Title: Keystone Users Group
1Keystone Users Group Tuition Reimbursement
- Kathy Stevens
- Lawson Software - Senior HCM Consultant
- Kathy.stevens_at_lawson.com
- 617-435-7927
2Tuition Reimbursement
- Paying via payroll set up needed
- Pay code
- Pay Summary Group
- Make sure PSG is not included in OT calculations
- Does the pay code need to be included in any Pay
Classes? - .
3Accounting for the 5250 taxable threshold
- Set up two pay codes
- TUI Tuition Reimbursement Non Taxable
- TUT Tuition Reimbursement Taxable
4- Or, you can set up one pay code that does both!
5Remuneration Codes on the Pay Summary
GroupUse E015 for Educational Assistance The
remuneration code is used in BSI to determine
taxation for each tax jurisdiction impacted.
(Check your current set up to make sure youre
not using E045 the old code)When the employee
is paid using this pay code, the wages will be
treated as non-taxable earnings up to the federal
limit of 5250. Any earnings above the federal
limit will be treated as taxable wages.
6Pay Summary Group and Tuition Reimbursement
7One day one of my clients asked me the
followingWed like to have our employees be
able to view their tuition reimbursement balance
on line. How can Lawson do that?
8(No Transcript)
9 Tuition Balance?
10Tuition Balance
- Set Tuition Reimbursement up as a Absence
Management Plan - Employees can view their balance in Employee Self
Service - Balance would decrement when paid same as a
Absence Management Plan - Tuition Balances could print on checks if desired
11Tuition Balances in Employee Self Service
Leave Balances bookmark could be changed to say
Leave/Tuition Balances
12Making it easier on your payroll staff
- Tuition reimbursement administration is usually a
function outside of payroll - Create an easy spreadsheet to be used by payroll
via add-ins for upload
13Example of a template used for tuition
14Tuition Reimbursement Recap
- Tuition Reimbursement can be paid through payroll
- Set up a pay code(s) and insure the pay summary
group is set up correctly - Think out of the box use the functionality
present in Lawson to achieve the end result - How can a balance be displayed?
- How can I not overburden my Payroll Staff?
- A tuition balance is like a time off balance.
Thats Absence Management! - My payroll staff can run an add-in to upload a
spreadsheet that was populated by those in the