Title: Challenges to Union
1Challenges to Union
- Ethnicity and National Identity in Europe
2Key Terms
- State
- Nation
- Ethnic Group
- State-Nation
- Ethnic-Nation
- A Political unit which maintains a monopoly on
the deployment of organized violence within a
particular territory
4Ethnic Group
- Comprehensive Definition
- a collective proper name
- a myth of common ancestry
- shared historical memories
- one or more differentiating elements of common
culture - an association with a specific 'homeland'
- a sense of solidarity for significant sectors of
the population
- Comprehensive definition
- a collective proper name
- occupation of a historic territory
- integrated territorial economy and communications
infrastructure - common political myths and memories
- mass, public culture
- A particularist social and political movement for
attaining identity, unity and autonomy on behalf
of a social group, whose leaders believe it to
constitute an actual or potential 'nation. - - A universal ideology which posits that
- The world is divided into nations, each with its
own particular character - The nation is the proper source of political
power - Everyone must belong to/owe primary loyalty to
their nation - Every nation must seek full autonomy
- World order must be based on free nations
7Primary Secondary Ethnic Groups
- Primary Ethnic Groups consider themselves/are
considered indigenous inhabitants of a territory
(ie. English in England, Maori in NZ, Zulus in
KwaZulu-Natal, Malays in Malaysia)
- Secondary Ethnic Groups consider themselves/are
considered to be indigenous to another territory
(British-Pakistanis, Irish-Americans, Chinese in
- Territorial ethnic movements seeking autonomy or
independence - peripheral to the union OR
- pro-Europe
- 'Europe of the regions'
- No threat to EU
9'Europe of the nations'
- Different type of ethnicity and nationalism
- Pose a challenge to the EU
- Dominant Nationhood
- Ethnic minorities/immigrant minorities
- Dominant ethnicity
10The EU A cosmopolitan project
- Long idea of establishing a realm of 'universal'
law and governance in Europe - Began with the 'European Idea' of reunifying the
continent under one church and one empire - Collapse of Roman Empire and the rise of the
Reformation led to periodic attempts - Sully, Podiebrad seek comity among nations and
return to Latin-Christendom ideal
11Enlightenment Europeanism
- Penn, Diderot, Paine, St Simon and others
- Were cosmopolitan liberals
- Europeanism and cosmopolitanism linked
- Favoured Europeanism as a ticket to peace,
prosperity and Enlightenment - St Simon claims in 1821 that Europeanism as a
sentiment already took precedence over
nationalism - St Simon sees Anglo-French hub as motor of Europe
- End to Papal and Roman dreams harmony among
peoples rather than rulers
12The Evolution of the European Idea
- Napoleon speaks of one European fatherland
- After Napoleonic Wars, St Simon's ideas
influential and popular. Influenced Lemonnier's
Les Etats-Unis d'Europe (1872) - Revival of interest in St Simon after WWI
- Most schemes were federal, though some post-WWI
radicals rejected the nation outright - Paneuropa (1923) and other organisations lobby
- Link between world unity and European unity,
between peace organisations and paneuropean ones
13Diplomatic Pressure of Paneuropean Groups
- Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi writes
Pan-Europa (1923) manifesto. Links to French
politicians like Herriot, Loucheur, Leger, Briand - Edouard Herriot, 1925 'My greatest wish is to
see one day the United States of Europe become a
reality' - First Pan-European Congress, 1926. Sponsored by
Chancellor Seipel of Austria - Many Paneuropeans also strongly supported the
League of Nations - Briand's Memorandum on a European Federal System
(1930) circulated to European statesmen
14EU structure
- Degree of centralisation varies by function
- A Federation (i.e. 'State') in monetary affairs,
agricultural, trade and environmental policy.
