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A town raises up the steep hill near the ancient river in the westernmost parts of Danube Dobrudzha. Its houses, ascending tier upon tier up the steep slope, are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • A town raises up the steep
  • hill near the ancient river in the westernmost
  • of Danube Dobrudzha.
  • Its houses, ascending tier upon tier up the
    steep slope,
  • are reflected in the quiet water of the Danube
  • West of the town the river's majestic flood
    offers a mesmerising prospect at sunset, when the
    sun is slowly sinking beneath the still waters.
    One town, one river mutual destiny, drawn
    together for eternity, from their days of
    turbulent history and up to the present, our
    dynamic contemporaneity.

. Tutrakan is situated in the north-eastern part
of the Danube plane. The town is a municipal
center for 15 populated settlements, with a
total territory of 440 square kilometers and
population of 18 981 people.
  • The History Museum (Tutrakan) is dedicated to
    research, exhibition-planning, social and
    cultural-restoration activities. One of the
    branches of the History Museum is the Ethnography
    Museum "Danubian Fishing and Boat-Building",
    which opened in 1974 and is unique in Europe.  
  • The focus of research of the Museum's
    specialist is on the study of the history of
    Tutrakan and making it popular. The archives
    "First World War" and "The Epic of Tutrakan" of
    the Central Military Archive have been thoroughly
    researched, the names of all  who died in those
    campaigns have been collected.

Historical museum lapidarian
  • The Historical museum of Tutrakan organizes
    archaeological investigations in the areas of
    Tutrakan and Glavinitsa municipalities. Over 150
    officially registered archaeological sites are
    situated in the bounds of the Tutrakan
    municipality. The most important sites from the
    prehistoric age are the mound settlement from the
    Late Halkolithic culture Karanovo VI -
    Kodjadermen - Gumelnitsa and the complex of
    settlements from the the Early, Middle and Late
    Bronze Ages, represented by the cultures Glina
    VI, Tei I, III and Coslodjeni. The Iron Age is
    presented in 12 settlements and one wide mounded
    necropolis near the village of Brenitsa. The
    foundation of the ancient town of Transmarisca is
    associated with the establishment of the Roman
    domination in the territories of the Lower
    Danube. In the I-st century Roman settlers
    founded the Transmarisca place - an important
    military station in the defense system of the
    Lower Danube boundaries. There are 20 villages,
    4 castles and 1 Roman villa from the Late Roman
    and Early Byzantine period in the area of the
    Tutrakan municipality. The main center of this
    area was Transmarisca, which accepted the status
    of "town" in this period. During the III-rd
    century emperor Diocletian visited the town and
    included it in his extensive building program. An
    evidence for this was found - an imperial
    inscription from 298-299 AD. At this time
    Transmarisca was one of the four biggest military
    and administrative centers in the bounds of
    province Lower Moesia. In the V-VI-th centuries
    the town was a center of bishopric. Transmarisca
    is one of the most thoroughly investigated Roman
    castles in Bulgaria situated under modern towns.
    Four turrets and a big part of the castle walls
    were discovered. The archaeological excavations
    prove that the Roman castle existed till the
    beginning of the VII-th century.

. Fragment of chapitel, ??-??? century.
  • The Bulgarian settlement Tutrakan was set up
    with the establishment of the Bulgarian state.
    The name of the new town comes from the
    prebulgarian military and administrative title
    "tamantarkan" and can be translated from
    Arabian-Turkic language as "Town of the tarkan,
    who defends." At that time in the bounds of the
    present municipality there were 15 settlements
    which were part of the most sophisticated
    defensive earthy fortification in the
    early-medieval Bulgaria. It included embankment
    with ditch and four earthy mounds.

