Title: Part - time MSc course Epidemiology
1The following lecture has been approved for
Adults This lecture may contain information,
ideas, concepts and discursive anecdotes that may
be thought provoking and challenging It is not
intended for the content or style of delivery to
cause offence Any issues raised in the lecture
may require the viewer to engage in further
thought, insight, reflection or critical
2Critical Evaluation of Clinical Research
Dr. Craig A. Jackson Senior Lecturer in
Health Psychology Division of Trauma Critical
Care Faculty of Health UCE Birmingham hcc.uce.ac.
3- Session Outline
- Main Research Designs
- Experiments RCTs
- Observation Case-Control Cohort studies
- Critical Evaluation Criteria
- Ethical clearance / considerations
- Sample and Population issues
- Methods Data collection
- Analyses
- Write up Publication issues
4Brief Research History Role of Bran Fibre
dietary increases in IBS patients --
1997(Randomised Controlled Trial) Mental Health
of UK Farmers using OP Pesticides (X2) --
1997-2000(Epidemiological Surveys) Neurobehaviou
ral Performance of desert-based Oil Drillers --
1998-2000(Clinical assessment) Temporary
Hearing Loss in Student Bar Staff 2000-2002
(Epidemiological Survey) Benefits of
Occupational Health Advice in Primary Care
Settings -- 2001-2004(Randomised Controlled
Trial) Smaller-Scale projects (Tri-Services,
NHS Personnel, NHS Patients)(Cross-sectional
Surveys, Clinical Trials) Budget Airline Pilot
Fatigue 2002(Cross-sectional Survey) Multiple
roles of psychologist, statistician, and
methodology designer
5(No Transcript)
6Formats of Clinical Research Experimental vs.
Observational Longitudinal vs.
Cross-sectional Prospective vs. Retrospective
7Qualititative VS Quantitative Research False
opposition Observational methods equally
valid Complementary roles Qualitative equally
as hard to do(if not harder)
Quantitative Research Designs
Case - control
Cohort study
Postal questionnaire
9Experimental Studies Investigator makes
intervention A manipulation Then studies the
effects of that intervention Features Compari
son e.g. before vs. after control vs.
treatment Always longitudinal Always
prospective Experimental Clinical
Trials RCTs
10Experimental Studies Evaluate effectiveness of
intervention / therapy Use similar samples who
reflect population Comparable groups Difference
s in outcomes due to interventions (not
differences between groups) Independent Variable
(IV) alters Dependent Variable (DV) Best
evidence of cause and effect Sometimes
11Types of Experimental Studies Between Subjects
Studies Each group receives different
treatment Groups compared Within Subjects
Studies Each individual is measured before
after intervention Advantage that each
participant is own control Between subject
variability removed
12Traditional Experimental Designs Between
subjects studies Within Subjects studies
Treatment group
Outcome measured
Control group
Outcome measured
Outcome measured 1
Outcome measured 2
13Within Subjects Studies Cross-over-studies Each
patient receives treatment in sequence Washout
period between treatments Order of treatments
randomised Matched-pairs study Parallel
study Patient in arm 1 matched with patient in
arm 2 Match based on prognostic / socio-economic
factors Data is linked Paired individuals
Group A
Treatment 1
Treatment 2
Gp A
Treatment 2
Group B
Treatment 1
Gp B
14- Control Groups
- Allow comparison in Between Group studies
- Evaluations without comparison?
- Types of Control Groups
- no treatment group likely to be confounded by
having condition - placebo group ethically dodgy?
- low dose group avoids ethical issues
- standard treatment group avoids ethical issues
- gold standard group avoids ethical issues
- historical controls unreliable due to many
15Comparison Groups Random Sampling Ensures
generalizability of findings to larger pop. e.g.
in-patient sample limitations Treatment effects
better detected if there is little between-group
variability Exclusion Criteria Inclusion
Criteria keep groups comparable Paradox
greater uniformity of sample less
generalisable to general population
16Control Groups Random Allocation Doesnt
guarantee groups will be homogonous Ensures
allocation independent of patient
features Avoids (sub)conscious allocation
bias e.g. severely sick people into treatment
groups Guarantees allocation to be
bias-free Non-homogenous groups may still
occur due to chance random errors Stratified
randomisation for each prognostic factor e.g.
