A. Math - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A. Math


A. Math s Project Introduction Sum (addition) is the first thing we learn in mathematics, i.e. the most basic and important element that you must not ignore!! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A. Math

A. Maths Project
  • Let's Have "SUM" Fun!

  • Sum(addition) is the first thing we learn in
    mathematics, i.e. the most basic and important
    element that you must not ignore!!
  • Combining with the word Fun, that means some
    funny mathematics that you must not miss!!!!
  • So, lets go on immediately to see how fun
    mathematics is!!!

  • ? Sum Fun about Numbers.
  • ? Sum Fun about Mysteries Maths.
  • ? Sum Fun about Mathematics in Arts.
  • ? Sum Fun about Mathematics
  • in Daily Life.
  • ? Sum Fun about Maths jokes.
  • ? Sum Fun about IQ question.

? Sum Fun about numbers.
  • Why we have to doing before -?
  • Why subtracting a negative no. adding a same
    but positive no.
  • Is 0.9999.. 1? Strange
  • Whats the strange use of 9. - Fractions
  • Moving in a circle incessantly.
  • Whats special about 1/2?

Sum Fun about Number (Cont.)
  • Something about numbers.
  • What is 7156243511?
  • Dont be cheated by the numbers!
  • What is the Chinese
  • unit of some numbers?

Why we have to do before-?
  • Since primary school, our teachers always told
    us that if, for example, 12113- 4/8, we have to
    do multiplication or division before addition or
    subtraction. But why?
  • Maybe someone will say that it will be easier
    to calculate as there is one answer only and so
    people set this rule. But can it be set in an
    opposite way?

  • We must know that as arithmetic is used in our
    daily life. Therefore, we must know that this
    rule must be reasonable and convenient to us.
  • In fact the reason behind this question is
    very simple. As theres more situation for us to
    multiply or divide something before plus or minus
    something.So, we set the rule like this.

Lets give a simple example to show how common it
  • E.g. 3/orange, 3.5/apple, 4/pear. Now I want
    to buy 9 oranges, 5 apples and 6 pears. How much
    I have to pay?
  • 39 3.55 46 68.5
  • In this case, multiplying all the numbers first
    is reasonable and convenient. This rule can also
    reflect the need in daily life.

Why subtracting a negative no. adding a same
but positive no.?
  • When we learn positive and negative numbers,
    somebody will wonder why 5-(-2)52? Is that mean
    we have 5 and while we dont need to pay a 2
    bill, we hill have 7 in our pocket?
  • But we have to know when we calculate in daily
    life, a bigger no. cannot minus a smaller one.
    For instance, theres 4 oranges, can we eat 6?
    i.e. 4-6 -2 in mathematics?

  • Of course, everybody know that it is
    impossible. But actually sometimes it really
    happen in our daily life.
  • E.g.1) One object move 4m towards the right and
    6m towards the left.
  • E.g.2) The lift move 5m upwards and 9m downwards.
  • E.g.3) One person only have 100, but due to some
    reasons, he need to take out 120.

  • Like these examples, in mathematics, we can
    express like this
  • E.g.1) 4-6 -2. E.g.2) 5-9 -4. E.g.3)
    100-120 -20
  • Here, positive numbers means right hand side,
    upwards and savings while negative numbers means
    left hand side, downwards and expenditures.
  • Although Mathematics exists in daily life, but
    sometimes we cannot use it, like 1/2man,1/3
    animal or v-2etc.

  • If you know this concept, it is not difficult
    for you to know about why 5-(-2) 7. If you need
    to pay the bill, the 5 in your pocket is not all
    yours. Only while you dont need to pay the 2,
    you can actually own the 5. Therefore,
    subtracting a negative number is actually equal
    to adding a same but positive number.

Strange FractionIs 0.999 1 ???
  • Below is the relationship between a fraction with
    9 as denominator and decimals
  • 1/9 19 0.111... 5/9 59 0.555...
  • 2/9 29 0.222... 6/9 69 0.666...
  • 3/9 39 0.333... 7/9 79 0.777...
  • 4/9 49 0.444... 8/9 89 0.888...

  • We can notice that all are recurring decimals
    and their numerators is the recurrent no.
    Therefore, 8/9 0.8, then 9/9 0.9. But 9/9
    1. So 1 9/9 0.9. It can be calculated
  • 0.9999..
  • 9 ) 9. 0
  • 8

  • 9 0

  • 8 1

  • 9 0

  • 8 1

  • 9 0

  • 8 1

  • 9

  • Not just 9/9, also 7/7, 8/8, 6/6 (numerator
    denominator) 0.999....
  • 0.9999.
  • 7 )7.0
    8 ) 8.0
  • 6 3
    7 2
  • 7 0
    8 0
  • 6 3
    7 2
  • 7 0
    8 0
  • 6 3
    7 2
  • 7 0
    8 0
  • 6 3
    7 2
  • 7

Strange use of 9
  • Except n/9 ( 0ltn?9 ) can be easily changed into
    recurring decimals without calculators. Also,
    denominator is 99,999,9999.etc. has this
    characteristic. For example, 13/99 13 99
  • 7/99 7 99 0.07
  • 115/99 115 99 0.115

Move in a circle incessantly
  • When we talk about recurring decimals, we must
    not miss the fraction with 7 as denominator.
  • Lets see the following numbers
  • 1/7 0.142857 4/7 0.571428
  • 2/7 0.285714 5/7 0.714285
  • 3/7 0.428571 6/7 0.857142

  • Because of this strange characteristic, when we
    encounter some decimals in the calculator, we can
    easily change it back to fractions.
  • For example, 0.63 63/99 7/11
  • 0.135 135/999 5/37

  • All these recurring decimals are made up of 6
    numbers. That is 1,4,2,8,5,7. Maybe you havent
    seen the knack yet. Lets put these numbers into
    a circle and easier for us to observe.
  • 1
  • 7 5/7 1/7 3/7
  • 5 4/7 6/7 2/7
  • 8

  • With this circle, we can find the decimals from
    1/7-6/7. E.g. 3/7 You read from 4 clockwisely.
    All the 6 numbers are the recurring no. i.e.
    0.428571. Others are the same. If you dont
    believe, try it and check with the calculator!
  • In the kingdom of Mathematics, fraction is
    acting a clown. It is changeable.

