Title: New Laws for Juveniles and Graduated Drivers Licenses
1New Laws for JuvenilesandGraduated Drivers
- Effective January 1st, 2008
2Persons under the age of 21 will not be eligible
for court Supervision for the following
- Any moving Violation i.e.
- Stop sign
- Speeding
- Failure to signal
- Improper lane usage
- Traffic signal violation
- R.R. signal Violation
3The graduated license Statute
- Unlawful number of passengers
- Failure to secure persons under
- the age of 19 in a properly
- adjusted and fastened safety
- belt/child restraint system.
- More than 1 passenger under
- the age of 20
- A person under the age of 19 or
- in possession of a graduated
- license may not use a wireless
- phone while operating a motor
- vehicle
4Unless all of the following criteria are met.
- The fine, penalties, and costs are paid
- Agree to attend an approved traffic
- safety program
- Written consent signed by parent/guardian
- in front of presiding judge
- Successfully completes the traffic
- safety program
- If you fail to successfully complete the
traffic safety - program by the termination of your
supervision. - The supervision is revoked and a conviction
is - entered.
5- A graduated drivers license may not be issued to
- anyone under the age of 18 for nine months
after - that person has been convicted of any offence
- against
- The graduated license statute
- The seat belt regulations
- Any moving violation
6- A person under the age of 18 who has a graduated
- D.L. may not operate a motor vehicle with
more - than 1 person under the age of 20 in the
vehicle for - the first 12 months or until said person
reaches - his/her 18th birthday. Which ever occurs
If said person is convicted of any violations of
the statutes governing the movement of motor
vehicles, the graduated D.L. statutes, or seat
belt regulations during the first 12 months of
holding his/her D.L.. The above stated
restrictions shall remain in effect until he/she
remains violation free for 6 months even if said
person reaches the age of 18.
The persons under 20 are
- Siblings
- Step-siblings
- Children or
- Step Children
- of the driver
8- It is an offense for a person 15 through 19
years old to - be a second or subsequent passenger under the
age of 20 - in a motor vehicle being operated by a person
who is in - their first 12 months of driving with a
graduated D.L. or - until said driver reaches his/her 18th
birthday and has not - had a restriction extension.
The persons under 20 are
- Siblings
- Step-siblings
- Children or
- Step Children of the driver
9- For persons under 18 there drivers permit or
license - is invalid between the following hours
- 1100 pm to 600 am Friday night through Sunday
- 1000 pm to 600 am Sunday night through Friday
- Driver is accompanied by his/her
parents/guardian - On an errand _at_ the direction of a
parent/guardian without - any stops or detours (This only applies to the
hour prior to - curfew (10-11 Sun.-Thur. 11-12 Fri. Sat.))
- Driving a vehicle involved with interstate
travel - Going to or returning home from an employment
activity - without any stops or detours
10Exceptions Continued
- Involved in an emergency
- Going to or returning home from an official
school activity - without any detour or stop
- Going to or returning home from an official
religious activity - without any detour or stop
- Other recreational activity supervised by adults
and - sponsored by a government or governmental
agency, a civic - organization, or another similar entity
that takes - responsibility for the licensee, without
any detour or stop - Exercising First Amendment rights protected by
the United States Constitution - Free exercise of religion
- Freedom of Speech
- Right to assembly
11Exceptions Continued
- Married or had been married or is an
emancipated - minor under the Emancipated Minor Act.
12- Restrictions on a graduated drivers license
holder - continue past the age of 18
- If
- The person commits a moving violation or
- Violates the graduated license statute or
- Violates the seatbelt law with in
- The 6 months prior to his/her 18th birthday and
- Is convicted of said offence
The graduated drivers license holder must then
remain violation free for a period of 6
consecutive months before the restrictions will
be lifted.
