Constructed-Response Items - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Constructed-Response Items


Constructed-Response Items EXAMPLES: Spelling Test Short Answer Completion List Label a Diagram Short Essay Extended Essay Performance Sketch/Drawing Speech – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Constructed-Response Items

Constructed-Response Items
  • Spelling Test
  • Short Answer
  • Completion
  • List
  • Label a Diagram
  • Short Essay
  • Extended Essay
  • Performance
  • Sketch/Drawing
  • Speech
  • Portfolio

Topics Constructed Response Item Family
  • Nature and Challenges
  • Short Answer and Completion Items
  • Essay Items
  • Performance Tasks and Group Work
  • Formative Classroom Assessment Techniques
  • Portfolio Assessment

General Nature of Constructed Response Items
  • Students respond from scratch based on a
  • Many variations exist, but items fall along a
    continuum from very simple responses to very
    extended responses.
  • General reception by many educators is more
    positive to this item grouping than the selected
    response grouping. You will hear other
    professionals in education use different terms,
    usually in the context of saying we need to
    replace our schools multiple choice tests with
  • essay exams. (speaker is old-school, we now
    think of essay as one type among many types of
    constructed response items)
  • performance assessment. (speaker usually means
    he/she advocates something other than filling in
    bubbles on test sheet)
  • authentic assessment. (speaker wants the
    assessment task to be closer to a task we would
    do in everyday experience)
  • alternative assessment. (speaker wants an
    alternative to multiple choice exams, but this
    term is ambiguous as it also has other meaning
    such as making individual student accommodations)

Key Challenges for Constructed Response Items
  • Scoring Reliability
  • The essence of a constructed response item is
    that it allows for variation in response thus
    evaluation will require human judgment. Different
    scorers may have different judgments one scorer
    may not be consistent over time or among students
    in class.
  • Adequacy of Content Coverage
  • Constructed response items tend to focus on
    central aspects of the content. If your testing
    target is a large body of knowledge or a large
    number of learning objective the constructed
    response approach may come up short. Constructed
    response items also take longer for students to
    answer so this also cuts coverage.
  • Consequences for Student Misunderstanding
  • The price a student pays when a constructed
    response item is misread is often more severe
    than when a selected response item is
    misunderstood. Consider a 50-item
    multiple-choice exam versus a 5-item essay exam.
    A student who misunderstands one essay item has
    20 of their final score affected
    misunderstanding a multiple choice is less harsh.

Constructed Response Items . . .Examples ahead
  • There are a wide variety of constructed response
    items. For the purposes of this class we will
    restrict our discussion to creating and scoring
    the following items. As you come across other
    constructed response items, many of the
    suggestions and principles discussed here will
    apply to them.

Short Answer
  • The short-answer item uses the constructed-respons
    e format. It requires the student to supply
    rather than select the correct answer.
  • The typical task relates to simple facts or
  • The item can either be a direct question or an
    incomplete statement. Both versions can be
    answered by a word, phrase, number, or symbol.
  • NOTE Professionals use the term incomplete
    statement rather than fill-in-the-blank. Why?

Short Answer Questions . . . Presented via the
classic chicken joke.
  • What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top
    of a barn?
  • An eggroll
  • Is chicken soup good for your health?
  • Not if you're the chicken
  • Which day of the week do chickens hate most?
  • Fry-day
  • Why does a chicken coop have two doors?
  • With four doors it would be a sedan.
  • Why did the chicken cross the basketball court?
  • He heard the referee calling fowls
  • How do two chickens dance when they dance
  • Chick to chick
  • Which ballroom dance will a chicken NOT do?
  • The foxtrot
  • How do you stop a rooster from crowing on Sunday?
  • Eat him on Saturday

Short Answer Becomes Completion
  • Using principles of good item writing, change
    each of the following short answer questions to
    completion items. Consider good item
    construction techniques when answering these
    questions Where should the blank be located
    in the sentence? How long should it be? Should
    I use multiple blanks for phrases?
  • Which day of the week do chickens hate most?
  • How do two chickens dance when they dance
  • Which ballroom dance will a chicken NOT do?
  • How do you stop a rooster from crowing on Sunday?
  • Scoring judgments . . . How close does the
    students response need to be to your envisioned
    answer to receive credit? What about spelling?