weight, age, sex
17Randomised Controlled Trials in GP Primary
Care 90 consultations take place in GP
surgery RCT is actually 50 years old Potential
problems 2 Key areas Recruitment
Bias Randomisation Bias Over-focus on
failings of RCTs
18- RCTs in General Practice Primary Care
- RCTs justified in situations of genuine clinical
uncertainty - Provides rigorous, sound basis for evaluating
treatments - Samples large enough to establish any worthwhile
benefit - (effectiveness or cost, or both)
- Need for larger numbers of patients
- More than are available to single practices
- Requires club together approach
- GPs no contractual obligation
- (i) unwilling to take part if no immediate
benefit for patients - (ii) while possibly disrupting the delivery of
health care
19RCTs in General Practice Primary Care GPs
conflict of interest between Role and Wish to
benefit future patients Academic merit Long
term nature of practitioner and patient
relationship May engender loyalties Unfairly
coerce patients to give consent Patients' fears
about Confidentiality Risks of the
intervention Apparent disadvantage of being
allocated to a control group may further
inhibit recruitment Fail to recruit consecutive
patients may introduce potential for selection
20RCTs in General Practice Primary Care May
disrupt primary care Too much disruption no
reflection of real practice Methodological
problems reduce scientific reliability of the
results (Recruitment Randomisation) General
practice not a laboratory Patients are not
experimental animals Case-control studies,
retrospective and prospective cohort studies, and
descriptive studies are all acceptable methods.
Observation is OK Should accept alternative
methods when RCT too difficult or flawed
21RCT Deficiencies Trials too small Trials too
short Poor quality Poorly presented Address wrong
question Methodological inadequacies Inadequate
measures of quality of life (changing) Cost-data
poorly presented Ethical neglect Patients given
limited understanding Poor trial
management Politics Marketeering Why still the
dominant model?
22Observational Studies Investigator observes
existing situation Describes Analyses Interprets
No influence on events Longitudinal
observation studies case-control studies
retrospective cohort-studies prospective
Cross-sectional observation studies surveys
examining subjects at one point in time based on
random sample of interest population
23- Observational Studies
- Look for associations
- Cause -gt Effect
- Exposure Illness
- Epidemiological
- Incidence, cause, prevention
- No control group necessary
- Cannot use classical experimentation
- No randomisation
- Bias is a realistic problem
24- Case-Control Study
- Identify group with condition / illness (cases)
- Identify group without condition / illness
(controls) - Both groups compared for exposure to
(hypothesized) risk factors - Greater exposure to risk factor in cases than
controls causal relation - Beware
- Lead time bias
- Recruitment of cases at similar points in time
- Newly diagnosed cases (biases?)
25Selection of Controls Cases have Lung Cancer
Smoking Exposure Controls could be other
hospital patients (other disease) or
normals Matched Cases Controls for age
gender Option of 2 Controls per Case
Smoking years of Lung Cancer cases and controls
(matched for age and sex) Cases Controls n4
56 n456 F P Smoking years 13.75 6.12 7.5
0.04 ( 1.5) ( 2.1)
26Case-Control Study Other Biases Recall
Bias Cases gt associations with exposures Unreliab
le Memories Retrospective nature Over-reliance on
recall Unreliable Records Poor hospital
records Repetitive, incomplete, inaccurate,
irretrievable, interpretation Interview
Bias Different interviewers
27- Cohort Study
- ID and examination of a group (cohort)
- Followed over time (20 years common!)
