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Free and Controlled Dynamics of Magnetic Islands in Tokamaks E. Lazzaro IFP P.Caldirola , Euratom-ENEA-CNR Association, Milano, Italy Outline Brief reminder of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: E.Lazzaro

Free and Controlled Dynamics of Magnetic Islands
in Tokamaks
E. Lazzaro
IFP P.Caldirola, Euratom-ENEA-CNR Association,
Milano, Italy
  • Brief reminder of tokamak ideal equilibrium
  • Nonideal effectsformation of magnetic island in
    tokamaks through magnetic reconnection
  • Classical and neoclassical tearing modes
  • Useful mathematical models of mode dynamics
  • Problems and strategies of control by EC Current
  • Recent results from of experiments
  • (FTU,ASDEX,DIII-D tokamaks)

Motivation and Objectives
  • The reliability of Plasma Confinement in
    tokamaks is limited by the occurrence of
  • MHD instabilities that appear as growing
    special isobaric surfaces and contribute to
    serious energy losses and can lead to DISRUPTION
    of the tokamak discharged.
  • They are observed both as MIRNOV magnetic
    oscillations and as perturbations of Electron
    Cyclotron Emission and Soft X-ray signals
  • They are associated with LOCALIZED perturbation
    of the current J ,e.g. J bootstrap
  • Is it possible to stabilize or quench these
    instabilities by LOCALIZED injection of wave
    power (E.C.), heating locally or driving a
    non-inductive LOCAL current to balance the Jboot

Tokamak magnetic confinement configuration
  • The most promising plasma (ideal) confinement is
    obtained by magnetic field configurations that
    permit a magnetoidrostatic balance of fluid
    pressure gradient and magnetic force
  • Since the isobaric surfaces
    (pnT) are covered ergodically by the lines of
    force of B and since the nested
    surfaces are of toroidal genus
  • The B field can be expressed through the the
    magnetic flux (??R???) through a poloidal section
    and (F(R,Z))through a toroidal section

Non ideal effects Helical Perturbations
Overview of basic concepts
  • Tokamaks have good confinement because the
    magnetic field lies on isobaric surfaces of
    toroidal genus
  • The B field lines pitch
    is constant on each nested
  • (Isobaric) magnetic surfaces where q(Y)m/n have
    a different topology there are alternate O and X
    singular points that do not exist on irrational
    surfaces axisymmetry is broken and divB0
    allows a Br component
  • If current flows preferentially along certain
    field lines, magnetic islands form
  • The contour of the island region is an isobar
    (and isotemperature)
  • As a result, the plasma pressure tends to
    flatten across the island region, (thermal
    short-circuit) and energy confinement is degraded

Tokamak equilibrium and helical perturbations
  • Tokamak Equilibrium Magnetic field in terms of
    axisymmetric flux function
  • 1 Force equilibrium
  • Field line pitch
  • Helically perturbed field
  • 2 Equilibrium condition (local torque balance)
  • To order(r/R)

Vanishing in axisymmetry
Basic Formalism of evolution equations
  • Reduced Resistive MHD Equations from vector to
    scalar system
  • Compressional Alfven waves are removed
  • Closure of system with fluid equations
  • Ordering
  • Filters physics

Ideal and Resistive MHD
  • In Ideal MHD Plasma Magnetic topology is
  • B is convected with V
  • In Resistive MHD Magnetic field diffuses relative
    to plasma topology
  • The evolution of linear magnetic perturbations
  • Topology can change through reconnection of field
    lines in a resistive layer where
  • Resistive MHD removes
    Ideal MHD constraint of preserved magnetic
    topology allowing possible instabilities with
    small growth rates
  • Key parameter

Essential physics of tearing perturbations
  • Quasineutrality constraint
  • First order perturbation
  • Competition of a stabilizing line bending term
    and a kink term feeding instabilities
    perpendicular current may alter balance, through
    ion polarization current and neoclassical
  • Tearing layer width is determined by balancing
    inertial and parallel current contributions to
  • The time evolution of the perturbations is
    governed by Faraday law and generalised forms of
    Ohms law, including external non inductive

w dependent!
Current driven tearing modes physics
Boundary Layer problem
Outer region - marginal ideal MHD - kink mode.
The torque balance requires
A linear perturbation is governed by an
equation that is singular on the mode rational
surface where kB 0
Singularity at qm/n !!
Solved with proper boundary conditions to
determine the discontinuity of the derivative
Ys reconnected helicalflux
Current driven tearing modes physics
  • The discontinuous derivative equivalent to
    currents, localised in a layer across the qm/n
    surface, where ideal MHD breaks down
  • Amperes law relates the dB perturbation to the
    current perturbation. For long, thin islands, it
    can be written
  • Integrating this over a period in x and out to a
    large distance, l, from the rational surface
    (wltltlltltrs) gives
  • Inner region - includes effects of inertia,
    resistivity, drifts, viscosity, etc