  • E.g. 1/10 can represent million dollars of the
    property of a millionaire or 1 of a beggar.
    Chinese people use fraction to create idioms or
  • E.g.????(extremely dangerous)
  • ???? (very little).
  • Fraction can be changed into percentage. So we
    want to talk a little about it

  • In fact in our daily life, we will say ???. But
    whats mean by that? Its related to percentage.
    Percentage takes 100 as a whole, 100 1 (all).
    Nowadays, we always use percentage to show the
    rate of birth, death, gain, loss, inflation,
    interest, discount etc.
  • But in China, we use 10 as and theres some
    idioms related to 10.

  • E.g.???? (perfect),???? (very confidence),????
    (very rare),????,???? (almost finish but fail
    because of a minor mistake),?????????? . From
    these idioms, we know that our ancestors use 10
    as a whole. ?? means 10/10 100. Therefore
    ??means 9/10, , ???means 9.9/10 99/100
    (almost equal to 1). So when we say???, it means
    its near a must or a fact.

Something about 1/2
  • ½ is a very unstable number, for example, in a
    meeting, if no. of people supporting a plan is ½
    of all ,that means ½ people of all will against
    the plan (assume all of them have give their
    opinions). Then the meeting will not have any

  • In a voting, if 2 people gain the same number of
    votes, i.e. each have ½ of all votes, then we
    will not be able to find out the better one from
    the 2 people.

  • But on the other hand, ½ can also be a stable and
    equilibrium number. If we draw a line, let the
    end on the left be 0 and the end on the right be
    1, then ½ will be at the middle. The distance
    between 0 and ½ and the distance between ½ and 1
    will be exactly the same. It is just like the
    seesaw we play in the playground. There is only a
    point on the seesaw can make it equilibrium ??
    the point on the centre, that is ½ .

  • ½ can be a straight number also.
  • Lets see in the following case.
  • Edward has a long string, he decided to cut away
    a half everyday. His brother, Edmond, then
    thinks, ½ ½ 1, after 2 days, is that means
    all the string will have been cut off?

  • In this case, of course everyone of us will know
    that what Edmond said is not true. On the first
    day, ½ of the string will be cut off one the
    second day, not ½, but ½ ½ ¼ string will be
    cut off . Then, how long do we need to cut off
    all the string?
  • The answer is ?? ?! because
  • 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/64 ? 1
  • Therefore maybe after 10 years, there will still
    be a piece of string left !!!

Something about numbers
  • Lets see how can we use the number 1 to 9
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100
  • 1 2 34 56 7 - 8 9 100
  • 1 2 34 - 5 67 - 8 9
  • 123 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 8 - 9
  • 123 - 45 - 67 89
  • 98 - 76 54 3 21 100

  • We can also group them into 3 simple equations
  • 7 1 8 , 9 - 6 3 , 5 4 20
  • We can arrange them into 4 square of other
    rational numbers
  • 9 , 16 , 784 , 3025
  • ( 3 sq. , 4 sq.. , 28 sq.. , 55 sq.

  • We can also arrange them into 3 square of other
    rational numbers
  • 361 , 529 ,
  • ( 19 sq. , 23 sq. , 28
    sq. )
  • Make into 2 prime numbers (by using 1-9 two
  • 23456789 , 1234567891

  • We can arrange them into a square of a large
    rational number
  • 923187456 ( 30384 sq. )
  • 1398543276 ( 11826 sq. )
  • Make into ?
  • 39480?12567 ( 3.14156 ? ? )

  • Group as some equations ()
  • 290 38 76 145
  • 138 42 5796
  • 297 18 5346
  • Group as some equations (?)
  • 35 / 70 48 / 96 1 / 2
  • See, the Numbers 1- 9 is how amazing !!!

What is 7156243511?
  • Without using the calculator or a pen, can you
    say out the answer of 7156243511 in a vice versa
    way? Haha! We can even do it within one minute!!
    The answer is 587681787!!
  • You also can do it just memorizing the
    following rule

  • Lets use a simple example to explain this.
  • 69211
  • First, copy the most right hand side number i.e.
    2. So, the digit of the answer is 2.
  • 69211
  • 2
  • Second, from left to right, add its right hand
    sides number. i.e. 92. So the tenth digit of
    the answer is 1 and give 1 to the HUNDRED.

  • Do this process until the most left hand sides
    integer. Then we have to add 6 to 9 5 and
    give1 to the THOUSAND . The HUNDRED number is
  • 69211
  • 612
  • Finally, copy the most left hand sides integer
    as the most left hand sides integer of the
    answer. i.e. 61.
  • 63211
  • 7612

  • Lets check the answer with the calculator.
    Aha. Its correct!
  • Now its easy for you to calculate 7156243511.
    You may found that its even easier to read it
    out in a vice versa way!!

Dont be cheated by the numbers!
  • A merchant have said that, If you want to make
    the disadvantages of a product into advantages,
    the best method is to compare it with another
    good product, and make the disadvantages into

  • It is just like an advertisement. It said that,
    According to the survey and some teachers in the
    universities,said the ABC Mathematics Textbook
    is the best textbook since the information inside
    the book is 25 more than the other mathematics
    textbook on the textbook market.

