Hearing the Voice of God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hearing the Voice of God


Hearing the Voice of God You ve got to fall in love!! Hearing the Voice of God My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; - John 10:27 How ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: god | hearing | prophesy | voice


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hearing the Voice of God

Hearing the Voice of God
Youve got to fall in love!!
Hearing the Voice of God
  • My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and
    they follow Me - John 1027
  • How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
    How vast is the sum of them! If I should count
    them, they would outnumber the sand. When I
    awake, I am still with You. Psalm 13917
  • Intimacy was Gods idea in the garden the Lord
    walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day.
    It was Gods idea that he and man would have a
    face to face relationship. Jesus and the
    indwelling Holy Spirit have reversed the curse of
    broken relationship between God and man.
  • Mark Virkler - www.cwgministries.org Communion
    with God

Four Keys to Hearing Gods Voice
  • from Habakkuk 21-2
  • 1. I will stand at my guard post (Be still
    Quiet yourself down)
  • 2. I will keep watch to see (Look for vision
    - Fix your eyes on Jesus)
  • 3. What he will speak to me (Hear Tune to
    spontaneous flow)
  • 4. The Lord said Record the Vision (Journal -
    Write it down)

Key 1 Quiet Yourself Down
  • Be still and know that I am God Psalm 4610
  • O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes
    haughty Nor do I involve myself in great
    matters, Or in things too difficult for me.
    Surely I have composed and quieted my soul Like
    a weaned child rests against his mother, My soul
    is like a weaned child within me. O Israel, hope
    in the LORD From this time forth and forever.
    Psalm 131
  • The still small voice 1 Kings 1911

Key 1 Quiet Yourself Down contd
  • In order to hear Gods voice we need to become
    quiet and still on the inside.
  • Habakkuk
  • Jesus early morning, up the mountain at night.

Key 1 Quiet Yourself Down contd
Cultivating outer and inner peace
  • find a quiet comfortable place to sit where your
    body can be at rest
  • when thoughts of things that MUST BE done come to
    your mind have a notepad and write them down
  • Thoughts of sin if its conviction of sins
    youve committed then confess them, and receive
    forgiveness. If its a dark cloud of condemnation
    rebuke it! There is therefore now no
    condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
  • Doubts and unbelief this is a waste of time,
    God isnt going to speak to you, God doesnt
    speak to you this way. Reject these thoughts and
    replace them with faith.
  • Mind wandering focus on Jesus. Proactively use
    your imagination to create a picture of you being
    with Jesus
  • Get in touch with your heart begin to speak or
    even sing in tongues, or release that spontaneous
    song that is bubbling up in your heart
  • Smile ?
  • Other times to get in touch with your heart is
    when you are doing a mindless task like driving
    your car or exercising, or taking a shower. In
    these situations, your body is going through the
    motions and so your heart has an opportunity to
    speak / spirit communes with Spirit.

Key 1 Quiet Yourself Down contd
  • Right and left brain functions
  • Left analysis, reasoning, logic, numbers,
    reading, writing
  • Right- music, art awareness, creativity,

Left Brain
Right Brain
Music Appreciation
Art Awareness
Logic and Analysis
Key 1 Quiet Yourself Down contd
  • It is easier to commune with the Spirit and to
    receive the bubbling thoughts from the Spirit
    that light on our minds like intuitive,
    spontaneous thoughts, if we are operating on the
    right side of our brains.
  • Moving from the left to the right speaking in
    tongues, music. Smiling
  • But now bring me a minstrel. And it came about,
    when the minstrel played, that the hand of the
    LORD came upon him. He said, Thus says the LORD,
    Make this valley full of trenches. 2 Kings
  • David used music to calm himself and worship God
    - the psalms

The Four Keys
  • Quiet yourself down
  • Fix your eyes on Jesus
  • Tune to spontaneous flow
  • Write it down

Key 2 Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
  • There are two aspects to fixing your eyes on
  • First you are looking to connect with Jesus, you
    are not looking to empty you mind or enter into
    any new age state of emptiness. You are only
    after communion with one Jesus. So we fix our
    imagination on the person of Jesus.
  • Second, is a fact that God speaks through
    visions, pictures, dreams or word pictures. Not
    only does he light spontaneous thoughts on our
    hearts but he loves to communicate through
    pictures, visions, dreams.

Key 2 Fix Your Eyes on Jesus contd
  • How did the prophets hear from God?
  • He said, Hear now My words If there is a
    prophet among you, I, the LORD, shall make Myself
    known to him in a vision. I shall speak with him
    in a dream. Numbers 126
  • God says that he will speak through the images of
    a dream and a vision. They actually SAW from the
    Lord. Same thing in Habakkuk I will watch and
    see what he will say to me.
  • And it shall be in the last days, God says,
    That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all
    mankind And your sons and your daughters shall
    prophesy, And your young men shall see visions,
    And your old men shall dream dreams - Acts 217
  • One of the key ways that God speaks to us is
    through visions and dreams.