Part of exposition of Historical museum
Clay lamp, 2th - 6th century A.D.
Gema with portrait of Atina Palada
  • From the end of VII-th till the beginning of
    IX-th century Tutrakan was the center of one of
    the military and administrative provinces of
    Bulgaria. At the time of the political crisis in
    the VIII-th century a representative of the local
    dynasty of Tarkans was elected for king of
    Bulgaria. His family crest, which displays an
    eagle over the river Danube in the form of a
    stamp, is kept in England. Here Tsar Simeon was
    besieged by the Magyar cavalry and the Byzantine
    fleet during the Bulgarian-Magyar-Byzantine wars
    in 894-895. As result of the sequent parleys the
    Bulgarian tsar achieved a great diplomatic
    victory. Later the town was object of
    devastating nomad attacks. In the XII-th century
    the Arabian geographer Idrisi described the
    castle as a prosperous economic centre. In the
    end of XIV-th century Tutrakan was in the bounds
    of the kingdom of Turnovo. It is mentioned under
    the name "Tutrakan" in written sources from the
    XV-th century, while other source materials prove
    the existence of the castle during the Turkish

The Goddess Hekata Marble votive tablet, the
??-??? century
Part of exposition of Historical museum
Part of exposition of Historical
museum Archaeology
  • Late Roman castle Transmarisca. A part of the
    northern castle wall with two four-cornered
    turrets and another part of the southern castle
    wall with a four-cornered and a cornered
    fan-formed turret are discovered during the
    archaeological excavations. The fortification is
    founded in the end of the III-th century end
    exists till the beginning of the VII-th century.
    Settlement in the site "Gjaur Punar". It dates
    from the Late Halkolitic-culture "Gumelnitsa -
    Kodjadermen - Karanovo VI". Roman villa in the
    site "Gjaur Punar" - It is build in the II-th and
    exists till the III-th century. Complex of
    settlements from the Bronze Ages in the site
    "Gjaur Punar". Here are represented the following
    cultures - "Pit's culture", "Glina VI" /Early
    Bronze Ages/ "Tei I", "Tei II" /Middle Bronze
    Ages/ "Koslodjeni" /Late Bronze Ages/.
    Earth-mound along the Danube riverside. It begins
    3 km west-point away of Tutrakan and reaches the
    village of Brashlen. The ditch is situated at the
    north side. At the south side there are 4 earth
    fortifications. The earth-mound is 16 km long. It
    dates from the VIII-IX-th century and is one of
    the most sophisticated earth fortifications in
    Early Bulgaria. Late Roman castle "Mediolana"
    near the village of Nova Cherna. It covers about
    9000 sq.meters area. The castle has existed from
    the beginning of the IV-th century till the
    beginning of the VI-th century. Early Byzantine
    castle "Kinton" in the site "Mal Tepe". It covers
    5000 sq.meters area. This castle is built in the
    beginning of the VI-th and is perished at the end
    of the same century. Roman earth-camp near the
    village of Dolno Rjahovo in the site
    "Ljaskovets". Dimension - 4700 sq.meters. Date -
    II-III-th century. Late Roman castle
    "Nigrinianis" near the village of Dolno Rjahovo
    in the site "Bairaktar chair". It is built at the
    end of the III-th or beginning of the IV-th
    century. In the end of the IV-th century the
    castle is perished. Late Roman castle
    "Candidiana" in the site "Marata" near the
    village of Malak Preslavets. It is found during
    the end of the III-th and beginning of the IV-th
    century and existed till the end of VI-th and
    beginning of the VII-th century. From the last
    quarter of the III-th till first half of the
    IV-th century here is functioned "figlina" as a
    part of the IX-th Claudius legion. Thracian
    settlement and Early Bulgarian castle in the site
    "Iri Hisar" near the village of Podles
    /Glavinitsa district/. The castle dates from the
    IX - XI-th century. It's area is about 62 500
    sq.meters. Neolithic settlement near the village
    of Malak Preslavets. Here are represented the
    Early Neolithic cultures "Gradeshnitsa" and

