Anti-corruption legal and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anti-corruption legal and


Anti-corruption legal and institutional frameworks in Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Russia and Ukraine Francesco Checchi, UNDP BRC International legal instruments and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Anti-corruption legal and

Anti-corruption legal and institutional
frameworks in Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Russia
and Ukraine
Francesco Checchi, UNDP BRC
International legal instrumentsand monitoring
  • UN Convention Against Corruption (ratified by
    Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Ukraine)
  • CoE Criminal Law Against Corruption ratified by
    all except Ukraine
  • CoE Civil Law Against Corruption ratified by all
    except Russia
  • OECD Conv. Against Bribery of Public Foreign
    Officials (only Bulgaria)
  • GRECO (Group of states Against Corruption)
  • OECD Istanbul Action Plan (Ukraine - Moldova)

Anti-Corruption Legal Framework
  • The UN Convention Against Corruption -
    Substantive criminal law requirements -
  • Mandatory offences (Minimum standards)
  • Bribery (active passive) of national public
    officials (Art.15)
  • Active Bribery of foreign public officials
    officials of public intl organizations (16)
  • Embezzlement, misappropriation or other diversion
    of property by public officials (17)
  • Money laundering (23)
  • Obstruction of justice (25)
  • Liability of legal persons (26)
  • Participation, Attempt (27)

UNCAC - Substantive criminal law requirements
  • Non mandatory offences
  • Passive Bribery of foreign public officials
    officials of public intl organizations (16)
  • Trading in influence (18)
  • Abuse of functions (19)
  • Illicit enrichment (20)
  • Private Sector bribery (21)
  • Private sector embezzlement (22)
  • Concealment (24)

UNCAC - Necessary measures and procedures for
effective law enforcement against corruption
  • Law enforcement
  • Knowledge, intent, purposes (28) (inferred from
    factual circumstances)
  • Statute of limitations (29) (longer)
  • Prosecution, adjudication, sanctions (30)
    (immunity jurisdictional privileges)
  • (discretionary legal powers presence of
    the defendant removal of public official
  • Freezing, seizure, confiscation (31)
  • Protection of witnesses, experts, victims (32)
  • Protection of Reporting persons (33)
  • Consequences (34)
  • Compensation (35) (for those who have suffered
  • Specialized authorities (36) (Body or bodies or
  • Cooperation with law enforcement officials (37)
  • Cooperation between national authorities (38)
  • Coop. between national authorities and private
    sector (39)
  • Bank secrecy (40)
  • Criminal record (41)
  • Jurisdiction (42)
  • Implementation of convention (65)

Criminalization of corruption. Bulgaria
  • Criminal code
  • Section IV. Bribery
  • Shall be punished
  • An official who accepts a present or any other
    property benefit whatsoever, which is not due, in
    order to perform or not an act on business or
    because he has he has or has not performed such
    an activity (Compare to Art 15 UNCAC)
  • Shall be punished
  • Who gives a present or any other property
    benefit whatsoever to an official (also foreign
    official) in order to fulfill or not an activity
    related to his office, or because he has
    fulfilled or not such activity, shall be punished
    by imprisonment of up to six years. (Compare to
    Art 15 UNCAC)

Bulgaria, Criminal code
  • Who promises or proposes a bribe
  • An official who requests or agrees to receive a
  • The punishments shall also be imposed on an
    expert, appointed by a court, establishment,
    enterprise or organisation,
  • Who mediates the giving or receiving of a bribe
  • Who intentionally creates circumstances or
    conditions in order to provoke offering, giving
    or receiving of a bribe
  • Not punished shall be those who has given a
  • a) if he has been blackmailed by the official or
    by the expert to do that or
  • b) if he has informed the authorities

