Title: The Biggest Things in the Universe
1The Biggest Things in the Universe
2Large scale structure of the universe how
galaxies and clusters of galaxies are distributed
through space.
To visualize large scale structure, we need a map
of the universe.
3Making maps isnt easy.
Early maps of the Earth were faulty because of
lack of information.
4Making maps isnt easy.
You must select what information goes on your map.
5Making maps isnt easy.
If the information you want isnt available, you
must use an imperfect substitute.
6Ideally, we would like to know how all the energy
mass is distributed through space.
This is difficult (and perhaps useless).
the Cartographers Guild drew a Map of the
Empire whose size was that of the Empire,
coinciding point for point with it. The following
Generations, who were not so fond of the Study of
Cartography, saw the vast Map to be Useless and
permitted it to decay and fray under the Sun and
winters. Jorge
Luis Borges
7Although dark energy dark matter make up most
of the universe, theyre invisible.
Thus, astronomers map the large scale structure
of the universe by mapping the positions of
8Although stars in galaxies provide only 0.4 of
the universe, theyre good markers for large
scale structure.
Dark energy smoothly distributed. Dark matter
clumped in halos around starry galaxies.
9An advantage of mapping the positions of galaxies
Galaxies are easy to identify.
10Sometimes galaxies are caught in the act of
merging (is it one galaxy, or two?), but thats
fairly rare.
11A disadvantage of mapping the positions of
When we simply map their position on
the sky, information is lost.
12Galaxies are spread through 3
When we make a 2-d map of the sky, information
about the 3rd dimension (distance from us) is
13To make a full 3-d map of the positions of
galaxies, we need to know the distance to each
We can mass produce measurements of galaxy
14Flashback slide!
Why its useful to know H0
Measure redshift of galaxy (?-?0)/?0
Compute radial velocity v c (?-?0)/?0
Compute distance d v / H0
Cheap, fast way to find distance!
15Astronomers have done large redshift surveys of
One such survey was the 2dF galaxy survey, with
gt200,000 galaxy redshifts.
16The 2dF slice of the universe shows a bubbly or
spongy structure.
17One way to visualize the 3-d structure of the
universe is to do a simulated fly-through.
18To map the whole universe, you need a redshift
survey that covers the whole sky.
Big Dipper
This is hard to do.
1) From the northern hemisphere, you cant see
the southern sky.
Southern Cross
192) Dust in the Milky Way blocks our view of
distant galaxies.
Dust blocks our view in these directions -
but not these directions.
20Best attempt (IMHO) at an all-sky redshift survey
(full view of the universe)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
Telescope in New Mexico has measured redshifts
for 800,000 galaxies.
21The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has covered about ¼
of the sky.
Green portion of sky surveyed.
22(No Transcript)
23Galaxies 0.1 Mpc across. Clusters of
galaxies 1 Mpc across. The biggest things we
can see are superclusters (clusters of clusters)
elongated filaments 30 Mpc long.
Superclusters are separated by voids, 100 Mpc
24We live in the Virgo Supercluster.
10 Mpc
25Why arent there superduperclusters?
Why are the largest structures lt 100 Mpc across?
If there were superduperclusters as long as the
Hubble distance (4300 Mpc), we could see them.
26Superclusters grew from slightly overdense
regions. Voids grew from slightly underdense
These density irregularities began as quantum
fluctuations that were then expanded by inflation.
27Inflation must have produced density fluctuations
on all scales
including the superdupercluster scale!
28Superclusters are the largest structures in the
universe because
larger objects have not yet had time to collapse.
A dense region takes time to collapse. For the
largest dense regions, collapse time is longer
than Hubble time.
29Its possible (with a big computer) to simulate
the formation of large scale structure.
- Make a large (imaginary) box. -
Fill it with (simulated) massive objects. - Make
sure the density fluctuations are those predicted
by inflation. -Let er rip.
redshift 29
redshift 0
(The size of the box grows from 1.5 Mpc to 43
31What do we see? Formation of
structure is bottom-up - smallest structure
forms first.
First dwarf galaxies Next
ordinary galaxies Next clusters
of galaxies Now superclusters
32The Cosmic Web
33Rate at which structures grow depends on 2
competing factors
1) Gravity compresses dense regions.
2) Expansion of the universe pulls them apart.
If the expansion of the universe continues to
speed up, expansion will win! No
34Tuesdays Lecture
Formation and Evolution of Galaxies
Chapter 12