The ancient fortress Transmariska 3rd century
In the first century Roman settlers establish the
town of Transmariska an important post for the
defence of the lower Danube border. In the third
century emperor Diocletian visits the town and
includes it in a large-scale construction
program. Proof of this is the discovered
imperial inscription from 298-299. The castle is
one of the four largest military and
administrative centers at the border of Lower
Miziya, and in the fifth and sixth century
Transmariska hosts the episcopate.
The ancient fortress Transmariska
Inscription-Diocletian /284-305/
The ancient fortress Transmariska
The ancient fortress Transmariska
  • The icons date back to the middle of the 19th
    century, and belong to the so-called "Tryavna
    art-school". Zacharii Tsanyuv was an icon-painter
    from the Zacharievi family. The family patriarch
    of the painter family is Krystyu. His son
    Zacharii taught the art of icon painting to his
    three sons - Krystyu, Ivancho and Tsanyu, and
    gave the family its name.
  • Zacharri Tsanyuv (1816-1866), a descendant from
    this family, was particularly productive, and his
    icons can be found not only the churches and
    monasteries in the vicinity of Tryavna but all
    over Dobrudja as well. His icons are very fine,
    with exquisitely drawn lines. The figures are
    calm, with clear-cut beautiful face features.

Icon hall
  • Since the beginning of the 18th century Russia
    had a very active internation politics in the
    region regarding the Ottoman Empire. The major
    part of the battles took place in Dobrudja. In
    1773 General Al. Suvorov occupies Tutrakan twice.
    The fortress was completely destroyed in the
    beginning of the 19th century during one of the
    Russo-Turkish wars. Tutrakan was included in the
    plans of the Bulgarian national liberation
    movement. In 1867 the squad of Panayot Hitov
    passed through the town, with Vassil Levski as
    the standard-bearer, and in 1876 the squad of
    Tanyo Stoyanov - Voivoda, which was part of the
    Epic of Aprilovo. Many volunteers from Tutrakan
    took part in the last Russo-Turkish war of

  • After the Liberation Tutrakan was famous for
    being the largest fishing centre along the Lower
    Danube. At the same time the town was the major
    producer of river vessels from Middle Europe to
    the delta.
  • At the end of the 19th century - beginning of
    the 20th century Tutrakan was established as a
    major commercial, administrative and cultural
    centre. Russian and Austrian passenger ships
    frequented its port.  The river brought to the
    town European civilisation. The town was a
    regional centre comprising of 45 villages. At the
    beginning of the 20th century there were two book
    publishers that made popular books by Bulgarian
    and foreign world-wide known authors, and six
    schools, including a professional school. The
    town was blooming until 1913, when complying with
    the Bucharest agreement the end to the
    Interallies War was announced. Tutrakan was
    transferred to Roumanian power. Roumanian
    military regiments were stationed in the town.
    After Bulgaria joined in the First World War  it
    gained back the lost territories.

Decorative wall paintings
  • After the Peace Treaty of Neuilly of November,
    27th 1919 South Dobrudja again became possession
    of the Roumanian Kingdom.
  • On September 7th 1940 in Krayova a treaty was
    signed, which in itself was a precedent
    worldwide, according to which Dobrudja was
    peacefully reinstituted to Bulgaria. One of its
    clauses refers to the exchange of the two
    national groups, Bulgarians and Roumanians and
    4237 Roumanian colonists were made to leave, and
    were replaced by Bulgarians from Northern
    Dobrudja. This led to a number of economic
    difficulties but despite this fact the economic
    and cultural life in the town was revived.