Moldova, criminal code
  • Various corrupted practices are addressed by the
    criminal code. Punishments particularly heavy.
  • Issue of corruption is addressed through several
  • Article 324. Passive Corruption also for the
    purpose to obtain distinctions, functions, opened
    markets or other favorable decision by an
  • Article 325. Active corruption
  • Article 256. Receiving of illicit remuneration
    from citizens for the performance of works
    related to providing services to people Receiving
    by an worker of an enterprise, institution or
    organization who is not an official person, by
    extortion, of an illicit payment from a citizen
    for the performance of works, for providing
    services in the area of trade, public nutrition,
    social services, public utility, medical
    services, transportation or other public
    services, included in the range of official
    duties of the worker in question

Moldova, criminal code
  • Article 326. Trading of influence
  • Receiving or extorting money, securities, other
    goods or advantages with a real estate character,
    accepting services or promises for goods and
    advantages, personally or through intermediary
    for him or for other person, committed with
    intention by a person who have the influence or
    who support to have such an influence on a public
    servant, for the purpose of making the public
    servant to carry out or to fail to carry out
    actions regarding his professional duties, not
    taking into consideration if these actions were
    committed or not
  • Article 327. The abuse of power or of an official
  • The deliberate use by an official of his official
    position contrary to the requirements of duty,
    committed for a personal or other low-down
    interest, resulting in substantial harm to the
    public interests ..
  • Article 329. Professional Negligence
  • The failure of an official to perform his duties
    or inadequate performance of his duties as a
    result of negligent or not conscientious attitude
    towards the duties in question, if resulted in
    damages on a large scale either to the state or
    public interests or to the rights or interests of
    the citizens, which are protected by law.

Moldova, criminal code
  • Article 330. Receiving of illicit reward by a
    civil servant
  • (1) Receiving of an illegitimate reward from
    citizens for performing any actions or providing
    services, which are in the limits of his duties,
    by a servant of the public authorities, other
    institutions, enterprises and state
    organizations, who is not an official..
  • The action of taking and giving a bribe are
    identified as criminal offences in the Chapter
    XVI (crimes against services interest of the
    commercial, public and non governmental
    organization) not against individuals.
  • Article 243. Money laundering
  • (1) Performing legal operations with money or
    other goods, knowingly obtained illegally shall
    be punished by a fine or by jail sentence of
    up to 5 years (ref. art. 23 UNCAC)

Romania, criminal code
  • Art. 254 Criminalization of corruption bribe
    taking. is punished by 3-12 years imprisonment
    and interdiction of certain rights.
  • Art 255. bribe giving the briber is not
    punished if he informs the authorities of his
    deed before the investigation authority is
    announced of the crime.
  • Art. 215 Embezzlement
  • Appropriation, use or traffic, by a functionary,
    in his own interest or in another persons
    interest, of money, values or other goods that
    he/she administrates or manages, shall be
    punished with imprisonment between 1 year and 15
    years. (art 15 UNCAC mandatory)

Romania, Law 78 of May 8th, 2000 on preventing,
discovering and sanctioning of corruption acts
  • Offences assimilated to corruption offences
  • the establishing, deliberately, of a diminished
    value, compared to the real market value, of the
    goods belonging to the economic agents in which
    the state or an authority of the local public
    administration is a shareholder, committed during
    the privatization activity, the enforcement of a
    judicial decision or the judiciary reorganization
    or liquidation of an economic agent or with the
    occasion of a commercial transaction, or
    (establishing of a diminished value) of the
    goods belonging to public authorities or public
    institutions, committed during a procedure of
    selling these goods, or during the enforcement of
    a judicial decision, committed by the persons
    holding such attributions as management,
    administration, enforcement of judicial
    decisions or judiciary reorganization or
    liquidation of an economic agent
  • the granting of subsidies by infringing the law
    provisions, the non-following up, according to
    the law provisions, of the destinations given to
    the subsidies
  • the use of the subsidies for other purposes than
    those for which they had been granted, as well as
    the use of the credits that were warranted with
    public funds or that should be reimbursed out of
    public funds.

