Title: The Challenge of Purchasing and Supply Management
1The Challenge of Purchasing and Supply Management
- Marketing 3860 Purchasing
- July 12, 2004
- Kimball Bullington, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Operations Management
- Middle Tennessee State University
2How do the 4Ps relate to purchasing?
- Product
- Price
- Promotion
- Place
3From Purchasing to Supply Management
Supply Management -High costs -Scarcity national
or international
Materials Management -High transportation
cost -High inventory costs
Purchasing Management -Commodity items -Standard
Source Management -Unique items -Custom-made
items -High technology items
4The Evolution of the Supply Function
- Clerical technical
- Focus on policies procedures
- Key challenge availability of supply cost mgt.
- Strategic orientation
- Global supply chains
- Executive level leadership
- Key challenge Technology the Internet
Early 1900s
Early 2000s
5From Purchasing to Supply Management
Organizational Changes
6Corporate Supply Challenges
- Need to control unit costs
- Need to reduce the total cost of acquisition
- Increasing influence of suppliers on the
purchasers ability to respond to end-customers
7Corporate Supply Challenges
- Increased reliance on fewer suppliers
- Trend towards reliance on suppliers for design
build responsibilities for complete subassemblies
and subsystems
8Effect of Supply Base Size Variation on Supply
Chain Reliability
9Effect of Supply Base Size Variation on Supply
Chain Reliability
10(No Transcript)
11Terminology - Purchasing
- Identify need
- Locate / select supplier
- Negotiate price terms
- Expedite deliveries
12Terminology - Procurement
- Purchase
- Store / warehouse inventory
- Manage traffic
- Receive incoming materials
- Inspect incoming materials
- Salvage obsolete materials
13Terminology - Materiel
- Manage materials for military or govt operations
14Terminology Materials Mgt.
- Integrate related materials functions including
- Procurement
- materials planning
- materials control (inventory)
15Terminology Integrated Logistics
- Strategic supply issues
- Sourcing
- Transportation
- Information technology and information flow
associated with managing supply
16Significance of Material Dollars
- U.S. manufacturing firms
- purchased materials totaling 1,975,362,000 in
1998. - Leenders, Fearon, Flynn, Johnson 2002
17Differences Between Commercial Consumer
Consumer Commercial
of Suppliers Many Few
Needs Generic Specialized
Volume Miniscule Significant
Power None Significant
Time Horizon Short Long
18Profit-Leverage Effect
- Profit improvement is often easier to achieve
through purchasing cost reductions than
equivalent sales increases. (This is especially
true of low margin operations.)
19Purchasing as a Profession
- Increasing in importance
- Increasing in pay
- Strategic assignments
- Long-range perspective
- College degrees more common
- www.ism.ws
- Business-to-business e-commerce
- Supply Chain Management
- Measurement
- Purchase of nontraditional goods services
- Contribution to corporate strategy
- Recognition by senior management
21Opportunities for Contribution of the Purchasing
/ Supply Function
- Profit-leverage effect
- Return-on-assets effect
- Information source
- Effect on efficiency
22Opportunities for Contribution of the Purchasing
/ Supply Function
- Effect on competitive position customer
satisfaction - Effect on image
- Training ground
- Management strategy social policy
23Purchasings Operational Strategic Contributions
24Purchasings Operational Strategic Contributions
25Purchasings Operational Strategic Contributions
26Reverse Marketing
- Purchasing is sometimes referred to as reverse
marketing. What does this mean?