Ch. 3 Wireless Radio Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch. 3 Wireless Radio Technology


Ch. 3 Wireless Radio Technology Acknowledgements Thanks Rick Graziani, Networking Professor with Cabrillo College, for allowing me to use your presentation material ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Ch. 3 Wireless Radio Technology

Ch. 3 Wireless Radio Technology
  • Thanks Rick Graziani, Networking Professor with
    Cabrillo College, for allowing me to use your
    presentation material
  • Thanks Jack Unger and his book Deploying
    License-Free Wireless Wide-Area Networks
  • Published by Cisco Press
  • ISBN 1587050692
  • Published Feb 26, 2003
  • Thanks Mark Ciampa and his book CWNA Guide to
    Wireless LANs
  • Published by Course Technology
  • ISBN 0-619-21579-8

Radio Wave Transmission Principles
  • Understanding principles of radio wave
    transmission is important for
  • Troubleshooting wireless LANs
  • Creating a context for understanding wireless

Same wavelength (frequency), less amplitude.
  • Attenuation is the loss in amplitude that occurs
    whenever a signal travels through wire, free
    space, or an obstruction.
  • At times, after colliding with an object the
    signal strength remaining is too small to make a
    reliable wireless link.

Attenuation and Obstructions
  • Shorter the wavelength (higher frequency) of the
    wireless signal, the more the signal it is

Same wavelength (frequency), less amplitude.
  • Longer the wavelength (lower frequency) of the
    wireless signal, the less the signal is

Attenuation and Obstructions
  • The wavelength for the AM (810 kHz) channel is
    1,214 feet
  • The larger the wavelength of the signal relative
    to the size of the obstruction, the less the
    signal is attenuated.
  • The shorter the wavelength of the signal relative
    to the size of the obstruction, the more the
    signal is attenuated.

Free-Space Waves
  • Free-space wave is a signal that propagates from
    Point A to Point B without encountering or coming
    near an obstruction.
  • The only amplitude reduction is due to free
    space loss (coming).
  • This is the ideal wireless scenario.

Microwave Reflections
  • Microwave signals
  • Frequencies between 1 GHz 30 GHz (this can vary
    among experts).
  • Wavelength between 12 inches down to less than 1
  • Microwave signals reflect off objects that are
    larger than their wavelength, such as buildings,
    cars, flat stretches of ground, and bodes of
  • Each time the signal is reflected, the amplitude
    is reduced.

Microwave Reflections
Multipath Reflection
  • Advantage Can use reflection to go around
  • Disadvantage Multipath reflection occurs when
    reflections cause more than one copy of the same
    transmission to arrive at the receiver at
    slightly different times.

Multipath Reflection
  • Reflected signals 1 and 2 take slightly longer
    paths than direct signal, arriving slightly
  • These reflected signals sometimes cause problems
    at the receiver by partially canceling the direct
    signal, effectively reducing the amplitude.
  • The link throughput slows down because the
    receiver needs more time to either separate the
    real signal from the reflected echoes or to wait
    for missed frames to be retransmitted.
  • Solution discussed later.

Multipath Reflection
Delay spread is a parameter used to signify
multipath. The delay of reflected signal is
measured in nanoseconds (ns). The amount of delay
spread varies for indoor home, office, and
manufacturing environments. Multipath and
Diversity Article from Cisco
Diffracted Signal
  • Diffraction of a wireless signal occurs when the
    signal is partially blocked or obstructed by a
    large object in the signals path.
  • A diffracted signal is usually attenuated so much
    it is too weak to provide a reliable microwave
  • Do not plan to use a diffracted signal, and
    always try to obtain an unobstructed path between
    microwave antennas.

Weather - Precipitation
  • Precipitation Rain, snow, hail, fog, and sleet.
  • Rain, Snow and Hail
  • Wavelength of 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g signal is 4.8
  • Wavelength of 5.7 GHz 802.11a signal is 2 inches
  • Much larger than rain drops and snow, thus do not
    significantly attenuate these signals.
  • At frequencies 10 GHz and above, partially melted
    snow and hail do start to cause significant

Weather - Precipitation
  • Rain can have other effects
  • Get inside tiny holes in antenna systems,
    degrading the performance.
  • Cause surfaces (roads, buildings, leaves) to
    become more reflective, increasing multipath
  • Tip Use unobstructed paths between antennas, and
    do not try to blast through trees, or will have

Weather - Ice
Collapsed tower
  • Ice buildup on antenna systems can
  • Reduce system performance
  • Physically damage the antenna system

Weather - Wind
  • The affect of wind
  • Antenna on the the mast or tower can turn,
    decreasing the aim of the antenna.
  • The mast or tower can sway or twist, changing the
  • The antenna, mast or tower could fall potentially
    injuring someone or something.

