Title: End-of-Grade Review
1End-of-Grade Review
- Each day, you will answer two PowerPoint
questions as a table. You do not need to write
down your answers, but be prepared to share.
After we review the questions as a whole class,
you will be given instructions to write down
specific information in your notebook. This will
count as a participation grade. To prepare, you
will need paper and a pencil or pen.
2EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- Which of the following would be best used to
study the drought conditions in a region? Why? - satellite imagery
- water witching
- ground truthing
- What process accounts for the fact that the water
on Earth now is the same water that has been on
Earth for 4 billion years? - Nitrogen Cycle
- Water Cycle
- Krebs Cycle
- Life Cycle
3EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- In your notebook, define and illustrate satellite
- In your notebook, draw and label the water cycle.
Include - Precipitation
- Condensation
- Transpiration
- Evaporation
- Percolation
4EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- What form of water has the highest density?
- ice
- cold water
- warm water
- water vapr
- Which of the following describes the tendency of
a water molecule to stick to other water
molecules? - cohesion
- adhesion
- density
- buoyancy
5EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- In your notebook, write the formula for density.
Be sure to include what the letters in the
formula stand for!
- In your notebook, define and illustrate cohesion
and adhesion.
6EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- What term describes the uneven distribution of
charges across a water molecule?
- Where is most of the fresh water on Earth
located? - in the oceans
- in polar ice caps
- in rivers and streams
- in groundwater
7EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- In your notebook, define POLARITY. Draw a
picture of the polar water molecule and indicate
the charges.
- In your notebook, draw the piecharts on page 137
in the EOG COACH Book.
8EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- _________ are land areas that remain wet for all
or part of the year.
- Scientists on a ship are using sonar to map the
ocean floor. They send out a sound pulse at
Point A that takes 4 seconds to return to the
ship. At Point B, the sounds pulse takes 8
seconds to return. What can you conclude about
the depth of the water at Points A B?
9EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- Define wetlands and name THREE reasons they are
important to humans.
- SONAR is an acronym. In your notebook, write
down what the letters represent and define SONAR.
10EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- Name 3 organisms that live in the intertidal
- What are two major ecosystems in the neritic
11EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- Define
- Intertidal Zone
- Neritic Zone
- Oceanic Zone
- Define and illustrate how nutrients move in the
ocean as a result of Upwelling.
12EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- Many food webs of land and water ecosystems are
interconnected. Give three examples of feeding
relationships that might connect a lake and a
forest ecosystem.
- What does it mean when a scientist says a lake
has a high turbidity?
13EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- Define PRODUCER and CONSUMER. Include an
illustration for each word.
- Scientists use the following to evaluate water
system health - Physical indicators
- Chemical indicators
- Biological indicators
- Create a Triple-Venn Diagram that shows the
relationship between these indicators.
14EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- How could GPS and GIS be used together when
studying a water system?
- List 3 sources of water pollution.
15EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- Define
- Give one example of each.
16EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- What is the vocabulary term that describes an
area where fresh water mixes with salt water?
- How do unicellular organisms differ from
multicellular organisms?
17EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- Define CELL and list the three parts of THE CELL
18EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- True or False
- The single cell of a unicellular organism
carries out all the functions needed to sustain
life. (respiration, digestion, circulation,
- What organelles in the plant cell are NOT in an
animal cell?
19EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- Complete a Venn Diagram for UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS
- Define and illustrate the following organelles
- Mitochondria
- Nucleus
- Cell membrane
20EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- Which protist uses pseudopods for feeding?
21EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- Using page 290 in the EOG Coach book, create a
list of FIVE characteristics of protists.
- Draw and label an amoeba. Underneath your
drawing, write - Amoebas obtain food by engulfing it with their
22EOG Review As a table, select an answer.
- What is the name of the process your cells use to
obtain energy from food? - Homeostasis
- Cellular Respiration
- Mitosis
- What provides the energy for Euglena to make
their own food? - glucose
- sunlight
- water
- carbon dioxide
23EOG Review On your own, in your own notebook.
- Define CELLULAR RESPIRATION. Include where it
occurs in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. HINT It
is NOT the same place for both types of cells.
- Define PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Include which protists
are able to create their own food through this
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