Title: Epidemic Intelligence: Signals from surveillance systems
1Epidemic IntelligenceSignals from surveillance
- EpiTrain III Jurmala, August 2006
- Anne Mazick, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark
2Epidemic intelligence
- All the activities related to
- early identification of potential health threats
- their verification, assessment and investigation
- in order to recommend public health measures to
control them.
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4Components core functions
Early warning
5Indicator vs. Event-based surveillance
- Indicator-based surveillance
- computation of indicators upon which unusual
disease patterns to investigate are detected
(number of cases, rates, proportion of strains) - Event-based surveillance
- the detection of public health events based on
the capture of ad-hoc unstructured reports issued
by formal or informal sources.
6Scope of this presentation
- What surveillance signals are required for EI
- Current communicable disease surveillance
- Additional more sensitive surveillance for new,
unusual or epidemic disease occurence - Basic requirements for signal detection
- Use of early warning surveillance systems
- 3 examples
7Indicator-based early warning systemsObjectives
- to early identify potential health threats -
alone or in concert with other sources of EI - in order to recommend public health measures to
control them - For new, emerging diseases
- For unusual or epidemic occurence of known
8Indicator-based surveillance
- Identified risks
- Mandatory notifications
- Laboratory surveillance
- Emerging risks
- Syndromic surveillance
- Mortality monitoring
- Health care activity monitoring
- Prescription monitoring
- Non-health care based
- Poison centers
- Behavioural surveillance
- Environmental surveillance
- Veterinary surveillance
- Food safety/Water supply
- Drug post-licensing monitoring
9Current surveillance systems for communicable
- Main attributes
- Representativity
- Completeness
- Predictive positive value
10From infection to detectionProportion of
infections detected
50 Shigella notifications (5)
1000 Shigella infections (100)
11From infection to detectionTimeliness
Analyse Interpret
12From infection to detectionTimeliness
Urge doctors to report timely
Frequency of reporting Immediately, daily, weekly
Analyse Interpret
13From infection to detectionTimeliness
Analyse Interpret
14From infection to detectionTimeliness
Automated analysis, thresholds
15Potential sources of early signals
Sensitive systems for new, unusual or epidemic
- Laboratory test volume
- Emergency primary care total patient volume,
syndromes - Ambulance dispatches
- Over-the-counter medication sales
- Health care hotline
- School absenteeism
16To detect all events as early as possible
- More sensitive case definitions
- Cave sensitivity ? false alerts ?
- costs of response
- Social and political distress
- Combining information from other sources of
epidemic intelligence - Frequency of reporting
- Automated analysis
- Low alert thresholds
17Current surveillance systems for communicable
- Important source for EI, but
- Additional systems needed to fulfil all EI
objectives - Timeliness
- Sensitivity
- For rapid detection of new, unusual or epidemic
18Principle of signal detection
- To detect excess over the normally expected
- Observed expected system alert
- What are we measuring? Indicators
- What is expected? Need historical data
- Which statistics to use? Depends on disease
- Where to set threshold? Depends on desired
19Early warning indicators
- Early warning indicators
- Count
- Rates
- Number of cases/population at risk/time
- Proportional morbidity
- of ILI consultations among all consultations
- Percentage of specific cases
- case fatality ratio
- children under 1 years among measles cases
- of cases with certain strain
20Statistical methods for early warning
- Depends on the epidemiology of the disease under
- Choice of threshold affected by
- Objectives, epidemiology, interventions
- Absolute value
- Count 1 case of AFP
- Rate gt 2 meningo. meningitis/100,000/52 weeks
- Relative increase
- 2 fold increase over 3 weeks
- Statistical cut-off
- gt 90th percentile of historical data
- gt 1.64 standard deviations from historical mean
- Time series analysis
22Clinical meningitis, Kara Region, Togo 1997
23Weekly Notification of Food Borne
Illness,National EWARN System, France,1994-1998
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26Use of statistics computer tools
- For systematic review of data on a regular basis
- to extract significant changes drowned in routine
tables of weekly data - They do not on its own detect and confirm
outbreaks! - Epidemiological verification, interpretation and
assessment ALWAYS required!