  • But if we think in detail,(first lets ignore
    the survey and teachers in the universities
    since we dont know whether it is true or not)
    what means by 25 more? What do we use to
    compare with the ABC Mathematics Textbook?

  • If we use the textbook we used in primary school,
    then the 25 more is useless. Also, 25 more is
    only the quantity more, how about the quality?
    Maybe the quality this book is the worst on the
    textbook market!

  • Therefore, we must be very careful if we see
    some information or details. We need to know what
    the product it compare with. Just like a company,
    the manager can said that the profit they made
    have increased this year (compare with 10 years
    ago), have no change in profit (compare with 5
    years ago), or even have decreased (compare with
    last year). Its just depend on what we compared.

  • Sometimes, a concept or a definition can be
    also very important. For example, in 1949, a
    person in Russia said that there are 14,000,000
    people didnt have job in USA. He said that this
    problem was very serious and should not be
    allowed. But after reading the report of USA, we
    find that the number of people who have no job
    were only 4,000,000. Why there are such big

  • It was because the definition of No job were
    different in 2 places. In USA, the meaning of
    No job is people didnt have a job and is
    finding now. But in Russia, they think that
    people doing work less than 8 hours a day were
    consider as no job or part time job. Therefore
    their are such a big difference.

  • In our daily life, sometimes we are also
    cheated by the static too. For example, number of
    accidents in aeroplanes increase compare to 50
    years ago and number of people died because of
    cancer increase compare with 25 years ago. Then
    can we conclude that using aeroplanes to go to
    other countries is very dangerous? Can we
    conclude that nowadays, people are easier to have

  • Of course we cannot. The number of accidents
    increase is because the number of aeroplanes
    increase almost 100 times, and number of people
    also increase a lot then 50 years ago. At the
    same time, although number of people dead of
    cancer increase a lot, but actually, the quality
    of medicine 25 years ago is not as good as now.
    Even some people dead in cancer, the doctors at
    that time may not be able to find out the reason
    of death.

  • Therefore at the REASON column, most of the
    time written was Unknown. Compare to nowadays,
    the medical have improve a lot, we can find out
    the reason of death more easily. Also, the
    population nowadays have increase a lot. So we
    cannot conclude something immediately after we
    have the information. We must think carefully
    before we conclude.

  • Sometimes, using percentage to present something
    can also mislead the others. In the USA John
    Hopkin University, there was a report which made
    many people puzzled and felt unbelievable There
    were 33.3 girl students get married with the
    professors at university! Its really hard to
    believe. But actually, it is the true, it was
    because there were totally only 3 girls studying
    in the university and one of the girl get married
    with the professor!

  • These are the traps that we always didnt
    recognize. Therefore we must be very careful when
    we handle the static and information! Otherwise,
    we will be cheated by the number easily!

What is the Chinese unit of some numbers?
  • ???? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
    0000 0000
  • 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ???? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
    0000 0000
  • 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ??? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
    0000 0000
  • 0000 0000

  • ??? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ??? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • 0000 0000 0000

  • ? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • 0000
  • ? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ? 1 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • ? 1 0000 0000 0000
  • ? 1 0000 0000
  • ? 1 0000
  • ? 1 000
  • ? 1 00
  • ? 1 0
  • ? 1

  • ?0.1
  • ?0.01
  • ?0.001
  • ?0.0001
  • ?0.00001
  • ?0.0000 01
  • ?0.0000 001
  • ?0.0000 0001
  • ?0.0000 0000 1
  • ?0.0000 0000 01
  • ?0.0000 0000 001

  • ? 0.0000 0000 0001
  • ?? 0.0000 0000 0000 1
  • ?? 0.0000 0000 0000 01
  • ?? 0.0000 0000 0000 001
  • ?? 0.0000 0000 0000 0001
  • ?? 0.0000 0000 0000 0000 1
  • ?? 0.0000 0000 0000 0000 01
  • ?? 0.0000 0000 0000 0000 001
  • ?? 0.0000 0000 0000 0000 0001
  • ?? 0.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1

? Sum Fun about Mysteries Mathematics
  • The Death of USA Presidents.
  • The Unlucky Number-13?
  • People who cam calculate faster than a
  • Numbers inside pyramid.

Death of the USA Presidents
  • In USA, the President which chosen by the
    people can work for 4 years. If the citizens like
    him to be president very much, he may work for 8
    years. In some special period ( e.g. during the
    War), they may even work for 12 years!

  • But when you look at the history of the United
    State, you may find something that very strange
    since 1840, the president of USA were dead during
    their period, and the time between each of them
    is 20 years!

  • William Harrison was chosen in 1840.
  • Dead in 1841 because of sickness.
  • Abraham Lincoln was chosen in 1860.
  • Dead in 1865 because of murder.
  • James Garfield was chosen in 1880.
  • Dead in 1881 because of murder.
  • William McKinley was chosen in 1900.
  • Dead in 1901 because of murder.

  • Warren Harding was chosen in 1920.
  • Dead in 1923 because of sickness.
  • Franklin Roosevelt was chosen in 1940.
  • Dead in 1945 because of sickness.
  • John Kennedy was chosen in 1960.
  • Dead in 1963 because of murder.

  • These presidents all died when they were 46 to
    68.Some were died of sickness, some were killed
    by murderer. Luckily, not all presidents died so
    early. Some presidents could live quite a lot
  • For example, Andrew Jackson (78 years old),
    Van Buren (80 years old), Herbert Hoover (90
    years old), Harry Truman (88 years old) and
    Dwight Eisenhower (78 years old).

  • But why the presidents of USA all died in their
    period each 20 years? When the time came to 1980
    (another 20 years), all the people were
    concentrated on the president Ronald Reagan. He
    is the oldest president in USA. He was born in
    6th February, 1911, and he was 69 already at that
    time. Will he dead also in his working period?