Some Final Thoughts on . . .Completion Items
  • Completion items are similar to multiple choice
    questions without the distracters. Students need
    to recall the information being asked based on
    context clues found in the stem. Reasons for
    using them include
  • Completion items support learning objectives
    which focus on having students being able to
    summon up specific information from memory
    however, dont take stems verbatim from
    textbooks, lectures, overheads, etc. Why?
  • Completion items can be constructed more quickly
    than multiple-choice items, since you don't need
    to create distracters.
  • Sometimes it is difficult to construct a
    multiple-choice item without making the answer
    obvious. As there is no answer in a completion
    item, this type of item avoids this kind of
  • Completion items can help students gain
    proficiency in the use of the new context clues
    found in the item stem since, if students seek
    any memory associations to help their response,
    the help will be found in the stem.
  • One difficulty in creating a completion item is
    to formulate the stem with sufficient contextual
    clues so that the wanted word is clearly
    indicated and ambiguity is avoided.

Lets Look at . . . Using and Assessing Essays
Some overall thoughts on . . .Using Essay Items
  • The structure of the essay item often means that
    successful essay responses may be measuring
    writing skill as well as measuring of content
  • Teach these skills before the test, not just on
    tests. Regular in-class essay writing should
    make the essay test approach less threatening and
    the test results more meaningful.
  • These simple steps will guide you
  • through the essay writing process
  • Decide on your topic.
  • Prepare an outline or diagram of
  • your ideas.
  • Write your thesis statement.
  • Write the body.
  • Write the main points.
  • Write the subpoints.
  • Elaborate on the subpoints.
  • Write the introduction.
  • Write the conclusion.
  • Add the finishing touches.

Some overall thoughts on . . . Using Essay Items
  • Essay items are best for measuring students'
    higher level cognitive abilities (e.g., Use
    freedom of response and originality are important
    - measures ability to organize, integrate,
    relate, and evaluate ideas) if you are thinking
    of measuring knowledge only, considering using
    something besides an essay.
  • The essay prompt (called many names question,
    stimulus) must be clearly stated for the students
    so they can write to it and so you can evaluate
    it effectively later. Consider this example
  • Poor item - "Why did we enter World War II?
  • Better - "State three reasons cited by
    historians that you feel best
  • explain America's entry into
    World War II.
  • Provide a suggested length in terms of paragraphs
    or pages.
  • Avoid optional questions (e.g., choose 3 of the
    following 5). While this is good for student
    morale, it makes it problematic to score. All
    essays are not likely to be of equal difficulty
    if students know there will be a choice, they can
    focus study away from your learning objectives.

Thoughts to consider as you . . .Create
Individual Essay Items
  • As you create a high quality, valid essay item
    experience for your students, ask yourself these
    questions about every item and the scoring plan
  • 1. Does the item target a specified learning
  • 2. Is the level of reading skills required by
    this item below that of student ability?
  • 3. Can all students answer the item in less than
    the allotted time?
  • 4. Are higher level thinking verbs like "predict"
    or "compare and contrast" used rather than recall
    verbs like "list" and "name" or ambiguous verbs
    like "discuss" and "tell.
  • 5. Will all or most all content experts agree
    that the scoring plan outlines the correct
    response to the item?
  • 6. Will the scoring plan insure that your
    judgments on each essay are protected from bias?
  • 7. Are all students aware of how the essay with
    be scored?

Thoughts to consider when you . . .Create Your
Scoring System
  • Essay Scoring Systems Some Basic Choices
  • Point method - Have a written outline for
    yourself which expresses your preconceived model
    of a high quality answer (i.e. key points to be
    included or skills to be demonstrated). Simply
    sum these points.
  • Analytic method use a two-way scoring rubric
    (e.g., rate on subscales from 1 to 4) raters
    break the essay task into important predetermined
    sub-tasks associated with key points and skills.
  • Holistic method use a one-way scoring rubric
    (e.g., rate on overall scale from 1 to 9) raters
    compare each essay taken as a whole to the model.
    There is a variation to this method in which the
    raters sort all the essays into three categories
    (for example below average, average, above
    average) then fine sort within categories. Some
    teachers use this method for A, B, C, D, F.
  • Primary Trait method Used most often when the
    essay task is a practical one (for example,
    Write a letter to your French pen pal. The
    score is determined on whether it was complete or
    not sometimes we say met, or unmet. The
    students receive a predetermined score when the
    task is completed satisfactorily.

