitched up to
    maintain altitude, so airspeed decreased
  • Vibration and buffeting began that the crew
    attributed to turbulence
  • Airplane stalled and departed controlled flight
  • Crew recovered below 13,000 feet, proceeded to
    safe landing in Miami

American 903Dim Cues, Missing Cues, and Hints
  • Autothrottle disconnection did not have salient
  • Dim cue (compared to autopilot, for example)
  • Crews often do not notice unexpected mode changes
  • Autothrottles had tripped off on other flights
  • Hint about accidents from everyday operations
  • Crew might have disconnected autothrottle without
    thinking about it or remembering
  • Automaticity

American 903Out of the Loop, Missing Cues, and
the Wrong Procedure
  • Neither pilot noticed the airspeed loss until
    well below maneuvering speed
  • Vulnerability from being out of the active
    control loop
  • Crew expected aircraft to slow, just not that
  • Stall warning did not activate prior to stall
  • Dependence on missing cue
  • Crew performed wind shear recovery rather than
    stall recovery
  • Primed to think about thunderstorms
  • Training for wind shear and min-altitude approach
    to stall recovery
  • Again, absence of timely stall warning

American 903Lessons
  • Tendency toward degraded monitoring of normally
    reliable automation is rooted in basic human
    cognitive vulnerabilities
  • Simply cautioning pilots to monitor more
    carefully will not greatly reduce vulnerability,
    by itself.
  • Snowball effect of one error producing overload
    that undermines error-trapping and results in
    more errors
  • Missing cues can be extremely hazardous
  • Concept of reliability on the flight deck
  • Variability of performance
  • Two pilots, redundant procedures, several warning
    systems, and an airplane goal is to keep errors
    from sneaking through all those layers of cheese

Each Accident Has Unique Surface Features and
Combinations of Factors
  • Countermeasures to surface features of past
    accidents will not prevent future accidents
  • Must examine deep structure of accidents to find
    common factors

Cross-Cutting Factors Contributing to Crew Errors
  • Situations requiring rapid response
  • Challenges of managing concurrent tasks
  • Equipment failure and design flaws
  • Misleading or missing cues normally present
  • Stress
  • Shortcomings in training and/or guidance
  • Social/organizational issues
  • Plan continuation bias


Cross-Cutting Factors
  • Situations requiring rapid response
  • Nearly 2/3 of 19 accidents
  • Examples upset attitudes, false stick shaker
    activation after rotation, anomalous airspeed
    indications at rotation, autopilot-induced
    oscillation at Decision Height, pilot-induced
    oscillation during flare
  • Very rare occurrences, but high risk
  • Surprise is a factor
  • Inadequate time to think through situation
  • Automatic response required from pilot


Cross-Cutting Factors
  • Challenges of managing concurrent tasks
  • Workload high in some accidents (e.g., Little
    Rock, 1999)
  • Overloaded crews failed to recognize situation
    getting out of hand (snowball effect) losing
    the ability to recognize that they were
  • Monitoring and cross-checking suffered
  • Crews became reactive instead of
  • But adequate time available for all tasks in
    many accidents
  • Inherent cognitive limitations in switching
    attention preoccupation with one task of many
    forgetting to resume interrupted or deferred


Cross-Cutting Factors
  • Stress
  • Stress is normal physiological/behavioral
    response to threat
  • Acute stress hampers performance
  • Narrows attention (tunneling)
  • Reduces working memory capacity
  • Combination of surprise, stress, time pressure,
    and concurrent task demands can be lethal setup


Cross-Cutting Factors
  • Social/Organizational Issues
  • Actual norms may deviate from Flight Operations
  • Accident crew judgment decision-making may not
    differ from non-accident crews in similar
  • Lincoln Lab study Penetration of storm cells on
    approach not uncommon
  • Other flights may have landed or taken off
    without difficulty a minute or two before
    accident flight
  • Little data available on extent to which accident
    crews actions are typical/atypical
  • Competing pressures not often acknowledged
  • Implicit messages from company may conflict with
    formal guidance
  • e.g. on-time performance vs. conservative
    response to ambiguous situations
  • Pilots may not be consciously aware of influence
    of internalized competing goal


Cross-Cutting Factors
  • Plan continuation bias (e.g., Burbank, 2000)
  • Unconscious cognitive bias to continue original
    plan in spite of changing conditions
  • Appears stronger as one nears completion of
    activity (e.g., approach to landing)
  • Why are crews reluctant to go-around?
  • Bias may prevent noticing subtle cues indicating
    original conditions have changed
  • Reactive responding is easier than proactive
  • Default plan always worked before


Implications and CountermeasuresThe Individual
  • Vulnerabilities are inherent in our human
  • Limitations, biases
  • Effects extend to error trapping mechanisms
  • Monitoring subject to task shedding under
  • Checklists automatized, subject to
  • Recognize realistic rather than theoretical
    performance of humans in generating errors as
    they work, and in catching errors


Implications and CountermeasuresThe Aviation
  • Accept the variability of human performance
  • Because someone makes an error does not make them
    deficient or complacent
  • Errors are inevitable
  • Recognize that errors are probabilistic
  • Societys demand for reliability is nearly
  • Focus on net system reliability, made up of
  • Reliability of each error trapping mechanism
  • Independence of error trapping mechanisms to
    prevent the holes in the swiss cheese from lining
    up (e.g., landing checklist initiation cued by
    callout to extend the gear)


Implications and CountermeasuresThe Aviation
System (contd)
  • Causal attribution to individual can distract
    attention from underlying cause and prevention
  • Remediation lies with the system
  • Guard against dont do that anymore
  • No evidence of Bad Apple theory
  • All other remediation requires more difficult
    changes in the system

Net System Reliability Okay, what can we do?
  • Treat monitoring and crosschecking as being as
    important as anything else we do
  • Suggestions for training checking
  • Cut down on negative training (e.g., continuing
    unstabilized approaches in sim makes plan
    continuation bias stronger on the line
  • Teach pilots to monitor, give them the
    opportunity to practice in the sim
  • Build at least one realistic challenge and
    decision into every sim session
  • Teach how to manage workload, practice in the sim

What can we do?(continued)
  • Procedures design review
  • Match human characteristics and limitations
  • Independence
  • Equipment design review
  • Match human characteristics and limitations
  • Safety Change
  • Heed the hints--the next accident is trying to
    warn you about itself right now
  • AA903, AA1340, CAL1943
  • How to separate the wheat from the chaff?

  • Dismukes, R. K., Berman, B.A., Loukopoulos, L.
    L. The Limits of Expertise Rethinking
    Pilot Error and the Causes of Airline Accidents.
  • More information on NASA Human Factors Research
  • http//
  • This research was partially funded by NASAs
    Aviation Safety Program and by the FAA (Eleana
    Edens, Program Manager).


What else can we do?
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