Title: Chemical Contaminants
1Chemical Contaminants Residues in Food
CommunitySubgroup Meeting Unknowns
- Tuesday, September 28, 2010
- 1145 a.m. to 115 p.m.
- Room South China Sea
124th AOAC Meeting Exposition Orlando, FL 26-29
September, 2010
2Chemical Contaminants Residues in Food
CommunitySubgroup Meeting Unknowns
Agenda 11 45 a.m. to 1155
a.m. Introduction 11 55 a.m. to 1245
a.m. Collaborative Study for determination of
melamine - Matrices levels -
Participants - Suggestions / Comments
1245 a.m. to 115 p.m. Other topics to be
3Chemical Contaminants Residues in Food
CommunitySubgroup Meeting Unknowns
Method Performance Criteria Purpose Method for
the quantitative determination of melamine (and
cyanuric acid) in foodstuffs. The purpose of the
method is to provide food industry and
authorities with a method able to control
melamine adulteration and monitor low levels in
food. Applicability Milk, dairy products,
infant formula as well as food raw materials with
a high risk of economically driven
adulteration. Analytes melamine (cyanuric
acid) Limit of detection 0.05 mg/kg Regulatory
limits 1 mg/kg in milk-powder infant formula,
and 2.5 mg/kg in other foods Accuracy (method
recovery) 100 Selectivity (specificity)
Should be able to differentiate melamine from
cyanuric acid Repeatability (reproducibility) lt
15 Technology Mass spectrometry
4Chemical Contaminants Residues in Food
CommunitySubgroup Meeting Unknowns
Spiked samples Powdered infant
formula Soya protein Corn meal Dried powdered
shrimps milk chocolate sugar candy cookies
containing milk Incurred samples Dried
mushrooms Feed Each sample at four levels
blank, below maximum limit (ML), ML, above ML
5Chemical Contaminants Residues in Food
CommunitySubgroup Meeting Unknowns
Thierry DELATOUR Group Authenticity
Adulteration Department Quality Safety Nestlé
Research Centre Vers-chez-les-Blanc 1000
Lausanne 26, Switzerland Phone
41.21.785.9220 E-mail thierry.delatour_at_rdls.ne