  • The Tutrakan municipality is distinguished
  • with his variegated ethnographical population.
  • Old native habitants - so called "grebentsi"
  • live in the villages of Staro Selo, Belitsa,
  • Varnentsi and Pojarevo. Comparatively wide
  • group formed the "balkandjii", who migrated
  • here in the beginning of the 20-th century
  • and spread their specific customs and habits
    among the native habitants.
  • They live in the villages of Shumentsi and
    Varnentsi. According to the contract of Krayova
    and the agreement for population exchange between
    Bulgaria and Romania, in the 1940-1941 many
    Bulgarian immigrants settled in South Dobrudja.
    These are so called "preseltsi", who live in the
    villages of Nova Cherna, Shumentsi, Belitsa and
    Varnentsi. The native Turkish population is one
    of the main ethnical groups in the Tutrakan
    municipality which dominate in the villages of
    Tsar Samuil and Tarnovtsi. In Preslavtsi live so
    called "Kazalbashi". They are Moslems, but they
    follow the testaments of Ali - the brother-in-low
    of Mohamed.

  •   The most important holidays among the
    Christians in the Tutrakan district are
    "Gergyovden" and "Nikulden". St. George is
    respected as the patron of the herds and
    shepherds. As we know the first settlers in these
    regions are shepherds. The holiday begins on May
    6-th. People believe that on this day Good and
    Evil Forces come to the World and fight between
    themselves. If the Good Forces win this fight,
    the year becomes fertile. The other wide spread
    holiday is "Nikulden". It is related to fishing -
    an important livelihood in the region - and
    celebrates on December 6-th. During this day
    people eats only fishing foods. The Moslem
    population keeps different holidays. The most
    popular among them are "Ramazan Bayram" and
    "Kurban Bayram". "Ramazan Bayram" begins 10 days
    later than it was in the previous year. It
    continues three days in which people prays for
    forgiveness. "Kurban Bayram" is celebrated two
    month and ten days after "Ramazan Bayram".People
    are offering a domestic animal as a sacrifice at
    this holiday. The meat is given to the poor
    people. In the district of Tutrakan there are
    some cult sites. Two of them are respected from
    "kazalbashi" as "Softí baba tekke" and "Ali baba
    tekke". "Softí baba tekke"
  • is situated in the bounds of Tutrakan.
  • People respect him as a saint.

They believe that he hears their prayers from all
over the world. It is interesting that there are
no restrictions on prayers' religion - they can
be Christians, Judean, Buddhist ... "Ali baba
tekke" is more popular. In the Bulgarian folk
exists a legend about curative possibilities of
Ali baba who had healed tzar Ivan Shishman's
daughter. To express his gratitude the tsar had
given him an area to build a monastery. It is
situated near the village of Varnentsi. Another
cult place is the site "Camping". People say that
here was a great religion center but in our days
this area is become a camping.
Part of exposition of Historical museum
  • One of the most famous battles of the
    Bulgarian army during the wars of national
    union was the battle for the Tutrakans
    fortress. The exhibition The battle for
    Tutrakan presents this expansive battle,
    beside the white Danube, which marked the
    beginning of the Bulgarian armys campaign to
    regain Dobruja.
  • After the First and second Balkan and the
    following economic collapse, Bulgaria signed a
    peace accord on July 28, 1913. Southern Dobruja
    became part of Romania and the newly appointed
    Romanian government invested considerable
    resources into the consolidation of the new
    border. For two years they transformed Tutrakan
    into one of the most powerful strongholds on the
    new border as a result of its close proximity to
    Bucharest and the citys other strategic
    advantages for military activity within the
    territory of Bulgaria. The fortress had 15
    stations measuring 1-2 kilometers, placed one
    after the other on two parallel lines, using
    ground and concrete defenses, equipment, machine
    gun embankments, and three rows of wire.

  • On September 1, 1916, Bulgaria in order to
    protect the nations pride, declared war on
    Romania. Against the strong forces of Romania,
    Bulgaria assembled part of the 3rd Bulgarian
    army, the 4th Preslatsi infantry division, the
    1st Sofia division, Danubian Bulgarian-German
    force and sections under the general command of
    the head of the 4th Preslatsi division
    General-Mayor Panteley Kiselov which included
    55,000 people, 132 pieces of equipment, and 53
    machine guns.
  • The battle began on the morning of September
    5th and in spite of a strong defense by Romania
    into the night, the front line fell. The next
    day, the Bulgarian army continued the onset. At
    330pm the Romanian garrison surrendered and at
    6pm, General Panteley Kiselov entered the newly
    liberated Tutrakan. The Bulgarian army took
    captive 450 officers, 28,000 soldiers, and all
    their armaments. The quick battle of Tutrakan was
    the beginning of the liberation march into
    Dobrodja. Within the memorial War tomb 1916
  • eternal peace is found for 8,000 soldiers and
    officers from different nation of which 1764 are



