Title: Victoria White, PhD Ann George, EdD
1- Victoria White, PhD
Ann George, EdD - Associate Professor
Assistant Professor - Director of KC Metro Center
2Strategies for improving the performance of
students with special needs
3How can school leaders make a difference in
improving the performance of students with
special needs?
4No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- The goal is proficiency in reading and math for
all students but what about the student who has
been identified with a disability?
5Presentation will
- Review best practices for improving academic
performance - Explore solutions
6Improving Performance
- Letter from Alexa Posney,
- Kansas Commissioner of Education
- December 14, 2007
- It has been determined that education must be
approached in an integrated and systematic manner
to ensure all children, who are struggling to
learn, receive the support and interventions they
need as early as they are needed. - http//www.kansasmtss.org/
7Multi-Tier System of Support Definition
- MTSS is a coherent continuum of evidence based,
system-wide practices to support a rapid response
to academic and behavioral needs, with frequent
data-based monitoring for instructional
decision-making to empower each Kansas student to
achieve to high standards.
8MTSS Core Beliefs
- Every child learns and achieves to high standards
- Learning includes academic and social
competencies - Every member of the education community continues
to grow, learn and reflect - Every leader at all levels is responsible for
every student - Change is intentional, coherent and dynamic
9How to Achieve the Core Beliefs
- Every child will be provided a rigorous and
research-based curriculum - Every child will be provided effective and
relentless teaching - Interventions will be provided at the earliest
identification of need - Policy will be based on evidence based practice
- Every leader will be responsible for planning,
implementing and evaluating
10Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success
11MTSS Implementation
- Website http//www.kansasmtss.org/
- Overview
- Resources
- Training materials
12Innovation Configuration Matrix
- Leadership and Empowerment (LE 1-19)
- Assessment (A 1-10)
- Curriculum (C 1-7)
- Instruction (I 1-8)
- Data-Based Decision Making (DBDM 1-13)
- Integration and Sustainability (IS 1-7)
13Advocate for All Students
- MTSS Core Beliefs- Every leader at all levels is
responsible for every student
14Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- LE1 The district has a leadership team that is
known throughout the district and meets regularly
to address student academic and behavioral
success in an integrated manner.
15Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- LE4 The district leadership team clearly
identifies multiple indicators of academic and
behavioral success and formally communicates them
to buildings as areas to be measured.
16Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- LE17 Student learning experiences are customized
in ways that make content relevant and enable
students to learn.
17Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- A8 Progress monitoring of students receiving
supplemental instruction occurs as follows - Every two weeks for academics
- For behavior, monitored by behavior team on a
regular basis
18Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- A9 Progress monitoring of students receiving
intensive instruction occurs as follows - Weekly for academics
- Monitored by behavior team on a regular basis as
determined by the needs of the
19Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- A10 The teams have clearly documented and
consistently follow decision rules to ensure
early identification and intervention for
students in both academics and behavior . . .
20Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- C1 The staff has formally evaluated and
documented the adequacy of all the academic and
behavioral curricular materials used across tiers
aligned to student needs, state standards and
evidence base.
21Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- C5 The staff members select academic curricula,
behavior and social skill instructional
materials, and programs/processes for supporting
student behavior that are an appropriate match
for the needs of the students at all tiers based
upon student data.
22Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- DBDM3 All staff members are actively involved and
have been trained in the problem solving process
and use it consistently to guide decisions
related to academics and behavior. . .
23Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- C7 A process is in place to check the fidelity of
academic and behavioral curriculum and program
implementation at all tiers with feedback and
coaching to teachers provided throughout the year.
24Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
- DBDM8 A clearly identified team meets at
regularly scheduled times to analyze student
academic and behavioral data from groups
receiving supplemental and intensive instruction,
including students receiving support from
entitlement programs for instructional decision
25Guiding Questions