Title: 2D Transient Conduction Calculator Using Matlab
12D Transient Conduction CalculatorUsing Matlab
- Greg Teichert
- Kyle Halgren
- Use Finite Difference Equations shown in table
5.2 - 2D transient conduction with heat transfer in all
directions (i.e. no internal corners as shown in
the second condition in table 5.2) - Uniform temperature gradient in object
- Only rectangular geometry will be analyzed
3Program Inputs
- The calculator asks for
- Length of sides (a, b) (m)
- Outside Temperatures (T_inf 1-T_inf 4) (K)
- Temperature of object (T_0) (K)
- Thermal Convection Coefficient (h1-h4) (W/m2K)
- Thermal Conduction Coefficient (k) (W/mK)
- Density (?) (kg/m3)
- Specific Heat (Cp) (J/kgK)
- Desired Time Interval (t) (s)
4Transient Conduction
- Example problem
- suppose we have an object with rectangular
cross-section with these boundary conditions
Userdefined h values h(1) 10 h(2) .1 h(3)
10 h(4) .1 Boundary conditions Userdefin
ed T infinity values in kelvin T_inf(1)
293 T_inf(2) 293 T_inf(3) 353 T_inf(4)
353 Initial condition (assume uniform initial
temperature) Userdefined initial temperature
value T_0 573 Material properties Userdefin
ed material values k .08 rho 7480 c_p
.460 Userdefined physical variables a 1
height of cross section b 1.3 width of cross
section t 3600 time at which results are given
6Time Step (?t)
- We assumed a value of ?x ?y gcd(a, b)
- Using each of the conditions (except the second)
in the table 5.2, we calculate the ?t and choose
the smallest value - Using that ?t we calculate Fo
- Our outputs for delta_x, delta_t, Fo respectively
- 0.0500, 3.7078, 0.0345
- Using the Finite Difference Method, matlab
generates a matrix of temperature values that are
represented in the graph shown on the next slide - This method allows for the calculation of every
node in any 2D direction
9Solution to different Problem
Userdefined h values h(1) 0 h(2) 1000 h(3)
1000 h(4) 100 Boundary
conditions Userdefined T infinity values in
kelvin T_inf(1) 273 T_inf(2) 150 T_inf(3)
590 T_inf(4) 273 Initial condition (assume
uniform initial temperature) Userdefined initial
temperature value T_0 250 Material
properties Userdefined material values k
.8 rho 1000 c_p .460 Userdefined
physical variables a 1 height of cross
section b 1.3 width of cross section t 20
time at which results are given
10Conclusion and Recommendations
- Works only in rectangular geometry
- High values of h and tgt1 causes errors to occur
due to lack of memory - Use a better method to find ?x and ?t
- Incropera, Frank P. DeWitt, DaviD P. Fundamentals
of Heat and Mass Transfer Fifth Edition, R. R.
Donnelley Sons Company. 2002 John Wiley Sons,
12Appendix-hand work
13Appendix-hand work