Memorial-the monument that unites two nations
Memorial Complex Military tomb - 1916
Memorial Complex Military tomb - 1916
  • The Complex is the only one of its kind in
    Bulgaria it is dedicated to the Bulgarian
    soldiers who lost their lives in the wars for
    national unification. Since the major battles
    were fought outside the contemporary Bulgarian
    borders, the Memorial is a sacral monument of
    national importance. About 8000 Bulgarian,
    Roumanian and German soldiers who died in the
    1916 Battle for the Tutrakan Fortress  were
    buried there.
  • Immediately after the epic battle of Tutrakan,
  • commandment of 4Preslav Infantry Division takes
  • decision to bury all dead soldiers in Fort N 6 of
  • Roumanian fortification line of the fortress.
    During two
  • weeks people from Tutrakan and neighbouring
  • carried the corpses of the dead Bulgarian,
  • German and Turkish soldiers to the burial ground
  • in bull-carts. The soldiers from the now
  • regiment of Tutrakan put wooden crosses with the
  • names of the dead soldiers, while the unknown
    soldiers were
  • buried in common graves.

Memorial Complex Military tomb - 1916
On September 6th, 1917 the first anniversary of
the heroic epic was commemorated. On the same
day a foundation was established to erect a
monument to the liberators of the town who had
sacrificed their lives, and the collection of
donations began. The ensuing Roumanian occupation
slowed down the project.  In 1922 the Roumanians
built a monument - which has been preserved till
nowadays in the memorial complex - upon which it
is written in four languages "Those who could
die like heroes protecting their motherland, are
worthy to be honoured and cherished".  During the
years of occupation little care was taken of the
Memorial Complex Military tomb - 1916
  • After South Dobrudja was reinstated to Bulgaria
    as a result of the Krayova Treaty of September
    7th, 1940, on October 28th 1940 the new
    authorities in Tutrakan and the Blagodetel
    Society of retired army officers restored the
    foundation called "September 6th", and launched a
    petition for the building of a mausoleum where
    the remains of the heroes would be hosted.  1942
    the wooden crosses were replaced with stone
    crosses, and the memorial was surrounded by a
    wooden fence. In this form the memorial was
    preserved until the beginning of the 80's. The
    initial restoration and reconstruction of the
    complex was done in 1983-1986.

Memorial Complex Military tomb - 1916
  • In 1986 the complete reconstruction and
    architectural redesign began. By 2002, according
    to a project ratified by the National Institute
    for the Monuments of Culture, the entrance, the
    park with a podium for official celebrations, the
    postaments for the guns were built, as well as
    the Alley of Glory where the names of the dead
    Bulgarian soldiers are listed. A chapel is
    planned to be built.
  • Every year, during the first Sunday of
    September, thousands of people, relatives of the
    heroes and other patriots,  gather together to
    commemorate the memory of the heroes of the epic
    of Tutrakan.

  • The Ethnographical Museum Danubian fishing and
    boat building was founded in 1974 and is
    unique in the countries in the valley of the
    river Danube. It was founded in order to preserve
    the rich material and spiritual culture, the
    social structure and the way of life of the
    Bulgarians from the Danubian fishermens
    settlements. It is not by accident that the
    Museum is exactly in Tutrakan, because fishing
    was a basic mean of livelihood of the population
    in this region from the Antiquity till today.
    Fish, cod-liver oil, caviar were being exported
    from here to the interior of the country and to
    various European countries.

