The Influence of Natural Selection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Influence of Natural Selection


The Influence of Natural Selection Major Point many gender differences in sexual behavior may be the result of natural selection How Evolution Works Living things ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Influence of Natural Selection

The Influence of Natural Selection
Major Point
  • many gender differences in sexual behavior may be
    the result of natural selection

How Evolution Works
  • Living things produce more offspring than the
    environment can sustain
  • These offspring differ in genetic make-up
  • Characteristics that confer an advantage in term
    of survival and reproduction will be passed on to
    the next generation

Natural Selection
  • any genetically influenced characteristic that
    increases an individuals chances of survival and
    reproduction will become more numerous in
    subsequent generations
  • example
  • if dark brown skin makes salamander less visible
    to predator, that salamander will be more likely
    to live long enough to reproduce
  • salamander will pass on genes that code for dark
    brown skin to its offspring

The Concept of Fitness
  • Fitness
  • refers to how many copies of the individuals
    genes are passed on to future generations
  • the more surviving offspring you produce, the
    more fit you are

Inclusive Fitness
  • idea that fitness includes not only ones own
    offspring, but also the offspring of those who
    share ones genes
  • example
  • if you take a personal risk to defend or protect
    your sister, this may help her survive and
  • your sister shares 50 of your genes
  • explains tendency to help ones family, tribe, or

Evolutionary Psychology
  • is concerned with how various psychological
    mechanisms promoted fitness in the ancestral
  • environment that existed during time that our
    species was evolving
  • attempts to understand
  • why behavioral tendencies exist
  • understand function of behavior in enhancing
    survival and reproduction

Human Sexuality
  • certain gender differences in sexual behavior may
    be the result of natural selection
  • what increases fitness for men is not necessarily
    what increases fitness for women

Minimum Parental Investment
  • men and women differ in minimum parental
  • for men, minimum parental investment is low
  • for women, minimum parental investment is high

  • differences in minimum parental investment lead
    to different mating strategies
  • males prefer
  • multiple mates
  • young, healthy mates
  • females prefer
  • mates with capacity and willingness to expend
    resources on them and their offspring

Desire for Casual Sex
  • Oliver Hyde (1993)
  • conducted meta-analysis of studies on attitudes
    toward sexual behavior
  • found large sex difference in attitudes toward
    casual sex
  • men have more favorable attitude
  • Erlichman Eichenstein (1992)
  • conducted study of private wishes
  • 25 of men and 5 of women ranked having sex
    with anyone I chose as 1 private wish

Desired Number of Partners
  • Buss Schmitt (1993)
  • asked unmarried college students how many sexual
    partners they would like to have in the next
    month, year, lifetime, etc.
  • found that, at every time interval, men desired
    more partners
  • example
  • within next month women 1, men 2
  • within lifetime women 4 or 5, men 18

Preference for Physically Attractive Partner
  • Note many components of physical attractiveness
    are cues to youth and health (fertility)
  • Many studies have found that youthful complexion,
    firm muscle tone, lustrous hair, and full lips
    are desired by men
  • Pattern not limited to our society
  • Physical appearance of desired mates is far more
    important to men than to women

Preference for Partners with Resources
  • Note dominance and status are cues to resources
  • Research suggests that women prefer men with
    status in a dominance hierarchy
  • Buss (1989)
  • in all of 37 cultures studied, women valued
    wealth and status in men more than men valued it
    in women

  • Kenrick et al. (1994)
  • showed subjects photographs and personality
    profiles, then asked subjects to indicate current
    level of commitment to romantic partner.
  • For men, viewing photo of physically attractive
    woman reduced level of commitment.
  • For women, viewing profile of socially dominant
    man reduced commitment.

Sexual Jealousy
  • Evolutionary psychology views jealousy as a
    mechanism that is designed to prevent ones mate
    from engaging in behaviors that threaten
    reproductive fitness.
  • For a male, threat comes from his mate getting
    pregnant by another male
  • For a female, threat is that mate will shift his
    resources from her and her offspring to another
    female, or even abandon her altogether

Research on Jealousy
  • Buss et al. (1992)
  • asked subjects which would upset them more (1)
    partner forming deep emotional attachment to
    another person or (2) partner enjoying
    passionate sex with that person.
  • Found
  • 60 of males more upset by sexual infidelity, 40
    more upset by emotional infidelity.
  • 17 of females more upset by sexual infidelity,
    83 more upset by emotional infidelity.
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