Probability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 2 Probability LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand and describe sample spaces and events Interpret probabilities and use probabilities of outcomes to calculate ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Probability

Chapter 2
  • Probability

  • Understand and describe sample spaces and events
  • Interpret probabilities and use probabilities of
    outcomes to calculate probabilities of events in
    discrete sample spaces
  • Calculate the probabilities of joint events such
    as unions and intersections from the
    probabilities of individual events
  • Interpret and calculate conditional probabilities
    of events
  • Determine the independence of events and use
    independence to calculate probabilities
  • Use Bayes theorem to calculate conditional

Sample Space and Events
  • An experiment is any action or process that
    generates observations
  • The sample space of an experiment, denoted S, is
    the set of all possible outcomes, or sample
  • Example Toss a fair coin 3 times in a row
  • The sample space has 8 sample points.
  • An event is a subset of the sample space S
  • Example look at 3 different events of previous
  • The event of 3 heads,
  • A HHH
  • The event of 2 heads,
  • The event that the last toss is a head,

Set Relations
  • Suppose S is the universal set, with two subsets,
    A and B
  • A set, A, is a subset of B if all elements of A
    belong to B, A?B
  • The union of two events A and B, denoted by A?B,
    and read A or B, is the event consisting of all
    elements that are either in A, in B, or in both
  • Or the union A?B x x ? A or x ? B

Set Relations-Cont.
  • The intersection of two events A and B, denoted
    by AnB, and read A and B, is the event
    consisting of all elements that are in both
  • The intersection AnBx x ?A and x ?B is the
    subset of S which contains all elements that are
    in both A B
  • The complement of an event A, denoted by A, is
    the set of all elements in S that are not
    contained in A

Set Relations-Cont.
  • Sets A and B are mutually exclusive or disjoint,
    if and only if AnB Ø, or events A B have no
    elements in common
  • Any number of sets, A1, A2, A3, are mutually
    exclusive if and only if AinAj Ø for i?j.
  • A1 nA2 Ø A2 n A3 Ø
  • A1 n A3 Ø A2 n A4 Ø
  • A1 n A4 Ø A3 n A4 Ø

  • For an experiment, let
  • A 0,1,2,3,4,
  • B 3,4,5,6, and
  • C 1,3,5
  • Determine
  • A?B
  • A?C
  • A?B
  • A?C
  • A
  • A?C
  • Solution
  • A?B0,1,2,3,4,5,6
  • A?C0,1,2,3,4,5
  • A?B3,4
  • A?C1,3
  • A5,6
  • A?C6

  • The rise time of a reactor is measured in minutes
    (and fractions of times). Let the sample space
    positive, real numbers. Define the events A and B
    as follows
  • Ax xlt72.5 and Bx xgt52.5
  • Describe each of the following events.
  • a) A
  • b) B
  • c) A?B
  • d) A?B
  • Solution
  • a) A? x x ? 72.5
  • b) B? x x ? 52.5
  • c) A ? B x 52.5 lt x lt 72.5
  • d) A ? B x x gt 0

  • In an injection-molding operation, several
    characteristics of each molded part are evaluated
  • Let A denote the event that a part meets customer
    shrinkage requirements, B denote the event that a
    part meets customer color requirements, and C
    denote the event that a critical length meets
    customer requirements
  • a) Construct a Venn diagram that includes these
    events and indicate the region in the diagram in
    which a part meets all customer requirements.
    Shade the areas that represent the following
  • b) B?C
  • c) A?B
  • d) A?B
  • Solution

Class Problem
  • Disks of polycarbonate plastic from a supplier
    are analyzed for scratch resistance and shock
    resistance. The results from 100 disks are
    summarized below.
  • Shock Resistance
  • High low
  • Scratch High 70 9
  • Resistance low 16 5
  • Let A denote the event that a disk has high shock
    resistance, and let B denote the event that a
    disk has high scratch resistance. Determine the
    number of disks in AnB, A, and A?B
  • Solution
  • Number of samples in AnB
  • Number of samples in A'
  • Number of samples in A?B