Thoughts to consider as you . . .Score
Individual Essay Items
  • Have your scoring key or scoring rubric
    physically with you as you score.
  • Prior to the start of reading your students
    essays, decide how to handle writing mechanics
    issues such as grammar, penmanship, spelling and
  • Evaluate one question at a time, avoid the "halo"
    effect of the first good/ or bad answer impacting
    future judgment.
  • Don't look at student's name I know she knows,
    but she just didn't express herself. OUCH or
    How did he come up with this answer, he must
    have cheated. DOUBLE OUCH One solution is to
    have students place their names on back of essay
    . . . of course, you may recognize their
  • Watch for the tricks of bluffing - name dropping
    addressing the significance of problem but not
    its solution making some great points but they
    are off the topic just writing and writing and
    saying nothing.
  • Use two or more raters if the decision based on
    this essay is critical.

Some overall thoughts on . . . Using
Performance Task Assessment
  • Certainly by asking students to take written
    exams we are interested in their performance, but
    we are thinking of performance a bit differently
    here. In performance task assessment we are
    interesting in having them do something other
    than paper and pencil testing.
  • Performance testing can be standardized and they
    can have norms just like the paper an pencil
    tests. Most likely, however, you will create
    performance tests for use in your own classroom
    much as you create essay exams.
  • So, the students are active in producing
    something. In fact, it might look like an
    instructional activity. It would distinguish
    itself from an instructional activity in that it
    would have an assessment component.
  • As teacher, you might assess the process the
    student is using or you might assess the product.
    Or both.
  • Assessing a performance task would have similar
    scoring issues as an essay, so look back at
    those guidelines.

Some Final Questions to Consider on . .
.Performance Projects and Assessment
  • Performance tasks, whether they be individual or
    group, have special questions to consider as we
    evaluate the products and processes associated
    with them, for example
  • How can I restructure the class period in order
    to give students time to work on the products?
    This time needed will expand if the projects
    involve group work. Is this taking away for
    important content I should be teaching?
  • How can I restructure my class time so I can
    fairly assess both the process and the product.
    What will the rest of the class be doing while I
    am assessing the performance task (since, by the
    nature of these assessments, not everyone is on
    stage at once)?
  • How can I be certain that tasks completed outside
    of my direct supervision were really done by the
    student? Certainly there is cheating on paper
    and pencil exams but if work completed at home
    is a large percent of ones final score, I may be
    asking for trouble.

Using Constructed Response Items for . . .
Formative Assessment
  • The intent of this group of techniques is to
    collect data which will allow immediately
    redirect learning, if necessary. Authors Angelo
    and Cross (1993) used the unfortunate term
    Classroom Assessment Techniques (why
    unfortunate?) and it has caught on in the
  • It functions quite simply. At key points decided
    by the teacher, the students are asked for
    brief, written responses to open ended questions
    (some teachers like oral responses). Students
    are told their responses not be graded (as an
    alternative, the questions might be blanket
    scored with low point values). When written, 3
    by 5 cards or even scrap paper might be used
    allow students 1-3 minutes to write.
  • The teacher reviews the responses simply to see
    if the students get it. No rubric is used.
    Teachers can read these quickly and determine
    follow-up activities based on the cards.
  • The next slide has examples of constructed
    response items that might be used in formative

Examples of Brief Constructed Response Items for
. . . Formative Assessment
  • WRITTEN (delayed feedback but private)
  • Directed paraphrasing Write the meaning of a
    key concept or term in their own words.
  • Muddiest point Identify the most confusing
    point discussed.
  • Pro and Con Grid Provide thoughts both for and
    against an idea discussed.
  • Test Item Prepare a test item appropriate for
    the topic.
  • ORAL (immediate feedback but public)
  • Lecture Pause - Teacher stops lecture at 1 or 2
    key points and asks students to reflect on how
    they are feeling about what they are learning.
    After allowing reflection time call on a few
    students to sample the feelings.
  • Opinion Poll - Teacher poses questions, students
    respond in unison by each holding up cards (Yes
    or No A, B, or C). Notice this is really a
    selected response variation. Some schools use
    electronic clickers.

Practical Advice . . .To following when using
construction response items.
  1. Become proficient in, and use a mix of, both
    selected response and constructed response items.
  2. Devise your scoring system in advance.
  3. Make sure you are assessing your learning
    objectives and not extraneous skills.
  4. If you are interested in assessing higher level
    cognitive skills, make certain that the range of
    anticipated responses is truly open-ended. If
    there is truly only one possible response,
    consider re-crafting the item as a selected
    response item .
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