- Looking for disease development / other end-point
- Aetiology of disease (based on data collected)
- Data more reliable than case-control studies
- Requires large N
- Requires long follow up
- Inefficient
- Expensive (espec. rare outcomes)
28Cohort Study Methods Subjects classified into 2
(or more groups) e.g. exposed vs non exposed End
point groups compared for cancer symptom
29Cohort Study Other Biases Lost to follow
up Bias if reason related to exposure Validity
affected Group sizes change Membership
changes e.g ex-smokers Differential
mortality Change in circumstance e.g. job
change Exposures need calculation or
re-calculation Surveillance bias Investigator
aware of group membership Investigating exposed
members more
30Observational studies Cohort (prospective)
Case-Control (retrospective)
31Cross Sectional Study Subjects contacted
surveyed just once Questionnaire (post, email,
phone) Random sample of defined pop. Limited
causality Not temporal relationships Little
insight into aetiology Source of descriptive
data Prevalence rates Volunteer bias Non
responses Self-selection Unrepresentative
32- Critical Appraisal Criteria
- Researchers plan
- Ethical clearance / considerations
- Sample
- Size
- Bias
- Allocation
- Methods Data collection
- Valid
- Reliable
- Measurable
- Accurate
- Analysis
- Write up
- Accurate
- Clear
- Replicable
33Planning and Design Ethical clearance
34- Good research should be...
- Justified
- Well planned
- Appropriately designed
- Ethically approved
- Research should be driven by protocol
- Pilot studies should have a written rationale
- Protocols should answer specific questions
- Not just collecting data
- Protocols must be agreed by all contributors
participants - Keep the protocol as part of the Research record
/ log - Ethical misconduct not to meet this standard?
Not yet
35Design Ethical Approval Statistical issues
should be considered before data
collection Power calculations are (becoming)
essential Formal documented ethical approval is
required for all research involving (i)
people (ii) medical records (iii) anonymous
human tissue (Nuffield Council on
Bioethics) Fully informed consent should always
be sought If not possible (deceptive studies) a
research ethics committee should decide
36- WMA Research Ethics Checklist
- peoples rights and claims
- different sorts of interests and their relative
strength - human well-being
- loss of life
- what would be good or bad for people
- democratic acceptance
- consultation
- sensitive moments
- benefits and harms
- grief and distress
- an obligation to make sacrifices for the
community - entitlement of the community to deny autonomy
and violate bodily integrity in public interest - the system of justice
- public safety
- public policy considerations
- danger
- civil liberties
37Sample size Population characteristics
38- The Importance of Sample Size
- Forgotten in many studies
- Little consideration given
- Appropriate size needed to confirm / refute
hypotheses - Small samples far too small to detect anything
but the grossest difference - Non-significant results become reported as
significant Type 2 errors occur - Too large a sample unnecessary waste of
(clinical) resources - waste of patient time, inconvenience,
discomfort - Essential to assess optimal sample size before
39(No Transcript)
40How Many Make a Sample? 8 out of 10 owners
who expressed a preference, said their cats
preferred it. How confident can we be about
such statistics? 8 out of 10? 80 out of 100? 800
out of 1000? 80,000 out of 100,000?
41Multiple Measurement of small sample
25 cell clusters 22 cell clusters 24 cell
clusters 21 cell clusters Total 92
cell clusters Mean 23 cell clusters SD
1.8 cell clusters
42It all depends on the size of your needle
43Small samples spoil research
N Age IQ 1 20 100 2 20 100 3 20 100 4 20 100 5 20
100 6 20 100 7 20 100 8 20 100 9 20 100 10 20 100
Total 200 1000 Mean 20 100 SD 0 0
N Age IQ 1 18 100 2 20 110 3 22 119 4 24 101 5 26
105 6 21 113 7 19 120 8 25 119 9 20 114 10 21 101
Total 216 1102 Mean 21.6 110.2 SD 4.2 19.2
N Age IQ 1 18 100 2 20 110 3 22 119 4 24 101 5 26
105 6 21 113 7 19 120 8 25 119 9 20 114 10 45 156
Total 240 1157 Mean 24 115.7 SD 8.5 30.2
44- Qualitative studies need to sample wisely too
- Asian GPs attitudes to ANP
- Objective
- To determine attitudes to ANP among Asian doctors
in East Birmingham PCT - Method
- Send invitation to 55 Asian GPs (Approx 47 of
East Birmingham PCT) - Intends to interview (30mins) with first 20 GPs
who respond -
- Sample would be 36 of Asian GPs and only 17
of GPs in PCT - Severely Biased Research (and ethically dodgy too)
45Population Samples
Achieving a high response rate to a questionnaire
is vital as helps ensures a normal distribution
of responses?
