Title: Pediatric Pearls I
1Pediatric Pearls I
- Delon F.P. Brennen MD,MPH
- Pediatrics / Pediatric Emergency Medicine
- Morehouse School of Medicine
- Pediatric Airway and Airway Management
- Discuss Airway/Respiratory Emergencies
3The Pediatric Airway
- Anatomy / Physiology
- Positioning
- Adjuncts
- Intubation
- Almost all pediatric codes are of respiratory
Internal Data. B.C. Childrens Hospital,
Vancouver. 1989.
5Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Arrests
Children are very different than adults !!!
7Pediatric Airway
- Anatomy Issues
- Large head that tends to flex the short neck and
obstruct the airway - Disproportionately large tongue
- Larynx is more cephalad and anterior
- Cricoid cartilage is the narrowest point of the
airway until about age 8 - Shorter trachea leaves less margin for error in
placement of the endotracheal tube
- Nose
- Responsible for 50 of total airway resistance at
all ages - Infants are obligate nasal breathers blockage of
nose respiratory distress
- Tongue
- Large
- Loss of tone with sleep, sedation, CNS
dysfunction - Frequent cause of upper airway obstruction
- Larynx
- High position / Cephalad
- Infant C1
- 6 months C3
- Adult C5-C6
- Anterior position
11Children are different
12Anatomy Larynx
- Narrowest point cricoid cartilage in the child
- Epiglottis
- Relatively large size in children
- Floppy not much cartilage
- Omega (W) -shaped
14Physiology Effect of Edema
Poiseuilles law
8 n l
? r4
If radius is halved, resistance increases 16-fold
15(No Transcript)
16Airway positioning for children lt2yrs
17Airway Positioning
Sniffing Position In the child older than 2
18Airway adjuncts
19Nasopharyngeal Airway
Length Nostril to Tragus
- Indications
- Conscious Patient
- Upper Airway obstruction prolapse of tongue
and mandibular block of tissue into the posterior
Contraindications Basilar skull fracture CSF
leak Coagulopathy
20Endotracheal tube as nasal airway
A regular ETT can be cut and used as a nasal
21Oral Airways
Measure Lips to angle of the mandible
Never in a conscious patient !!!
22Adjuncts Oral Airway
Wrong size Too Long
23Adjuncts Oral Airway
Wrong size Too Short
24Adjuncts Oral Airway
Correct size
25Signs of Respiratory Distress ?
- Tachypnea
- Tachycardia
- Grunting
- Stridor
- Head bobbing
- Flaring
- Inability to lie down
- Agitation
- Retractions
- Access muscles
- Wheezing
- Sweating
- Prolonged expiration
- Pulsus paradoxus
- Apnea
- Cyanosis
26(No Transcript)
27Impending Respiratory Failure
- Reduced air entry
- Severe work
- Central Cyanosis despite O2
- Irregular breathing / apnea
- Grunting
- Altered Consciousness
- Diaphoresis
28Intubation Indications
- Failure to oxygenate
- Failure to remove CO2
- Increased WOB
- Neuromuscular weakness
- CNS failure
- Cardiovascular failure
- Larynx cephalad and anterior in children
- Practitioner may need to be lower than patient
and look up
30Laryngoscope Blades
31Intubation Technique
Straight Laryngoscope Blade (Miller) used to
pick up the epiglottis
Better in younger children with a floppy
32Intubation Technique
Curved Laryngoscope Blade (Mac) placed in the
Better in older children who have a stiff
Age kg ETT Length
(lip) Newborn 3.5 3.5 9 3 mos 6.0 3.5 10 1
yr 10 4.0 11 2 yrs 12 4.5 12
Children gt 2 years ETT size
Age/4 4 ETT depth (lip) Age/2 12
34Technique Intubation
How far does it go in ?
35Deterioration after Intubation
- Displaced tube
- Obstructed tube
- Pneumothorax
- Equipment
36Questions ?
37The Test
- 6 week old infant comes to the ED with signs of
respiratory distress. Which of the following
would be consistent with impending respiratory
failure? - Bilateral basilar rales
- Resp Rate 45bpm
- Audible Grunting
- Wheezing at the axillae
- Acrocyanosis
38Question 2
- 14 month old comes to the ED with cyanosis,
tachypnea, and altered mental status. Which of
the following supports the decision to intubate
the childs trachea immediately? - ABG with pH 7.25
- Pulse ox of 87 on RA
- PaCO2 of 56mmHg
- PaO2 of 56mmHg
- Clinical assessment of respiratory failure
39Question 3
- Unconscious 15yo brought to the ED because of
massive facial trauma and bleeding. He was
punched and kicked by 4 girls and is now in
respiratory distress. Which is the best method of
securing his airway? - Nasopharyngeal airway
- Nasotracheal intubation
- Oropharyngeal airway
- Cricothyroidotomy
- Bag-Valve Ventilation
- Testicular Implant
40Question 4
- 6 week old brought to the ED. Mother is concerned
that her baby ain ackin right. Which of the
following vital signs reflect respiratory
distress, failure, and shock? - RR 60bpm, HR 160bpm, SBP 75mmHg
- RR 50bpm, HR 150bpm, SBP 75mmHg
- RR 80bpm, HR 180bpm, SBP 60mmHg
- RR 45bpm, HR 130bpm, SBP 80mmHg
- RR 30bpm, HR 100bpm, SBP 70mmHg
41Question 5
- Which of the following physical findings is seen
only in lower airway disease? - Audible grunting
- Inspiratory Stridor
- Tachypnea
- Rales
- Cyanosis
42Question 6
- 5 yo with Asthma arrives in AE in acute
distress. Patient has marked tachypnea, subcostal
retractions, and diffuse wheezing. Which method
of O2 delivery will deliver the highest possible
concentration of oxygen? - Nasal cannulae
- Face tent
- Nonrebreather mask
- Venturi mask
43Question 7
- You have just intubated the trachea of a 6 month
old. Which of these best demonstrates the correct
placement of an endotracheal tube? - Bilateral breath sounds over the chest abd
- Condensation in the tube
- Slight improvement in the O2 saturation
- Assessment of end-tidal CO2
- Chest wall movement
44Question 8
- 3 hours later while receiving mechanical
ventilation, the child acutely decompensates.
Which of the following would be the least helpful
in the management of this child? - Suction the ET
- Auscultate both lung fields
- Evaluate the ventilator
45Question 9
- Infants are more susceptible than adults to
respiratory emergencies because of which of the
following? - Greater resistance in lower airways
- Larger tongue, small mandible, soft epiglottis
- More compliant, less stable chest wall
- Higher metabolic requirements
- All of the above
46Question 10
- 3yo brought to the ED after parents noted
coughing while playing. Now have dyspnea and
stridor. Which of the following is indicated at
this time? - Four hard back blows
- Finger sweep of childs mouth
- Nasotracheal intubation
- Abdominal thrusts
- Nebulized racemic epinephrine
47Question 11
- Pulse oximetry can be accurately used to monitor
patients with all of the following except - Hypoxemia
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Sickle cell disease
- Cystic fibrosis
- Cyanotic heart disease
48Question 12
- Which of the following clinical conditions is NOT
an indication for intubation? - Hypoventilation
- Loss of protective airway reflexes
- Severe bronchospasm
- Metabolic alkalosis
- Pulmonary toilet
49Question 13