Key 2 Fix Your Eyes on Jesus contd
  • What is vision/eyes of your heart/imagination?
  • Close your eyes and picture your bed in your
    house. How many can see that inside your head?
    The way that you see your bed is the same way
    that most people see most visions from God. The
    picture is light and gentle and is seen within.
    It may be hazy or sharp, precise or unclear.
  • Spontaneous Vision we may receive a spontaneous
    inner picture in the same way as we receive
    spontaneous thoughts. As we are driving along we
    get a picture of a friend, pastor, missionary
    flash into our mind from left field. That is
    mostly for us to pray for them at that moment.

Key 2 Fix Your Eyes on Jesus contd
  • Types of Visions
  • spontaneous vision on the screen of your mind
  • spontaneous vision while in prayer
  • seeing a vision outside yourself 2 Kings 617
    Elishas servant saw the armies of the Lord
    encamped around him
  • Vision while in a trance Acts 1010-23 Peter
    sees a vision of the sheets coming down from
    heaven with animals in them
  • All types of visions are valid. Seeing visions in
    your mind the first kind is just as valid as
    a Technicolor trance vision.
  • Jesus used vision John 519 The Son can do
    nothing of himself, unless it is something He
    sees the Father doing.

Key 2 Fix Your Eyes on Jesus contd
  • Blocks to seeing in the spirit
  • Disdaining the visual/imagination, idolising the
    rational. Repent for not honouring the visual,
    repent for idolising the rational, commit you
    imagination to the Lord ask him to cleanse and
    restore, start practising
  • Fear of opening yourself to the new age or
    demonic activity. Renounce this fear and put your
    faith in Gods ability protect you than the
    devils ability to deceive you. After all, God
    has designed us with these capacities so that he
    can speak to us.
  • Cutting off visual capacity / imagination in
    order to avoid imagining the wrong thing. But
    there are better ways of dealing with this its
    called repentance. You dont have to pluck out
    your eye, wash it in the blood of Jesus.

The Four Keys
  • Quiet yourself down
  • Fix your eyes on Jesus
  • Tune to spontaneous flow
  • Write it down

Key 3 Tune to Spontaneous Flow
  • What does God voice sound like?
  • The booming voice and angelic choir versus the
  • The voice of silk (the story of Elijah and the
    gentle whisper - 1 Kings 1911)
  • Why dont you speak a little more loudly!!
  • The three sources of thoughts (2 Cor 103-5)
  • My own mind
  • The Enemy
  • God

Key 3 Tune to Spontaneous Flow contd
  • How to determine the source of thought
  • Nature of the thought (Rom 86)
  • Is it kind, loving, positive, wise, inspiring,
  • Is it vicious, destructive, negative, condemning?
  • Is it natural, analytical, logical, plain?
  • 80 / 20 rule
  • Nature of the thought lines up with the nature of
    the source
  • Satan accuser, adversary, liar, condemner,
    thief, murderer
  • Holy Spirit Edifier, Comforter, Teacher,
    Creator, Lover, Healer, Giver of Life

The Four Keys
  • Quiet yourself down
  • Fix your eyes on Jesus
  • Tune to spontaneous flow
  • Write it down

Key 4 Write it down (dot com)!!
  • Two way journaling
  • Quiet yourself down, fix your eyes on Jesus, be
    open to spontaneous thoughts that alight on your
  • Not New Age automatic writing
  • Ask Jesus a question (but not an emotionally
    charged one)
  • Gods voice often sounds like your own
  • Light and gentle
  • First person
  • More kind, loving and wise than you normally are
  • Your personality and generally your vocabulary
  • Dont worry about spelling/grammatical mistakes
  • Dont analyse until after youre done

Cautions and Reminders
  • Praying through an idol (Ex 144)
  • Story of Balaam (Num 224-22)
  • (2 Pet 215-16) forsaking the right way, they
    have gone astray, having followed the way of
    Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved the wages of
    unrighteousness but he received a rebuke for his
    own transgression, for a mute donkey, speaking
    with a voice of a man, restrained the madness of
    the prophet.

(No Transcript)
Cautions and Reminders
  • Does your journaling line up with the timber of
    the Bible? If not, disregard
  • Its OK to make mistakes
  • Submit your journaling to 2 or 3 other mature
    hearers from God that you trust
  • Focus on what is your sphere of responsibility /
  • Dont make life altering decisions based ONLY on
    your journaling
  • Practice, Practice, Practice
  • Be in the Bible
  • Be part of a fellowship of believers

The Four Keys
  • Quiet yourself down
  • Fix your eyes on Jesus
  • Tune to spontaneous flow
  • Write it down
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