Cognitive Interviewing and Questionnaire Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cognitive Interviewing and Questionnaire Design


Cognitive Interviewing and Questionnaire Design Gordon Willis, Ph.D. National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cognitive Interviewing and Questionnaire Design

Cognitive Interviewing and Questionnaire Design
  • Gordon Willis, Ph.D.National Cancer Institute
  • National Institutes of Health

Preface Why worry about questionnairedesign
  • On the one hand
  • A self-report sample survey is a blunt
  • There is bound to be some slop
  • To the extent questionnaire design IS rocket
    science, were content to just hit the moon,
  • On the other hand
  • Of the various types of errors afflicting surveys
    Sampling error, Non-response error, Processing
  • Response Error (e.g., bias or unreliability) is
    often the largest category -gt

Do small differences in wordingproduce
differences in data?
  • VERSION 1 (No filter)
  • On a typical day, how much time do you spend
    doing strenuous physical activities such as
    lifting, pushing, or pulling?
  • __ None __ Less than 1 hour __ 1-4 hours __ 5
  • VERSION 2 (Filtered)
  • On a typical day, do you spend any time doing
    strenuous physical activities such as lifting,
    pushing, or pulling?
  • IF YES Read Version 1

Evaluation study Embed target questions,
using three split-sample survey experiments
  • 1) Field Pretest of NCHS National Health
    Interview Survey 78 adult household respondents
  • 2) Womens Health Study 191 women, 18-41, in
    contractor offices
  • 3) Random-Digit Dial (RDD) Survey 989
    respondents in Maryland Omnibus telephone survey
  • (Willis Schechter, 1997)

Survey experiment results Screening for
physical activity
  • On a typical day, how much time do you spend
    doing strenuous physical activities such as
    lifting, pushing, or pulling?
    0 lt1 1-4 5
  • No filter 32 32 35 0
  • Filtered 72 18 10 0
  • WOMENS HEALTH (n191)
  • No filter 4 42 50 4
  • Filtered 49 16 27 8
  • RDD SURVEY(n989)
  • No filter - 45 34 22
  • Filtered - 62 29 9

Survey experiment results Screening for
physical activity
  • On a typical day, how much time do you spend
    doing strenuous physical activities such as
    lifting, pushing, or pulling?
    0 lt1 1-4 5
  • No filter 32 32 35 0
  • Filtered 72 18 10 0
  • WOMENS HEALTH (n191)
  • No filter 4 42 50 4
  • Filtered 49 16 27 8
  • RDD SURVEY(n989)
  • No filter - 45 34 22
  • Filtered - 62 29 9

The cognitive testing processin a nutshell
  • Develop a questionnaire or material (advance
    letter, etc.) to be evaluated
  • Recruit (paid) members of the targeted population
    (e.g., recipients of home loans, people without
    employment, cancer survivors)
  • Conduct one-on-one interviews, in laboratory or
    other location
  • Home
  • Homeless shelter
  • Health clinic
  • Elderly center

The cognitive testing process in a nutshell
  • THEN Make informed decisions, with cognitive
    testing as one source of input
  • We also rely on
  • a) Expert Review (Topic area and/or
    questionnaire design)
  • b) Review of measurement objectives
  • c) Consideration of past practice, need for

The cognitive testing process, in a nutshell
  • To conduct the cognitive interview, we use verbal
    probing techniques to elicit thinking about
  • Finding Note apparent problems related to
    question wording, ordering, format
  • Fixing Suggest modifications that address
  • Cognitive testing is best done as an iterative
    process (multiple small testing rounds)

Tourangeau (1984) cognitive model
  • Encoding of question (understanding it)
  • Have you ever received care from a podiatrist?
  • Retrieval of information (knowing/remembering)
  • Do you approve of the Budget Reconciliation Act
    of 1993?
  • How many times have you ridden in a passenger
  • Decision and judgment processes (truth, adequacy)
  • How many sex partners have you had in the past 12
  • Response (matching internal representation to
    given categories)
  • Would you say your health is excellent, good,
    fair, or poor?