Postal questionnaires rarely get a response rate
gt 40 Unless respondents have a vested interest
in the outcome Bias?
Most efficient (best) response rates usually
happen when respondents have to do very little to
take part in the study Multiple phase projects
see a depletion in numbers at every stage Quick
in and out one-stop approach is best
sampling CONSCRIPTIVE sampling QUOTA
A Normally Distributed Sample of a Population
of population
56 57 58 59
510 511 6 61 62
63 64 Height
47Sampling a Population
48 POPULATIONS Can be mundane or
extraordinary SAMPLE Must be representative INTE
RNALY VALIDITY OF SAMPLE Sometimes validity is
more important than generalisability SELECTION
PROCEDURES Random Opportunistic Conscriptive Quota
ECOLOGICAL VADLIDITY Participants in their
natural environment
Sampling Keywords
How to assign the sample into different
treatments or groups Related to the INTERNAL
VALIDITY of the research Ensures groups are
similar (EQUIVALENT) to each other prior to
TREATMENT Waste of time randomly sampling but
not randomly allocating Having a choice in this
matter is a luxury
50How many makes a sample? POWER OF STUDY
CALCULATION Statistical method of calculating
the number of subjects needed in a project Based
upon.. Expected variance of subjects
scores Useful size of any differences between
groups Significance level (e.g. 5 or 1
) Power level The larger the differences you
are looking for between groups, then the fewer
subjects are needed. Looking for small
differences between groups requires larger
numbers of subjects
52Bias Validity of study depends on avoiding
bias Bias Systematic distortion of results
due to unforeseen factors Group 1
pill Group 2 no pill How will the no
pillgroup progress? Any effects of them
knowing they have no treatment? Handling
differences may influence complicate trial
results Known as confounding factors To
minimize bias control group randomisation blin
53Selection Bias Sampling properly is
Crucial Samples may be askew Specialist
publications attract a specialist response
group Exists a self-selection bias of those with
special interests Controversial topics, or
litigious areas
Gulf War Syndrome
Bird Flu
Call Centres
Depleted Uranium Weaponry
Hospital infection
54- Bias The placebo effect really does work!
- Most effective medication known
- In approx. 30 of pop.
- Subjected to more clinical trials than any other
medicament - Nearly always does better than anticipated
- The range of susceptible conditions seems
limitless - Does not always occur
- Present in subjective and objective outcomes
- Negative outcomes can occur (Nocebo effect)
- Big pills better than smaller pills
- Red pills better than blue
- 4 pills better than 2
- 30 of pop.
- Sham surgery vs arthroscopy for osteoarthritis
Patients knowledge of their treatment causes
biase.g. Benedetti the Turin study
55Subject Variables that potentially bias /
FACTORS Age Alcohol (recent
use) Education Caffeine (recent
use) Sex Nicotine (recent use) Socioeconomics
Medication (recent use) Language Paints,
glues, pesticides (recent) Handedness Near
visual acuity Computer experience Restricted
movement (injury) Caffeine (habitual use) Cold
/ flu Alcohol (habitual use) Stress Nicotine
(habitual use) Arousal / Fatigue Medication
(habitual use) Sleep Paints, glues, pesticides
(habitual use) Screen luminance Diabetes Time
of day Epilepsy Time of year Other CNS / PNS
disease Head injury (out gt1 hr) Alcohol / drug
addiction Physical activity
56Blinding Importance of doing it Investigator or
Patient know treatment Bias Observations and
Judgements become less reliable Patient
responses change Positive outcomes in active
arm Negative outcomes in passive arm e.g. known
cancer diagnoses and deterioration Use max.
degree of blindness possible e.g. make patient
and investigator both blind if possible e.g.