  • Refraction (or bending) of signals is due to
    temperature, pressure, and water vapor content in
    the atmosphere. (Also could be the a result of
    the difference in air density)
  • Amount of refractivity depends on the height
    above ground.
  • Refractivity is usually largest at low elevations.

Working with Wireless Power
Working with Wireless Power
  • More on all these in a moment
  • Power can be
  • Increased (gain)
  • Decreased (loss)
  • Power can be
  • Relative (ex twice as much power or ½ as much
  • Absolute (ex 1 watt or 4 watts)
  • Both relative and absolute power are always
    referenced to initial power level
  • Relative power level (0dbm)
  • Absolute power level (1mw)
  • Wireless power levels become very small, very
    quickly after leaving the transmitting antenna.
  • Wireless power levels are done in dBm.
  • Wireless power levels do not decrease linearly
    with distance, but decrease inversely as the
    square of the distance increases

Inverse square law
  • Signal strength does not fade in a linear
    manner, but inversely as the square of the
  • This means that if you are a particular distance
    from an access point and you move measure the
    signal level, and then move twice a far away, the
    signal level will decrease by a factor of four.

Twice the distance
Point A
Point B
¼ the power of Point A
Inverse square law
Point A
10 times the distance 1/100 the power of A
3 times the distance 1/9 the power of Point A
2 times the distance ¼ the power of Point A
5 times the distance 1/25 the power of Point A
  • Double the distance of the wireless link, we
    receive only ¼ of the original power.
  • Triple the distance of the wireless link, we
    receive only 1/9 the original power.
  • Move 5 times the distance, signal decreases by

  • The U.S. Federal Communications Commission allows
    a maximum of 4 watts of power to be emitted in
    point-to-multipoint WLAN transmissions in the
    unlicensed 2.4-GHz band.
  • In WLANs, power levels as low as one milliwatt
    (mW), or one one-thousandth (1/1000th) of a watt,
    can be used for a small area.
  • Typical WLAN NICS transmit at 100 mW.
  • Typical Access Points can transmit between 30 to
    100 mW (plus the gain from the Antenna).

  • Power levels on a single WLAN segment are rarely
    higher than 100 mW, enough to communicate for up
    to three-fourths of a kilometer or one-half of a
    mile under optimum conditions.
  • Access points generally have the ability to
    radiate from 30 to100 mW, depending on the
  • Outdoor building-to-building applications
    (bridges) are the only ones that use power levels
    over 100 mW.

Wireless Power Ratios
1 w
1 w
dB 10 log10 (Pfinal/Pref)
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
Mw 10 (dBm/10)
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
2 Watts
1 Watt
4 Watts
1 Watt
8 Watts
1 Watt
21 Ratio 3 dBW
41 Ratio 6 dBW
81 Ratio 9 dBW
  • Every dB (decibel) value is a ratio.
  • The dB is measured on a base 10 logarithmic
  • The base increases ten-fold for every ten dB

Decibels - FYI
  • Calculating dB The formula for calculating dB is
    as follows
  • dB 10 log10 (Pfinal/Pref)
  • dB The amount of decibels.
  • This usually represents
  • a loss in power such as when the wave travels or
    interacts with matter,
  • can also represent a gain as when traveling
    through an amplifier.
  • Pfinal The final power. This is the delivered
    power after some process has occurred.
  • Pref The reference power. This is the original

Logarithms Just another way of expressing
powers (10n) - FYI
  • x ay
  • loga x y
  • Example 100 102
  • This is equivalent to saying that the base-10
    logarithm of 100 is 2 that is
  • 100 102 same as log10 100 2
  • Example 2 1000 103 is the same as log10
    1000 3
  • Notes
  • With base-10 logarithms, the subscript 10 is
    often omitted
  • log 100 2 same as log 1000 3
  • When the base-10 logarithm of a quantity
    increases by 1, the quantity itself increases by
    a factor of 10, ie. 2 to 3 increases the quantity
    100 to 1000.
  • A 10-to-1 change in the size of a quantity,
    resulting in a logarithmic increase or decrease
    of 1, is called an order of magnitude.
  • Thus, 1000 is one order of magnitude larger than

  • There are also some general rules for
    approximating the dB and power relationship
  • 3 dB Double the power
  • -3 dB Half the power
  • 10 dB Ten times the power
  • -10 dB One-tenth the power

Decibel references
WLANs work in milliwatts or 1/1,000th of a Watt
  • dB has no particular defined reference
  • Most common reference when working with WLANs is
  • dBm
  • m milliwatt or 1/1,000th of a watt
  • 1,000 mW 1 W (Watt)
  • Milliwatt .001 Watt or 1/1,000th of a watt
  • Since the dBm has a defined reference, it can
    also be converted back to watts, if desired.
  • The power gain or loss in a signal is determined
    by comparing it to this fixed reference point,
    the milliwatt.