  • In 30th March, 1981, he nearly died also.
  • On that day, he was at a hotel in Washington
    giving a talk. After the talk, when he went back
    to his car, a killer, John Hinkley Jr., shoot
    him. One bullet was shoot into Ronald Reagans
    left lung, and the distance between the bullet
    and his heart is just only 2cm! Luckily, he did
    not died. But this had happened just after a few
    months since he was chosen.

  • Also, in the list of the presidents on the top,
    some details of two of them were very similar.
    They are Abraham Lincoln (1860) and John Kennedy
  • They were dead in Friday, When they dead, their
    wife were also there.
  • They were killed by others by using guns,
    bullets both were shoot from the back.
  • One of their son dead before them.
  • They all dead because of liberty.

  • Abraham Lincoln was murdered in the Ford
    theatre , while John Kennedys car called Lincoln
    and is made in the Ford factory.
  • The surname of both vice-presidents were
  • The vice-president in the period of Abraham
    Lincoln is called Andrew Johnson, which was born
    in 1808. The one in the John Kennedys period is
    called Lyndon Johnson, which was born in 1908.
    The difference in ages were 100 years.

  • The name of the secretary of Abraham Lincoln is
    John, and John Kennedys is called Lincoln.
  • John had asked Abraham Lincoln not to go to the
    theatre before the murder, while Lincoln had
    asked John Kennedy not to go to Dallas.

  • The murderer who killed Abraham Lincoln is
    called John Wilkes Booth, he was born in 1839,
    while the murderer who killed John Kennedy is
    called Lee Harrey Oswald, was born in 1939.The
    difference in ages were 100 years again. And they
    were both born in the South.

  • The surname of Lincoln and Kennedy is both 7
    letters, number of letters of the name of the
    vice president were both 13, at the same time,
    number of letters of the name of the murderer
    were both 15 too.
  • It is very strange indeed, but why they are so
    similar in their situations and numbers related ?
    Who knows!

The Unlucky Number-13?
  • In the modern society, people more or less will
    like some numbers like 18, 28, 328...etc. Some
    people will think that 8 is their lucky number, 4
    will bring them unlucky etc. But if you ask them
    why, they may not be able to give you a reason.

  • According to a survey, every year in USA, many
    companies cancel contracts, or do not work,
    people absent because of the number 13 or the day
    13.The lost because of it is nearly
    10,000,000,000 every year!!! Some people said
    that Ford (the one who has a big car company and
    factory) never work on the day 13. An some
    newspaper companies gain money because they
    report something about 13.

  • Do you still remember the Apollo Number 13?
    This rocket is launch at the time 1313 (113
    p.m.),the number of the launch pad is 39, that is
    313, which there are 3 people in the rocket.
    Their sleeping hours of them are 13 hours each
    and we receive the news of the accident of the
    Rocket on 13th April.

  • Many people do not like the number 13.In many
    hotel (especially the hotel in the Western
    countries), the floor after the 12th floor is 14,
    but not 13. Also, the room 13 is always represent
    by room 12A. In one of the international airport
    of Switzerland, the time appear on the notice
    board are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
    12a, 14, 15, 13 (100 p.m.) is represented by
    12a. In the bating game in Italy, you can never
    find the number 13

  • In France, if the owner of the room find that
    the number of people inside the room is 13, he
    will always find one more people to come to make
    the no. be 14. In the Johns Hopkins Hospital of
    USA, there is no room 13, since no patient like
    to see the number 13.

  • In England, the government sometimes will
    receive the letters from the people who live in
    the address with the number 13 , and they are
    asking for changing the number to 12A. In 1965,
    Queen of England visited a city in Germany. The
    train at first was started at the platform no.13,
    but lastly they change the no. 13 to 12A. When
    Princess Margaret was born, the queen did not get
    the birth certificate for her at once, because
    the no. of the birth certificate at that time is
    the no. 13.

  • But actually, is 13 really an unlucky number?
    In our opinion, it is just a kind of feeling.
    People think it is an unlucky number, but
    actually it is not. But why people have this kind
    of feeling?

  • They think that 13 is unlucky because before
    the death of Jesus, there are 13 people having
    the Last Supper. After the Last Supper, Jesus
    was arrested and executed. It seemed that 13 is
    not a good number, so people think that 13 is not

  • But some people have another reason. They said
    that in the past there was a devil called Rocky.
    He wanted to join a party held by 12 Gods, but
    they refused to let him come. So Rocky went there
    secretly, and immediately, one of the God died.
    Therefore the Roman always think that the number
    13 means Destroy and Death.

  • But in China, most of the people do not have
    this kind of feeling. They think that 13 is the
    same with other numbers like 12, 14 etc. But most
    of them think that the number 4 is unlucky. This
    is because the pronunciation of 4 is similar to
    the sound Dead in Chinese. That is why they
    dont like the word 4.

  • In fact there is no what so called unlucky
    numbers or Lucky numbers. It is just a kind
    of feeling and belief. Like me(one of the group
    member of this project), my lucky number is 7,it
    is just because my birth is on the day 27. Do you
    have any Lucky Number?

People who can calculate faster than a calculator!
  • According to the history, there are many people
    that are very good and quick at calculation. They
    have this kind of talent when they were born,
    some of them even havent receive any education

  • In the 18th century of USA, there was a person
    called Thmos Fuller. He was a farmer, and he
    havent receive any education before. He didnt
    know how to read and write, even until 80 years
    old. But he was called the calculator by the
    people there.
  • When he was 70 year old, someone asked him,
    How many seconds are there in one year?

  • After 2 minutes, he answered, 4734000
  • How many seconds in 70 years and 17 days and
    12 hours?
  • 2210800800 seconds. He gave the answer after
    1 ½ minutes. If we ignore the (??) , then his
    answer was correct.

