Systems Engineering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Systems Engineering


Designing, implementing, deploying and operating systems which include hardware, software and people Objectives To explain why system software is affected by broader ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Systems Engineering

Systems Engineering
  • Designing, implementing, deploying and operating
    systems which include hardware, software and
  • Objectives
  • To explain why system software is affected by
    broader system engineering issues
  • To introduce the concept of emergent system
    properties such as reliability and security
  • To explain why the systems environment must be
    considered in the system design process

What is a system?
  • A purposeful collection of inter-related
    components working together towards some common
  • A system may include software, mechanical,
    electrical and electronic hardware and be
    operated by people.
  • System components are dependent on other system
  • The properties and behaviour of system components
    are inextricably inter-mingled

What is a system?
  • A purposeful collection of inter-related
    components working together towards some common
  • A system may include software, mechanical,
    electrical and electronic hardware and be
    operated by people.
  • System components are dependent on other system
  • The properties and behaviour of system components
    are inextricably inter-mingled

Problems of systems engineering
  • Large systems are usually designed to solve
    nasty problems
  • Systems engineering requires a great deal of
    co-ordination across disciplines
  • Almost infinite possibilities for design
    trade-offs across components
  • Mutual distrust and lack of understanding across
    engineering disciplines
  • Systems must be designed to last many years in a
    changing environment

Software and systems engineering
  • The proportion of software in systems is
  • Software-driven general purpose electronics is
    replacing special-purpose systems
  • Problems of systems engineering are similar to
    problems of software engineering
  • Software is (unfortunately) seen as a problem in
    systems engineering
  • Many large system projects have been delayed
    because of software problems

Emergent properties
  • Properties of the system as a whole rather than
    properties that can be derived from the
    properties of components
  • Emergent properties are a consequence of the
    relationships between system components
  • They can therefore only be assessed and measured
    once the components have been integrated into a

Examples of emergent properties
  • The overall shape and size of a physical system
  • This depends on the composition of components.
  • The reliability of the system
  • This depends on the reliability of system
    components and the relationships between the
  • The usability of a system
  • This is a complex property which is not simply
    dependent on the system hardware and software but
    also depends on the system operators and the
    environment where it is used.

Types of emergent property
  • Functional properties
  • These appear when all the parts of a system work
    together to achieve some objective
  • For example, a bicycle has the functional
    property of being a transportation device once it
    has been assembled from its components
  • Non-functional emergent properties
  • Examples are reliability, performance, safety,
    and security
  • These relate to the behaviour of the system in
    its operational environment
  • They are often critical for computer-based
    systems as failure to achieve some minimal
    defined level in these properties may make the
    system unusable.

System reliability
  • Because of component inter-dependencies, faults
    can be propagated through the system
  • System failures often occur because of unforeseen
    inter-relationships between components
  • Honey-baked ham
  • It is probably impossible to anticipate all
    possible component relationships
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Operator

Reliability relationships
  • Hardware failure can generate spurious signals
    that are outside the range of inputs expected by
    the software
  • Software errors can cause alarms to be activated
    which cause operator stress and lead to operator
  • The environment in which a system is installed
    can affect its reliability
  • E.g., placement of a system intended to operate
    at room temperature near an air conditioner

The shall-not properties
  • Properties such as performance and reliability
    can be measured
  • However, some properties are properties that the
    system should not exhibit
  • Safety - the system should not behave in an
    unsafe way
  • Security - the system should not permit
    unauthorised use
  • Measuring or assessing these properties is very
  • How do you know you are safe or secure?

System architecture modelling
  • An architectural model presents an abstract view
    of the sub-systems making up a system
  • May include major information flows between
  • Usually presented as a block diagram
  • May identify different types of functional
    component in the model

Functional system components
  • Sensor components
  • Actuator components
  • Computation components
  • Communication components
  • Co-ordination components
  • Interface components
  • All are now usually software controlled

Hierarchies of Systems
Intruder alarm system
Component types in alarm system
  • Sensor
  • Movement sensor, Door sensor
  • Actuator
  • Siren
  • Communication
  • Telephone caller
  • Coordination
  • Alarm controller
  • Interface
  • Voice synthesizer

ATC system architecture
Inter-disciplinary involvement
Embedded systems
  • Computing systems are everywhere
  • Most of us think of desktop computers
  • PCs
  • Laptops
  • Mainframes
  • Servers
  • But theres another type of computing system
  • Far more common...

