Authentication Methods: From Digital Signatures to Hashes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Authentication Methods: From Digital Signatures to Hashes


Authentication Methods: From Digital Signatures to Hashes Lecture Motivation We have looked at confidentiality services, and also examined the information theoretic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Authentication Methods: From Digital Signatures to Hashes

Authentication Methods From Digital Signatures
to Hashes
Lecture Motivation
  • We have looked at confidentiality services, and
    also examined the information theoretic framework
    for security.
  • Confidentiality between Alice and Bob only
    guarantees that Eve cannot read the message, it
    does not address
  • Is Alice really talking to Bob?
  • Is Bob really talking to Alice?
  • In this lecture, we will look at the following
  • Entity Authentication Proof of the identity of
    an individual
  • Message Authentication (Data origin
    authentication) Proof that the source of
    information really is what it claims to be
  • Message Signing Binding information to a
    particular entity
  • Data Integrity Ensuring that information has not
    been altered by unknown entities

Lecture Outline
  • Discrete Logarithms and ElGamal
  • Primitive elements and some more number theory
  • DLOG
  • ElGamal, another Public Key Algorithm
  • Digital Signatures
  • The basic idea
  • RSA Signatures and ElGamal Signatures
  • Inefficiencies Hashing and Signing
  • Hash Functions
  • Definitions and terminology
  • CHP Hash
  • SHA-1
  • Message Authentication Codes

Note Some attacks will be discussed. More
attacks and cryptanalysis will come later in the
Primitive Roots
  • Consider the following powers of 3 (mod 7)
  • Note that we obtain all non-zero numbers mod 7.
  • When this happens, we call 3 a primitive root (or
    generator) mod 7.
  • Is a number always a primitive root? No.
  • If p is prime there are f(p-1) primitive roots
    mod p.
  • How to find them? Good homework problem ?
  • Proposition Let g be a primitive root for the
    prime p
  • If n is an integer, then gn1 (mod p) if and
    only if and only if n0 (mod p-1) .
  • If j and k are integers, then gjgk (mod p) if
    and only if jk (mod p-1).
  • Proof We sketch (1) on the board.

Discrete Logarithms
  • Let p be a prime, and a and b nonzero integers
    (mod p) with
  • The problem of finding x is called the discrete
    logarithm problem, and is written
  • Often a will be a primitive root mod p.
  • The discrete log behaves like the normal log in
    many ways
  • Generally, finding the discrete log is a hard
  • f(x) ax (mod p) is an example of a one-way

ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem
  • One way functions are often used to construct
    public key cryptosystems. We saw one in RSA, we
    now show an example using the DLOG problem.
  • Alice wants to send m to Bob. Bob chooses a large
    prime p and a primitive root a. We assume 0 lt m lt
    p. Bob also chooses a secret integer a and
    computes baa (mod p).
  • Bobs Public key is (p, a, b)
  • Alice does
  • Chooses a secret random integer k and computes
    rak (mod p)
  • Computes tbkm (mod p).
  • Sends (r,t) to Bob.
  • Bob decrypts by

ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem, pg. 2
  • Important issues
  • a must be kept secret, else Eve can decrypt
  • Eve sees (r,t) t is the product of two random
    numbers and is hence random. Knowing r does not
    really help as Eve would need to be able to solve
    DLOG in order to get k.
  • Very important A different random k must be used
    for each message!
  • If we have m1 and m2, and use the same k, then
    the ciphertexts will be (r,t1) and (r,t2)
  • If Eve ever finds m1 then she has m2 also!!!

Overview of Digital Signatures
  • Suppose you have an electronic document (e.g. a
    Word file). How do you sign the document to prove
    to someone that it belongs to you?
  • You cant use a scanned signature at the end
    this is easy to forge and use elsewhere.
  • Conventional signing cant work in the digital
  • We require a digital signature to satisfy
  • Digital signatures cant be separated from the
    message and attached to another message.
  • Signature needs to be verified by others.

An Application for Digital Signatures
  • Suppose we have two countries, A and B, that have
    agreed not to test any nuclear bombs (which
    produce seismic waves when detonated). How can A
    monitor B by using seismic sensors?
  • The sensors need to be in country B, but A needs
    to access them. There is a conflict here.
  • Country B wants to make sure that the message
    sent by the seismic sensor does not contain
    other data (espionage).
  • Country A, however, wants to make sure that the
    data has not been altered by country B.
    (Assumption the sensor itself is tamper proof).
  • How can we solve this problem?

Treaty Verification Example
  • RSA provides a solution
  • Country A makes an RSA public/private key. (n,e)
    are given to B but (p,q,d) are kept private in
    the tamper-proof sensor.
  • Sensor collects data x and uses d to encrypt
    yxd (mod n), and sends x and y to country B.
  • Country B takes x and y and calculates zye (mod
  • If zx, then B can be sure that the encrypted
    message corresponds to x. B then forwards (x,y)
    to A.
  • Country A checks that ye (mod n)x. If so, then A
    is sure that x has not been modified, and A can
    trust x as being authentic.
  • In this example, it is hard for B to forge (x,y)
    and hence if (x,y) verifies A can be sure that
    data came unaltered from the sensor.