Focus Cognitive and other problems
  • Focus is NOT just on cognitive problems
  • (1) Problems with question assumptions
  • Do you own or rent your house?
  • (2) Problems for interviewer
  • Question is tongue-twister, etc.
  • (3) Format issues
  • Where do I go next, for self-administered
    questionnaire (skips)
  • (4) Issues that influence flow of the interview
  • Subject thinks question is over and interrupts
    with answer
  • As such, has been called Intensive
    interviewing (Cantril Fried, 1944(!) Royston,

Think Aloud interviewing
  • Mainly advocated by Ericsson and Simon (1980,
    1984) as a means to study cognitive processes
    used in problem solving (chess)
  • The interviewer requests a verbal train as
    subject completes the task
  • The interviewer interjects little except to say
    Keep talking or Tell me what youre thinking
  • In the extreme case, avoid the use of references
    to me the interviewer(!)

Example of think-aloud
  • INTERVIEWER How many times have you talked to a
    doctor in the last 12 months?
  • SUBJECT I guess that depends on what you mean
    when you say talked. I talk to my neighbor,
    who is a doctorI go to my doctor about once a
    year, for a general check-up, so I would count
    that. Ive been toa specialist a couple of
    times in the past year - once to get a bad knee
    diagnosed, and I also saw an ENT about a coughing
    thing, which Im pretty sure was in the past
    year, although I wouldnt swear to it. I also
    talked to doctors when I brought my kids to the
    pediatrician - I assume that you dont want that,
    though Im not sure. Also, I saw a chiropractor,
    but I dont know if you consider that to be a
    doctor. So, Im not sure what number to give

Limitations of pure Think-Aloud
  • Many subjects are not good at this
  • My experience male, teenage smokers
  • Was not designed for a task that involves
    social interaction (survey)
  • Is very different from the normal question
    asking-answering sequence
  • Analysis of think-aloud protocol is not
  • We can use a coding system (e.g., Bickart
    Felcher, 1996), but this is complex and

The alternative to Think-AloudVerbal Probing
  • Ask follow-up questions
  • About the questions
  • About the answer
  • About the general context
  • Not new Used by Cantril (1944), Belson (1980)
  • Verbal probing is more active than think-aloud
  • Requires decision by the interviewer about how to
    probe -gt This is what makes the activity

Basic varieties of (classic) verbal probes
  • Comprehension probe What does the term
    dental sealant mean to you?
  • Paraphrase Can you repeat the question in
    your own words?
  • Confidence judgment How sure are you that your
    health insurance covers
  • Recall probe How do you know that you went
    to the doctor 3 times?
  • Specific probe Why do you think that breast
    cancer is the most serious health
  • General probe How did you arrive at that

The combined approach
  • Cognitive interviews are normally done as
    combination of Probing and Think-Aloud (DeMaio
    Landreth, 2004)
  • But, the relative mix of these may vary across
    type of investigation

Verbal probing techniques Concurrent versus
retrospective approach
  • Concurrent probing Probe immediately after the
    subject has answered each survey question
  • Advantage Probing when the memory still exists
  • Disadvantage Measurement process interrupts
    normal flow
  • Retrospective probing Wait until after the
    interview, and then go back to probe
  • Advantage Mirrors field procedures
  • - Is particularly useful for
    self-administered Qs
  • Disadvantage Subject may have forgotten key

  • Thesis
  • C.I. depends on more than just the process of
    asking probe questions
  • We need to start with a working knowledge of
    questionnaire design
  • We cant just make up probes haphazardly
  • We cant just leave it to the subject to tell us
    something is wrong!!!
  • Active probing requires the targeting and
    recognition of problems
  • Model Question Appraisal System -gt
  • (Willis Lessler, 1999 Willis, 2009)

(No Transcript)
More evidence that we shoulddo Expert Review
Fashioning probes, in depth

Tested (classic) question Pain in the abdomen
  • In the last year have you been bothered by pain
    in the abdomen?
  • What (Anticipated) probes make sense here?
  • What time period are you thinking about, exactly?
  • What does bothered by pain mean to you?
  • Where is your abdomen? ?

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Revised questionPain in abdomen
  • (Please look at this diagram. During the past 12
    months, have you had pain in this area)
  • Remember to check out Ss interpretation of vague
    reference periods like year, month, week,
    or no reference period at all (e.g., How often
    do you X?).
  • Argument Lose this example Its obvious
    that Abdomen is a problem
  • Response Yes, but sometimes we need to
    demonstrate that which we think we know

TV, Smoking
  • During the past 30 days, about how often have
    you seen anti-smoking commercials on TV?
  • Probe that was used (Paraphrase) What was
    that question asking you?
  • Subject About smoking commercials I dont
    think there are any
  • So, he heard anti-smoking and thought smoking
    -- NO GOOD
  • ? A straightforward answer can hide a Silent
    Misinterpretation (DeMaio and Rothgeb, 1996)