Embedded systems overview
  • Embedded computing systems
  • Computing systems embedded within electronic
  • Hard to define. Nearly any computing system other
    than a desktop computer
  • Billions of units produced yearly, versus
    millions of desktop units
  • Perhaps 50 per household and per automobile

Computers are in here...
and here...
and even here...
Lots more of these, though they cost a lot less
A short list of embedded systems
Anti-lock brakes Auto-focus cameras Automatic
teller machines Automatic toll systems Automatic
transmission Avionic systems Battery
chargers Camcorders Cell phones Cell-phone base
stations Cordless phones Cruise control Curbside
check-in systems Digital cameras Disk
drives Electronic card readers Electronic
instruments Electronic toys/games Factory
control Fax machines Fingerprint identifiers Home
security systems Life-support systems Medical
testing systems
Modems MPEG decoders Network cards Network
switches/routers On-board navigation Pagers Photoc
opiers Point-of-sale systems Portable video
games Printers Satellite phones Scanners Smart
ovens/dishwashers Speech recognizers Stereo
systems Teleconferencing systems Televisions Tempe
rature controllers Theft tracking systems TV
set-top boxes VCRs, DVD players Video game
consoles Video phones Washers and dryers
  • And the list goes on and on

Some common characteristics of embedded systems
  • Single-functioned
  • Executes a single program, repeatedly
  • Tightly-constrained
  • Low cost, low power, small, fast, etc.
  • Reactive and real-time
  • Continually reacts to changes in the systems
  • Must compute certain results in real-time without

An embedded system example -- a digital camera
  • Single-functioned -- always a digital camera
  • Tightly-constrained -- Low cost, low power,
    small, fast
  • Reactive and real-time -- only to a small extent

Design challenge optimizing design metrics
  • Obvious design goal
  • Construct an implementation with desired
  • Key design challenge
  • Simultaneously optimize numerous design metrics
  • Design metric
  • A measurable feature of a systems
  • Optimizing design metrics is a key challenge

Design challenge optimizing design metrics
  • Common metrics
  • Unit cost the monetary cost of manufacturing
    each copy of the system, excluding NRE cost
  • NRE cost (Non-Recurring Engineering cost) The
    one-time monetary cost of designing the system
  • Size the physical space required by the system
  • Performance the execution time or throughput of
    the system
  • Power the amount of power consumed by the system
  • Flexibility the ability to change the
    functionality of the system without incurring
    heavy NRE cost

Design challenge optimizing design metrics
  • Common metrics (continued)
  • Time-to-prototype the time needed to build a
    working version of the system
  • Time-to-market the time required to develop a
    system to the point that it can be released and
    sold to customers
  • Maintainability the ability to modify the system
    after its initial release
  • Correctness, safety, many more

Design metric competition -- improving one may
worsen others
  • Expertise with both software and hardware is
    needed to optimize design metrics
  • Not just a hardware or software expert, as is
  • A designer must be comfortable with various
    technologies in order to choose the best for a
    given application and constraints

Robotic System
Robotic System
  • Mecanica Control Computacion
  • Ingeniería de reversa (servomecanismos,
    controlador, programación)
  • Mecánicas (cabeza, tobillos), comunicación
    inalámbrica, hardware para control,
  • Sistema de programación, interfaz
    bidireccional para los servos
  • Percepción
  • Sensores Visión, Infrarrojos, Unidad Inercial
  • Reconstrucción 3D Monocular
  • SLAM Visual
  • Odometría visual, Navegación Inercial (IMU),
    SLAM Visual, etc.
  • Obtención de Modelos y Desarrollo de Simulador
  • Geométrico, Cinemático, Dinámico
  • Control Cinemático y Dinámico
  • Control articular, control cinemático, control
    dinámico (ZMP, FRI)
  • Aplicaciones
  • Reconocer pelota, Evitar y reconocer obstáculos
    y marcas, Caminar hacia la pelota, conducir la
    pelota, Penalties (tirar y parar), coordinacion
    con otros robots, Pruebas RoboCup, Futbolistas.

Robotic System Application
Electric SCADA System
Web-Based Software System
Key points
  • System engineering involves input from a range of
  • Emergent properties are properties that are
    characteristic of the system as a whole and not
    its component parts
  • System architectural models show major
    sub-systems and inter-connections. They are
    usually described using block diagrams
  • System component types are sensor, actuator,
    computation, co-ordination, communication and

  • Systems engineering is hard! There will never be
    an easy answer to the problems of complex system
  • Software engineers do not have all the answers
    but may be better at taking a systems viewpoint
  • Disciplines need to recognise each others
    strengths and actively rather than reluctantly
    cooperate in the systems engineering process
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