Interpreting Probabilities
  • The assignment of a weight between 0 and 1 to
    indicate the likelihood of the occurrence of an
  • The probability of an event is defined in terms
    of an experiment and a sample space.
  • Example Toss a fair coin three times in a row
  • The probability of getting 3 heads P(A) 1/8
  • The probability of getting 2 heads P(B)3/8
  • The probability that the last toss is a head P(C)
    4/8 1/2

Axioms of Probability
  • For any event A, P (A) ?0
  • The chance of occurring should be at least 0
  • P(S)1
  • The maximum possible probability is assigned to S
  • Let A1, A2, A3,, An, be a finite or infinite
    sequence of mutually exclusive events. Then
  • P(A1?A2?A3) P (A1) P(A2) P(A3)? P(Ai)
  • Example
  • If an experiment has the three possible and
    mutually exclusive outcomes A, B, and C, check in
    each case whether the assignment of probabilities
    is permissible
  • P(A) 1/3, P(B) 1/3, and P(C) 1/3
  • P(A) 0.64, P(B) 0.38, and P(C) -.02
  • P(A) 0.35, P(B)0.52, and P(C) 0.26
  • P(A) 0.57, P(B)0.24, and P(C) 0.19

Class Problem
  • The sample space of a random experiment is a, b,
    c, d, e with probabilities 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4,
    and 0.2, respectively. Let A denote the event a,
    b, c, and let B denote the event c, d, e.
    Determine the following
  • a) P(A)
  • b) P(B)
  • c) P(A')
  • d) P(A?B)
  • e) P(AnB)
  • Solution
  • a) P(A)
  • b) P(B)
  • c) P(A')
  • d) P(A?B)
  • e) P(A?B)

Rules of Probability Complement Rule
  • The probability of impossible events is 0 P(Ø)
  • Complement rule P(A) 1- P(A)
  • Proof
  • From axioms 3 for finite case, let k2, A1A and
  • By definition, A?A' S while A and A' are
    mutually exclusive
  • 1P(S)P(A?A')P(A)P(A' )
  • P(A) 1- P(A)

Addition Rule
  • For any two events A and B
  • P(A1?A2)P(A1)P(A2) P(A1nA2)
  • By Venn diagram
  • The probability of a union of more than two
  • P(A1?A2?A3)
  • P(A1) P(A2) P(A3)
  • P(A1nA2nA3)
  • -P(A1nA2) -P(A2nA3) -P(A1nA3)

Example 1
  • If P(A) 0.3, P(B)0.2, and P(A?B) 0.1,
    determine the following probabilities
  • a) P(A)
  • b) P(A?B)
  • c) P(A?B)
  • d) P(A?B)
  • e) P(A?B)
  • f) P(A?B)
  • Solution
  • a) P(A') 1- P(A) 0.7
  • b) P(A?B) P(A) P(B) - P(A?B) 0.30.2 - 0.1
  • c) P(A?B) P(A?B) P(B). Therefore, P(A?B)
    0.2 - 0.1 0.1
  • d) P(A) P(A?B) P(A?B) Therefore, P(A?B)
    0.3 - 0.1 0.2
  • e) P((A?B) ') 1 - P(A?B) 1 - 0.4 0.6
  • f) P(A?B) P(A') P(B) - P(A ? B) 0.7 0.2 -
    0.1 0.8 from part c

  • Denote the six events 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 associated
    with tossing a six-sided die once by E1, E2, E3,
    E4, E5, and E6
  • Suppose the die is constructed so that any of the
    three even outcomes is twice as likely to occur
    as any of the three odd outcomes
  • Determine P(A) where the event A is even
  • Determine P(B) where the event B is less than or
    equal to 3
  • Solution
  • P(E1)P(E3)P(E5)
  • P(E2)P(E4)P(E6)
  • Define Aoutcome is even E2 ? E4 ? E6
  • P(A) P(E2)P(E4)P(E6)
  • Boutcome 3 E1?E2?E3
  • P(B) P(E1)P(E2)P(E3)