A.A.Mason Congenital Ichthyosis and Hypnosis
57Blinding Methods of doing it Double-blind patien
t investigator blind
Treatment type
Patient interaction
Data manager
58Blinding Methods Double-blind patient
investigator blind Single-blind patient
blind Triple-blind patient investigator data
monitor blind Double-dummy 2 treatments patien
ts get 2 pills (1 active, 1 dummy) Open
trials patient investigator aware of treatment
Randomisation in a double-blind trial Envelope
technique common Un-blinding ethical necessity
59Un-blinding a problematic study Breaking code
anticipated in the planning stages Criteria for
breaking code established and
agreed Emergency access to randomisation
code Treatment stopped and patient
withdrawn Formal monitoring process review
and make recommendations
60Methods Data Collection
61- Background on Research
- Large-scale
- Quantitative
- Can be descriptive
- 2 of women think they are beautiful
- Can be inferential
- Significantly more singletons think theyre
beautiful (46) than married (23) - Done with a sample of patients, respondents,
consumers, or professionals - Differences between any groups assessed with
hypothesis testing - Important that sample size must be large enough
to detect any such difference if it truly exists
62Survey Research Questionnaire is a fundamental
component of most research Most MSc / MPhil /PhD
projects use survey methods Can be very
efficient Weaknesses weak / dubious
questionnaires non-valid questionnaires biase
d samples biased responses poor response
63(No Transcript)
64Validity Does the survey measure what it says it
is measuring Reliability Does the survey
yield stable data over time
65How accurate are large scale surveys /
66Likert scales How do you feel right now?
67Bending the Data How do you feel right now?
68Non-Responders just as Important Postal surveys
may accrue poor response rates (e.g. 20) from
pop. May need to re-write to pop. to re-recruit
bigger sample Inefficient to write to all pop.
again Need to re-write to non-responders and NOT
responders Impossible in anonymous studies with
no linkage Can be done with confidential studies
69Diminishing returns of multi-stage recruitment
Potential Sample
Invitation letter consent form
1000 people
Acceptance letter consent form
540 consents
540 blank questionnaires
Under-powered studyn 210 Response rate of 21
210 completed questionnaires
70Unethical practices proved to increase response
rates Technique Likelihood of
participation Cash incentive X 2 (Brown,
et al. 1997, Roberts et al. 2000) Warn
respondents of follow up (need linkage) X
1.4 Drop out must be explained by the
respondent X 1.3 Choice to opt out given to
respondents X 0.7 (Edwards et al. 2002)
71Finally. . . . The best research is simple in
design Some people hate the very name of
statistics but.....their power of dealing with
complicated phenomena is extraordinary. They are
the only tools by which an opening can be cut
through the formidable thicket of difficulties
that bars the path of those who pursue the
science of man. Sir Francis Galton, 1889
72Further Reading Altman, D.G. Designing
Research. In Altman, D.G., (ed.) Practical
Statistics For Medical Research. London, Chapman
and Hall, 1991 74-106. Bland, M. The design of
experiments. In Bland, M., (ed.) An
introduction to medical statistics. Oxford,
Oxford Medical Publications, 1995 5-25. Daly,
L.E., Bourke, G.J. Epidemiological and clinical
research methods. In Daly L.E., Bourke, G.J.,
(eds.) Interpretation and uses of medical
statistics. Oxford, Blackwell Science Ltd, 2000
143-201. Jackson, C.A. Study Design Sample
Size and Power. In Gao Smith, F. and Smith, J.
(eds.) Key Topics in Clinical Research. Oxford,
BIOS scientific Publications, 2002. Jackson,
C.A. Planning Health Safety Research Projects
in the Workplace. Croner Health and Safety at
Work Special Report 2002 62 1-16. Kumar, R.
Research Methodology a step by step guide for
beginners. Sage, London 1999.
73Further Reading Abbott, P. and Sapsford.
Research methods for nurses and the caring
professions. Open University Press, Buckingham
1988. Bowling, A. Measuring Health. Open
University Press, Milton Keynes 1994 Polit, D.
Hungler, B. Nursing research Principles and
methods (7th ed.). Philadelphia Lippincott,
Williams Wilkins 2003. Council for
International Organizations of Medical Sciences
(CIOMS). International Guidelines for Ethical
Review of Epidemiological Studies World Health
Organisation, Geneva 1991. Nuffield Council on
Bioethics. Human tissue Ethical and legal
issues. Nuffield Council on Bioethics, London
1995. World Medical Association. Ethical
Principles for Medical Research Involving Human
Subjects. Declaration of Helsinki, 2002.
(Washington Amendment).