Fixing potential alternatives
  • During the past 30 days, have you seen any TV
    commercials about the dangers of cigarette
  • During the past 30 days, have you seen any TV
    commercials that warned people NOT to smoke?
  • During the past 30 days, have you seen any
    messages on TV warning people NOT to smoke?
  • -gt Which is best? Depends on objective may
    need to consult with sponsor/client
  • -gt Cognitive interviewing is often a vagueness
    detector which brings out hidden ambiguity

Beyond Proactively searching
  • Illustrative example of tested question
  • Interviewer Inside your home, are there any
    walls that have peeling paint?
  • Subject No not on the walls, anyway
  • I (Probe) Is there any paint thats peeling?
  • S Yeah, the window frame
  • Problem wasnt anticipated beforehand so
    neither was the probe
  • Cog Interviewing needs a capacity not only for
    problem Verification, but also for reaction to
    the unexpected Discovery

Easy default tell me more
  • Example
  • I How often is your household trash collected?
    S Twice a week.
  • I Tell me more about your trash pickup.
  • S The garbage gets picked up on Monday, and
    the recycling on Wednesday.
  • NOT GOOD The objective concerns trash, not
  • Probing revealed that the tested version doesnt
  • -gt Good example of a Silent Misinterpretation

How would you probe?
  • What types of smokeless tobacco products have you
    used in the past year?
  • Proactive forms
  • To you, whats a smokeless tobacco product?
  • When did you last use (X)? How sure are you that
    this was within the past year?
  • Reactive forms
  • It depends on what we hear -gt

How would you probe?
  • What types of smokeless tobacco products have you
    used in the past year?
  • How about if given this response
  • Well, I used to chew tobacco
  • Does he mean in the past year, or longer ago?
  • I would first follow up on the Reactive part,
    before Proactively fishing -
  • -gt Follow problems before searching for them
  • So How long ago did you last chew tobacco?
  • You can then follow up with other (Anticipated)
    probes Besides chewing tobacco, what do you
    consider to be a smokeless tobacco product

An alternative to probing listening
  • When you first thought you were pregnant, how did
    you feel? Were you -
  • Happy,
  • Unhappy,
  • Both happy and unhappy, or
  • Neither happy nor unhappy
  • Say that we observe a favorite subject ploy She
    jumps in at how did you feel with I felt
  • So, the respondent thinks the question is over
    (or that it should be)

So, we change the question
  • When you first thought you were pregnant, were
    you -
  • Happy,
  • Unhappy,
  • Both happy and unhappy, or
  • Neither happy nor unhappy
  • Subject I dont get all those different
    happy-unhappy things
  • -gt Again, we need only to listen no probing may
    be necessary

So, we change the question
  • When you first thought you were pregnant, were
  • Happy,
  • Unhappy,
  • or did you have mixed feelings?
  • Lessons
  • 1) There may be multiple problems
  • 2) Iterative testing is good
  • 3) We may not need to probe but, we react
    differently from a field interviewer (who is
    motivated to make it work)

Avoiding Probing Pitfalls
Probing fouls
  • I what about contamination of the ground
    water. Would you say its a very important
    problem, a somewhat important problem, a small
    problem, or not a problem?
  • S I guess hmmm. Im not sure how to answer
    that, really.
  • I Why dont you know how to answer it?
  • Problems with probe?
  • Kind of accusatory
  • Im not sure that a person who cant answer can
    further report why they cant answer
  • I would prefer Ok, tell me what youre thinking

Probing fouls continued
  • (I Why dont you know how to answer it?)
  • S Well, I dont know how to answer it, because
    I dont know really what your mean um
  • I OK, whatever it means to you. Again, please
    indicate whether its a very important problem,
    a somewhat important problem, a small problem,
    or not a problem
  • S Oh, its a very important problem
  • Problems with probe? -gt

Probing fouls continued
  • (I OK, whatever it means to you. Again, please
    indicate whether its a very important problem, a
    somewhat important problem, a small problem, or
    not a problem )
  • (S Oh, its a very important problem)
  • Whatever it means to you is a field interviewer
    activity designed only to get through the
  • Do we know that S is still thinking about the
    actual topic of the question (what is it thats
    an important problem?)
  • Responses to probing are subject to social
    desirability effects (just as survey questions)

Rule of probing flaws
  • Probes follow all the usual rules of
    questionnaire design
  • They may be too long
  • They may be vague
  • They may produce huh? response
  • They can be biasing
  • They can be irrelevant to the exchange
  • If so, they must be fixed, or abandoned!