Russia, Criminal code
  • Article 290. Bribe-taking
  • up to five years, with deprivation to hold
    specified offices or to engage in specified
    activities for a term of up to three years.
  • Article 291. Bribe-giving
  • Article 285. Abuse of Official Powers
  • Use by an official of his powers, contrary to the
    interests of the civil service, if this deed has
    been committed out of mercenary or any other
    personal interests and has involved a substantial
    violation of the rights and lawful interests of
    individuals or organizations, or the
    legally-protected interests of the society or the
    State, shall be punishable by a fine in the
    amount up to 80 thousand roubles, or in the
    amount of the wage or salary, or any other income
    of the convicted person for a period up to six
    months, or by disqualification to hold specified
    offices or to engage in specified activities for
    a term of up to five years, or by arrest for a
    term of four to six months, or by deprivation of
    liberty for a term of up to four years.

Russia, Criminal code
  • The Laundering of Monetary Funds or Other
    Property Acquired by a Person as a result of an
    Offence Committed by Him
  • Making large-scale financial transactions and
    other deals in monetary funds or other property
    acquired by a person as a result of his having
    committed an offence or using these monetary
    funds or other property for the pursuance of
    business or other economic activity -
  • ?? See art 19 UNCAC

Ukraine, Criminal code
  • A369 giving a Bribe
  • Art 368 taking a bribe
  • A365 Excess of authority or official powers
  • "Excess of authority or official powers, i.e.,
    the deliberate commission of acts, by an
    official, which obviously exceed the rights and
    powers vested in him/her, where it caused any
    substantial damage to the legally protected
    rights and interests of individual citizens, or
    state and public interests, or interests of legal
    entities, œ shall be punished

Ukraine, Criminal code
  • Abuse of authority or office (Article 364)
  • "Abuse of authority or office, i.e. a deliberate
    use of authority or official position contrary to
    the official interests by an official for
    mercenary motives or other personal benefit or
    benefit of any third parties, where it caused any
    substantial damage to legally protected rights,
    freedoms and interests of individual citizens, or
    state and public interests, or interests of legal
  • A 370 provocation of a bribe
  • Provocation of a bribe, i.e. an intentional
    creation, by an official, of circumstances and
    conditions that cause the giving or taking of a
    bribe, for the purposes of uncovering those who
    gave or took the bribe, shall be punished with
    the restriction of freedom for a term up to five
    years or with the imprisonment for a term of two
    to five years. The same act committed by a law
    enforcement official, shall be punished with the
    imprisonment for a period of three to seven years

Some observations
  • Corruption is generally criminalized when it
    involves public sector officials. The Criminal
    Codes establishes the offences of both active and
    passive bribery, abuse of authority is also
    punished but specific offences such as
    embezzlement and trading of influence often are
    not criminalized. Other issue to be addressed is
    the liability of legal persons.
  • Some shortages are present for the implementation
    of the manadatory requirements of the UNCAC. A
    lot of work still needs to be done for the
    implementation of the non mandatory offences.
  • Criminalization of corruption is present in the
    criminal codes in very different ways.
    Punishments for corruption are also very
    different. The criminalization of the types of
    corruption and the introduction of the
    possibility to punish all the actors involved
    requires more detailed descriptions.
  • In some criminal system the same crime is
    addressed through several articles and according
    to different prospectives but this doesnt mean
    that all the elements of the corruption crime
    have been taken into consideration.