Class Problem
  • Disks of polycarbonate plastic from a supplier
    are analyzed for scratch resistance and shock
    resistance. The results from 100 disks are
    summarized below.
  • Shock Resistance
  • High low
  • Scratch High 70 9
  • Resistance low 16 5
  • If a disk is selected at random, what is the
    probability that its scratch resistance is high
    and its shock resistance is high?
  • b) If a disk is selected at random, what is the
    probability that its scratch resistance is high
    or its shock resistance is high?
  • Consider the event that a disk has high scratch
    resistance and the event that a disk has high
    shock resistance. Are these two events mutually
  • Solution
  • Let A denote the event that a sample has high
    shock resistance and let B denote the event that
    a sample has high scratch resistance.
  • a) P(A?B)
  • b) P(A?B) P(A) P(B) - P(A?B)
  • c) Because (A?B) does not equal Ø , A and B

Equally Likely Outcomes
  • In an experiment consisting of N outcomes, it is
    reasonable to assign equal probabilities to all N
    sample events
  • So, p1/N
  • Example
  • When two dice are rolled separately, there are
    N36 outcomes, which are equally likely or
  • Let Asum of two numbers7
  • P(A)

Counting Techniques
  • Ability to count number of elements in the sample
    space without listing actually each element
  • The Product Rule for Ordered Pairs
  • If the first object of an ordered pair can be
    selected in n1 ways, and for each of these n1
    ways the second object of the pair can be
    selected in n2 ways, then the number of pairs is
    n1 n2
  • Example
  • A homeowner requires two types of contractors,
    plumbing and electrical
  • 3 plumbing contractors
  • 3 electrical contractors
  • How many possible ways of choosing the two types
    of contractors?
  • N n1 n2 339

Tree Diagrams
  • Used to represent pictorially all the
  • Starting on the left side of the diagram, for
    each possible first element of a pair a
    straight-line segment emanates rightward
  • Construct another line segment emanating from the
    tip of the branch for each possible choice of a
    second element of the pair
  • A more general Product Rule
  • N n1 n2 n3 nk
  • Example

  • Any ordered sequence of k objects taken from a
    set of n distinct objects is called a permutation
    of size k of the objects
  • The number of permutations of size k that can be
    formed from the n objects is denoted by Pk,n
  • Obtained from the general product rule
  • Pk,nn(n-1)(n-2)(n-k2)(n-k1)
  • Using factorial notation
  • Example
  • Consider the set A,B,C,D,E consisting of 5
  • Number of permutations of size 3?
  • By taking 5 letters three at a time
  • P5,3 5!/(5-3)! 60
  • Class Problem
  • Three awards will be given for a class of 25
    graduate students
  • If each student can receive at most one award
  • How many possible selections?
  • P25,3

  • Example
  • Consider the set A,B,C,D,E consisting of 5
  • Number of combinations of size 3?
  • There are six permutations of size 3 consisting
    of the elements A, B, and C (3!6)
  • These six permutations are equivalent to the
    single combination A,B,C
  • So, 60/3! 10
  • In general
  • Any unordered sequence of k objects taken from a
    set of n distinct objects is called combination
    of size k of the objects
  • The number of combinations of size k that can be
    formed from n distinct objects will be denoted by
  • Smaller than the number of permutations because
    the order is disregarded

Class Problem
  • Car dealer service 10 foreign cars and 15
    domestic cars on a particular day
  • There are only 6 mechanics
  • If 6 cars are chosen at random, what is the
    probability that exactly 3 of the cars are
    domestic and the other cars are foreign?
  • What is the probability that at least 3 of the
    cars are domestic and the other cars are foreign?
  • Solution
  • Let D3exactly 3 of the 6 cars chosen are
  • P(D3)
  • P(D3?D4 ?D5 D6)

Conditional Probability
  • Interested at the probability of an event
    occurring conditional on the knowledge that
    another event has occurred
  • Let A and B be events with P(A) ?0
  • The conditional probability of B given A is
  • P(BA) P(AnB)/P(A)
  • Note P(BA) is undefined if P(A) 0.
  • Simple example concerns the situation in which
    two events are mutually exclusive
  • P(BA) P(AnB)/P(A)0/P(B)0