RSA Signatures
  • The treaty example is an example of RSA
    signatures. We now formalize it with Alice and
  • Alice publishes (n,eA) and keeps private (p,q,dA)
  • Alice signs m by calculating ymdA (mod n). The
    pair (m,y) is the signed document.
  • Bob can check that Alice signed m by
  • Downloading Alices (n,eA) from a trusted third
    party. Guaranteeing that he gets the right (n,eA)
    is another problem (well talk about this in a
    later lecture).
  • Calculate zyeA (mod n). If zm then Bob (or
    anyone else) can be guaranteed that Alice signed

RSA Signatures, pg. 2
  • Suppose Eve wants to attach Alices signature to
    another message m1. She cannot simply use (m1, y)
  • Therefore, she needs y1 with y1eAm1 (mod n).
  • m1 looks like a ciphertext and y1 like a
    plaintext. In order for Eve to make a fake y1 she
    needs to be able to decrypt m1 to get y1!!! She
    cant due to hardness of RSA.
  • Existential Forgery Eve could choose y1 first
    and then calculate an m1 using (n,eA) via m1y1eA
    (mod n). Now (m1, y1) will look like a valid
    message and signature that Alice created since
    m1y1eA (mod n).
  • Problem with existential forgery Eve has made an
    m1 that has a signature, but m1 might be
  • Usefulness of existential forgery depends on
    whether there is an underlying language

Blind RSA Signatures
  • Sometimes we might want Alice to sign a document
    without knowing its contents (e.g. privacy
    concerns purchaser does not want Bank to know
    what is being purchased, but wants Bank to
    authorize purchase).
  • We can accomplish this with RSA signatures (Bob
    wants Alice to sign a document m)
  • Alice generates an RSA public and private key
  • Bob generates a random k mod n with gcd (k,n)1.
  • Bob computes tkeAm (mod n), and sends t to
  • Alice signs t as following the normal RSA
    signature procedure by calculating stdA (mod n).
    Alice sends Bob s.
  • Bob computes k-1s (mod n). This is the signed
    message mdA (mod n).
  • Verification
  • Does Alice learn anything about m from t?

ElGamal Signatures
  • We may modify the ElGamal public key procedure to
    become a signature scheme.
  • Alice wants to sign m. Alice chooses a large
    prime p and a primitive root a. Alice also
    chooses a secret integer a and computes baa (mod
  • Alices Public key is (p, a, b). Security of the
    signature depends on the fact a is private.
  • Alice does
  • Chooses a secret random integer k with
    gcd(k,p-1)1, and computes rak (mod p)
  • Computes sk-1(m-ar) (mod p).
  • The signed message is the triple (m,r,s).

ElGamal Signatures, pg. 2
  • Bob can verify by
  • Downloading Alices public key (p, a, b).
  • Computes v1brrs (mod p) and v2am (mod n)
  • The signature is valid if and only if v1v2 (mod
  • Verification We have
  • Therefore
  • This scheme is believed to be secure, as long as
    DLOG is hard to solve.
  • Dont Choose a p with (p-1) the product of small
    primes and dont reuse k.

Wastefulness of plain signatures
  • In signature schemes with appendix, where we
    attach the signature to the end of the document,
    we increase the communication overhead.
  • If we have a long message mm1,m2,,mN, then
    our signed document is m1,m2,,mN,sigA(m1),,s
  • This doubles the overhead!
  • We dont want to do this when communication
    resources are precious (which is always!).
  • Solution We need to shrink the message into a
    smaller representation and sign that.
  • Enter Hash functions

Hash Functions
  • Straight-forward application of digital
    signatures can be expensive when the message is
  • In general, many security protocols benefit from
    using a digested or compressed representative
    of a message
  • We typically need additional cryptographic
    properties in order for the compression operation
    to be useful
  • This compression function is a hash function

Hash Functions, pg. 2
  • Formally, a cryptographic hash function h takes
    an input message of arbitrary length and produces
    a message digest of fixed length, and satisfies
  • Given a message m, h(m) is quick to calculate
  • One-Way (preimage resistance) Given a digest y,
    it is computationally infeasible to find an m
    with h(m)y.
  • Strongly Collision Free It is computationally
    infeasible to find messages m1 and m2 with
  • Can we ever have h(m1)h(m2)? Yes. Why?
  • We will look at a couple examples.

Chaum, vanHeijst, Pfitzman Hash
  • We may use the DLOG problem to construct a hash
  • Choose a prime p such that q(p-1)/2 is also
    prime. (Theres an algorithm for doing this, but
    thats not our goal today). Choose two primitive
    roots a and b.
  • The hash function h(m) will take integers (mod
    q2) to integers (mod p). Hence, producing half
    the bits.
  • Write mx0x1q with .
  • Define the hash by

CHP Hash is strongly collision-free
  • Proposition If we know with
    , then we can solve the
    discrete logarithm .
  • Proof Will be given on the board after we cover
    all of the slides.