Anti-corruption specialized law enforcement
  • The international standards set by the 1999
    Council of Europes Criminal Law Convention and
    the 2003 United Nations Convention against
    Corruption require from all countries to ensure
    the existence of a body or bodies that, on one
    hand, establish and disseminate effective
    practices aimed at preventing corruption and, on
    the other hand, combat corruption through law
  • In addition, Council of Europe and the United
    Nations conventions require measures to ensure
    that anti-corruption bodies carry out their
    functions effectively, benefit from the necessary
    independence, adequate training and resources. 
  • Bulgaria no specialized body, National Service
    on Combating Organized Crime play the most
    central role in the fight against corruption.
  • Russia no specialized body
  • Ukraine no specialized body

Anti-corruption specialized law enforcement
  • Moldova Center for Combating Economic Crimes and
    Corruption (CCECC), is a specialized institution
    aimed at combating economic crimes and
    corruption. CCECC has a complex system of
    detecting these crimes including gathering and
    elaboration of operative information, carrying
    out inspections, initiation of criminal cases
  • The Centre was created by merging of following
  • Department of Financial-Economic Police,
  • Anti-corruption Department of the Ministry of
  • Financial Guard and the Department of Financial
    Control and Inspection of the Ministry of
  • Purpose optimizing the structure of public
    administration, diminishing the number of
    involved departments and controlling bodies. The
    CCECC assumed the function of prevention and
    combating corruption and economic crime, thus
    decreasing previously over-inflated amount of
    checks and control for economic agents.

Moldova Center for Combating Economic Crimes and
Corruption (CCECC)
  • Tasks
  • Prevention, detection, investigation and
    sanctioning of financial economic and tax crimes
  • Actions against corruption and nepotism
  • Actions against money laundry and legalizing of
    material assets acquired illegally.

Anti-corruption specialized law enforcement
  • Romania National Anti-corruption directorate
  • The NAD is a structure with legal personality,
    within the framework of the Prosecutors Office
    attached to the High Court of Cassation and
    Justice (GPO).
  • Independence The NAD is independent in its
    relationship with the courts of justice and the
    prosecutors offices attached to these, as well
    as in its relationship with the other public

National Anti-corruption directorate (NAD)
  • The attributions carrying out criminal
    investigations according to the Criminal
    Procedural Code and relative legislation
  • (The offences provided in the Law no.78/2000 for
    preventing, discovering and sanctioning
    corruption deeds, fall under the competence of
    the NAD, when
  • (a) offences caused a material damage greater
    than the equivalent to 200, 000 EUROS, or a
    particularly serious perturbation was brought to
    the activity of a public authority, public
    institution or any other legal person.
  • b) these offences are committed by deputies,
    senators, Governments members, state
    secretaries, the counselors of the ministersetc

  • Procedural provision The services and structures
    specialized in collecting and processing
    information shall have the obligation to
    immediately put at the disposal of the National
    Anticorruption Directorate the data and
    information they hold in connection with the
    commission of corruption offences.
  • The National Anticorruption Directorate is
    authorized to have and to use adequate means to
    obtain, verify, process and store the information
    regarding the corruption offences
  • Investigative means the following measures can
    be disposed, in order to collect evidence and to
    identify the perpetrator
  • a) the surveillance of the bank accounts and the
    accounts assimilated to these
  • b) the surveillance or interception of the
  • c) the access to the IT systems.
  • .for a duration of maximum 30 days.
  • The banking secret and the professional one,
    except for the lawyers professional secret,
    shall not be opposable for the prosecutors

  • Funding Financing the current and capital
    expenses of the National Anticorruption
    Directorate is ensured from the state budget.
  • Staff is formed of prosecutors, judicial police
    officers and agents, experts in the economic,
    financial, banking, customs, IT field and also in
    other fields, special auxiliary personnel, as
    well as economic and administrative personnel
    Judicial police officers work within NAD with the
    purpose of carrying out with celerity the
    activities of discovering and investigating the
    corruption offences. Experts of high
    qualification in the economic, financial,
    banking, customs, IT fields, as well as in other
    fields, are appointed within the framework of the
  • International Cooperation With a view to a
    mutual consultation regarding the offences under
    the competence of the National Anticorruption
    Directorate and to a data and information
    exchange regarding the investigation and
    prosecution of such offences, a liaison office
    with similar institutions from other states is
    set up.
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