Decibel references
  • Example
  • 1 mW .001 Watts
  • Using 1 mW as our reference we start at 0 dB
  • Using the dB formula
  • Doubling the milliwatts to 2 mW or .002 Watts we
    get 3 dBm
  • 10 dBm is 10 times the original 1 mW value or 10
  • 20 dBm is 100 times the original 1 mW value or
    100 mW

  • dB milliWatt (dBm) - This is the unit of
    measurement for signal strength or power level.
    (milliwatt 1,000th of a watt or 1/1,000 watt)
  • If the original signal was 1 mW and a device
    receives a signal at 1 mW, this is a loss of 0
  • However, if that same device receives a signal
    that is 0.001 milliwatt, then a loss of 30 dBm
    occurs, or -30 dBm.
  • -n dBm is not a negative number, but a value
    between 0 and 1.
  • To reduce interference with others, the 802.11b
    WLAN power levels are limited to the following
  • 36 dBm EIRP by the FCC (4 Watts)
  • 20 dBm EIRP by ETSI

Interactive Activity Calculating decibels
10 dBm
  • This activity allows the student to enter values
    for Power final and Power reference, then
    calculates for decibels. Adding an antenna or
    other type of amplification.

RF Receivers
-90 dBm
  • Radio receivers are very sensitive to and may be
    able to pick up signals as small as 0.000000001
    mW or 90 dBm, or a 1 billionth of a milliwatt or
    0.000000000001 W.

  • Doubled the distance 10ft to 20ft, but have ¼ the
  • Signal strength decreased from 47dB to 53dB.
  • Decrease of 6dB
  • -3dB -3dB ½ ½ ¼

Other decibel references besides mW
More on this when we discuss antennas.
A simple decibel conversion
  • If a signal experiences a gain of 4,000 (gets
    4,000 times bigger), what is the gain in dB?
  • 4,000 10 x 10 x 10 x 2 x 2
  • Now replace the multiplication-of factors by the
    addition-of factors of dB
  • 4,000 10 dB 10 dB 10 dB 3 dB 3 dB
    36 dB
  • If a signal experiences a gain of 4,000 (gets
    4,000 times bigger), what is the gain in dB? (Be
  • 5,000 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 / 2
  • Now replace the multiplication-of factors by the
    addition-of factors of dB and division by
  • 5,000 10 dB 10 dB 10 dB 10 dB - 3 dB
    37 dB

ACU Status
  • Current Signal Strength
  • The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) for
    received packets. The range is 0 to 100.
  • Current Signal Quality
  • The quality of the received signal for all
    received packets. The range is from 0 to 100.

  • Signal Strength
  • The signal strength for all received packets.
  • The higher the value and the more green the bar
    graph is, the stronger the signal.
  • Differences in signal strength are indicated by
    the following colors green (strongest), yellow
    (middle of the range), and red (weakest).
  • Range 0 to 100 or -95 to -45 dBm
  • Signal Quality
  • The signal quality for all received packets. The
    higher the value and the more green the bar graph
    is, the clearer the signal.
  • Differences in signal quality are indicated by
    the following colors green (highest quality),
    yellow (average), and red (lowest quality).
  • Range 0 to 100
  • Overall Link Quality
  • Overall link quality depends on the Current
    Signal Strength and Current Signal Quality
  • Excellent Both values greater than 75
  • Good Both values greater than 40 but one (or
    both) less than 75
  • Fair Both values greater than 20 but one (or
    both) less than 40
  • Poor One or both values less than 20

  • Signal Strength can also be seen in dBm
  • Noise Level
  • The level of background radio frequency energy in
    the 2.4-GHz band. The lower the value and the
    more green the bar graph is, the less background
    noise present.
  • Range -100 to -45 dBm
  • Note This setting appears only if you selected
    signal strength to be displayed in dBm.
  • Signal to Noise Ratio
  • The difference between the signal strength and
    the current noise level. The higher the value,
    the better the client adapter's ability to
    communicate with the access point.
  • Range 0 to 90 dB
  • Note This setting appears only if you selected
    signal strength to be displayed in dBm.

  • You will notice that the maximum Signal Strength
    is 45 dBm and lowest Noise Level is 105 dBm.
  • Why these values?
  • This is beyond the scope of this curriculum but
    has to do with how Radio Performance is measured.
  • The Cisco Press book, 802.11 Wireless LAN
    Fundamentals is a good start for more
    information, but you will still need to do more
    research to fully understand this.
  • See the white paper from WildPackets Converting
    Signal Strength Percentage to dBm Values.

Last note
  • As signal strength decreases, so will the
    transmission rate.
  • An 802.11b clients speed may drop from 11 Mbps
    to 5.5 Mbps, to 2 Mbps, or even 1 Mbps.
  • This can all be associated with a combination of
    factors including
  • Distance
  • Line of Sight
  • Obstructions
  • Reflection
  • Multpath Reflection
  • Refraction (partially blocked by obstruction)
  • Diffraction (bending of signal)
  • Noise and Interference
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