  • In 1824, Zacharias Dase, a German was born. He
    havent receive any practice of Mathematics, but
    he can calculate any factors from 7 to 8 million,
    and immediately tell you which is a prime number.
    He can also use 54 seconds to find out the
    multiply of any 2 eight digits number, and use 6
    minutes to find out the multiply of any 2 twenty
    digits number. The most surprise was, he can
    immediately tell you how many books were there
    after he looked at the bookshelves in the library

  • Another man P. Diamandi, was very good in
    memorize numbers. One day, someone wrote these
    numbers on the blackboard
  • 4 9 3 5 7
  • 8 0 2 4 6
  • 9 5 3 1 4
  • 2 7 6 9 5
  • 7 6 2 3 2

  • After a few seconds, he can already memorize
    all the numbers. He can read it from the top to
    the bottom, from the bottom to the top, or even
    from the corner. He can also use 30 seconds to
    calculate the multiply of a 15 digits number and
    a 4 digits number, use 2 minutes to find out the
    square root of a 10 digits number.

  • Here is another case. In Germany, a boy was
    blind when he was born. His name is Louis Pleury.
    He was abandoned by his parents when he was only
    1 ½ years old. He was adopt by a charity
    community. When he was 10, although he know how
    to walk, but he didnt know how to wear clothes,
    wash his face etc.

  • He was then sent to the school which a lot of
    blind people were studying there. At that time,
    he just only knew how to do simple addition and
    subtraction. The subject that he was most weakest
    was Mathematics. When he was 15, the school
    thought that he was too stupid, and didnt let
    him to continue his studying there.

  • On one day, his 40 years old neighbor suddenly
    shout loudly because of his sickness. The sound
    was so awful that made Louis Fleury very
    uncomfortable. He then tried to use some methods
    to made himself forget it. He began to think
    something that he hate most was Mathematics. He
    always did calculation in his mind. After a few
    days, he found that Mathematics was not so
    difficult at all.

  • He then wanted to go to school and asked for
    education again, but everyone laugh at him. Some
    people thought that he was mad, and so they sent
    him to the hospital. The doctor there found that
    there was no problem of him, but beside, he was
    quite good at calculation. Therefore, the doctor
    began to teach him what is square root.

  • After knowing the definition, he immediately
    know how to find the square root up to numbers
    with 4 digits. The doctor was very surprise
    because he only told him the definition, but not
    the method to calculate.
  • Afterward, he left the hospital, and went to
    other place, e.g., the schools and theatres in
    England, USA to show his potential. In 1927, he
    was having a test at France. Here is the report
    of the test reported by Dr. Osty.

  • Question asked by Answer by Time
  • Dr. Osty Louis
  • 53388 8664 2
  • 649367 238138
  • 536443 12432 4
  • 2070048 43112 3 sec.
  • 5287 square 27952369 10 sec.
  • 94 of the power 4 78074896 15 sec.
  • 2 to the power 30 1073741824 40 sec.

  • Question asked by Answer by Time
  • Dr. Osty Louis
  • sq. root of 13250 11525 12 sec.
  • sq. root of 222796 47212 13 sec.
  • sq. root of 456609 7717 13 sec.
  • 1935752415 to the 72834793 3min
  • power of 5
    10 sec.

  • Dr. Osty also asked some other questions.
  • 707353209 is the square of a number X plus
    another number N. What is X and N?
  • He used 28 seconds to find this answer. X is
    891 and N is 5238.
  • How about 211717440? X is 596 and N is
    8704. This time he used 25 seconds.6137 is the
    sum of which 4 squares?He found 3 answers which
    can satisfy the equation.

  • (1) 74 sq. 20 sq. 15 sq. 6 sq. Time used is
    2 minutes 10 seconds.
  • (2) 78 sq. 6 sq. 4 sq. 1 sq. Time used is
    10 seconds.
  • (3) 76 sq. 15 sq. 10 sq. 6 sq. Time used is
    1 minutes 20 seconds.
  • Dr. Osty also asked him some questions on dates
    and days.

  • Louis can also answered these questions
    immediately. According to Dr. Osty, he said that
    seldom blind people can be so good at
    calculation. Also, during calculation, Louis
    needed his fingers to help him, and the movement
    of his fingers were very quick.
  • There are many people who are good in
    calculation, most of these people didnt have any
    education before. Also, this kind of potential
    will disappear when the people grow up more of
    the time.

  • According to Ferreol (a person who was also
    good in calculation), he said that when he was
    small and facing some problems on calculation, he
    felt that some people was beside him, teaching
    him how to solve the problems. Thats why he can
    solve so many difficult questions, while same
    even he hasnt seen before.

  • Is that really true? Its seemed that no one
    know. But we believe that Practice make
    Perfect, if we are work hard in calculation, we
    believe that everyone can be the person that good
    and quick at calculation!

Numbers inside pyramid.
  • Pyramids are very famous in Egypt. The most
    representative one is the???? It contains many
    wonderful numbers inside it!!
  • First, its base is a square facing exactly the
    North, South, East, West.
  • Its number of perimeter is 365.4, same as the
    number of days in 1 year.

  • Its height times 10 to the power 9 is equals to
    the distance between the sun and the earth.
  • Perimeter divided by 2 times the height of the
    pyramid equals pi 3.1416.
  • Its weight times 10 to the power15 the weight
    of the earth.

  • Its unbelievable that these numbers are just
    existed by chance! Then, how can the ancient
    people have such wonderful power to know these
    numbers? Some people wonder is this something
    left by the ET?
  • Till now, no one knows!!