Linear Dispersion relation
Growth rate
Geometry Terminology
  • contours of constant helical flux
  • magnetic shear length cylindrical safety
  • island instantaneous phase
  • xr-rs slab coordinate from rational surface
  • helical flux reconnected on the rational surface
  • integrals and averages
    on island

Neoclassical Tearing Modes (NTM)
  • In a tearing-stable plasma (?0lt0)
  • Initial island large enough to flatten the local
  • gt loss of bootstrap current inside the island
    sustains perturbation
  • Instability due to local flattening of bootstrap
    current profile
  • Typically islands with m/n 2/1 or 3/2
    periodicity Can prevent tokamaks from reaching
    high ?

Summary of RMHD equations
  • Resistive-neoclassical MHD fluid model

Bootstrap Current
Mechanism of bootstrap current
Constant on magnetic surfaces
Generalised parallel Ohms law with electron
viscosity effects
Electron viscous stress damps the poloidal
electron flow - new free energy source.
The NTM drive mechanism
Consider an initial small seed island
Perturbed flux surfaces lines of constant W
  • An initial perturbation( Wseed) leads to the
    formation of a magnetic island
  • The pressure is flattened within the island at
    the O point, not at X point
  • Thus the bootstrap current is removed inside the
  • This current perturbation amplifies the
    magneticfield perturbation,i.e. the island

Construction of the nonlinear island equation
  • 1-A nonlinear averaging operator over the helical
    angle xmq-nf-wt makes
  • 2-The parallel current is obtained solving the
    current closure (quasineutrality) equation
    ,averaging and and inserting it in Amperes law
  • 3-Averaging Faraday law and eliminating ltJ//gt
  • 4-An integration weighted with cosx, over the
    radial extent of the nonlinear reconnection layer
    (island ), one obtains the basic Rutherford
    Equation for
  • W(t) 4(?Br rs / B? nq/)1/2

neoclassical currents
R.F.Current drive
Grad-Shafranov equation
Modified Rutherford Equation
NTM evolution (Integrating Faraday-Ampere on
geom. factor
(de)stabilising factor, lt0 in NTM ( TM)
Jbootstrap Term gt0
pressure gradient curvature Term lt0
Polarisation Term gt0, lt0
Electron Cyclotron CD Term
resistive wall Term
G.Ramponi, E. Lazzaro, S. Nowak, PoP 1999
Threshold Physics Makes an NTM Linearly Stable
and Non-linearly Unstable
? rs
  • polarization threshold
  • (A.Smolyakov, E.Lazzaro et al, 1995)
  • ion polarization currents
  • for ions E X B drifts are stronger than for
    electrons ?J? is generated. J? is not divergence
    free ?J// varies such that 0
  • transport threshold
  • (R.Fitzpatrick ,1995)
  • related to transverse plasma heat
  • conductivity that partially removes
  • the pressure flattening
  • 1 cm

wpol? (Lq/Lp) 1/2 ? 1/2 ??I 2 cm
  • c(?,?i) polarization term also depends on
    frequency of rotating mode, stabilizing only if
    0gt?gt??i (J, Connor,H.R. Wilson et.al,1996)

The Modified Rutherford Equation discussion
  • Need to generate seed island
  • additional MHD event
  • poorly understood?
  • Stable solution
  • saturated island width
  • well understood?

  • Unstable solution
  • Threshold
  • poorly understood
  • needs improved transport model
  • need improved polarisation current

Threshold Physics Makes an NTM Linearly Stable
and Non-linearly Unstable

rs1.54 m a2 m
?1/2 ?Lq/Lp?0.56 c(?) 1
rabs rO-point- 3 cm
The islands can be reduced in width or completely
suppressed by a current driven by Electron
Cyclotron waves (ECCD) accurately located within
the island.
rabs rO-point
rabs rO-point 1 cm
rabs rO-point 2 cm
A requisite for an effective control action is
the ability of identifying the relevant state
variables in real time -radial location -EC
power absorption radius - frequency and
phase and vary accordingly the control variables
-wave beam power modulation -wave beam
Co-CD can replace the missing bootstrap current
Localized Co-CD at mode rational surface may both
increase the linear stability and replace the
missing bootstrap current

where Hm,n efficiency by which a helical
component is created by island flux surface
averaging H0,0 modification of equilibrium
current profile
CD efficiency to replace the missing bootstrap
  • Hm,n depends on
  • w/wcd
  • whether the CD is continuous or modulated to
    turn it on in phase with the rotating O-point
  • on the radial misalignment of CD w.r.t. the
    rational surface qm/n

