Title: Grade 9 Science - Space Jeopardy
1Grade 9 Science - Space Jeopardy
The Planets The Sun Comets and Other Things Life of a Star Exploring Space
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2The 3rd Planet from Sun
3What is the Earth?
4 It is the largest planet
5What is Jupiter?
6It is no longer a planet
7What is Pluto?
9What is the number of planets in our Solar System?
10It is often called the Red Planet
11What is Mars?
12Dark, cooler regions of the photosphere that
produce violent magnetic storms.
13What are Sun Spots?
14The hot outer part of the Sun where temperatures
reach 1,000,000OC.
15What is the Corona?
16The type of nuclear reaction where two HYDROGEN
NUCLEI combine to form a helium nucleus.
17What is Nuclear Fusion?
18The name for the distance from the Earth to the
Sun (approximately 149,597,890 km).
19What isone Astronomical Unit?
21What is the number of days it takes the Earth to
orbit the Sun once?
22Millions of rocks found in a belt between Mars
and Jupiter
23What are Asteroids?
24Dirty snowballs of ice and dust.
25What are Comets?
26The extinction of dinosaurs may have been caused
when one of these hit the Earth.
27What is a Meteorite?
28What a meteor is called when it strikes the Earth.
29What is a Meteorite?
30Any small, solid extraterrestrial bodies that
enters the Earth's atmosphere.
31What is a Meteor?
32A star is born here.
33What is a Nebula?
35What is the temperature at the core at which a
star turns on?
36The remnants of a Supernova explosion in which
the protons and electrons combine to form
37What is a Neutron Star?
38It becomes this when the core is swallowed by
its own gravity
39What is a Black Hole?
40 This type of star is big and cold.
41What is a Red Giant?
42The type of eclipse when the Moon is between the
Sun and the Earth.
43What is a Solar Eclipse?
44 The closest star to our Sun
45What is Proxima Centauri?
46This star is also called Polaris.
47What is the North Star?
48These form when the charges particles moving on
the Solar Wind meet the magnetic field
surrounding the Earth.
49What are the Northern Lights or the Aurora
50 9.4605284 1015 metersor the distance
light travels in one year.
51What is a Light Year?