The Eight Diagrams
  • In China, many people believe there are ghosts
    or devils, therefore someone create a thing
    called Eight Diagrams(??) to deal with the
    ghosts. But what is the meaning inside the Eight

  • The Eight Diagrams looks like an octagon,is
    quite famous in our Chinese culture. In the past,
    people believe the world is made up of 8 things
    sky, ground, mountain, moist, water, fire, wind
    and storm. A very clever person then created 8
    symbols to mark it down

  • Sky (?) - - -
  • Ground (?) - - - - - -
  • Fire (?) - - - -
  • Water (?) - - - - -
  • Storm (?) - - - - -
  • Mountain (?) - - - -
  • Wind (?) - - - -
  • Remarks These symbols are always arranged
    vertically. But if you arranged like what we do,
    you may find something similar to the Binary

  • If you are careful enough, you will find the
    centre of the Eight Diagrams has 2 placing head
    to tail, while one is black and the other is
    white. It means equilibrium and it is balanced.
    Sometimes the lines of the symbols are
    positive(), some are negative(- -), and
    this led to a great invent of another method to
    record number the Binary System.

  • In the 17th century, there was a mathematician
    called Lei bniz (1646-1716), which was as famous
    as Newton in the west. He received a picture of
    the Eight Diagrams from his friend and after
    researching, he thinks that (- -) can see as 0.
    can see as 1. Then 1 to 7 can be
    represented by 000, 001, 010, 011, 100,
    101, 110, 111 respectively. Therefore he
    invented the Binary System and it was spreadly
    used in computer now!

?Sum Fun about Mathematics in Arts.
  • Golden Section and Golden Rectangle.
  • How can Music related to Mathematics?

Golden Section
  • Golden Section (also called the Divine
    Proportion or Golden Mean),said by Kepler to be
    one of the two treasures of geometry. It is one
    of those mysterious numbers, like e or pi. It
    appears repeatedly in growth patterns and
    fascinated mathematicians and artists for

  • So, what is Golden Section? It means that a
    certain length is divided in such a way the ratio
    of the longer part to the whole is the same as
    the ratio of the shorter part to the longer part.
  • A C B
  • Line AB is divided so that the ratio of AC to
    AB is the same as the ratio of CB to AC. If AC is
    1.000, then AB becomes 1.618, which is also know
    as the Golden Section.

  • It is represented by a symbol (phi) ? or t
    (tau). The decimal representation of phi is
  • In fact, we can find this number by the
    following method
  • But first of all, we have to know whats
    Fibonacci series.

  • Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa was a mathematician
    in 13th century Italy. By charting the population
    of rabbits, he discovered a number series from
    which one can derive the Golden Mean. Lets the
    Fibonacci series
  • If you start with the number 0 and 1, and make
    a list in which each new number is the sum of the
    previous two.
  • 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144..to infinity.

  • If you take the ratio of any two sequential
    numbers in the serious, you will find something
  • 1/0 infinity 8/5 1.6
  • 1/1 1 13/8 1.625
  • 2/1 2 21/13 1.615385..
  • 3/2 1.5 34/21 1.619048..
  • 5/3 1.6666. 55/34 1.617647...

  • 89/55 1.618182 987/610 1.618033..
  • 144/89 1.617978 1597/987 1.618034...
  • 233/144 1.618056
  • 377/233 1.618026
  • 610/377 1.618037
  • From the numbers, we can see that they are
    oscillating around phi (1.6180339887499..). The
    larger the Fibonacci number we know, the more
    accurate the phi!

Golden Rectangle
  • Golden Rectangle means a special rectangle with
    proportions corresponding to the Golden Section.
  • To construct a Golden Rectangle on the paper,
    we need a pencil, ruler, compass and a
    right-angle triangle.

  • First, draw a square AEFD of arbitrary size.
    A E
  • D F
  • Then, divide the line AE in half at A
  • A A E
  • D F

  • Then, with the compass and using A as centre,
    draw an arc from F up to B, which intersects the
    extension of line AE at B.
  • A A E B
  • D F C
  • The new ABCD rectangle is a golden rectangle in
    which AB is divided by E in exactly the golden
    section- AEAB EBAE

  • There is an interesting story Theres a person
    called F.A. Lonc from New York had measured 65
    women and found that the ratio of their height to
    toes and navel to toes equals to 1.618 in
    average. Its the number of phi!!! If any woman
    does not follow this ratio, she surely has
    encounter some accidents. In 1979, someone had
    done this kind of experiment. Most of the boy
    also follow this ratio!!! Maybe you can try it

How Music Related to Mathematics?
  • When we talk, sing or hear, we can hear many
    tones. But we have a measurement of tone called
  • In Music, London has held an international
    conference to discuss how the frequencies are set
    is each pitch in 1939. The results is called the
    Concert Pitch.

  • Notes in Music Frequency
  • High C 1046.5
  • B
  • A
  • G
  • F
  • E
  • D

  • Notes in Music Frequency
  • Middle C
  • B
  • A
  • A
  • G
  • G
  • F

  • Notes in Music Frequency
  • F
  • E
  • D
  • D
  • C
  • Low C 261.6

  • When the pitch rise up in every half note, the
    frequency of the higher one is bigger than the
    lower one by 1.05946. Lets check with the
  • Frequency
  • C 261.6
  • C 261.61.05946 277.2
  • D 277.21.05946 293.7
  • D 293.71.05946 311.1

  • In fact, 1.05946 is approximately equals to 12
  • Therefore the frequency of 2 half pitch is
    differ by 1.05946. i.e.12 2!
  • In China, there was a musician called ??? in
    Ming Dynasty found the ratio of frequency of 1
    octave is 21.

?Sum Fun about Mathematics in Daily Life.
  • Why zero mark is called Love in tennis games?
  • Why if we walk 2 km to the south, then 2 km to
    the east and 2 km towards north, we will go back
    to the starting point?
  • Know more about your ID card.
  • Why an angle cannot be magnified by an magnifying

Why zero is called Love in tennis game?
  • The position of the professional tennis player is
    arranged according to the arrangement of the
    professional tennis player association- ATP. They
    calculate the marks of the tennis player from all
    of their competitions. Every year, the ATP will
    hold a series of races around the world and let
    the athletes to join it.