13- Discretionary suspension of driving privileges
by the - Secretary of State for persons under 21
- A person has been convicted of a moving
violation and - Said violation occurred while the driver was
under 21 and - Said driver had been previously
suspended/revoked for - having 2 moving violation within a 24 month
period while - under the age of 21
14- Street Racing/ Aggravated Street Racing
It is against the law in this state to engage in
any form of street racing on any street(s) or
highway(s) within Illinois. It is also a crime
for the owner of any vehicle to allow his/her
vehicle to be used in any form of street racing.
Meanings/Definitions Street Racing
- 2 or more vehicles from a point side by side with
accelerating speeds in an competitive attempt to
outdistance each other or - 1 or more vehicles over a common course, each
starting at the same point, for the purpose of
comparing the relative speeds or power of
acceleration of such vehicle or vehicles within a
certain distance or time limit or
15Meanings/Definitions Street Racing continued
- The use of 1 or more vehicles in an attempt to
out gain or out distance another vehicle or - The use of 1 or more vehicles to prevent another
vehicle from passing or - The use of 1 or more vehicles to arrive at a
given destination ahead of another vehicle or
vehicles or - The use of 1 or more vehicles to test the
physical stamina or endurance of drivers over
long-distance driving routes.
- First offence
- Class A misdemeanor minimum 250.00 fine
- Drivers license Revocation
16- Second/Subsequent offense
- Class 4 felony minimum 500.00 fine
- Drivers license Revocation
- Allowing your vehicle to be used for street
racing - Class B misdemeanor
- Second/Subsequent offence Class A misdemeanor
Aggravated Street Racing
If the racing vehicle(s) are involved in a crash
that results in great bodily harm or permanent
disability or disfigurement to another person.
Penalties A Class 4 felony for which the
defendant must be sentenced to not less than 1
year and not more than 12 years in prison
17Street Racing Penalties Continued
- Police Officer(s) must immediately impound the
vehicle(s) - used in the street racing for a period of 5
days after the arrest - Any Violation of the Street racing Law results
in the - immediate invalidity of a restricted driving
permit - Street racing statute or similar local
ordinance requires a - mandatory drivers license revocation
18Wireless Phone Use Restricted
- A person under the age of 19 with an instruction
permit or who holds a graduated drivers license
may not drive a motor vehicle on a roadway while
using a wireless phone. - The regulations that apply to persons under 19
will apply to persons over 18 if in the 6 months
prior to his/her 18th birthday the holder of a
graduated drivers license has been convicted of a
moving violation, graduated license violation, or
seatbelt law violation. - The graduated license holder will receive a 6
consecutive month extension on the wireless Phone
19Parents Can View Childs Driving Abstract
Parents of children who are under 18 and hold a
Driving permit or Graduated Drivers License have
the right to view there childs Secretary of
State Driving Abstract. This also includes
information regarding summary or Zero Tolerance
suspensions. There is no cost for this service
and it is conducted over the internet.
20Teens to Lose Drivers Licenses for Underage
Consumption or Possession of Alcohol
The Liquor Commissioner of a city/town is
required to notify the Secretary of State of any
conviction or Court Supervision for any person
who has been charged with Underage Consumption or
Possession of Alcohol. The Secretary of State is
to then impose a suspension or revocation of said
persons drivers license
21Seat Belt Law Changes
A person under the age of 19 who is in a vehicle
being driven by a person over the age of 18 who
has been given a 6 month extension on his driving
restrictions must wear a properly adjusted and
fastened seat belt.
22Penalties Increased for Parents Who Allow
Underage Drinking
It is unlawful for a parent or guardian to allow
their residence to be used for the purpose of
consuming alcohol by persons under the age of 21
who have been invited in/over by their
Parents/guardians have knowingly permitted
his/her residence to be used in violation of this
statute if he/she knowingly authorize, enables,
or permits consumption of alcohol by underage
23Penalties Increased for Parents Who Allow
Underage Drinking
Where a violation of this statute results in
great bodily harm or death to any person, the
crime is a class 4 felony Effective Date
Officer Talerico 630 455-2144 ext
If you have any questions on please contact