Also in legal-social aspects and citizenship - A Confederation in social and economic policy,
consumer protection, internal affairs - An International Organisation in foreign affairs
15Council of Europe's Cultural Cosmopolitanism
- Developed European flag with 12 golden stars
(1955) - Established 5 May 1949 as Europe Day (1964)
- Anthem based on Beethoven's Ode to Joy (1972)
- Has 46 members today distinct from EU, but
16Three Types - Three Challenges
- Dominant Nationhood (civic nationalism)
- Ethnic minorities or Immigrant Minorities
- Dominant ethnicity (ethnic nationalism)
17Dominant Nationhood
- (civic nationalism)
- Fears loss of sovereignty,
- loss of economic policy
- Loss of political-legal efficacy and national
democracy - Foreign policy identity depends on the country
18France Gaullist pro-Europeanism
- Seeks to reclaim French cultural predominance of
18th-19th c - Seeks to challenge Anglo-Saxon hegemony of
19th-20th c - Sees Anglo-Saxon west as other
- De Gaulle positions France at the heart of a
Europe that includes Russia and is flanked by
Anglo-Saxon West and Chinese East - 1963 crisis over UK entry into EEC which De
Gaulle seeks to block UK entry
19German pro-European Idealism
- Nazi period discredits nationalism
- Cosmopolitan as opposed to Gaullist spirit
- Desire for influence and self-respect without
nationalism - Less anti-Anglo-Saxon due to post-WWII (witness
different attitudes toward English as language) - More truly cosmopolitan than French
20Smaller Nations Benelux
- History of neutrality and fear of larger nations
- History of pooling sovereignty in alliances
- Only chance of agency is through a larger unit
- Identity is less significant in absence of larger
blocks - Belgium and Luxembourg lack clear linguistic or
religious markers of nationhood unlike say
Germany or France
21Views of Unification (1995)
22Growing Cosmopolitanism in Europe?
23Growing Cosmopolitanism in Europe
24Growing Cosmopolitanism in Europe
25(No Transcript)
26Do you feel national, European or Both (2004)?
27Ethnic minorities/immigrant minorities -
- Religious beliefs may challenge Enlightenment
beliefs - EU identity diluted (i.e. 'from Tsar to Sultan')
- Strengthens dominant ethnicity
28Immigrant Integration
- Different paths to integration
- In UK, second generation is doing much better
(esp. Hindu, Chinese) - UK Intermarriage more among Afro-Caribs than
Indo-Pakistani - UK Holland Caribbean Christians 'Indos'
better integrated than Muslim ethnic groups - Evidence of racial segregation in friendships
29'Superdiversity'? Inflow by region UK 2001
Source Home Office
30Newham (London) by country of birth, 2001
31(No Transcript)
32Religious Retention among Second Generation
Immigrant Stock in the UK
33Dominance Ethnic, National, or State?
- A group can be BOTH ethnic and national (ie.
Welsh in Wales) - A group can be ethnic, national, and possess its
own state (ie. Japanese) - Dominant Ethnic groups can dominant states or
sub-state nations (ie. Ethnic Germans in Germany,
Scots-Protestants in Scotland, Jews in Israel)
34Dominant Ethnic Group
- Ethnic Community which possesses political power
in a given state - 2 types
- Elite Minority (Tutsi, WASP, Gulf Arab)
- Majority Group (English in England, Japanese in
Japan) - Most in Europe are dominant majorities
- Omission in Current Literature
35Dominant Ethnicity
- (mainly ethnic nationalism)
- Fear of internal migration
- Possible cultural fears (language, religion)
- Ethno-national congruence
- Friction with OSCE codes, multiculturalism and EU
human rights conventions - Expressed as rise of the far right
accommodation by centre-right parties
36Dominant Ethno-Nationalism
- Ethno-national congruence
- Fear of immigration
- Possible cultural fears (language, religion)
- Friction with OSCE codes, multiculturalism and EU
human rights conventions - Expressed as rise of the far right
accommodation by centre-right parties
37A Rising Force?
38The Role of Education Age, Germany
39The Far Right as a Worker's Party?