  • The position of athletes is according to the
    total marks of them in that 52 weeks, and the
    marks of the best 14 races will become the final
    mark of the athlete. If the number of races of
    the athlete are less than 14, then the
    association will add up the total marks for all
    of his or her races. The system has been used
    since 1973, up till now, the association will
    announce the latest result every week once.

  • If you are interested in it , you can go to
    this website http//www.atpour.com to have a
  • The unit of recording mark for tennis is quite
    special also O, 15, 30, 40. It seems that is
    quite complicated and difficult to remember.

  • Also, the people in France use a O to
    represent zero mark. It is just like an egg and
    the pronunciation of egg in French is Leuf, and
    its very similar to the sound Love in English.
    Thats why the England people called zero mark as
    Love in tennis.

Why if we walk 2 km towards the south, then 2 km
towards the east and 2km towards north, we will
go back to the starting point?
  • After you see the heading, you will feel
    nonsense, wont you? But thats the truth!
  • If we draw out the route that man has gone, we
    will have a shape. If we joint the starting
    point with the place he arrived, we will have a

  • But actually, our earth is not a piece of
    paper (plain surface). Its like a ball. If we
    draw a quadrilateral on a sphere, of course its
    not a square!
  • The man starts walking from the north pole, the
    route of him changes from a square to a triangle,
    so, he went to his starting point.

  • We always forget that our earth is a sphere,
    therefore we will have wrong conclusions. In our
    daily life, we always forget the smallest clue
    also. It will led to wrong conclusions or wrong
    answers. Therefore we must be very carefully.

Know more about your ID card
  • ID card is the card that follow us since 11
    years old. It can identify that you are a Hong
    Kong citizen. On the ID card, your name, day of
    birth and your photo are shown. But there are
    also some numbers and alphabets on your ID card
    that most of you may not know what it means.
    Lets see what are the meanings of these numbers!

  • The numbers under your Chinese name are the
    international translation number.
  • There are some stars on your ID card. One star
    mean the card owner is 11 to 17 years old, while
    3 stars means the card owner is 18 or above.
    Star(s) just means the age of the card owner.
    There is no 2 stars.

  • There are some alphabets next to the star(s).
    The meaning of the alphabets are
  • A? have the right to live in Hong Kong.
  • Bthe day of birth, place of birth or the sex
    of the card owner have changed after the
    application on the 1st time.
  • C here are limit when the owner apply his/her
    application form.
  • FFemale .

  • Lthe owner have lost his/her ID card before.
  • M male .
  • N the name of the card owner have changed
    after the application on the 1st time.
  • O the card owner was born in other country.
  • R have the right to immigrate to Hong Kong.

  • U? there are no limit when the owner apply
    his/her application form .
  • W was born in Macau.
  • X was born in China.
  • Y have already check that the information
    (day of birth) is the same as the certificate of
    birth or passport.
  • Z as born in Hong Kong

  • There are an alphabet and a number under the
    star(s).It means the place of the office. There
    are totally 6 offices in Hong Kong H1, K2, S2,
    P1, P3 and V1.
  • The date inside the blanket is the date when
    you applied for your children ID card.
  • The alphabet in front of the ID no. has no
    special meaning. But W means the card owner is an
    foreign employee.

  • If someone has the same ID number with you,
    dont worried, since you two will not have the
    same alphabet in front.
  • The word inside the blanket can be a number or
    an alphabet. Actually, it is not a part of your
    ID number. But do you know how to calculate?

  • (1) Use a number to replace the first letter.
    E.g. A1, B2, C3,.,K11, Z 26etc.
  • (2) Add all the numbers in front of the blanket.
  • (3) Divide the number by 11. Write out the
    remaining number. Example, it is 2. Then when the
    number add 9 can be completely divided.
    Therefore, the number inside blanket is 9
  • To let you mare understand, lets see an

  • E540997(?)
  • E 8 40
  • 5 7 35 176/11 160
  • 4 6 24 ID card number
  • 0 5 0 E540997(0)
  • 9 3 27
  • 7 2 14
  • 176

Why an angle cannot be magnified by a magnifying
  • Have you ever seen some people use the
    magnifying glass to read the newspaper or books?
    Those people may be suffer from short sight or
    lack of accommodation. By using a magnifying
    glass, they can
  • read the newspaper or article
  • more clearly.

  • Magnifying glass can magnify any thing except
    one thing in the world. That is angle! Angle is
    something very useful in Trigonometry. It is
    formed by 2 lines diverging from a point. E.g.
    ltAOB is formed by OA and OB from a point O.
  • A
  • O B

  • But if the angle is 30 on the book, after you
    use a magnifying glass, it is also 30. If you
    dont believe, try it!! But why?
  • Since, first, the position of these 2 lines
    remain unchanged or is just remain at that place
    and the slope of OA is still the same.
  • Second, magnifying glass can only magnify a
    thing proportionally. Therefore the image it
    formed is similar (like similar triangle). We
    all know that 3 angles in 2 similar triangles are
    the same. So, after magnifying, the angle remains

  • Lets take an daily example to make it more
    easy to understand.
  • Look at the corner of your table. Normally they
    a re right angles. No matter how the table large,
    it is still a right angle.
  • Thats why angles can not be magnified.

? Sum Fun about Maths jokes.
  • Do you know whats ? ?
  • Marxism.

Do you know whats ??
  • Catherine has finished her Mathematics lesson
    learning fraction. When she goes back home, she
    takes out a piece of paper and write ?. She
    take this and asks her Mom, Do you know whats
    this? Her Mom said, Oh! This is a Chinese word
    -?, like??! Then, Catherine says, Oh! No, its
    a fraction- 1 1/7.

