Title: Stroboscopic injection/extraction scheme for SuperBF
1Stroboscopic injection/extraction scheme for
- I.A.Koop, BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia
Frascati Workshop, March 16-18, 2006
2 Version 1. Damping Ring Filling Pattern(INFN
Roadmap Report, 20 Dec 2005)
Injection/extraction of train of 10000 bunches
- E2 GeV damping ring
energy - ?6500 m ring
circumference - n10000 number of bunches/ring
- finj/extr120 Hz inj/extraction
rate - fcollisions1.2 MHz average collision
rate - Tcooling8.3 ms cooling time
Frascati Workshop, March 16-18, 2006
3Main Difficulties of Train by Train Collision
- Parasitic crossings are spaced only by 0.3 m
- Too short time between subsequent collisions (2
ns). Makes difficult use TOF-technic for particle
4Principle of Stroboscopic Injection/Extraction
- Repetition frequency of kicker pulses slightly
differs from the multiple of revolution frequency - As a result bunch passes a kickers location with
a slip relative to a pulse moment - Each bunch after injection makes, say, 384 turns
in a damping ring before being extracted - Kicker pulse duration time is shorter compared to
the bunch spacing
5Repetitive stroboscopic injection/extraction of
single bunch.
- Tkick1.3 ns kicker pulse duration
time - ?0.6 m (2 ns) RF wave
length - ?384 ? (768 ns) kicker pulses
period - n38428110753 number of RF buckets
- ?n? 6451.8 m ring circumference
- finj/extr1.3 MHz kicker pulses
frequency - Trevolution21.506 mks revolution time
- t s4.16 ms damping time
- Tcooling8.3 ms cooling time
Frascati Workshop, March 16-18, 2006
- Stroboscopic scheme provides injection/extraction
of single bunch, what probably will be needed for
SuperB - Technical problems and difficulties should be
analyzed in further studies