  • If the probability that a research project will
    be planned is 0.80 and the probability that it
    will be planned and well executed is 0.72, what
    is the probability that a research project, which
    is well planned, will also be well executed?
  • Solution
  • P(A/B) P(AnB)/P(B)0.72/0.800.90
  • If the probability that a communication system
    will have high fidelity is 0.81, and the
    probability that it will have high fidelity and
    high selectivity is 0.18, what is the probability
    that a system with high fidelity will also have
    high selectivity?
  • A A communication system which has high
  • B A communication system which has high fidelity
  • Data P(B)0.81, P(AnB)0.18
  • P(A/B)P(AnB)/P(B)
  • 0.18/0.812/9

Class Problem
  • A magazine publishes three columns entitled A, B,
    and C
  • Reading habits of a selected readers with respect
    to these columns
  • Read regularly A B C AnB AnC BnC AnBnC
  • Probability 0.14 0.23 0.37 0.08 0.09 0.13 0.05
  • P(AB)
  • P(AB ? C)
  • P(A reads at least one) P(AA?B?C)
  • P(A?B C)

Class Problem
  • Disks of polycarbonate plastic from a supplier
    are analyzed for scratch resistance and shock
    resistance. The results from 100 disks are
    summarized below.
  • Shock Resistance
  • High low
  • Scratch High 70 9
  • Resistance low 16 5
  • Let A denote the event that a disk has high shock
    resistance, and let B denote the event that a
    disk has high scratch resistance. Determine the
    following probabilities.
  • P(A)
  • P(B)
  • P(A/B)
  • P(B/A)
  • Solution
  • P(A)
  • P(B)
  • P(A/B)
  • P(B/A)

Multiplication Rule
  • From the definition of conditional probability,
    we can write
  • P(AnB) P(A) P(B/A)
  • Example The supervisor of a construction group
    (20 workers) wants to get the opinion of 2 of
    them about new safety regulations. If 12 of them
    favor the new regulations and the other 8 are
    against it, what is the probability that both of
    them chosen by the supervisor will be against the
    new safety regulation?
  • Solution
  • P(A)the first worker selected will be against
    the new safety regulation8/20
  • P(B/A)the second worker selected will be against
    given that the first one is against7/19
  • P(AnB) P(A) P(B/A)
  • (8/20)(7/19)14/95

Independent Events
  • Two events A and B are independent if and only if
  • P(B/A)P(B) if P(A)?0 and
  • P(A/B)P(A) if P(B)?0
  • P(B/A)P(B) means the probability of event B
    remains the same whether or not event A is
    conditional upon
  • One event does not affect the probability of the
    another event
  • P(AnB)P(A)P(B/A) P(A)P(B)
  • Example 1
  • What is the probability of getting two heads in
    two flips of a balanced coin?
  • Solution
  • (1/2)(1/2)1/4
  • Example 2
  • If P(C)0.65, P(D)0.4, and P(CnD)0.24, are the
    events C and D independent?
  • Solution
  • P(C)P(D)(0.65)(0.4)0.26?0.24

Class Problem
  • Solution
  • P(AnB)
  • P(A)
  • P(B) 79/100
  • Disks of polycarbonate plastic from a supplier
    are analyzed for scratch resistance and shock
    resistance. The results from 100 disks are
    summarized below.
  • Shock Resistance
  • High low
  • Scratch High 70 9
  • Resistance low 16 5
  • Let A denote the event that a disk has high shock
    resistance, and let B denote the event that a
    disk has scratch resistance. Are events A and B

Total Probability Rule
  • Let A1, A2, A3,, An be a collection of mutually
    exclusive events with known probabilities which
    partition S
  • Consider an event B with known conditional
  • How to use P(Ai) and P(B/Ai) to calculate P(B)
  • Easily achieved by
  • B(A1nB)? ?(AnnB)
  • Events AinB are mutually exclusive
  • P(B)P(A1nB) P(AnnB)
  • P(A1)P(B/A1)P(An)P(B/An)
  • Known as the law of total probability
  • Example
  • Suppose that P(A/B)0.2, P(A/B')0.3, and
    P(B)0.8. What is P(A)?
  • Solution