  • I have 400. To be a citizens under Marxism,
    how can I keep the money? So, if I give it
    equally to 4 people, each has 100. But now, I
    have to divide it and give them to 12 billion
    citizens, whats the answer? If you ask Karl Marx
    to calculate by heart, I am sure he didnt know!
    Maybe he died because it is too hard to

? Sum Fun about IQ questions.
  • Where is the fourth mistake?
  • How many sweets are there?
  • How many chocolates are there at first?
  • Wheres the 1???

Wheres the forth mistake?
  • Here are 4 mistakes below
  • (1) 1 1 2 4
  • (2) 1 1 2 3
  • (3) 8 ? ½ 4
  • (4) 2 4?7 1 5?9 4
  • (5) 5 ( 5 - 5 ) 5
  • (6) 8 - ( - 8 ) 16
  • Can you find them out?

  • Of course, you will find out that (2), (4) and
    (6) are wrong, but where is the fourth mistake?
    Please read through (1) to (7) carefully. Only 3
  • Yes. Therefore the fourth mistake is in the
    question There are 4 mistakes below! It
    should be There are 3 mistake below! _

How many sweets are there?
  • There are some sweets in both Kenneths hands.
    If you want to eat the sweets, guess whether
    the number of sweets in my left hand or my right
    hand is an odd number. You will have all the
    sweet if you are correct.

  • Suddenly, Tony stand up and asked, Please
    multiply the number of sweets in your right hand
    by 2 and the number of sweets in your left hand
    by 3. And then please add up the 2 numbers and
    tell me.
  • After a while, Kenneth tells him the answer is
    37. How I know the answer.said Tony.

  • Do you know how Tony found the answer and
    whether the number of sweets in Kenneth left hand
    or right hand is an odd number?

  • Answer The number of sweets in Kenneth left
    hand is an odd number.
  • Because whether the number of sweet in his right
    hand is odd or even, after times 2, it must be an
    even number. But the answer Kenneth gave is an
    odd number, that mean the number on his left hand
    must be an odd number.

  • (sweet on right hand 2) ( sweet on left hand
    3) 37
  • even no. ( sweet on left hand 3) odd no.
  • ( sweet on left hand 3) odd no.
  • ?sweet on left hand odd no.

How many chocolates are there at first?
  • Five girls Anne, Bernice, Canny, Dora, and
    Ellen have bought a bag of chocolates. They have
    tried to divide the chocolates into 5 groups but
    they cannot. Therefore they decided to go to bed
    and continue tomorrow.

  • At night, one girl, Anne got up. She ate one
    piece of chocolate, and she found that the
    chocolates left is divisible by 5 if she ignore
    one chocolate. So she divided the chocolate into
    5 groups and she took her own group. Then she go
    to sleep again.

  • After some time, another girl, Bernice got up.
    Just like Anne, she ate a piece of chocolate and
    divided the chocolates left into 5 groups. Then
    she took her own chocolates and went to sleep.
    This apply to Canny, Dora and Ellen. They all got
    up at night, ate a piece of chocolate , divided
    the chocolates left into 5 and took their own

  • On the next day, they were
  • very happy because they
  • thought that they have
  • more chocolates then
  • the other girls.
  • The question is, how many
  • chocolates are there at first?

  • Answer If the chocolates can be divided by
    the girls 5 times, then at least there must be 5
    5 5 5 5 3125 chocolates. But before
    division, a piece of chocolate is ignore,
    therefore the number should be 3125 1 3126.
    Also, before each time, each girls have eaten one
    piece of chocolate, that is total 5 pieces. So
    the original no. of chocolates are 3126 - 5
    3121 pieces.

Where is the 1??
  • 3 boys do to BBQ. When they reach their
    destination, they buy a pack of charcoal from a
    store nearby. Each pack cost 30. So, each give
    out 10. When they get it, they leave. But the
    seller found that he has make a mistake. The
    real price 25. So, he takes five 1 coins and
    decides to give them back.

  • On the way, the seller think that five 1 coins
    cannot be shared equally by them. So, he takes
    away two 1 coins for himself and gives them back
    three 1 coins. But the strange thing happens
    After giving them back the money, that means each
    boy has give out 9. 93 27. Adding the 2
    taken by the seller. Total amount is 29.
  • Then wheres the 1 coin??

  • Answer The boys given out 27. 25 is the fee of
    the charcoal. The remaining 2 is taken by the
    seller. When they get back 3, plus the 27 the
    give out is totally 30!!!

I have something to say about the project!
  • Its quite difficult for me to believe that I
    can do such a amazing project! Amazing here do
    not means that the project is perfect, but
    instead, it means our effort and the use of

  • When I was in the primary school, I did all my
    projects and all the drawings etc. by my hands.
    And the if the teachers request us to give a
    report, I wrote it. When I became a secondary
    student, projects were then typed by the
    computer, and information was just copy from some
    website. What we do is just to print them all
    out, and give all to the teacher.

  • But why I feel Amazing this time, is because
    we (Catherine and I) have put lots of effort on
    the project. The information in this project was
    found by us, which originally is wrote in Chinese
    by the author! We translated ALL of them from
    Chinese to English, which cost us a lot of time
    and effort.

  • We know that we can find the information from
    the website which is in English, and just doing
    the work Copy and Paste like some of the
    other students. But we havent do it because we
    want to do the whole project ourselves, but not
    copying from the others. When the whole project
    was finished, I was really very excited and
    happy- just like the mother saw her new born baby!

  • After the project, I find that there are
    really a lot of fun in Mathematics! Now I know
    that, indeed, sometimes Mathematics is not boring
    , instead, it is very interesting! I have learn a
    lot a lot from the project, and I hope that all
    the other people can share my joy with me!
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