Title: BIOL 204 Week 3 Lab
1BIOL 204 Week 3 Lab
- Dissection and
- Anatomy of the Heart
2Objective 1 Human Heart Anatomy The heart has
an apex and a base
3The heart is surrounded by a pericardium
Human Heart In the Thorax Pericardial Sac
Cut Open Surrounded by the pericardium
4The wall of the heart consists of three tissue
layers 1. Epicardium (visceral
pericardium) 2. Myocardium 3. Endocardium
5Structures Visible On the Anterior
Surface/Associated Vessels
Brachiocephalic Left Common Left
Subclavian Artery Carotid
Artery Artery
Superior Vena Cava Right Pulmonary
Veins Right Auricle Pulmonary Trunk Inferior
Vena Cava
Aortic Arch Left Pulmonary Veins Left
Auricle Anterior Interventricular Sulcus
6Structures Visible on The Posterior Surface
Aorta Pulmonary Veins Coronary Sinus
Superior Vena Cava Pulmonary Arteries Inferior
Vena Cava Posterior Interventricular Sulcus
7 The Heart Has Four Chambers
Interatrial Septum lies between the
atria Interventricular Septum lies between the
8Internal Structures of the Heart
Pectinate Muscle Fossa Ovalis Tricuspid
Valve Chordae Tendineae Papillary Muscles
Bicuspid Valve Semilunar Valves Trabeculae
Carneae Interventricular Septum
9These two Structures of the Adult Heart Are
Remnants of Fetal Circulation
Ligamentum Arteriosum Fossa Ovalis
10The heart receives its own branch of systemic
circulation there vessels collectively are
called coronary circulation
Arteries Veins
11- A Sectioned Preserved Human Heart
- Interatrial septum
- Right atrium
- Left atrium
- Interventricular septum
- Right ventricle
- Left ventricle
- 9. Pulmonary trunk
12Sheeps Heart Dissection note the thickness
of the right ventricular and left ventricular
13Cardiac Muscle in found in the myocardium