  • The exposition is arranged in seven halls and
    two interiors, in a building a monument of the
    culture from the beginning of the 20-th century.
    Original fishing devices from the Antiquity and
    used in the contemporaneity tools and equipment
    are presented in a chronological sequence.
    Original fishing rods and hooks from bone and
    copper, harpoons, clay leads for fishing nets,
    iron orifices, different types of nets, made by
    Tutrakan fishermen from vegetal fibers sturgeon
    net, fishing net, perch pike net, small fry
    fish net, etc. are shown. Photographs and black
    and white drawings explain the way of fishing in
    the settlements along the Lower Danube. Except
    the shown fishing belongings, you can get an idea
    about the social organization of the fishermen,
    accountancy, the inner structure of their homes,
    their spiritual culture.

Part of exposition of Ethnographical museum
  • A place is devoted also to the boat making,
    which is developing in the region since the Roman
    period, when there was a vessel repair workshop
    in the antique fort. In the end of the 19-th
    century boats from Tutrakan were being exported
    to Romania, Serbia, Austria, etc.
  • The exposition of the Museum is a part of the
    enormous ethnographical legacy of the population
    of Tutrakan region and the settlements along the
    river Danube. The dynamic processes in this
    region and the mixing of different cultures lead
    to the variety and richness of fishing devices,
    preserved in the Ethnographical museum

  • The Ethnography Museum "Danubian Fishing and
    Boat-Building" in Tutrakan hosts a collection of
    minerals from the National Museum "The Eart and
    the People". The exposition comprises 184 items,
    53 of which are donated to the History Museum in
  • The following thematic collections can be
  • Precious and gem stonesEarth minerals Bulgarian
    mineralsAcademic collection "Mineral
    Resources"Minerals variety and resources of
    North-East BulgariaGiant crystals Precious stones
    and gems - these are the most attractive group of
    minerals, the so-called "aristocracy" of the
    mineral realm. In order to belong to this group,
    the mineral should comply with certain standards
    of beauty - clarity, purity, bright uniform
    colour, exquisite shine, light-play (opalescence,
    asterism) longevity - that is, to be hard enough
    and thermostable and chemically resistant, as
    well as to render itself to polishing and buffing

  • You can see some of the most valued and
  • popular, ever since ancient times, precious
  • and gems emerald, aquamarine, morganite,
  • (rubellite, verdelite, indigolite), amethyst,
    citrine, smoky quartz, garnet, amazonite, jade,
    rhodolite, agate.
  • Minerals of the Earth - a systematic collection
    of minerals from all over the world in which all
    kinds of minerals are arranged according to
    classes in the chemical classification system -
    native elements, sulphides and sulphosoles,
    oxides and hydroxides, halogenides, borates,
    phosphates, arsenites, vanadates, wolframites,
    chromates, molibdates, sulphates, carbonates and
  • Minerals of Bulgaria - the exposition comprises
    of minerals of high aesthetic value, that have
    been found in the Rhodope mountains, Rila,
    Vitosha and Sakar - gallenites, sphalerite,
    quartz, staurolite, fluorite, volastonite,
    actinolite, opal, marble onyx.
  • Academic collection "Mineral Resources" - metal
    and non-metal mineral resources namely
  • Metal - iron ores - magnetite and hematite
    copper ores - chalkopyrite lead ores - galenite
    chrome ores - chromite aluminium ores - bauxite
    Non-metal - quartz, calcite, feldspar, gypsum,
    fluorite, mica (muscovite), talcum,
    magnesite.Giant crystals - four prominet
    specimens from the collection of the National
    museum "The Earth and the People" are exhibited -
    quartz, orthoclase and mountain crystal with
    inclusions of tourmaline from Pedra Alta, Brazil
    and geoda of mountain crystal with inclusions of
    goethite from Marrakesh, Morocco.

  • pl.Suvorov 1, 7600 Tutrakan,BULGARIA
  • ???. 359 857 / 6-12-35, 6-13-45
  • e-mail
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