50 on - 50 off

Larger CD efficiency with narrow JCD profiles
  • Note
  • within the used model, in case of perfect
    alignment, the (2,1) mode is fully suppressed
    with 50 modulated EC power, Icd 3 Ip(rs) (PEC
    7 MW by FS UL), when wcd 2.5 cm
  • larger wcd would reduce the saturated island
    width (partial stabilization)
  • narrow, well localized Jcd profiles are a major
    request for the ITER UL!

--- stable
Elements of the problem of control of NTM by
Local absorption of EC waves
  • The STATE variables of the process are the mode
    helicity numbers (m,n), the radial location rm/n,
    the width W (in cm!) of the island, and its
    rotation frequency w.
  • The CONTROL variables of the system dedicated to
    island chase suppression are the radius rdep,
    of deposition the wave beam power depending on
    the wave BEAM LAUNCHING ANGLES , the power pulse
    rate (CW or modulated)
  • It is necessary to define and design real-time
    diagnostic and predictive methods for the
    dynamics of the process and of the controlling
    action, considering available alternatives and
    complementary possibilities

Approach to the problem
  • One of the most important objectives of the
    control task is to prevent an island to grow to
    its nonlinear saturation level (that is too
  • It is necessary to detect its size W, and its
    rotation frequency w as early as possible after
    some trigger event has started the instability.
  • Therefore the analysis of dynamics in the linear
    range near the threshold is important to be able
    to construct a useful real-time predictor
  • Key questions then are observability and
  • The work is in progress

Linearized equation near threshold
Dimensionless state variables and linearization
near threshold WWt wwT
Linear state system
Mode amplitude x1 and frequency x2 are coupled
through a12
Control vector
EC driven current
External momentum input
Controllability and observability of the system
The dynamic system is controllable if its state
variables respond to the control
variables According to Kalman controllability
matrix Q b,Ab must be of full rank
amplitude control b1 frequency control b2
rank (Q)2 if both b1 and b2 are non zero
In our case the condition, mode rotation control
is necessary
EC driven current
External momentum input
Formal aspects of the control problem
  • The physical objective is to reduce the ECE
    fluctuation to zero in minimal time using ECRH
    /ECCD on the position qm/n identified by the
    phase jump method
  • The TM control problem in the extended Rutherford
    form, belongs to a general class multistage
    decision processes . In a linearized form
    the governing equation for the state vector x(t)
  • with the initial condition x(0)x0, and a control
    variable (steering function) u(t).
  • The formal problem consists in reducing the state
    x(t) to zero in minimal time by a suitable choice
    of the steering function u(t)
  • Several interesting properties of this problem
    have been studied
  • J.P. LaSalle, Proc. Nat. Acad. Of Sciences
    45, 573-577 (1959) R.Bellman ,I. Glicksberg
    O.Gross, On the bang-bang control problem Q.
    Appl. Math.14 11-18 (1956)

Formal aspects of the control problem
  • Definition An admissible (piecewise
    measurable in a set ? ) steering function u is
    optimal if for some tgt0 x(t,u) 0 and if
    x(t,u)?0 for 0lt tlt t for all u(t) ? ?
  • Theorem 1
  • Anything that can be done by an admissible
    steering function can also be done by a bang-bang
  • Theorem 2
  • If for the control problem there exists a
    steering function u(t) ? ? such that x(t,u)0,
    for tgt0, then there is an optimal steering
    function u in ?.
  • All optimal steering functions u are of the
    bang-bang form
  • Thus the only way of reaching the objective in
    minimum time is by using properly all the power
  • Steering times can be chosen testing x(t lt e

Concept of experimental set-up for ECCD control
of Tearing modes
(RM, ZM)
  • Just align strategyFind optimal angles a,b to
  • when

Estimate of a priori rdep(a,b)
example of minimization of rdep(a,b) rm/n2
Best poloidal angle a for three toroidal angles
b(0, p/18. p/9)
Experiments of automatic TM stabilization by
Island recognition with Te diagnostics
(r-r m,n)/Wc
Multiple zeros possible
Te flattening ? loss of bootstrap
current ? rotating NTM ? antisymmetric Te
ECH (associated with ECCD) may mask strict
Correlation of the ECE fluctuations measured
between nearby channels , both for natural and
heated islands (e.g. r1rs-x, r2rsx)
Position rm/n,mea measurement
  • The phase jump is effective on detecting the
    qm/n radius, but not unconditionally robust
  • The concavity of the sequence of Pij is a robust
    observable that gives the radial position rm/n
    of qm/n