  • In a certain assembly plant, three machines, B1,
    B2, and B3, make 30, 45, and 25, respectively,
    of the products
  • It is known from past experience that 2, 3, and
    2 of the products made by each machine,
    respectively, are defective
  • Select a finished product randomly
  • What is the probability that it is defective?
  • Let
  • A the product is defective
  • B1the product is made by machine B1
  • B2the product is made by machine B2
  • B3the product is made by machine B3
  • P(A)P(B1)P(A/B1)P(Bn)P(A/Bn)
  • P(B1)P(A/B1)(0.3)(0.02)0.006
  • P(B2)P(A/B2)(0.45)(0.03)0.0135
  • P(B3)P(A/B3)(0.25)(0.02)0.005
  • P(A)0.0060.01350.0050.0245

Posterior Probabilities
  • How to use the probabilities P(Ai) and P(B/Ai) to
    calculate the probabilities P(Ai/B)
  • This is the revised probabilities of the events
    Ai conditional on the event B
  • Assume P(A1), , P(An) are the prior
    probabilities of events A1, , An
  • Observation of the event B provides some
    additional information to revise these prior
  • Called posterior probabilities and conditional on
    the event B
  • From the law of total probability
  • Known as Bayes Theorem

  • Let
  • A the product is defective
  • B1the product is made by machine B1
  • B2the product is made by machine B2
  • B3the product is made by machine B3
  • Instead of asking P(A), we want to find P(Bi/A)
  • Using the Bayes formula
  • P(B3/A)0.005/0.0245 10/49
  • In a certain assembly plant, three machines, B1,
    B2, and B3, make 30, 45, and 25, respectively,
    of the products
  • It is known from past experience that 2, 3, and
    2 of the products made by each machine,
    respectively, are defective
  • Suppose a product is selected randomly and it is
  • What is the probability made by machine Bi (say

Prior and Posterior Probabilities
  • Prior probabilities
  • It is known from past experience that 2, 3, and
    2 of the products made by each machine,
    respectively, are defective
  • Past data
  • B1the product is made by machine B1
  • B2the product is made by machine B2
  • B3the product is made by machine B3
  • P(B1)0.02
  • P(B2)0.03
  • P(B3)0.02
  • Posterior probabilities
  • Revision of the prior probabilities conditional
    on the event A
  • A product is selected randomly and it is
    defective, what is the probability made by
    machine Bi?
  • P(B1/A)0.006/0.0245
  • P(B2/A)0.0135/0.0245
  • P(B3/A)0.005/0.0245 10/49

Class Problem
  • A TV store sells 3 different brands of TVs
  • Of its TV sales, 50 are brand 1, 30 are brand
    2, and 20 are brand 3
  • Known that 25 of brand 1 requires warranty
    repair work, whereas brand 2 and 3 are 20 and
    10, respectively
  • What is the probability that a selected buyer has
    a TV that will need repair while under warranty?
  • If a customer returns a TV brand, what is the
    probability that is a brand 1? A brand 2? A brand

Tree Diagram
P(B/A1) P(A1)P(B?A1)0.125
No repair
P(B/A2) P(A2)P(B?A2)0.06
Brand 1
Brand 2
No repair
Brand 3
P(B/A3) P(A3)P(B?A3)0.02
No repair
P(B)P(brand1 and repair) or (brand 2 and
repair) or (brand 3 and repair) 0.205 P(B)
P(B?A1) P(B?A2) P(B?A3)0.1250.060.02 0.205
P(A1/B) P(A2/B) P(A3/B)
Class Problem
  • An assembly plant receives its voltage regulators
    from three different suppliers, 60 from supplier
    B1, 30 from supplier B2, and 10 from supplier
    B3. If 95 of the voltage regulators from B1, 80
    of those from B2, and 65 of those from B3
    perform according to specifications, what is the
    probability that a particular voltage regulator
    which is known to perform according to
    specifications came from supplier B3?
  • If A denotes the event a voltage regulator
    received by the plant performs according to
    specifications and B1, B2, B3 are the events that
    it comes from the respective suppliers, then
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