Title: Alphabet Phonics
1Alphabet Phonics
2ants on the apple a, a, a ants on the apple a,
a, a
3balls are bouncing b, b, b balls are bouncing
b, b, b
4caterpillar coughingc, c, ccaterpillar coughing
c, c, c
5dolls are dancing d, d, d dolls are dancing d,
d, d
6elegant elephant e, e, e elegant elephant e,
e, e
7five flamingos f, f, f five flamingos f, f, f
8goats are giggling g, g, g goats are giggling
g, g, g
9helicopters hovering h, h, h helicopters
hovering h, h, h
10itchy insect i, i, i itchy insecti, i, i
11jelly beans jumping j, j, j jelly beans jumping
j, j, j
12- king kicked a kettle
- k, k, k
- king kicked a kettle
- k, k, k
13lions lickinglollipop l, l, l lions
lickinglollipop l, l, l
14monkeys are munching m, m, m monkeys are
munching m, m, m
15nuts in a nutshell n, n, n nuts in a nutshell
n, n, n
16old orange octopus o, o, o old orange octopus
o, o, o
17popcorn is popping p, p, p popcorn is popping
p, p, p
18queen waitingquietly qu, qu, qu queen
waitingquietly qu, qu, qu
19rats are running r, r, r rats are running r,
r, r
20sausages aresizzling s, s, s sausages
aresizzling s, s, s
21tiger on tip-toes t, t, t tiger on tip-toes t,
t, t
22up umbrellas u, u, u up umbrellas u, u, u
23violent volcanoes v, v, v violent volcanoes v,
v, v
24wibble wobblewalrus w, w, w wibble
wobblewalrus w, w, w
25fox in a box x, x, x fox in a box x, x, x
26yak is yawning y, y, y yak is yawning y, y, y
27zig-zag zebra z, z, z zig-zag zebra z, z, z