27Tools do not make early warning systems, but
early warning systems need appropriate tools
28System alert interpretation
Every system alert
Other sources of epidemic intelligence
Media reports Rumours Clinician
concern Laboratories Food agencies Meteorological
data Drug sales/prescription International
networks EWRS
Validate analyse
Interpret Public health significance?
No Alert
29Danish laboratory surveillance systemof enteric
bacterial pathogens
- To detect outbreaks and to analyse long-term
trends - Administered by Statens Serum Insitute (SSI)
- Danish reference laboratory
- Receives all salmonella isolates for further
typing - Also gets many other strains, including E. coli.,
for further typing
30National register of enteric pathogens
- At SSI
- Includes everybody who test positive for a
bacterial GI infection in Dk. - Person, county, agent, date of lab receiving
specimen, travel, no clinical information - First-positives only
- Mandatory weekly notifications from all 13
clinical laboratories
31Outbreak algorithm
- Computer program, which calculates if the current
number of patients exceeds what we saw at the
same time of year in the 5 previous years - Time variable date of lab receiving specimen
- Calculation made each week for specimens received
in the week before last - Calculation made by county and nationally
- Adjustment for season, long-term trends and past
outbreaks - Uses poisson regression, principle developed by
Farrington and friends
32Current week 35 past weeks
- Present counts are compared to the counts in 7
weeks in each of the past 5 years
- Each week the output is assessed by an
epidemiologist - Alerts thought to represent real outbreaks are
analysed further - Website www.mave-tarm.dk
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35Point source outbreak
36Point source outbreak
37Usefulness Widespread outbreak
38S. Oranienburg outbreak
- Hypothesis generating interviews (7 cases)
- All had eaten a particular chokolade from a
german retail store - Outbreak in Germany (400 cases)
- Case-control study pointed to chokolade
- But the particular chokolade was very popular in
Germany (not in Denmark) - Same DNA-profil
Werber et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 5 7 (2005)
39What is the most useful?
- Systematic weekly analysis
- Defines expected levels
- Good to detect widespread outbreaks with
scattered cases - Good use of advanced lab typing method
40Early warning signals from mortality
- Excess deaths
- due to known disease under surveillance
- Increased incidence
- Increased virulence
- due to disease/threats not under surveillance
- Known diseases
- New, emerging threats
- Environmental threats
- Deliberate release
41Would mortality surveillance been of use in
2003/04to assess the impact of Fujian influenza
on children in Denmark?
- Absence of signal
- Reassurance of public
42All-cause deaths and influenza like illness (ILI)
consultation rate, 1998-2004, Denmark
Period of model fitting
43Observed and expected all-cause
deaths,1998-2004, Denmark,
Excess mortality
44Model testing, season 2003/2004
45Model testing, season 2003/2004
46Model testing, season 2003/2004
disease surveillance (flu, meningitis
etc) meteorological office -
Media reports Community concern Rumours Clinician
47Model testing, season 2003/2004
48Observed and expected number of death among
children (1-15y), Denmark, 1998-2004
49Model testing, season 2003/2004
50Evaluation of early warning and response systems
- Important
- usefulness has not been established
- investigating false alarms is costly
- CDC tool for evaluation of surveillance systems
for early detection of outbreaks
51Early warning system in Serbia
- ALERT implemented 2002
- To strenghten early detection of outbreaks of
epidemic prone and emerging infectious diseases - 11 syndromes to detect priority communicable
diseases - All primary health facilities report weekly
aggregated data - Complements routine surveillance of individual
confirmed cases
52Evaluation of ALERT 2003
- ALERT detected outbreaks more timely than the
routine systems but ALERT did not detect all
outbreaks - Missed clusters of brucellosis and tularaemia
- ALERT procedures response not regulated by law
- Investigation and verification process that
follows system alerts and signals not fully
understood - Recommendations
- Add data source (eg emergency wards) to increase
sensitivity - Better integration with routine system
- Change in surveillance perspective requires
Valenciano et al, Euro surv 2004 9(5)1-2
53Useful links
- CDC. Framework for evaluating public health
surveillance systems for early detection of
outbreaks. http//www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtm
l/rr5305a1.htm - Annotated Bibliography for Syndromic Surveillance
http//www.cdc.gov/EPO/dphsi/syndromic/index.htm - The RODS Open Source Project, Open Source
Outbreak and Disease Surveillance Software