Title: Automotive Service Technology Classroom Rules
1Automotive Service Technology Classroom Rules
2Class Rule 1 Before the late bell has rung Be
seated, have your ID and proper uniform.
3Class Rule 2If you need to go somewhere or if
you are requested by anyone to leave, you must
first request permission from Instructor. NEVER
leave the classroom or shop unauthorized.
4Class Rule 3Eating in the classroom or shop
is a privilege which will be taken away if
abused. PICK UP after yourself. Dirt Food
5Class Rule 4If you are late for any reason,
you MUST have a pass from whom detained you
before coming in.
6Class Rule 5Do not open any doors, instead
let Instructor know and he will do so.
7 Class Rule 6In order to MAXIMIZE
learning gains and REDUCE the chance of
accidents,always remain on task and do not
disturb others.
8 Class Rule 7Any and all questions
regarding rules, safety, classwork, shop
activities, etc., need to be directed to
Instructor always.
9 Class Rule 8Refrain from having
outbursts and/or loud conversations. Speak
10 Class Rule 9Your citizenship grade
will be lowered if the classroom or shop area is
not completely clean bythe time your dismissal
bell rings.Throw ALL trash in garbage
can.Remember Dirt Food Roaches!
11 Class Rule 10Any electronic devices
prohibited by Miami Northwestern are not to be
used in the classroom or shop area.
12Make sure that you have
- Written all class rules and shop rules
- Understood those rules
- Addressed any questions or concerns regarding
those rules to Instructor