Modifying probes to recover from communication
failure Wellens (1994)
  • I Are you a citizen of the United States?
  • S No.
  • I In your own words, what does the term
    citizen mean to you?
  • S I dont I dont understand
  • I I just want to know what you think the
    definition of the word citizen is.
  • S A citizen is a person who belongs to this
    country. That person has the right to vote or
    join the government.
  • I Can you tell me more about why you are not a
  • S A person must live here for five years, take a
    test, obtain history course, then the person can
    become citizen.

Adapting to Survey Administration Mode
Adapting cognitive interviewing to Face-to-face
  • This is the default the situation that is most
    similar to the in-person cognitive interview
  • So, theres no not much to adapt to
  • The main thing to keep in mind is that the
    cognitive interviewer is not the same as the
    field interviewer
  • -gt So, pay attention to problems for the
    interviewer as well as for the subject

Adapting cognitive interviewing to Telephone
  • Important issue
  • Can C.I. be done over the phone?
  • Should C.I. be done over the phone?
  • - We miss out on body language
  • - But, phone may be the mode of fielded survey
  • NCHS procedure
  • Put subject in separate room and call him/her
  • Conduct interview over phone, but with camera
  • Go to Subject location, debrief in-person

Adapting cognitive interviewing to Telephone
  • Alternative -
  • Conduct an initial interviewing round
    face-to-face, and a second round over the
    telephone (e.g., CDC Behavior Risk Factor
    Surveillance Survey)
  • We are likely to find that the telephone produces
    impediments to question functioning

Adapting cognitive interviewing to
  • Another interesting/unresolved area
  • The cognitive demands of the S/A task are
    different from those of face-to-face and phone
  • S/A relies on visual rather than auditory
  • S/A sometimes requires navigational activities
    (find the starting point, follow skip patterns)
  • So, for the C.I., it may not make sense to
    follow the usual procedure of having the
    interviewer read the questions to the subject

Adapting cognitive interviewing to
  • So It makes sense in the C.I. to have the
    subject read the form
  • But, do we then do the cog interview
    concurrently, or retrospectively?
  • If concurrent, should we use (a) uninterrupted
    think-aloud, (b) interruption with probes?, or
    (c) both
  • Issue Which procedure produces more distortion
    of the question answering process, and therefore
    produces reactivity effects?

Example Self-administered teen tobacco
  • Do you think young people who smoke cigarettes
    have more friends?
  • Definitely yes
  • Probably yes
  • Probably not
  • Definitely not
  • Retrospective probe What does young people
    mean? S 13 year old
  • Observation S left the answer blank objects
    that It doesnt make any difference - but
    theres no way to say that
  • Expert judgment Seems classically biased to me
    (presents one possibility, but not others)

Revised question
  • Do you think that people your age who smoke
    cigarettes have more friends, fewer friends, or
    the same number of friends as those who dont
  • People who smoke have MORE friends
  • People who smoke have FEWER friends
  • People who smoke and those who dont have the
    SAME number of friends
  • ? Fixes may be appropriate for one mode but
    not another. The current example lengthens the
    question and seemed to be ok for
    self-administration, but may be too much for the

Adapting C.I. to Web surveys
  • The Web Usability Testing area is huge, and well
    entrenched (Mick Couper)
  • It shares MANY commonalities with cognitive
    interviewing of S/A questionnaires
  • But there is a major emphasis on use of the
    system navigation, problem-solving (e.g., how
    do I go back and change an answer, skip around)
  • For this reason, it bears similarities to the
    classic Ericsson-Simon think-aloud task
  • Cleo Redline (NSF), Jennifer Crafts (Westat)
    Think-aloud works for usability testing- we
    observe how the subject handles a complex,
    non-verbal activity

Adapting C.I. to Web surveys
  • Challenge Integrating C.I. and Usability
  • We need to consider both (a) the questionnaire
    and (b) Usability of the computer system
  • Makes sense to (a) test questionnaire prior to
    programming, but to (b) include regular
    cognitive testing during Usability test (combine
    these so we dont forget about the questions!)
  • Example of a complex Web questionnaire -gt

  1. Where do users look?
  2. Can they tell what the panel on the left is for?
  3. Do they go directly to the question?
  4. Can they tell what the colors signify?

