Title: austria
1austriascitizen card
conference on interoperableeuropean electronic
id 3.-5. april 2002, porvoo, finland
- citizen card
- motivation
- concept
- identification
- motivation
- privacy concerns
- concept
- status
3citzen card motivation
- Effective e-government has to address
- internal communication
- external communication (incoming and outgoing)
- media transitions
- e-Government needs
- identification
- transaction
- authenticity
- confidentiality
4citizen card motivation (2)
- Ancillary conditions
- Infrastructure is expensive, therefore
- extendability and modularity a must
- technology independence a must
- Signature laws/by-laws are very strict
- applications should be easy to develop and should
be ignorant of signature law - strict segregation of certification service
provider and application developer a must
5citizen card concept
- Define function profile
- Do not define concrete technical or physical
characteristics - Capsule relevant modules into the secure
signature creation device - Access functions through high-level, open
interface only
6citizen card security capsule
work station (pc)
security layer
security capsule
Trusted Viewer
card interface
CPS components
7citizen card security layer
- XML over TCP/IP
- simple request/response protocol
- high level
- Functions
- signing documents
- verifying signed documents
- storing/retrieving data
- utility functions
- Different transport protocol bindings
8identification motivation
- Need to accurately identify a person
- Certificate data (usually only person name) is
not enough - Use high-quality, life-constant number to
identify a person - Privacy?
9identification privacy concerns
- Bad connotation of Big Brother
- Id-number allows easy matching of unrelated
databases (e.g. health care with income tax) - Fear of losing privacy
- Controversial, emotional, and political issue
- there is no technical solution as such
10identification context dependant id
- Use id-number as base key for context dependant
id-numbers (cd-ids) - Advantages
- different numbers for different areas
- doesnt allow correlating databases
- still only one number to maintain/verify
11identification cd-id (2)
base id number
no back-conversion possible
one way function (e.g. hash)
context dependant id
context dependant id
e.g. driver license
e.g. health care
no conversion possible
- Security layer defined (prototype
available)(currently, specification available
only in German) - Coming cards
- e-card (social security card)
- roll-out by end of 2002
- 8 million cards / 100 coverage
- uses elliptic curves
- identity card
- roll-out by 3q 2002
- about 70000 cards/year
- student cards, bank cards, ....
- prototypes by end of 2002
- first roll-outs expected by end of 2003
- Define function rather than form
- Separate key players
- relieve burden of application developers
- Use open, high level interfaces
- Take privacy concerns into account
- unrelated data should remain unrelated
Arno Hollosi Operative Unit Chief Information
Office Austria Arno.Hollosi_at_cio.gv.at