- Anti-elitist, anti-political class
- Claim that elite consensus 'represses' debate on
immigration - In virtually no European country does main
left-wing party retain majority support among
white male workers
40Dominant Ethno-Nationalism Theories
- Instrumentalist - dominant ethno-nationalism is
driven by immigrant competition with natives for
jobs - Ethno-symbolist - perceived violation of
sacred, historicised ethnie-nation link is the
key - Constructivist (Psychological) - Rapid change
brings disorientation and a quest for order among
those affected by change
- Kymlicka's Liberalism, Community and Culture
(1989), followed by a number of works in 1990s - Taylor's Multiculturalism and the Politics of
Recognition (1994) - Inspired partly by 'multicultural' movement of
minorities for 'recognition' vis a vis majority
culture in Canada - Canadian multiculturalism policy dates from 1971,
similar demands in US since late 60s
42Typology of Multiculturalism
43Cosmopolitan-multiculturalist vision
- Dominant ethnic groups lose identity and members
become cosmopolitan individualists - Ethnic minorities retain their identity and
provide consumer choice and 'colour' - Bourne, c. 1916 WASPs 'breathe a larger air',
Jews 'stick to their faith' - Contradiction cosmopolitanism among hosts,
ethnicity among immigrants
44The New Cultural Cosmopolitanism
- European idea was mainly one of political unity
rather than cultural unity - American idea had a much earlier emphasis on
melting (i.e. Crevecoeur's 'strange mixture of
races', c. 1782) - But Europe has now adopted the cultural
cosmopolitanism once found only in America
45The EU and Cultural Cosmopolitanism
- EU approach Multiculturalism, Human Rights,
Border Control - in tension. - Reflects tensions between cosmopolitan and
realpolitik/intergovernmental spheres - Multiculturalism and human rights reflects
cosmopolitan side
46Cosmopolitanism for Majorities
- All become consumers and world citizens
- Weak identities, apart from European project,
lifestyle and egalitarian-liberalism - Identity forged vs USA. Defined by liberal
egalitarianism, i.e. 'European Dream' (Rifkin) - Hope given by rise in university education,
generational replacement - Effect shown in social surveys
47The Reaction to Multiculturalism
- Dominant ethnic nationalists resist all forms of
multiculturalism - Surveys show that anti-immigration and anti-EU
attitudes are linked - Even those who are willing to accept immigrants
are afraid of threat to secular culture, language
and civic-national identity - A majority of most electorates
4890s Intellectual Opposition
- Individualist Liberals (i.e. Brian Barry, Michael
Ignatieff) - Civic Nationalists (David Miller, David Goodhart,
New Labour, Francis Fukuyama, etc) - 'Civic Nationalist' Critiques
- Hinders welfare state
- Reduces civic trust and political participation
- Decline in common values and national identity
- Increased ethnic conflict
- Ethnic Nationalists threat to survival of
dominant ethnic groups, 'reverse discrimination'
49Multiculturalism in Retreat
- Multiculturalism in retreat in the US and
Australia in the 1990s - Changes in France, Holland, and elsewhere in
Europe (partly linked to challenge from far
right) since 1990s - Change in Britain (criticism of Parekh report
Trevor Phillips of CRE) in 2000-2004 (linked to
50The Return of Assimilation
- An attempt to navigate between ethnic nationalism
and multiculturalism - Ethnic conflict prompts increased call for
national unity in the face of diversity (i.e.
Germany, Holland, UK, France) - Hopes are for integration into nations, reducing
inter-ethnic conflict - Shift from multiculturalism to integration. Even
a return of assimilation/republicanism and civic
51(No Transcript)
52Civic or Liberal Nationalism
- From Kohn (1944) to Miller (1995) and Tamir
(1993) - Civic nationalism will reinforce resistance to EU
as nations become more 'American' - Will not assuage anxieties of dominant group
- Minorities must organically come to feel
attachment to the nation, cannot be cajoled out
of old identities - Civic identities must be universal and thin,
difficult to compete with ethnic traditions
53Dominant groups will not go away, Minorities may
not assimilate
- Dominant groups may reject newcomers entirely
- Assimilation a long-term process. European and US
examples - May not be fast enough to absorb immigrants or
respond to demographic crisis - Real key is at the level of the dominant ethnic
group, and its ability to assimilate - Ethnic groups should not be rigid, but retain
their cores and engage in assimilation
54Liberal Ethnicity (Kaufmann 2000)
- Recognition of both minority and dominant ethnic
groups - Devolves task of assimilation to ethnic groups
- Longer-term view
- Ethnic cores remain relatively fixed, but
boundaries can absorb newcomers - No coercive state-nationalism from above
55A Europe of Liberal Nations
- Need to consider better guarantees of ontological
security including limits on migration between
member states - EU as Europe of nations, pooling many functions
- Recognition of both dominant and minority ethnic
groups - May in time lead to closer political integration
- EU as cosmopolitan movement
- Three forms of ethnic and nationalist resistance
to EU - Multiculturalism and 'Europe of the regions' idea
are inspired by cosmopolitanism - Will not succeed with electorates
- Integration, liberal ethnicity and 'Europe of the
nations' more promising