  1. Does it matter that there are no question
  2. Are the questions understandable?

Examples of Cognitive Testing Reports
  • Many cognitive testing reports are retrievable
    from the Web, through the Q-BANK database
  • Miller, et al. (National Center for Health
    Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and
  • Q-Bank Home http//
  • -gt Consult these reports for examples of how
    cognitive testing results are written up in U.S.
    Federal Agencies

Logistics of the Cognitive Interview Process
Practical considerations
  • 1) How long should a Cog Interview be?
  • One hour is reasonable
  • Avoids fatigue (for Interviewer, and Subject)
  • 2) How long a questionnaire can be tested in 1
  • Best measured in terms of administration time,
    not pages
  • Depends on probing intensity
  • DeMaio and Landreth 3 lab minutes for each
    questionnaire minute
  • Me 2 lab minutes for 1 questionnaire minute

Practical considerations
  • 3) How many interviews can you do in one day?
  • A LOT but not for too many days!
  • I have done up to 6
  • Plan a maximum of three, on a regular basis
  • 4) What is appropriate payment (remuneration)?
  • Industry standard is US 25 - 50 for one-hour
  • May need to pay more for special populations
  • Interestingly, paying more brings in lower-income
    (NCHS finding), as theyre not just doing hobby

Practical considerations
  • 5) How many interviews should be conducted?
  • The question sub-divides into (a) How many
    rounds and (b) How many per round?
  • For pretesting purposes, I like doing no more
    than 12 before stopping to review and modify
  • Note that different problems require different
    effective sample sizes to detect and to correct
  • If we stop to change half the questions, and do
    another round, the other half get two rounds
    worth of unaltered testing
  • A nice plan three iterative rounds of 10
  • Normally, we run out of time before running out
    of problems

Practical considerations
  • 6) How much time is required for the various
    activities involved?
  • For every 1-hour interview, plan another 3 hours
    for preparation, processing, and writing up
  • It is a good idea to listen to the interview
  • It takes awhile to make sense of and write up
  • You may have several debriefing meetings with
    project staff
  • Concerning clock time, two activities tend to
    take time, and spread out interviewing rounds
  • Recruitment (can take several weeks)
  • Getting feedback from client/team before next
    testing round

Practical considerations
  • 7) What staffing do you need to run a lab?
  • Few people will have a true Cognitive Lab
  • So, you can do everything yourself, and still get
    something out of it
  • For a Lab
  • Several staff should be trained as interviewers
  • Good to have a staff member who is a Laboratory
    Manager (advertisements, recruitment, logistics)

Practical considerations
  • 8) Do you need multiple interviewers?
  • Some successful interviewing rounds have been
    done with one cognitive interviewer
  • May be necessary As for multiple-language
  • I prefer 2-3 interviewers
  • Get differing approaches/perspectives on
  • Have variation in questionnaire design expertise
  • Can look for consistency across interviewers in

Practical considerations
  • 9) Is there value in very limited efforts?
  • Good question What if I can only do 3 or 4
    interviews, myself --
  • Is this better (or worse) than doing nothing?
  • I find it hard to believe that this can be
  • The smaller the sample, the more conservative we
    need to be in accepting results as real
  • But, if you administer a questionnaire to 4
    people and none of them have any idea what youre
    asking its time to revisit the approach

Practical considerations
  • 10) What equipment do I need for my lab
  • You dont need a lab
  • You do need
  • A private, quiet place to interview
  • An audio recorder

Practical considerations
  • 11) What about confidentiality?
  • Cognitive Interviewing is research, so pay
    attention to issues of Human Subjects Protection
  • Always good to use a consent form
  • Dont keep forms with subject identifiers laying
  • Eventually, destroy tapes/videos
  • If you plan to use interviews for demonstration
    purposes, have subjects sign a separate release
    for that purpose

Practical considerations
  • 12) How can clients/team be integrated into the
  • Dont isolate recipients of information include
  • Seeing is believing Stakeholders can be
    influenced by observing a single interview
  • Contractors normally invite clients to observe
    through video setup/one-way mirror, or watch tapes

Useful Internet Resources
  • 1) US Census Bureau guide to self-administration
  • 2) NCI resources
  • a) The Question Appraisal System (Full version)
  • http//
  • b) Cognitive Interviewing A How-To Guide
  • http//
  • c) An Introduction to Modern Measurement Theory
  • http//

In closing
  • The uncreative mind can spot wrong answers,
  • but it takes a very creative mind to spot wrong
  • - Anthony Jay
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