Principle of risland tracking algorithm
Pij 1 if both i and j are on the same side with
respect to the island O-point. Pij -1 if on
opposite sides.
A positive concavity in the Pij sequence locates
the island.
Position risland measurement from three ECE
Example of real-time data processing for O-point
location in the ECEn space
High-pass filter
Second derivative ? maxima (minima)
J. Berrino,E. Lazzaro,S. Cirant et al., Nucl.
Fusion 45 (2005) 1350
Tracking of rational surfaces rm/n
  • Finite ECE resolution (channel width and
  • false positives (mode multiplicity, axis,
  • intermittancy of the measurement (small island or
    short integration time...)

Algorithms for real time NTM control
  • Information for control from diagnostic
    process model, assimilated in a Bayesian approach
  • Control/Decision variables mode amplitude W(t)
    , frequency and radial locations rNTM, rdep
  • Actuator basic control variables beam steering
    angle a, and Power modulation

Assimilation (Bayesian filtering)
likelihood function , measured data
a-posteriori pdf
a-priori pdf, estimated data
  • uncertainty reduction
  • continuity of the observation (even if there is
    no mode)
  • regularize the observation
  • evidence is available for confidence in the

Algorithms for real time NTM control
a priori PDF
a posteriori PDF
  • Cross-correlation Estimate for ECW power rdep in
    shot 17107 in ASDEX -U
  • From left chann.-Xcorrelation, a priori PDF,
    chann. Likelihood, a posteriori PDF

Bayesian Filter p(rd)L(dr)p(r)/p(d)?
Algorithms for real time NTM control
Bayesian Filter p(rd)L(dr)p(r)/p(d)
  • Real time estimate ECW power rdep (t) for shot
    17107 in ASDEX-U (G. DAntona et al, Proc.,
    Varenna 2007
  • Evidence p(d)

ECRH power deposition at different R by changes
of the angle of the mirror
FTU Btor 5.6 T
EC beam
Gyrotron 3
ECE channels
Gyrotron 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Resonance 140GHz
plasma axis
FTU Shot 27714real-time recognition rdep
fmod,Gy1 100 Hz fmod,Gy3 110 Hz
Correlation functions of the two gyrotrons
Gyrotron 1
The deposition radius of each beam is detected
by the maximum in ?Te,ECE -ECH correlation.
Different beams are recognized by different
ECH timing.
Plasma axis
MHD control in FTU (2 ECW beams)
ch.3 (gy.1 deposition)
Mode hit and suppressed !
ch.1 (gy.3 deposition)
gy 3 on
Mode Trigger (sawtooth?)
action low ? high duty cycle
t feedback ON0.4 s
1 Z.Chang and J.D.Callen, Nucl.Fusion 30,219,
(1990) 2 C.C.Hegna and J.D Callen, Phys.
Plasmas 1, 2308 (1994) 3 R. Fitzpatrick, Phys.
Plasmas, 2, 825 (1995) 4 A.I. Smolyakov, A.
Hirose, E. Lazzaro, et al., Phys. Plasmas 2, 1581
(1995) 5 H.R. Wilson et al., Plasma Phys.
Control. Fusion 38, A149 (1996) 6 G.Giruzzi et
al., Nucl.Fusion 39, 107, (1999) 7 G.Ramponi,
E. Lazzaro, S.Nowak, Phys. Plasmas, 6, 3561
(1999) 8 Smolyakov, E.Lazzaro et al., Plasma
Phys. Contr. Fus. 43, 1669 (2001) 9 H.Zohm et
al., Nucl.Fusion 41, 197, (2001) 10 A.I.
Smolyakov, E. Lazzaro, Phys. Plasmas 11, 4353
(2004) 11 O. Sauter, Phys. Plasmas, 11, 4808
(2004) 12 R.J.Buttery et al., Nucl.Fusion 44,
678 (2004) 13 H.R. Wilson, Transac. of Fusion
Science and Tech. 49, 155 (2006) 14 R.J. La
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R.J. La Haye, Physics of Plasmas 13 (2006) 16
J. Berrino, S. Cirant, F.Gandini, G. Granucci,
E.Lazzaro ,F. Jannone, P. Smeulders and
G.DAntona IEEE Trans 2005
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