  • In order to get fast hash functions, we need to
    operate at the bit-level. SHA-1 is one such
  • Many of the popular hash functions (e.g. MD5,
    SHA-1) use an iterative design
  • Start with a message m of arbitrary length and
    break it into n-bit blocks, mm1,m2,,ml. The
    last block is padded to fill out a full block
  • Message blocks are processed via a sequence of
    rounds using a compression function h which
    combines current block and the result of the
    previous round
  • X0 is an initial value, and Xl is the message

SHA-1, pg. 2
  • In SHA-1, we pad according to the rule
  • Start with a message m of arbitrary length and
    break it into n-bit blocks.
  • The last block is padded with a 1 followed by
    enough 0 bits to make the new message 64 bits
    short of a multiple of 512 bits in length.
  • Into the 64 unfilled bits of the last block, we
    append the 64-bit representation of the length T
    of the message.
  • Overall, we have
    blocks of 512 bits.
  • The appended message becomes mm1,m2,,mL.

SHA-1, pg. 3 (Basic Operations)
  • We will need the following bit operations

SHA-1, pg. 4 (Basic Algorithm)
SHA-1, pg. 5 (Inside the Alg.)
Initial 160-bit register X0H0,H1,H2,H3,H4
SHA-1, pg. 6 (Subregister Operations)
  • The operations done by ft(b,C,D) depend on the
    round number t
  • The word Wt depends on the round number t
  • The constant Kt depends on the round number t

Message Authentication Codes
  • A message authentication code (MAC) is a function
    that is used to prevent alteration of messages
  • MACs use a shared key K between Alice and Bob
  • Alice will send not only the message m, but also
  • Bob checks whether the attached MAC matches what
    he calculates
  • Eve cannot alter the message because she does not
    have K.
  • The MAC takes two inputs the key K and an
    arbitrary size m.
  • Ideally, a MAC should be a random mapping from
    all possible inputs to n-bits of output.
  • The uncertainty (and security) of the MAC is
    directly associated with the size of the key K
  • Remember to Eve, the message is known, so its
    the key that contains the security

  • CBC-MAC is a method for turning a block cipher
    into a MAC
  • Idea encrypt m using CBC mode and throw away all
    but last block of ciphertext.
  • For messages P1, P2, , Pk, the MAC is calculated
  • Do not use the same key for encryption
    (confidentiality) and authentication!

CBC-MAC, pg. 2
  • Be careful when using CBC-MAC. Heres a possible
    protocol failure
  • Observe Fix K. If MAC(a)MAC(b), then MAC(ac)
    MAC(bc), where c is a single block length in
  • Now, suppose attacker collects many MAC values
    and finds a collision. This gives a and b for
    which MAC(a)MAC(b).
  • If attacker can get the sender to authenticate
    (ac) (How is another matter) then the
    attacker can replace the message being sent to
    the receiver with (bc).
  • Comment Its not an easy attack to do, but it is
    a possible weakness!

CBC-MAC, pg. 3
  • Practical Implementation Details
  • Generally, if your message is m, do not just
    calculate MAC(m), rather you should make an
    intermediate message s(lm), where l is the
    length of m in a fixed-length format.
  • Pad s to be a multiple of block size
  • Apply CBC-MAC to the padded string s
  • Output the last ciphertext block. Do not output
    any intermediate block values!
  • CBC-MAC can reuse same code as confidentiality
    (encryption) functions
  • CBC-MAC is generally tough to use correctly,

  • We may also use hash functions to build MACs.
  • We cannot simply use MACK(m)h(Km) or h(mK)
  • Having the key at the front allows for length
    extension attacks
  • Having the key at the end allows for key-recovery
  • Designers of HMAC considered these issues
  • HMAC computes
  • Where a and b are constants that are specified.
  • HMAC has been around for a while and has been
    cryptanalyzed. Its the preferred MAC to use.

Using MACs
  • We must be careful using MACs.
  • If Alice sends Bob mMACK(m) and Eve records
    this, she may send it again at a later time (the
    replay attack!)
  • Generally, you want to authenticate not just the
    message, but the context. That is, you want to
    authenticate m and additional data d (such as
    message number, source, destination, protocol
    identifier, sizes for different fields, etc.)
  • Why all these possibilities? If you tie the
    message to the specific context, then it is
    harder for an adversary to manipulate context
    fields to forge.
  • Make certain, though, that you have clear rules
    on how to split concatenations (dm) back into d
    and m.

Problems with Hashes
  • We must be careful when using hash functions,
    they are subject to some attacks
  • Length Extension Attack Consider a block-based
    hash like SHA-1, with input blocks m(m1, m2, ,
    mk), and hash h(m).
  • A new message m (m1, m2, , mk, mk1), will
    have hash h(m)h(h(m),mk1), where h is the
    compression sub-function.
  • In systems, such as authentication applications,
    where we calculate h(Xm), Eve can append extra
    text to m and also update the hash.
  • Partial Message Collision Attack Suppose we are
    able to find m and m such that h(m)h(m). If a
    system uses h(mX) as an authentication
    parameter, then due to the iterative nature
  • An adversary can replace m with m during
  • In general hashing practice, we really use f(m)
    h(h(m)m) or f(m)h(h(m)) as the hash.
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